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Palit Geforce GTX 1070 8GB Jetstream Graphics Card - £359.99 delivered from
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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23 Aug 16
This is the cheapest I could find this particular model from all of the regular retailers. This is the same price as the regular dual fan model posted last week.

The Jetstream model is normally priced at £380. It would appear that the prices of the Dual and Jetstream have been switched around on Scan.

Both models have the same clock speed, but be aware that the Jetstream is more chunky, taking up the best part of 3 slots, compared to the 2 for the Dual. However, you do get a few more features, better cooling, quieter running and, most importantly, a light up Palit logo on the side!

Considering that this price is the cheapest any Palit 1070 card has been so far, and with this being a slightly more premium model, this is definitely the one to go for.

EDIT (thanks for the reminder bobo53): NVIDIA also have a promotion running on their newer graphics cards. Scan are one of the retailers taking part, meaning you get $115 in game credit with Paragon, a free-to-play MOBA from Epic Games. More details here:
Top comments
24 Aug 16 3 #24
...No. You're completely ignoring VAT. $379 (£287) plus 20% VAT = £343, and that's excluding the shipping fees companies have to pay to get the cards to the UK and the exchange rate is slightly higher than it was last week, a lot of shops will have bought their current stock at £1:$1.29 (~£352 with VAT). I'm actually surprised it's as close to MSRP as it is, usually we get shafted on hardware parts a lot more than this in the UK.
All comments (35)
23 Aug 16 #1
This the one posted a few days ago?
23 Aug 16 #2
This one?:

That deal was for the more basic, dual fan model. The Jetstream is the next step up, with a few more premium features and it's a chunkier card.
23 Aug 16 #3
what about the spend in game of $115?
TheRealJBond007 to bobo53
23 Aug 16 #4
Thanks for the reminder! I've added it to the original post.

Paragon isn't a game that's been on my radar, but I'll give it a go seeing as I've got some credit to spend in game now.
23 Aug 16 #5
Thanks for update and apologies fir my laziness (was preoccupied when i saw the post earlier )
23 Aug 16 1 #6
Tempted but some peeps have reported problems with this card, I have to do some more research before deciding
23 Aug 16 1 #7
Avoid at all cost, buy a different brand, this card is known to have issues, I had one worked fine for a few days then all of a sudden no display what so ever, tried everything still no display had to sent it back, went with MSI no isdues what so ever with msi
Graham1979 to corkeinator
24 Aug 16 #8
Hence free credit in games to get people to buy it I guess.
24 Aug 16 #9
Any of brands offer free goodies with purchase?
eiamhere69 to RUGAAL
24 Aug 16 #14
Nvidia just announced an epic game bundle for Paragon,just a worthless (to me) in game skin/currency pack

GTX 1080, GTX 1070, GTX 1060, 980 TI, 980, 970 and 10 series notebooks qualify
24 Aug 16 #10
3 slots :O does that basically rule out SLI for a lot of motherboards?
thel33ter to BurkusCat
24 Aug 16 1 #11
They're not really pushing SLI anymore, sounds like it causes more hassle than it's worth quite often. But yes, you can only do two way so on a 4 slot mobo, but no not on an entry level or most mid range ones. Unless its not actually 3 slots wide cause that sounds silly, it's not like the 10 series runs hot.
24 Aug 16 #12
Prices of these new cards slowly getting down to sensible levels, wonder when the 1080ti is out?
24 Aug 16 #13
So where are those $375 cards at then? Nvidia 1070: MSRP $375. EleGiggle.
Szabster to plath
24 Aug 16 #16
I have a feeling the dive of the pound took a toll on it. Plus they manufacture less therefore the price will be kept high.
24 Aug 16 #15
This is really useful when looking at stock / OC speeds;
24 Aug 16 #17
Why is the RRP of this like £100 higher than 9 series?
eiamhere69 to Nohm
24 Aug 16 1 #18
Nvidia are greedy / no competition/ Brexit / low yields / stuck on 28nm for years/ price of previous gen (28nm) artificially inflated

Not just one reason, but a combination of all of the above
Nate1492 to Nohm
24 Aug 16 #19
Because this is a different product lineup than the 900 series.

The 1060 came out way sooner than the 960 compared to the rest of the launch.

1060 3GB replaces 960/970
1060 6GB replaces the 970/980.
1070 replaces the 980/980ti
1080 replaces 980ti+
24 Aug 16 1 #20
The official line is that these cards take up 2.5 slots. Obviously, only 2 physical slots at the back are taken up, but with the additional width of the card, it makes the third slot below pretty useless.

Although the cards in the following picture look to be 1080s, this is what an attempt at a SLI setup looks like with cards this wide:
24 Aug 16 #21

Good point. Even with the poor pound, and that its $375+sales tax. We should be seeing 1070s at about £340.

MSRP is $379 btw.
24 Aug 16 #22
Nope just straight up lies by Nvidia. Just like 4gb/3.5gb.

They claimed they'd sell it at $379 (£260-265) to compete with AMD prices before release. But people bought it at the inflated prices anyway.

The exchange rate has only grown from $0.7 dollars to $0.75 for £1 GBP. It's not going to add an extra £100 to the MSRP.
24 Aug 16 #23
does anyone know the full dimensions of this card? the Palit website is just giving: 285mm x 133mm
24 Aug 16 3 #24
...No. You're completely ignoring VAT. $379 (£287) plus 20% VAT = £343, and that's excluding the shipping fees companies have to pay to get the cards to the UK and the exchange rate is slightly higher than it was last week, a lot of shops will have bought their current stock at £1:$1.29 (~£352 with VAT). I'm actually surprised it's as close to MSRP as it is, usually we get shafted on hardware parts a lot more than this in the UK.
24 Aug 16 #25
Because they can and they will.

What does AMD have on the offer that matches anything from NVidia after the 480/1060 series?

Nothing, might as well make money while you can, and unless AMD's next release can match 1070 and above, it'll continue like that.
24 Aug 16 #26
I have the Super Jetstream version. Cant fault it so far.

Was a pain in the a too get it into my Mini ATX case (Corsair 250D) though. Almost broke the thing :-(
24 Aug 16 #27
Would this be a better choice at £379.99 free shipping :

MSI GeForce GTX 1070 ARMOR 8G OC. 1920 Cuda Core PCIE 3.0 8 GB GDDR5 256-Bit Graphics Card
from Amazon, due in stock on the 2nd September ?
24 Aug 16 #28
Yes and it's not good.

The price has dropped from release when it was like £380 for the cheapest cards, but they're still not even down to their MSRP price 2 months on. Probably be at least Christmas before prices are what they were announced to be on release...
24 Aug 16 #29
In my opinion MSI is little bit better. Here is one for same price and also promotion and free p&p
24 Aug 16 #30
Msi gaming x is down to £412 now at ebuyer
24 Aug 16 #31
I don't get what your point is? You are ignoring people's analysis about how you were incorrect about your estimated MSRP in the UK.

You ignored the 20% VAT and shipping costs. £359.99 is actually very close, if no exactly at, MSRP.

And this is the Palit Jetstream, which is an AIB that generally sells higher than other cards.

It's not as if AMD are doing anything differently in the U.K.
24 Aug 16 #32
Not good for us consumers but great for NVidia as a business.

Tell me, if you were running a business, wouldn't you want to maximise on profits as much as you can?
24 Aug 16 #33
This, along with the gamerock cards, and Gainward's Phoenix cards, are pretty much the best cards to go for. They're cheaper than competitors, and the extra large heatsink means temps and noise are kept comparatively low. One review I read (from a normal user, not a review site) said that the fans were around 1000rpm under load. Keep in mind that 99% of 1070s will hit 2ghz with ease, the extra 50-100 or so is what you'll pay the premium for with binned cards.
24 Aug 16 1 #34
That's an idealist way of thinking, in reality people want to make money, money gets them nice things, so they will charge what they can get away with charging for a product. You think £340 is a fair price for a GTX1070, Capitalism says £360 is the minimum price, Capitalism always wins.
25 Aug 16 #35
I think that £340 is the recommended price, given current currency prices. So we are seeing prices above that, which means that there is too much demand or too little supply, or stock was ordered at even worse rates of exchange, because there are lots of retailers and lots of card manufacturers so there should be healthy competition. The free market should help drive prices down, and it will once retailers stop relying on the early adopters and have to start selling.

I'm just pointing out, on a bargain hunting site, that there are no bargains to be had on the new generation cards yet, only lower levels of over pricing.
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