I still managed to vote this deal HOT, HOT, HOT!:smiley:
4 Aug 16#8
Tempted just for patio cleaner which costs 38
4 Aug 16#9
I would hate if it stops just after 6months. Hence better new with 2yrs
4 Aug 16#10
I have no idea what is refurbished on one, I asked Karcher if my K2 could be fixed. They said they are disposable and ain't worth fixing, so might suggest they are actually new machines? I'm probably wrong, just not sure what someone would take the time to refurbish, from info I've received. Good buy, if only for the accessories.
4 Aug 16#11
I bought a "refurbished" one from their outlet last year. It was in perfect condition and looked brand new to me. Probably a return.
AndyPr to ianlash
4 Aug 16#13
Likewise. Mine seemed brand new too and is going strong after a year of quite heavy use.
4 Aug 16#12
4 Aug 16#15
try your local morrisons - they had the k2 +home with patio cleaner in store for £50 earlier in the week as part of their "once its gone its gone" deals
6 Aug 16#16
good deal
11 Aug 16#17
i managed to buy one.unlucky me.came broken.no number to call and no email replies for over 2 days.what to do?
ipatriot to KOGONAI
12 Aug 16#18
Well it seems they are back in stock so no reason they couldn't send you another one! did you try these numbers: [email protected]
+44 1293778737
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£12 more for 18months warranty.
+44 1293778737