Probably one of the best 'new customer' offers Sky have ever done!
Get 70% off the Box Sets Bundle and 12 months half price Sky Sports and / or Sky Cinema and save up to £535!
The choice is yours:
Box Sets with Cinema: £20.40 p/m (Save £427)
MOVIES IF YOU ORDER THEM AT A LATER DATE AS AN "EXISTING CUSTOMER." (Make sure 50% discount still applies if doing this).
Box Sets with Sports: £25.15 p/m (Save £484)
Box Sets with Sports & Cinema: £29.40 p/m (Save £535)
Plus, you can add 12 months free Sky Broadband Unlimited.
Claim a code via the link to get this great offer!
Offer live now until 23:59 Friday 2nd September.
Latest comments (164)
22 Jul 17#164
Can you tell me guys, I am looking HD football and in order to add this I have to add boxsets which starts a new 12 month contract apparently, is this the case? I don't even watch damn boxsets and have no interest in it.
17 Mar 17#163
anyone got any codes left please, as only offers i get with all of sky tv is £78 :disappointed:
23 Sep 16#162
I'm only sky plus original bundle starting on the 28th for £20 pm .... with a free tv....any advice here?
20 Sep 16#161
Waiting for my install.
Thanks for the code miscommunication.
18 Sep 16#160
Sky have bettered my deal. Now paying
Sky Q.2tb
Box sets
£18.38 pmonth
Sky mini box plus multiscreen pack
£12 pmonth
Free super fast fibre broadband
No charge
Phone package Inc free calls to mobiles etc
Free new sky dish
Sky go
£10 free credit added to pay for installing
So zero instalment cost
Total £41.69 pmonth.
12 month contract
New customer from Virgin
18 Sep 16#159
Hi, do you have any left for me to use please
15 Sep 16#158
Cancelled with online chat today as best they could do was 20% so told them i wasn't intrested and I wanted my package to end on the contract end date which they setup. After that visited your link and was given 50% of straight away with confirmation email recieved later in the afternoon. So now have 50% off for 12 months and was only 10 months into my existing contract.
13 Sep 16#157
Copied from the other sky thread:
Placed initial order via chat who gave me a unique sky link. However I opened tcb first and then opened the link.
Then I noticed Virgin had a good deal on so called to cancel the sky deal or get them to offer something better. Got put through to pre-active cancellation and they gave me the above deal.
Initial order had £69 one-off fee but they applied a credit to my account.
A slight update, though am not sure if this is accurate: I had to speak to the pre-active cancellation team again as they sent me the wrong hub, the person told me that my package is actually £25 which is the fibre max cost only. Every other service that I've taken is free.
So it's either £25 or £26.31, I'll find out after installation if they messed up.
13 Sep 16#156
Woah, that's a good deal. How did you manage that? Are you an existing customer? If so,did you cancel, wait a few days and then give them a call? Thanks
10 Sep 16#155
Final Sky Q deal is fibre max £15+line rental £11.31+some call bundle that I don't need Free+box set bundle Free+one sky q 2tb(no sky q mini) all for £26.31 per month x 12 months & no installation fee. Very happy with the deal.
Hopefully TCB tracks as well.
10 Sep 16#154
Hi is this available for existing customers please
10 Sep 16#153
The bonus about the £35 deal is the HD is included for Sports in the price too, on the MSE 70% off deal you had to pay £6 extra for that
10 Sep 16#152
How are people signing up with wifes name?
I havent been a customer since april, so im not eligible.
When i go through the web sign up using my wifes maiden name it lets me do it.. But we dont have any ID / bank details in her maiden name!
When i sign up with her name (my surname) it generates an issue and says you may have been a customer you need to call us...
Any pointers?
Can you share more details on what you mean by this? Thanks
Mr Punch
7 Sep 161#147
If that doesn't work for you, walk into HMV, grab as many DVDs as you want and walk out without paying.
the porter
6 Sep 16#146
Go on twitter the £35 offer is all over it from installers sky q movies n sports box sets package £10 install
6 Sep 16#145
Great info saintscouple. Interesting link. I see in the t's&c's there is also mention of the exact same offer, but 60% off! This is effective from 25 Aug, so would appear more recent than the 50% which is as at 20 July?
If I hit the "take your offer" button is that immediate or is there a confirmation screen?
Incidentally, I cancelled last week. I now see a number calling my mobile daily (twice daily today) for the last 6 days - I have identified it as Sky. So I will answer that next time and see what they can do....
6 Sep 16#144
Buy a Zgemma box then a "gift" which costs about £15/20 which lasts 12 months. Get all the channels you want plus much more.
3 Sep 16#143
Finally completed my order last night just before it closed. Got the complete tv package, movies and sport, HD pack for sport, unlimited broadband, talk anytime extra, sky q HD 2tb, sky q mini, multiroom and the free 32 inch LG tv for £64 a month. Pretty pleased with that!
2 Sep 16#142
Just got the confirmation email and it states 12 months. So I guess there's nothing they can really do if they try to argue that it's 18 months. Thanks for the help :-).
2 Sep 16#141
My email order confirmation clearly states 12 month contract for them all. Best to check yours :smiley:
2 Sep 16#140
Very confusing though as it's says that on the main page and says this on the payment confirmation page...
"If you take Sky TV with Sky Q, separate 18 month minimum terms apply to your Sky Q subscription package, Talk, Broadband or Fibre products."
2 Sep 16#139
Thanks :smiley:!
2 Sep 16#138
When i complete the order for sky q it does say it is not available
2 Sep 161#137
12 month minimum term applies to your Sky Q subscription
2 Sep 16#136
Anyone confirm if the cheapest deal for the Sky Cinema (which I gather is the new name for all the Sky Movie channels right?) PLUS Sky Box Sets also include all the channels that were known as the Sky Family Pack (Sky 1, cartoon channels etc etc). Or is this just the On Demand box sets and the movie channels?
2 Sep 16#135
Followed the link from MSE, signed up for the offer, received email with code, clinked link to Sky website to place order, selected my preferred bundle (Sky TV for £20.40 for Box Sets and Sky Cinema), next screen I'm taken to is asking me to select my free gift from a selection (LG TV, Samsung tablet, £100 prepay mastercard) I think....but hey, if you're offering, I'm taking....this happened to anyone else?
2 Sep 16#134
I've been offered Sky Q 2TB + Sky Q mini box + Sky Cinema + Box sets + Reward of my choice (TV, laptop, £100) = £30 a month with £10 setup fee. I can get the £10 setup fee wiped if I am persistent. But I want 1 or 2 additional mini boxes ideally as I am coming from 3 boxes with Virgin. However they won't budge on the fee of an extra £198 up front. I've even told them to keep the reward and credit the account for the additional setup fee for the mini boxes. No joy though :disappointed:
2 Sep 16#133
Does anybody know if the Sky Q 2TB box with Box Sets and Sky Sports (plus HD) package is a 12 month contract or 18 months?
The website is unclear as it says on the purchasing page that 18-months is only for fibre broadband and then goes on to say something about Sky Q being an 18-month contract but the wording is unclear.
2 Sep 16#132
well just called and they swapped over the reward no issues..
2 Sep 16#131
can i call and change the reward to tv from cash or do i need to cancel the whole order??
2 Sep 16#130
thank for the advise just got the same.. all confirmed
2 Sep 16#129
cancelled previous order, just done it again and choose the tv , great find :smiley:
2 Sep 16#128
Ok thanks
2 Sep 16#127
It's all the Sky branded Sports channels but you'll have to pay extra for BT Sport.
2 Sep 16#126
Yes, I wasn't getting the reward and discount when I looked yesterday but it's giving both now since they had the technical issues. Happy days
2 Sep 16#125
did anyone get a reward too i just selected a free 32 lg tv :smiley: happy days
2 Sep 16#124
I've gone through Quidco and I seem to have the following in my basket...
£41.40 per month
Sky Q
Box sets
*Reward £100 prepaid MasterCard
Multi screen
2 extra boxes (one free and one at £99 one off
Install £10
May even get Quidco £120 cash s looks a great deal, just about to push the button unless anyone is getting anything better?
2 Sep 16#123
Does anyone know what channels are included in this? Is it the full package? E.g. Sky Sports 1 and 2?
2 Sep 16#122
Just called Virgin to cancel the TV and they told me that I'm not affected by the price increase as I'm in a special offer contract. Good I guess, but bad I can't get out.
I've got the Big Kahuna deal with a £6 per month discount
2 Sep 16#121
not really because in a years time you can leave and joing again on a deal , easy been doing it for years ver pay full price for sky
2 Sep 16#120
Seems to be working again now!
2 Sep 16#119
Does anyone know what channels are included in this? Is it the full package? E.g. Sky Sports 1 and 2?
2 Sep 161#118
Suspicious that they're getting technical issues today when a lot of people are trying to claim this deal!
2 Sep 16#117
what number are you guys calling to get these deals.. online system is down and when call the normal number it says tec issues cant talk to you..
2 Sep 16#116
ok will do, im just looking for the tv tbh, phone and broadband with Virgin as much better in my area
[edit] called and voicemail saying they are having technical issues and cant talk at the moment !
2 Sep 16#115
I wld call them. Probably get better deal anyway especially if you want phone and broadband
2 Sep 16#114
Im getting 'Sorry, we're having technical problems. If you're trying to join Sky TV or would like to redeem your reward, please try again later. ' when I try and enter my code
Anyone else had this issue?
2 Sep 16#113
They should honour it if you have a code as there were only so many
2 Sep 16#112
Yes I've still got it. When I go through that link it isn't allowing me to enter the code. Don't know if there's a fault? I will call them instead.
2 Sep 16#111
But you would still have an email with a code? That cannot disappear
2 Sep 16#110
I did. It's just disappeared from the basket
2 Sep 16#109
If you requested a code then you should have gotten an email?
2 Sep 16#108
Gone to look at my saved basket this morning and the offer seems to have disappeared! Not happy if its expired, especially when it says its open until midnight tonight.
1 Sep 16#107
That's a shame..Maybe because I initially called yesterday they kept to the deal they offered me when he phoned back today..could be they have so many new sign ups they are not offering so many disxounts
1 Sep 16#106
Yeah I used the code but they wouldn't give free fibre unlimited. so I went with there package without cinema.
1 Sep 16#105
Did u not use the 70% off code?
1 Sep 16#104
I got sky q multi screen
box sets
free fibre unlimited
sky talk anytime
£10 bill credit so no installation fee
£42.31 a month
can also add cinema and sports HD for half price for 12 months
couldn't get them to budge and add sky cinema for this price too.
1 Sep 16#103
Yes covering everything Inc bt phone line install as was with Virgin...broadband fibre optic...removal and fitting of new box...everything plus they are going to credit me back the £10 install..I thought might as well ask and he obliged..Maybe being female helped a bit
1 Sep 16#102
Wow, some of you guys have got great deals on the phone!! Nicely done :smiley:
I tried hard haggling 3 times (including a 1 hour call back) and couldnt get close to what alot of you guys have lol
I handed in my notice to virgin and used this deal over the phone.
Online it was £59.80 a month (going upto £69.80 after 6 months) with £69 installation.
On the phone I got it to £61 a month (upto £71 a month after 6 months) with £19 installation, so a little cheaper in long run.
Thats for skyQ silver, minibox, boxed sets + cinema, line rental, all calls, sky fibre unlimited broadband, skyQ hub.
For those that are asking about doing this code with skyQ online; go to the online store & add in the discount code at the basket page.
Then go to 'sky tv bundles' & select SkyQ silver. Add the cinema option. The code should then apply to the order :smiley:
Im wondering if this would work for my parents though.... They cancelled their sky+ hd package this week (after 10+ years) where they have been paying £126 (!!) a month for. Retentions offered a £25 discount for 6 months. This deal would be a huge saving if it works putting it into the other spouses name. Hrrm....
1 Sep 16#101
Does the £10 installation cover fibre activation, sky Q installation & activate your line?
Coming from Virgin as well, hopefully the internet speed is as good.
1 Sep 16#100
Not sure why this is such a big deal? I was with Virgin and now have to send it back which is just fine as then there are no call out fees for repairs ad you don't own it? Equipment would have had fair amount of use and out of date by time you cancel I should think anyway? I know I'd rather not pay repair call out fees than keep equipment
1 Sep 16#99
Spoke to someone on the chat facility earlier and he told me that it was specific to just sky HD and not sky q so he couldn't do anything for me?! Most helpful!
1 Sep 16#98
I'm really tempted to sign up with Sky Q, but having to give the equipment back if you want to leave is a kick in the teeth, basically they are pushing you to never leave, was this the same when Sky HD boxes first arrived ?
1 Sep 16#97
follow the tcb, then go to shop and clear basket, there is a box wher ebasket is, where it asks you if you have a code offer, use i there
1 Sep 16#96
Called Sky earlier and got the same bundle for £33 (didn't get sky cinema though), but with £69 installation fee and £10 credit. I'll post a breakdown if it's showing on my account. I might try my luck again.
TBH i would have been equally happy with the Sky+ box.
1 Sep 16#95
how do you put the code in going through tcb?
1 Sep 16#94
i have got sky 2 tb silver, mini box- mutiscreen, boxs sets sports and cinema for £41 so thats all docs, entertain,music etc stream to 2 tablets/apps ipad etc
£10 one of fitting fee
top cashback tracked at £153.70
i had just been coming to the end of a deal with sky + i was paying £40 for everything so its a straight swap for me..only thing sky q boxes go back at end of contract..tried doing same deal with code for sky + and was working out £55 per month as need to add sport hd and multiroom
i know theese arent supposed to track but always have for me...hope this helps
would be even better if i need broadban but unfortunately im tied in with plus net
1 Sep 16#93
How much per month do you pay for your Virgin BB + landline if you don't mind me asking?
I'm on 50Mb/s BB only (soon to be 70Mb/s) for £19pm on a 12 month retention deal. Been kicking myself for not pushing harder as I'm aware others are getting it for as little as £17.50, and maybe less.
1 Sep 16#92
Spoke to Shane in sales
0344 241 1653
1 Sep 16#91
Wow! Trying to get the same deal now.. did you speak to a particular department?
1 Sep 16#90
I called today option 4 then 5. They will pass you to wrong department blah blah but tell them you are recording call and make sure you do. Then when done ask for email confirmation and their name. Got confirmation email already. Don't forget you have to give them30 days notice so end from today.
1 Sep 16#89
I haven't had anything through yet so I don't know if i can blag it. Think they know whether you've received the mail or not.
1 Sep 16#88
The terms of the Virgin price increase mean that you can cancel your contract or change your package without a cancellation fee. Better to call in UK hours in my experience. I cancelled the TV package to take up this Sky offer. The offshore call centre said I'd need to pay £60 to terminate early and transferred me to another department (sat in a queue for 20 mins with no reply). Phoned and cancelled without any issue the following day in UK hours. They could only offer me a discount of £10 a month over 6 months - no thanks. I need to keep Virgin Broadband as ADSL is pants in my area (no Fibre at the exchange), so I kept their phone/Broadband (cheaper to have both than just the Broadband) and took out Sky Q multiroom + Box Sets + Sports + 2 additional boxes. £99 for the second multiroom box.
1 Sep 16#87
Yes I had an email saying price increase of £3.45 pmonth and can end contract with no fee if you wish...they will try to get to too stay but they can't come anywhere near this sky deal
1 Sep 16#86
Have you received an email or letter from Virgin yet? I'm looking at this deal too and would rather not pay the termination fee.
1 Sep 16#85
Just off phone to sky and got better deal so
With code
Sky Q2TB, box set, cinema £20.40
Phone Line rental £11.31 instead of £17.40
All inc package of free calls to mobiles etc
One extra mini box
Multiscreen £12
Internet free, unlimited super fast fibre broadband instead of bog standard added for free
Sky go
Sky 3D
New free Sky dish
Total p/month for 12 month contract is £43.71
Even Haggled £10 credit applied for installation so no installation fee at all
Date of broadband fitting 16 sept and Sky Q 23 sept
Left virgin with price increase get out clause
1 Sep 16#84
I've just added this to the OP.
I think you'd be unlikely to get cashback from the initial order - as MSE are classed as the affiliate. But once installed you then become an "existing customer." You will have escaped the clutches of the original affiliate, so subsequent cashbacks for any little add ons, such as Sports / Movies upgrades, at a later date, should suddenly become YOURS to keep.
As always start your package low, upgrade gradually, and get rewarded along the way.
MOVIES IF YOU ORDER THEM AT A LATER DATE AS AN "EXISTING CUSTOMER." (Make sure 50% discount still applies if doing this).
1 Sep 16#83
On the email the £12 multi room is showing as full the rest discounted. Also paid £10 for install.
1 Sep 16#82
Ok guys is it possible for me to get this deal with Sky Q even though I have normal sky at moment with discount for 12 months? As I know il not be able to cancel is there another way around this to upgrade and get discount applied?
1 Sep 16#81
Hi everyone. If you're not quite ready for your installation just now, then simply book one (online) anyway. Ring CS and tell them you can't quite fullfil your appointment, or anything else they offer you, just now, but still want to keep the order.
Their calendars cover about a six week advance period. They'll take your date off the system and effectively put it on ice until you're ready to call back with a more convenient date of your choosing.
1 Sep 16#80
Did you manage to get the discounted install ?
1 Sep 16#78
I rang yesterday and got Sky Q 2TB + 1 Multi room + Sky Sports for £45 a month. The original cost was £77 then £56 and then "after speaking to his manager" £45. Happy with that.
mrimac94 to cambb
1 Sep 16#79
That's a wee bit higher than it should be with this code. Still a good deal though :smiley:
1 Sep 16#77
Still wasn't working for me. Rung up and done it over the phone no probs. Would recommend anyone trying to get Sky Q with this deal to just ring up and order with the code :smiley:
1 Sep 16#75
Unable to continue with your order
An error has occurred
Unfortunately, we have been unable to proceed with your order. To place an order by phone, please call 0800 151 2758.
DavdO to mrimac94
1 Sep 16#76
Happen to me as well just try again. You need to make sure you go for sky sliver, box set + cinema or sport. I got multiscreen to get the discounted installation. Trying to cancel it now but no luck over the phone...
25 Aug 161#14
Sky are terrible for long standing loyal customers, great deals only apply to new customers. Alright they're always up for a bit of haggling off the full price come contract end, but nowhere near as good as a new customer coming to them.
evostick47 to Glesgabear
31 Aug 16#37
No really true. Last renewal I cancelled then spoke to retention team online and got 60% off plus a £100 credit. You've just got to call their bluff and cancel.
jamesreem87 to Glesgabear
1 Sep 16#74
Yes, because offering the same deal to 15million existing customers would balance their books alright? There's always a good deal for the first 12 months with most providers. After that, pay its price or get freeview.
31 Aug 16#69
how are people getting sky q? step by step anyone?
YamYam to anouj
31 Aug 161#73
Same here please. Going for the 70% off then adding Sky Q wipes the basket and vice versa.
31 Aug 16#72
Just made call to sky. I'm with Virgin and still in contract until next April but just had email saying Virgin putting up prices which hopefully means I can cancel contract with no fee to pay. Sky guy offered me amazing deal. Can use the 70% off code plus includes sky Q, added mini box and multi screen at £12 but also managed to get broadband fibre optic for same price as normal broadband for the year, plus he discounted the sky rental by 35% from £17.40 to £11.31. Only £10 set up fee for all and includes new sky dish. Total to pay p/month is £43.71 inc sky box set/cinema option.
31 Aug 16#71
Did you manage to get the multiscreen option dropped ? I call and was told that the whole order would need to be canceled...
31 Aug 16#70
Add a letter to your house number assuming this doesn't exist. 29 becomes 29a. The installer knocks on 29 looking for 'a'. 12 months later just remove the letter. Same con as switching to the wife and back but don't need to inform her and deal with data protection Q's when calling up.
31 Aug 16#68
Got 50% off again with a retentions call. That'll do me.
31 Aug 16#50
we have been with sky for 6 years. Ok not as long as others but rang to see what they could offer...20% off TV package only which comes to £77 for just Tv, sports movies, HD and multiscreen. Tried online chat and same deal again no budge. Have been forced into cancelling which they happily went along with. We don't actually want to leave sky so what do I do from here? Do I wait out a phone call?
jonboyuk to SJD2720
31 Aug 16#51
Give it a few days, and they'll more than likely call you back. It's the same as it is with any of these things, most of the time it depends who you get on the phone. Frustrating, I know!
saintscouple to SJD2720
31 Aug 162#58
you can check the sky service app, or on their website here I was offered 50% off over 10 months on a 12 month contract so cancelled, and the webpage is now offering 50% over 12 months on a 12 month contract....going to wait it out for a while and see if anything better gets offered though.
what5updoc to SJD2720
31 Aug 16#67
Same for me. They called my bluff! Having said that, I'm now £90 pm better off and I only miss the Sports. Got Freesat recorder instead and love it. Oh and Netflix.
31 Aug 16#66
I did and they never called back. Was paying £90 pm for 6 years. Now they're getting 0 from me and they don't seem bothered!
31 Aug 16#64
you can't have been a sky subscriber in last 12 months to get this offer
jonboyuk to brendanb581
31 Aug 16#65
I think the point is, you resubscribe under your spouses name instead!
31 Aug 16#63
I signed up yesterday for 50% deal so imagine my face now. I'll have to cancel and re do
31 Aug 16#49
Or get Nowtv
markwigg to Harry_Potter
31 Aug 16#62
Only for those not wanting Sky Sports as Sky Sports is expensive through NowTV .
I have NowTV and although sports would be nice can't justify the extra cost.
Just switched broadband to BT deal where after cashback is ~£10 per month inc line rental.
Then always get good NowTV deals, rarely pay more than £12 per month for both Entertainment and Movies.
31 Aug 16#61
10 years, currently have an offer of 30% of TV for 5 years (but have to phone up each year to activate it) Tried to get this deal and they would give it, also would give me any more off my current deal so canceled.
Will sign up in a different name to get this deal
Any one know if you can use current equipment when taking out new packages?
31 Aug 161#60
i put my notice in 31 days, and then i go online and sign up using whatever codes are around etc and sign up as a new customer and choose the date for when my contract ends for new sky install
31 Aug 16#59
Can I literally do it on the same day then? Ring up, cancel, then ring up immediately after and resign up?
31 Aug 16#57
only thing with sky q boxes are loaned to you and need sending back to sky afer contract ends
normal hd boxes dont
31 Aug 16#55
Haha. I have a very unique surname that's all, I'm just worried they'll smell a fish once she tries to sign up post me cancelling 10 mins beforehand!
coolcraig999 to jonboyuk
31 Aug 16#56
i think they know people do it and i have been doing it for 6 years, just cancel and take out same address with all offers, new boxes etc, just keep swapping from her to me, never had a problem,
31 Aug 16#54
works for me mate, always change every year.
31 Aug 16#52
had 1 month left on sky, just cancelled then took this offer in my wifes name sky q and multiroom for 40 quid £10 to pay one off with 2 sky q boxes sports and movies 12 month contract......getting fitted when my cotract ends in 1 month, great deal also went through topcashback hopefully it will track
jonboyuk to coolcraig999
31 Aug 16#53
Does that work if you wife has the last second name?
31 Aug 16#48
Best they have offered me is 25% discount, so I'll be off on my merry way after 10+ years of Sky TV.
31 Aug 16#47
september but thats the absolute closest so am sure if they cant get to me in a week they could stall for longer
31 Aug 16#46
also it states ''12 or 18 month minimum terms apply to each service'' how can you be sure its only 12 months, and not tied into 18 months when the last 6 months will jump up to normal price?
31 Aug 16#45
that the 9th of september or october? thanks
31 Aug 16#38
I am set to move property at the beginning of october, does anyone know if you are able to apply for sky in advance even though i havent moved yet and have the install delayed for a month?
If by any chance the move actually fell through can i get out of it?
any help appreciated
apower90 to VAMOS DAN
31 Aug 16#44
ive just moved in n the closest instilation date they could get me absolute closest is the 9th so bet they could if u said the furthest date
31 Aug 16#42
"Box Sets with Sports: £25.15 p/m (Save £484)" - does that include line rental and fibre unlimited?
My current package is 'line rental/fibre unltd' (£27.40/month) with Sky. I have a few months left on the contract. Do you reckon if I get my flatmate (same address) to take over the contract we can get the deal above and they won't penalise me for early exit? Cheers.
mrimac94 to lookatmywadd
31 Aug 16#43
No it doesn't. They'd effectively be giving it away then!!
31 Aug 161#41
After 13 years with them, I called their bluff and cancelled - the best they would offer was "40% off", but it only applied to part of my package, so worked out to be only £15.
I cancelled anyway.
Having Netflix and Amazon Prime already, I got a subscription to NowTV to get Sky Atlantic. I've never looked back.
I moved my broadband and phone to BT and with all the cashback offers and prepaid offers I'm paying £20 per month for unlimited fibre and line rental. BT's Fibre, at least for me, is significantly faster then what I was getting with Sky.
31 Aug 16#40
I've got decent deals out of them for the last 6 years, this time though they were having none of it- 25% off TV only was the best they could do (and we have fibre unlimited, unlimited calls, films, sports, HD, multiroom- everything they do basically). I had to hand my notice in before they capitulated and chopped my bill down (from £140 a month) for me.
31 Aug 161#39
Can anyone provide step by step of how to do this with Sky Q? When I add Sky Q it reverts back to full price?
31 Aug 16#36
those who used quidco what did you get back from it
31 Aug 16#35
i believe it is £6 extra for sports in hd
29 Aug 16#34
We've just got 50% off ALL SKY Products and pay £33.60 a month
Fibre BB Unltd
A/T Calls
Line Rental
Spoke the installer on Saturday about Multiroom, and he said we should look at Sky Q Silver ...Works like M/R, but no wires and the wee mini box acts like a wifi hot-spot. He said I can get this as a 1-off cost of a £100?
However, without phoning then, I can't work out if I can this at this price or not? Any one any ideas? My "offers/upgrade" page isnt working on sky account funnily enough :disappointed:
27 Aug 16#31
Sky Q T&C
All Sky Q kit is loaned to you at no cost and must be returned at the end of your subscription.
You will not own the sky q box or any other sky q equipment, end of your contract you can't even watch freeview if you stop paying money to sky.
Judethedude2 to Deakcracker
28 Aug 16#33
Thats the kicker and frustrating, I guess it was like this when sky+/HD boxes first arrived
27 Aug 16#32
How do I remove line rental for the SkyQ options? Am I right in saying the SkyQ £20.40 is completely separate from this 70%offer link?
Currently getting it for this as I can't remove line rental
What's in your bundle
Got an offer code? Enter it here
Your selection
Sky Q 2TB box
Sky Q Mini box
Sky Q Multiscreen Pack
Box Sets
12 Months £35.60 off DTV
You've added
Sky Talk Pay As You Talk
Sky Broadband Unlimited
Free Sky Broadband Unlimited for 12 months
Sky Cinema
Sky Line Rental
Yours at no extra cost
Installation Visit
Sky WiFi
Sky Q Hub
Sky Go
Active Line Takeover
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini
Monthly cost with offers
£49.80 then £95.40
One off costWhat's this?
12 or 18 month minimum terms apply.
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26 Aug 16#30
Lovely cheers
26 Aug 16#29
I called Sky Q team and removed it and it was straight forward. Just said I didn't actually require it and the guy removed it and told me to tell the installer not the install the mini box as they could only cancel multiscreen. and my offers are still on the account as I got him to check.
26 Aug 161#28
For anyone wondering how to get this to work with sky Q it is a bit fiddly but in a nutshell you have to match the same package.. so you need box sets so select the 2tb box rather than 1tb as the 1tb doesn't come with box sets... you need to select sky cinema/movies or both... select unlimited broadband and you still get it free.. to not pay the large set up charge for sky Q then go with the multiroom and it drops right down.
26 Aug 161#26
I managed to get Sky Q 2TB box with Box Sets + Sky Cinema for £20.40 a month and £10 installation fee.
You will not get the Sky reward plus this deal. Its a either or deal.
Quidco has also tracked at £105 + £10 + £10 which is £105 for boxsets, £10 for multiscreen + £10 for cinema in bundle.
I have then called Sky Q team and cancelled my multiscreen as I don't require it.
Hey Ho! £20.40 per month + £10 fee.
Denn108 to SmokeyBandit
26 Aug 16#27
Smokey bandit.. I have just signed up with the multiroom to get the discounted set up.. how do you go about removing and did they not then say they want to put the charge back on?
26 Aug 16#25
Do you get any cashback?
26 Aug 16#23
Can anyone confirm if this offer does include entertainments channels (Sky 1, Atlantic etc), Music channels and the Kids channels ?
Taksim_Red to ML77
26 Aug 16#24
Yes it includes all the regular Sky entertainment channels; Sky1, Atlantic, Living, Fox, Disney, GOLD etc in HD (where applicable), with 70% off, and box sets. Plus optional Sports / Movies @ 50% off.
As long as you can still retain the extra 50% for adding the premium channels (Sports / Movies) after installation then I'd hold off and do that as soon as the installer has driven away as you'll qualify for Quidco / TCB for those.
26 Aug 161#22
As soon as I select Sky Q it reverts to those packages, how do add it to get it for £37.15 a month with sports?
25 Aug 16#21
OK, it's a bit of potch to get in place but for anyone wondering, Sky Q with Sports is £37.15 a month
25 Aug 16#20
Thanks for this one was trying to find a reason to get Sky Q!! works perfectly
25 Aug 16#19
Follow the link. Go to Sky Q. Add it to your basket.
25 Aug 16#18
How did you manage to get that price? Also, any idea what this would be with the Sports package instead of Cinema?
24 Aug 16#11
Is this confirmed as working with Sky Q and also if so what price ? Currently on mob and site being a pain. Thanks
ChocolateEclair to SmokeyBandit
25 Aug 16#17
Yes. I got Sky Q Silver with an additional room and Sky Cinema for £32.40 plus £10 installation. Installing next Saturday.
If you don't need the additional room the price for Q is £20.40 for the Cinema package but you have to pay £99 for installation.
25 Aug 16#15
How good a deal is this on a scale of 1-10?
I'm a Virgin and craving a change?
billicho to anthony69
25 Aug 16#16
Depends what you want in your package - you could have complete tv, fibre broadband and anytime calls for £48 with this deal. £58 with unlimited fibre
24 Aug 162#1
if you take out broadband you will have to pay line rental which is £17.40, £9.95 for router delivery, £30 set up fee for fibre, £10 set up fee for sky tv, also no mention of normal sky tv package or calls included,all adding up slowly, also only available for new customers because sky will show you no loyalty for paying them month on month year on year. cold from me
stephenashforth to paneds
24 Aug 16#9
Have you ever tried to get a decent deal? I have always received at least a 50% discount. Just give them a call or do an online chat in the last month of your contract. If you don't ask you don't get.
ed1980 to paneds
25 Aug 161#13
Haggle with them
I pay £48pm for...
Full sky tv
Unlimited sky fibre
25 Aug 16#12
sky q not available for buildings with communal Sat dish.
24 Aug 16#3
Also seems to work with Sky Q!
hamish66 to Avallon
24 Aug 161#10
How does it work do you have to be a new customer?
24 Aug 16#8
Looks good......HOT
24 Aug 161#5
is this new customers only?
paneds to turnbug
24 Aug 16#7
24 Aug 16#6
Been posted already
24 Aug 16#4
If you take sky sports you get free fibre (25gb cap) or £10 off fibre unlimited. Also get free talk anytime (mobiles included)
24 Aug 16#2
seems like taksim red missed out a few important details
Opening post
Get 70% off the Box Sets Bundle and 12 months half price Sky Sports and / or Sky Cinema and save up to £535!
The choice is yours:
Box Sets with Cinema: £20.40 p/m (Save £427)
MOVIES IF YOU ORDER THEM AT A LATER DATE AS AN "EXISTING CUSTOMER." (Make sure 50% discount still applies if doing this).
Box Sets with Sports: £25.15 p/m (Save £484)
Box Sets with Sports & Cinema: £29.40 p/m (Save £535)
Plus, you can add 12 months free Sky Broadband Unlimited.
Claim a code via the link to get this great offer!
Offer live now until 23:59 Friday 2nd September.
Latest comments (164)
Thanks for the code miscommunication.
Sky Q.2tb
Box sets
£18.38 pmonth
Sky mini box plus multiscreen pack
£12 pmonth
Free super fast fibre broadband
No charge
Phone package Inc free calls to mobiles etc
Free new sky dish
Sky go
£10 free credit added to pay for installing
So zero instalment cost
Total £41.69 pmonth.
12 month contract
New customer from Virgin
Placed initial order via chat who gave me a unique sky link. However I opened tcb first and then opened the link.
Then I noticed Virgin had a good deal on so called to cancel the sky deal or get them to offer something better. Got put through to pre-active cancellation and they gave me the above deal.
Initial order had £69 one-off fee but they applied a credit to my account.
A slight update, though am not sure if this is accurate: I had to speak to the pre-active cancellation team again as they sent me the wrong hub, the person told me that my package is actually £25 which is the fibre max cost only. Every other service that I've taken is free.
So it's either £25 or £26.31, I'll find out after installation if they messed up.
Hopefully TCB tracks as well.
I havent been a customer since april, so im not eligible.
When i go through the web sign up using my wifes maiden name it lets me do it.. But we dont have any ID / bank details in her maiden name!
When i sign up with her name (my surname) it generates an issue and says you may have been a customer you need to call us...
Any pointers?
Just say you're interested in the £35 full skyq package thats posted online and they'll ask for proof then give you code instantly.£35.2049927/#post-24082679
If I hit the "take your offer" button is that immediate or is there a confirmation screen?
Incidentally, I cancelled last week. I now see a number calling my mobile daily (twice daily today) for the last 6 days - I have identified it as Sky. So I will answer that next time and see what they can do....
"If you take Sky TV with Sky Q, separate 18 month minimum terms apply to your Sky Q subscription package, Talk, Broadband or Fibre products."
The website is unclear as it says on the purchasing page that 18-months is only for fibre broadband and then goes on to say something about Sky Q being an 18-month contract but the wording is unclear.
£41.40 per month
Sky Q
Box sets
*Reward £100 prepaid MasterCard
Multi screen
2 extra boxes (one free and one at £99 one off
Install £10
May even get Quidco £120 cash s looks a great deal, just about to push the button unless anyone is getting anything better?
I've got the Big Kahuna deal with a £6 per month discount
[edit] called and voicemail saying they are having technical issues and cant talk at the moment !
Anyone else had this issue?
box sets
free fibre unlimited
sky talk anytime
£10 bill credit so no installation fee
£42.31 a month
can also add cinema and sports HD for half price for 12 months
couldn't get them to budge and add sky cinema for this price too.
I tried hard haggling 3 times (including a 1 hour call back) and couldnt get close to what alot of you guys have lol
I handed in my notice to virgin and used this deal over the phone.
Online it was £59.80 a month (going upto £69.80 after 6 months) with £69 installation.
On the phone I got it to £61 a month (upto £71 a month after 6 months) with £19 installation, so a little cheaper in long run.
Thats for skyQ silver, minibox, boxed sets + cinema, line rental, all calls, sky fibre unlimited broadband, skyQ hub.
For those that are asking about doing this code with skyQ online; go to the online store & add in the discount code at the basket page.
Then go to 'sky tv bundles' & select SkyQ silver. Add the cinema option. The code should then apply to the order :smiley:
Im wondering if this would work for my parents though.... They cancelled their sky+ hd package this week (after 10+ years) where they have been paying £126 (!!) a month for. Retentions offered a £25 discount for 6 months. This deal would be a huge saving if it works putting it into the other spouses name. Hrrm....
Does the £10 installation cover fibre activation, sky Q installation & activate your line?
Coming from Virgin as well, hopefully the internet speed is as good.
TBH i would have been equally happy with the Sky+ box.
£10 one of fitting fee
top cashback tracked at £153.70
i had just been coming to the end of a deal with sky + i was paying £40 for everything so its a straight swap for me..only thing sky q boxes go back at end of contract..tried doing same deal with code for sky + and was working out £55 per month as need to add sport hd and multiroom
i know theese arent supposed to track but always have for me...hope this helps
would be even better if i need broadban but unfortunately im tied in with plus net
I'm on 50Mb/s BB only (soon to be 70Mb/s) for £19pm on a 12 month retention deal. Been kicking myself for not pushing harder as I'm aware others are getting it for as little as £17.50, and maybe less.
0344 241 1653
With code
Sky Q2TB, box set, cinema £20.40
Phone Line rental £11.31 instead of £17.40
All inc package of free calls to mobiles etc
One extra mini box
Multiscreen £12
Internet free, unlimited super fast fibre broadband instead of bog standard added for free
Sky go
Sky 3D
New free Sky dish
Total p/month for 12 month contract is £43.71
Even Haggled £10 credit applied for installation so no installation fee at all
Date of broadband fitting 16 sept and Sky Q 23 sept
Left virgin with price increase get out clause
I think you'd be unlikely to get cashback from the initial order - as MSE are classed as the affiliate. But once installed you then become an "existing customer." You will have escaped the clutches of the original affiliate, so subsequent cashbacks for any little add ons, such as Sports / Movies upgrades, at a later date, should suddenly become YOURS to keep.
As always start your package low, upgrade gradually, and get rewarded along the way.
MOVIES IF YOU ORDER THEM AT A LATER DATE AS AN "EXISTING CUSTOMER." (Make sure 50% discount still applies if doing this).
Their calendars cover about a six week advance period. They'll take your date off the system and effectively put it on ice until you're ready to call back with a more convenient date of your choosing.
An error has occurred
Unfortunately, we have been unable to proceed with your order. To place an order by phone, please call 0800 151 2758.
I have NowTV and although sports would be nice can't justify the extra cost.
Just switched broadband to BT deal where after cashback is ~£10 per month inc line rental.
Then always get good NowTV deals, rarely pay more than £12 per month for both Entertainment and Movies.
Will sign up in a different name to get this deal
Any one know if you can use current equipment when taking out new packages?
normal hd boxes dont
If by any chance the move actually fell through can i get out of it?
any help appreciated
My current package is 'line rental/fibre unltd' (£27.40/month) with Sky. I have a few months left on the contract. Do you reckon if I get my flatmate (same address) to take over the contract we can get the deal above and they won't penalise me for early exit? Cheers.
I cancelled anyway.
Having Netflix and Amazon Prime already, I got a subscription to NowTV to get Sky Atlantic. I've never looked back.
I moved my broadband and phone to BT and with all the cashback offers and prepaid offers I'm paying £20 per month for unlimited fibre and line rental. BT's Fibre, at least for me, is significantly faster then what I was getting with Sky.
Fibre BB Unltd
A/T Calls
Line Rental
Spoke the installer on Saturday about Multiroom, and he said we should look at Sky Q Silver ...Works like M/R, but no wires and the wee mini box acts like a wifi hot-spot. He said I can get this as a 1-off cost of a £100?
However, without phoning then, I can't work out if I can this at this price or not? Any one any ideas? My "offers/upgrade" page isnt working on sky account funnily enough :disappointed:
All Sky Q kit is loaned to you at no cost and must be returned at the end of your subscription.
You will not own the sky q box or any other sky q equipment, end of your contract you can't even watch freeview if you stop paying money to sky.
Currently getting it for this as I can't remove line rental
What's in your bundle
Got an offer code? Enter it here
Your selection
Sky Q 2TB box
Sky Q Mini box
Sky Q Multiscreen Pack
Box Sets
12 Months £35.60 off DTV
You've added
Sky Talk Pay As You Talk
Sky Broadband Unlimited
Free Sky Broadband Unlimited for 12 months
Sky Cinema
Sky Line Rental
Yours at no extra cost
Installation Visit
Sky WiFi
Sky Q Hub
Sky Go
Active Line Takeover
Additional TV fee - Sky Q Mini
Monthly cost with offers
£49.80 then £95.40
One off costWhat's this?
12 or 18 month minimum terms apply.
You can personalise your selection by scrolling down the page to see even more Sky TV & Broadband items available to you.Buy this bundle
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You will not get the Sky reward plus this deal. Its a either or deal.
Quidco has also tracked at £105 + £10 + £10 which is £105 for boxsets, £10 for multiscreen + £10 for cinema in bundle.
I have then called Sky Q team and cancelled my multiscreen as I don't require it.
Hey Ho! £20.40 per month + £10 fee.
As long as you can still retain the extra 50% for adding the premium channels (Sports / Movies) after installation then I'd hold off and do that as soon as the installer has driven away as you'll qualify for Quidco / TCB for those.
If you don't need the additional room the price for Q is £20.40 for the Cinema package but you have to pay £99 for installation.
I'm a Virgin and craving a change?
I pay £48pm for...
Full sky tv
Unlimited sky fibre