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Free Wi-Fi on board Virgin Trains standard class via Virgin Red app
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Free Wi-Fi on board Virgin Trains standard class via Virgin Red app

Freebies24 Aug 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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23 Aug 16
My first share, so be nice! I have the Virgin Red app and I noticed when you've verified your account with Virgin Trains - you will be given a Wi-Fi password to use onboard! Just simply download the app from the App Store or Play Store, sign up & verify your account with Virgin Trains.

The Wi-Fi code lasts 24 hours and it probably can't be shared. This offer expires on September 4th - so use it anytime onboard before then! Hopefully it'll make your journeys a little more enjoyable...
Top comments
schnide to quagmireuk
24 Aug 16 15 #7
Have you actually read the story?

There weren't seats when he got on. The seats that looked free were either reserved or had bags on them. That's been verified by fellow passengers.

Either you read a site that didn't carry that part and just repeated what Virgin trains told you (they're trying to not make themselves look bad - that's strange, isn't it?) or you didn't read the story properly and are just repeating a headline.

Either way, don't ever wonder why it keeps feeling like the more-polished politicians keep pulling the wool over your eyes and you can't quite figure out why.
23 Aug 16 13 #4
Sitting on the floor :stuck_out_tongue:
24 Aug 16 9 #6
Corbyn is a grade A tool! Book further in advance and get a pre booked seat - turn up on the day buy a ticket and complain there are no seats (when there actually are). Suppose I shouldn't be surprised at him lying - he is a politician after all!
24 Aug 16 6 #9
To be fair your interpretation of the story isn't exactly what the story says either, so the question could equally be thrown back at you. I would say that expecting two free seats next to each other when you haven't reserved them is a bit much wouldn't you? Fine if you then want to sit in the corridor, but he also used it to make political capital. Virgin of course wants to look good in this situation, but let's not pretend Corbyn didn't try to make the most out of it also.

All comments (40)
23 Aug 16 #1
No Android ?
Biioniic11 to waynersheridan
23 Aug 16 #2
I've just checked on Google Play Store (I don't use Android) and the Virgin Red app is there.
23 Aug 16 #3
Also: virgin beam - it's amazing, free films and tv in standard class :smiley:
23 Aug 16 13 #4
Sitting on the floor :stuck_out_tongue:
rodman to Ian2014
24 Aug 16 3 #5
24 Aug 16 9 #6
Corbyn is a grade A tool! Book further in advance and get a pre booked seat - turn up on the day buy a ticket and complain there are no seats (when there actually are). Suppose I shouldn't be surprised at him lying - he is a politician after all!
schnide to quagmireuk
24 Aug 16 15 #7
Have you actually read the story?

There weren't seats when he got on. The seats that looked free were either reserved or had bags on them. That's been verified by fellow passengers.

Either you read a site that didn't carry that part and just repeated what Virgin trains told you (they're trying to not make themselves look bad - that's strange, isn't it?) or you didn't read the story properly and are just repeating a headline.

Either way, don't ever wonder why it keeps feeling like the more-polished politicians keep pulling the wool over your eyes and you can't quite figure out why.
schnide to quagmireuk
24 Aug 16 3 #8
There you go - the full story:

I don't like all of his policy stances, but Jeremy Corbyn is one of the most honest politicians in parliament who has stuck to his beliefs for decades in the face of arrest, going against popular opinion or both.
othen to quagmireuk
24 Aug 16 #38
This is supposed to be about good deals, and this was a good spot by the OP, but that does not detract from the fact that Mr. Corbyn has been caught out trying to pull a silly political stunt and now looks very foolish indeed. He is certainly not the sort of person to lead our nation (so let's hope he wins the Labour party leadership party so the country can have proper Tory leadership for at least the next decade and so prosper).
24 Aug 16 6 #9
To be fair your interpretation of the story isn't exactly what the story says either, so the question could equally be thrown back at you. I would say that expecting two free seats next to each other when you haven't reserved them is a bit much wouldn't you? Fine if you then want to sit in the corridor, but he also used it to make political capital. Virgin of course wants to look good in this situation, but let's not pretend Corbyn didn't try to make the most out of it also.

24 Aug 16 1 #10
Honest? Hmmm, like saying he wants a kinder politics and he completely disowns any bullying, whilst all the personal details of anyone who disagrees with him are released to the Momentum brownshirts to do the violence and intimidation for him. Just like the mafia bosses are always seen at the opera whilst bodies of their enemies mount up in the back streets. Corbyn's team admitted that he *chose* to sit on the floor rather than sit on one of the many vacant seats. The only dispute is why: a) to make a political point or b) because he wanted to sit next to his wife.
24 Aug 16 #11
signed up on the app, received a welcome email no need to verify anything but doesnt give any codes.
mk-donald to MR1123
24 Aug 16 #15
Tap the face icon/yourname @ top left... then MY VIRGIN button... then look through the icons for their dozen or so brands/franchises and tap ones you have some relationship with to seek to "connect/verify" [and nope no idea what the distinction between them is.

Once connected/verified the App should show some extra offers/deals related to those connections/verifications, and you'll also get more points awarded each month - which you can use to enter the "Vault" draws/comps/deals.
Biioniic11 to MR1123
24 Aug 16 1 #17
Go onto the app, click on where your name is (at the top where the smiley face is), click on My Virgin, scroll down until you see Virgin Trains and click verify
24 Aug 16 #12
Even if it's free I wouldn't bother. It's been appalling when I have paid for it, completely unusable.
Common Sense
24 Aug 16 2 #13
If a seat has a bag on it have the sense to ask the person to move it (unless they paid for 2 tickets - one for the passenger and one for bags).

The images showed seats empty without bags or people sitting in them. May be he did not want to sit next to Owen supporters.
24 Aug 16 #14
"the personal details of anyone who disagrees with him are released to the Momentum brownshirts to do the violence and intimidation for him. Just like the mafia bosses are always seen at the opera whilst bodies of their enemies mount up in the back streets."

That's a very serious accusation so are you able to source it? And just in case anyone's interested for context, I'm a member of the Liberal Democrat party (as of post-Brexit), not Labour. Factual accuracy rather than hysteria is what's important if we have a chance of having a say in our country for the better.

And yes, it's true that he wanted to sit next to his wife. The story doesn't deny that. I don't believe that contradicts him experiencing what it's like for regular commuters on trains where there aren't seats. This is the same man who gets the night bus, rather than expensing private cars like most MPs do.

And in a country that regularly shows fervent anger towards MPs who love to skim the cream off the top of public finances (note: some, but not all of them) it's baffling how the one who's trying to stay in touch with the voting public is the one getting vilified the most.

Meanwhile, our unelected prime minister continues to direct the country with no mandate. Baffling.
24 Aug 16 #16
High train fairs, removal of rewards for regular customers....but free wifi... what a crock.
othen to drewc
24 Aug 16 1 #40
Is a 'high train fair' a big dipper on wheels?
24 Aug 16 1 #18
No doubt Corbyn is a good guy not out for himself, however some of his media team are fairly repulsive characters, and he picked them ultimately which makes me question his judgement.

It's also probably unfair to say TM doesn't have a mandate. We all know how politics works in this country, we have a parliamentary democracy not a president. I think if you look at the polls she's more popular than Cameron so she has a much of a mandate as possible without calling an election.

Also a lib dem, glad to have found the other one haha.
24 Aug 16 #19
Gives Jeremy Corbyn something to do while lying about not being able to find a seat.
24 Aug 16 #20
make that three!
24 Aug 16 4 #21
Anyone else open this thread just to see the 'Corbyn sitting in a train corridor' posts?
anthony69 to vicious5id
24 Aug 16 #26
Lol, we were on the same wavelength. I couldn't resist! Tons of Corbyn posts as predicated! Kerching!
24 Aug 16 #22
:smiley: thanks always on Virgin trains struggling with signal! Heat from me
24 Aug 16 #23
Do we get this in Cattle Class?
Biioniic11 to Spriggan
24 Aug 16 #29
Standard class IS cattle class. There is only first and standard class on board Virgin Trains.
user name
24 Aug 16 1 #24
I have less issue about his blatant lie about the train being full, and denial after the evidence given.. and more concern about his vigil in honour of the IRA, and fact he wouldn't defend another NATO ally under attack.
HottyHotty to user name
24 Aug 16 #27
What vigil in honour of the IRA?
24 Aug 16 1 #25
I have read the story previous to my first statement and still stand by what I said - no one can expect a seat if buying the ticket on the day. Plus what's wrong with being separated from others if you haven't pre booked your seats. This is a complete none story and typical of selective reporting to push an agenda.
user name
24 Aug 16 #28
24 Aug 16 #30
I see the Grauniad champagne socialists are here in force.
Let's see about the 30 years of his pro-European views shall we?
user name
24 Aug 16 #31
There's a good round up in the Spectator here:

I would never expect someone to not vote for who they believe in. If he's in line with your way of thinking on these matters then absolutely vote that way..
24 Aug 16 4 #32
Sorry the bloke is a tool, i travel home on virgin trains out of KGX a couple of times a week, you simply wait for the train to depart and then sit in one of the many many vacant seats with reserved tickets sticking out.

What he should have done was board a standard commuter train during the rush hour but then he would have had to stand all the way rather than slope off to an empty seat after the photos had been taken.
24 Aug 16 1 #33
let's also not pretend that the issue the stunt is trying to highlight, is a good one? It's not like he just had a go a richard branson cos he ate the last profiterole at a gala once.

Corbyn has embellished the truth to highlight a true problem that he wants to change. Saying that he should have booked tickets in advance is utterly ridiculous because it's irrelevant to the bigger issue, the point is the privatisation of (what should essentially be) a public transport service.
24 Aug 16 #34
I dont think we have any Virgin train near us, they are all well ****** (used)!
24 Aug 16 #35
He is doing it by the powers of deception though. He is no different to any other politician.
24 Aug 16 #36
I'm afraid all you've proven there is that you literally have no idea what you're talking about. If MPs were as bad as you seem to think they are in your head, this country would be a mess. To which you'll no doubt reply "it is!" And yet we live in one of the safest countries in the world with high living standards (and yes of course, I know that's not the same for literally everyone but you won't be able to show me a country on earth where it is).

On top of that, there are plenty of decent politicians who work hard for their constituencies and for their country.

And that's before we even get to Corbyn's "deception" which it very much looks like it wasn't, despite reading (and repeating) headlines alone suggesting that it was.
24 Aug 16 2 #37
Nope sorry as ive said i regularly travel out of kings cross on virgin trains during rush hour if he wanted a seat he could have got one. Unless you do the same then it is you who has no idea what they are talking about. I have experienced this first hand. FACT.
24 Aug 16 #39
Are you for real? You're saying that (assuming you're even telling the truth anyway) because you can find a seat on your train, everyone can? Even though there were witnesses from the public who were doing the same thing?

And this is before you even address all the points I actually made, or that alfiesred47 has already made on whether you can personally get a seat when you travel? Does the fact that you can somehow mean there isn't a big problem with overpriced, understocked privatised rail in this country which Southern Railways alone proves there is which Corbyn is rightly highlighting here?

People like you are the reason we don't have better governments than we do.
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