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The Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection PS4 @ Boomerang rentals (Like New) £16.93
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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9 Jul 16
Heavy Rain
Lead the hunt to unmask the mysterious Origami Killer as you play as four different characters in this tension-soaked psychological thriller. Choose your next move carefully – every decision can have game-changing consequences and even determine who lives and who dies.

BEYOND: Two Souls
Wield unearthly powers as you live the extraordinary life of Jodie Holmes, a woman connected to a supernatural entity. Experience an emotionally-charged psychological adventure as you discover what truly lies beyond.
Top comments
BuzzDuraband to bbm69
9 Jul 16 11 #5
I'm struggling to sense the sincerity of your comment.

It's probably best to share a deal with the community first, before condemning those that do.
10 Jul 16 3 #19
OP please ignore the trolling comments. Defeats the object of HUKD if you are not willing to consider a great deal. Do not be discouraged to post because of the minority of such negative people. I do however have a trust issue with Boomerang after my bank account had money taken out of it BUT this is a hot deal for sure and on that basis voted hot. :sunglasses:

In terms of Boomerangs service... This game will be LIKE NEW. Pristine disc/case and any extra content/DLC codes with games will be UNUSED which is great. A shame about when they were hacked as I like them for what they offer.
Latest comments (28)
11 Jul 16 #28

Says you, you need to get a grip mate. I bet you have never kissed a girl !!!

My original comments stand.

it's not a good deal if it's second hand for the simple reason that there are better deals to be had on eBay on a daily basis. I bought this very game brand new and sealed for less than £12 inc postage, over a month ago, and second hand games are cheaper still, so posting this 'deal' is laughable. It's not rocket science. If you want second hand deal, bid on eBay items. Simple.

(Much like yourself)

I look forward to your 5 page reply trying to weasel your way around the facts I've just pointed out


11 Jul 16 1 #27
In your opinion its not a deal... My question is why did it get so hot then? Surely if it was not a good deal, it would be cold?!

Where do we got our "attitudes" from? If anyone has got an attitude, its you!
11 Jul 16 #26
Maybe some typos above. I am quite tired and writing on my phone where I can't edit my comments. These will be refectified when I have internet access on my iPad.
11 Jul 16 2 #25
Hahaha brilliant response buddy....

Well I am happy to reply my response especially seeing as I am alledgedly unintelligent and lack maturity for sticking up for a member when you are writing a comment in what my opinion was sour and not inline with the positive ethos of the site. Sometimes how you write a point or opinion can be worded in a fairer way that does not discourage people to post deals. Not every deal is hot on this site... I have posted many myself which were rubbish and this was refelcted in the cold temperature of the deal. What HUKD say is to comment why you have voted cold to help the poster for future deals posted. You was like a child throwing a tantrum as you can't filter out "second hand deals". Its almost as if your opinion should dictate how HUKD operates... well NO. This deal has got a couple of hundred degrees so you are saying everyone who voted is not intelligent? The degrees on deals generally speak for itself most of the time. Its a good price. I follow PS4 games a lot and know this is a decent price for this game.

I have NO issues with anyone on HUKD and it does not bother me if you are not a contributer in terms of deals, or you have posted 5000 deals.. the point I have made is, if you are criticising this deal and (what makes me laugh quite frankly) saying a new copy of this game is as cheap as this or cheaper, then please post a link/deal where I can order it now new sealed for £16.93 or less from my bed where I am writing this comment. I assume you will say "Its £14.00 from Asda". Excellent price granted, but not freely available to order online and in most case very store specific.

"Crying" about the fact I wrote a reply to your comment.... No you are entitled to your own opinion but I will always defend a poster if I feel comments are unreasonable. Your comment was not constructive.. it was a rant.

Next topic... new sealed with the new smell... Right I have no issues with peoples preferences on new or second hand games. You buy what you wish and you are perfectly entitled to your own opinion. I don't mind buying games second hand but I would not buy a headset second hand. Thats my opinion.

eBay is actually never always the cheapest place for games. Sometimes you get bargains but I bet there is not a pristine boxed copy cheaper than £16.93!

So before you try and convince someone they are "unintelligent" or "lack maturity" because they stand up for someone, I would say you should check what you post before you post it as I find your response comical on many of the points.

I look forward to your response with a link to this game for less than £16.93 new sealed.

Thank you
10 Jul 16 #24
Another unintelligent comment, really! Where do you people get your attitude from??? Read my other posts I am not saying the same thing over and over again. It's not a deal. Get a grip
10 Jul 16 #23
So you value a members comments only if they have posted a unspecified number of deals themselves ???

This is really a unintelligent comment.

If a deal is no good it shouldn't be posted, regardless, and crying about it because someone points out its Rubbish shows a lack of maturity

I buy new games with the seal on when no one has had their grubby mitts on them, they have that 'new game smell'. Similar to a 'new car smell', and the prices are often the same as many of the second hand offerings.

If I wanted a second hand game I would go to eBay, it's cheaper, Consequently this is not a deal. It's a joke
9 Jul 16 #12
Just buy it for £14 brand new from Asda. :smiley:
neilanderton1 to Elevation
9 Jul 16 1 #14
​That's a local Asda deal. Not national.
I_Am_Timms to Elevation
9 Jul 16 #15
If you can find it..
bbm69 to Elevation
10 Jul 16 #22
Well said
10 Jul 16 #21
10 Jul 16 #20
Incorrect. I prefer my games new. If I wanted to buy a second hand game I would search eBay where there are many many many copies of this game at cheaper prices.
10 Jul 16 3 #19
OP please ignore the trolling comments. Defeats the object of HUKD if you are not willing to consider a great deal. Do not be discouraged to post because of the minority of such negative people. I do however have a trust issue with Boomerang after my bank account had money taken out of it BUT this is a hot deal for sure and on that basis voted hot. :sunglasses:

In terms of Boomerangs service... This game will be LIKE NEW. Pristine disc/case and any extra content/DLC codes with games will be UNUSED which is great. A shame about when they were hacked as I like them for what they offer.
9 Jul 16 #4
Wish people wouldn't post 'so called deals' on second hand games. It's second hand!?! Are you going to start cruising charity shops and post all of these aswell! Seriously wish I could filter out idiotic second hand games, it's pathetic

BTW heavy rain is depressing rubbish. One to avoid
BuzzDuraband to bbm69
9 Jul 16 11 #5
I'm struggling to sense the sincerity of your comment.

It's probably best to share a deal with the community first, before condemning those that do.
neilanderton1 to bbm69
9 Jul 16 #6
​Except Boomerang "As New" is practically that. Every disc is in pristine condition and the box and manuals are untouched. Equating Boomerangs ex-rental games to second hand games in charity shops (or GAME and CEX for that matter) is to show you don't know what you're talking about.
raidevita to bbm69
9 Jul 16 #8
​I.just bought life is strange used from boomerang. It arrived in excellent condition, with the CD still in its wrapper. I think these deals are some of the best on hot UK deals.
copperspock to bbm69
9 Jul 16 1 #10
Second-hand games =\= second-hand condoms. They're perfectly fit for use (usually).
haritori to bbm69
10 Jul 16 1 #17
If Oxfam had this bundle for less, and it was available to enough people, then i would post it..

But what a silly comment. Its Hot UK Deals, nothing in there says NEW, we have a FS/FT section for 2nd hand stuff, and many of the the deals on here are refurbs etc.. and as Buzz rightly points out, maybe you should contribute something before you start criticising those who do.
loopylloyd to bbm69
10 Jul 16 #18
I am just looking through all the deals you have posted.... Oh wait you have not posted any! Maybe you should post some "New" game deals since you have such an opinion of "second hand games".

Just seen what Buzz has commented and that's after what I wrote above. I 100% agree with Buzz.

Enjoy paying well over £20 for your new copy to take the seal off and it be second hand also.
9 Jul 16 #16
Would appear to be in stock though.
9 Jul 16 #13
boomerang are brilliant , always got the game with the actual seal on it aswell but just sliced open
9 Jul 16 #2
I've never bought from boomerang before, can you only purchase a game if you're signed up for a rental sub ? I can't seem to find any other option to just buy it
Illusionary to morethananaddict
9 Jul 16 #11
Their site is really badly designed - you need to click on the "buy" tab at the top of the page, then find the game within that section. You may not see a price listed initially, but once added to your basket you should be able to see the price there.
9 Jul 16 #9
Missed it damn. This is one game I do wanna snag and this is a decent price
9 Jul 16 1 #7
Another boomerang deal that I've avoided going for in the hope that the price would drop further without going out of stock. Ah well.

Obvious troll.
9 Jul 16 #3
Oos now anyway
9 Jul 16 #1
Good price. Wanted a physical copy but was waiting for sub £20.
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