Quality. Buy online collect in store. Checkout via TCB. Simples.
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28 Jul 163#1
Seen a few available locally - so have some heat
God bless you if you actually NEED this configuration though.
Latest comments (21)
30 Jul 16#21
Collected my bits... They cancelled and refunded half the order saying they couldn't find them... Went for a walk and found most of the missing stuff within 5 minutes!
Boxes of 5 sockets, switches and pendant sets for a quid and all top quality stuff :-)
29 Jul 16#20
OOS online, C&C based on local stock availability.
29 Jul 16#19
I've got on of these, return port send sky back to a box I put in my loft to then distribute that to my bedrooms, add to that an RF extender then you can watch and control sky from wherever you watch as long as others don't want to watch something else. Phone socket cam in same way too so killed 2 birds etc. Shame no Ethernet too.
29 Jul 16#18
It should be noted that these types of fascias only provide 1 cable in for one SAT and the coaxial- you need to run a diplexer or similar in your loft or wherever to combine the signals.
28 Jul 16#15
Have just moved into a new house and have one of these in the living room. can someone please explain what the 'return' port is for? can't seem to find help through Google
alexjameshaines to zzak
28 Jul 161#17
Return port is for sending signals back up to the distribution amp. Like the old style chan 68 from the sky box or a VCR in the lounge to all other TVs.
28 Jul 16#16
Well done, lots of 5 packs too!
28 Jul 16#14
These are handy to people who want Freview, Sky+/twin tunner and a return to a booster. These look a lot neater than multiple holes in your wall
28 Jul 16#13
Maybe in a clearance bin rather than in the "right" place? I've had multiple members of staff at that store fail to find something that turned out to be right next to the customer service desk!
28 Jul 16#10
What an odd configuration. Why you would need that I don't know!
Waterboy8535 to alexjameshaines
28 Jul 16#12
Every flat in our block has them, after the Housing Trust that owns the Freehold fitted them to every flat whether the Leaseholders wanted it or not. (except without the Phone Line)
Communal Satellite Dish, DAB Aerial, and Freeview Aerials on the roof. I now have Freesat in the Living Room and Bedroom, with DAB in the Living Room as well.
So they are used, just not often in single properties
28 Jul 162#11
Great deal - like 1970's prices(when, ironically, it would have been useful.) :smiley:
28 Jul 16#9
wouldn't advise this for your phone/ broadband unless you know what you're doing.
28 Jul 162#8
Talking bins. how cool.
28 Jul 16#6
Great prices but allthough shows stock in local stores and allows you to complete order for click and collect. A phone call from wickes says they haven't the stock in store , not the first time. Bargain if anyone can get them heat added.
mwotto to Dannyj2009
28 Jul 16#7
Yes, I've received the same call from the Store in York after ordering this and a few other clearance items. They apparently could not find any of the items I ordered.
28 Jul 16#2
Shows as £1 online, but comes up as £2 in my basket - Anyone else have this issue?
bseal1947 to coony
28 Jul 16#5
I saw them in a bargain bin in store yesterday. One bin said £1 another said £2
28 Jul 16#4
This is fantastic - been after some think like this for a while- HEAT!!
28 Jul 16#3
thanks OP!
28 Jul 163#1
Seen a few available locally - so have some heat
God bless you if you actually NEED this configuration though.
Opening post
Search MK, price low to high for others.
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God bless you if you actually NEED this configuration though.
Latest comments (21)
Boxes of 5 sockets, switches and pendant sets for a quid and all top quality stuff :-)
Communal Satellite Dish, DAB Aerial, and Freeview Aerials on the roof. I now have Freesat in the Living Room and Bedroom, with DAB in the Living Room as well.
So they are used, just not often in single properties
God bless you if you actually NEED this configuration though.