Some fairly decent prices at Boomerang. I ordered Until Dawn from them on Saturday, arrived yesterday in great condition. No complaints.
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2 Jun 163#17
Metal gear for 11.60! I almost want to buy it again :smiley:
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5 Jun 16#27
With these Boomerang deals you have to be lucky. I saw the deal after it had been up for an hour on here and ordered Metal Gear Solid for the xbox one for £11.40 but 5 minutes later it was sold out. Not the first time I've ordered from Boomerang but their games come in a new box and they really are like brand new.
4 Jun 16#26
Rainbow six siege is anything but a fast paced twitch shooter. Its a one life no respawn game that makes it very tactical. I had it before before i sold it but tempted to buy it on PSN.
3 Jun 16#25
This website is harder to navigate around than penrose stairs!
3 Jun 16#24
Good deal op. I am still on the fence about R6 but this is a good price. I used to love R6: Vegas and hammered it. I loved the strategic, paced gameplay. You can use cover etc. I feel online FPS games have lost that and that's why I don't play them anymore (on console anyway. I still play Planetside 2). I have watched R6: Siege videos but it just looks like the usual fast paced, running around like headless chickens, lone wolf, no team tactics, twitch shooting which plagues all modern day online FPS games.
Having said that I may buy it.
3 Jun 16#23
Just hope you don't get your card credentials stolen.
2 Jun 16#22
Might be the same pricing policy as CEX, as demand goes up, so does the price.
2 Jun 16#21
prices have gone back up already.
2 Jun 16#20
Assassin's Creed Syndicate is showing as £18.21 for PS4 and XBOX ONE
2 Jun 16#19
Another thing to bear in mind with boomerang rentals is some items come in and out of stock so if you miss out this time just check back :smiley:
2 Jun 16#18
It's saying £19.41 for PS4 RS
2 Jun 163#17
Metal gear for 11.60! I almost want to buy it again :smiley:
2 Jun 16#16
great deals, great service from these too, just a **** poor website, especially on mobile.
2 Jun 16#15
Looks like Metal Gear Solid is OOS already for both platforms but luckily I grabbed one.
Loved Until Dawn Buzz ..... real fun to play and has you in a right panic lol
2 Jun 16#14
Thanks very much. If you try to search and buy from the home page then it requires you to be a member, but your link is spot on. I presume just go to the "buy" section and then search in future. £11.60 for Metal Gear is impossible to turn down, even though I'm rubbish at what I consider long, complex campaigns! Heat.
2 Jun 16#13
Great find. Thanks.
2 Jun 161#12
Grabbed R6, thanks very much.
2 Jun 16#11
Ordered thanks op
2 Jun 16#10
I think this would be my only complaint but it would never put me off.
2 Jun 16#9
Thanks, ordered and heat :smiley:
2 Jun 16#8
The site is a nightmare to use
2 Jun 161#7
Sorry, yeah. It's a right nightmare is the site.
Use this page as a landing page, search the game you want from the search bar at the top, use the 'Buy Ex-Rental Now' button to add to cart (top right), then click checkout.
2 Jun 161#6
Might be worth a mention Little Big Planet 3 PS4 is also £7.57 not as cheap as the Tesco deal that was on but is still a bit cheaper than the previous PSN price.
2 Jun 16#5
You do not need to be a subscriber just need an account to make purchases
2 Jun 16#4
is there anyway to buy from them without being a subscriber?
2 Jun 161#3
mgs V for £11.60! crazy :smiley: if only that was for ps4 too
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Having said that I may buy it.
Loved Until Dawn Buzz ..... real fun to play and has you in a right panic lol
Use this page as a landing page, search the game you want from the search bar at the top, use the 'Buy Ex-Rental Now' button to add to cart (top right), then click checkout.