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Preowned Kinect 2 Official Sensor (Xbox One) £28 (plus £2.50 p&p) @ Cex £30.50
4.5 stars +486

Preowned Kinect 2 Official Sensor (Xbox One) £28 (plus £2.50 p&p) @ Cex £30.50

£2.50 P&P CeX17 Jun 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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16 Jun 16
Cheaper than before, this is online but it should be in-store too. May have to pick one up tomorrow
Top comments
Snakeyes646 to Deedie
16 Jun 16 7 #6
Explain? I use Kinect a lot, my kids use it even more... £28 is a bargain
17 Jun 16 5 #25
The primary reason I have one along with some others that I know is for Skype. The quality of the camera and being able to sit on your sofa and have a conversation with people the other side of the world in 1080p, with person tracking and great sound quality was worth the price of a webcam.

The extra games and such are all a bonus.
17 Jun 16 3 #26
Just dance 2017 is out shortly and it always sells well, worked brilliantly on Xbox one. With VR coming you never know what they may do with Kinect to accompany it like the ps4 VR and the camera.
Snakeyes646 to Dichotomy
17 Jun 16 3 #7
Eh? Do your eyes/ears work? MS got rid of the port as it takes up room and they needed to minimise it... Many people don't bother with Kinect, but many people do...
All comments (46)
16 Jun 16 2 #1
There are cheaper paper weights available. :smiley:
16 Jun 16 #2
you would need to be very gullible to buy one of these
Snakeyes646 to Deedie
16 Jun 16 7 #6
Explain? I use Kinect a lot, my kids use it even more... £28 is a bargain
16 Jun 16 1 #3
Given that the newly announced Xbox One Slim will not even have the port to plug one of these into (you have to buy an adaptor separately if you did want to plug one in), I would seriously weigh up if it was even worth £28 as Microsoft are definitely sending out a message they are done with Kinect.
mattcookie94 to Dichotomy
16 Jun 16 #4
Didn't know about that, it looks so much nicer than the beast we have now!
Snakeyes646 to Dichotomy
17 Jun 16 3 #7
Eh? Do your eyes/ears work? MS got rid of the port as it takes up room and they needed to minimise it... Many people don't bother with Kinect, but many people do...
16 Jun 16 #5
They also mentioned their next console, Scorpio, at E3 too which is a bit odd since it will likely make most people who the One S was aimed at wait until next year for that. Not voted on the deal anyway as it's a decent price, but it is for an abandoned piece of hardware - not sure if there was ever anything good released for it.
17 Jun 16 #8
standard price in cex ...
17 Jun 16 #9
yea i like my kinect, got it in cex instore for £30... works really well, dont understand all the bad press
17 Jun 16 1 #10
careful with this. mine from previous offer never gotbdelivered even if due to be done by UPS. as usual, never got an email response from Cex on where was the item. Got PayPal stepped in and got a refund. so, good deal but careful if buying online
17 Jun 16 1 #11
Did I upset you somehow? If you can't see that removing the port from the Xbox they'll be selling from now on means that they are not expecting to sell many Kinects and therefore will not be even trying to sell the peripheral, then you are in some sort of strange denial. The port would likely have not made any difference to the slim other than making it cost a little more to manufacture. I honestly can't remember a game being released or promoted for it since that Fantasia game and I follow gaming news pretty closely.
17 Jun 16 1 #12
Hi guys, I'm in the preview programme for the new Xbox, voice commands can now be done via the controller/mic directly so the Kinect is only useful for Kinect games now. Also the new consoles don't have a Kinect port.
17 Jun 16 #13
best use of this for the pc?
17 Jun 16 #14
it is useful other than for kinect games no?
17 Jun 16 1 #15
I read somewhere Microsoft will give you an adaptor to connect kinect to if you request it.
I'll try find the link and post it.
darknoiz to nekoangel
17 Jun 16 #16
I saw that and one of the rear usb sockets is also marked Kinect. For £30 it's worth a punt , works well with Xbox fitness.
djb123 to nekoangel
17 Jun 16 1 #20

It makes sense to use USB for the Kinect, its just a shame they didn't give the Xbox One S an extra USB port.
17 Jun 16 1 #17
The new xbox will be able to use the kinect. It just uses a usb adapter.
17 Jun 16 #18
I like mine. I don't like headsets so its great for talking online. Also good if you enjoy casting on twitch and lazy blu ray controls. =]. A good deal. I got mine from cex and have yet to regret it
DexMorgan to thesinstar
17 Jun 16 2 #19
It might be great for you, but the majority of the time people using their Kinect instead of a headset sound terrible to others, so I mute them!
17 Jun 16 1 #21
I got one. I was hyped by the on/off feature along with voice volume control.

It's rubbish. Don't bother
17 Jun 16 #22
I liked the Kinect on the 360 so did my boys it's a shame they ditching it and the developers are not bringing any more games out for it

The new Kinect was so much better had a lot of potential
17 Jun 16 2 #23
Microsoft are going to offer a free kinect adaptor for the Xbox One S if you currently own an Xbox One.
17 Jun 16 2 #24
Mine is busted so I'll grab one in town today. Love having voice commands, I miss them atm!
17 Jun 16 5 #25
The primary reason I have one along with some others that I know is for Skype. The quality of the camera and being able to sit on your sofa and have a conversation with people the other side of the world in 1080p, with person tracking and great sound quality was worth the price of a webcam.

The extra games and such are all a bonus.
17 Jun 16 3 #26
Just dance 2017 is out shortly and it always sells well, worked brilliantly on Xbox one. With VR coming you never know what they may do with Kinect to accompany it like the ps4 VR and the camera.
17 Jun 16 1 #27
I'm in the preview program and so enjoy them whilst they are functional.

"Hey, Cortana..." is absolutely awful.

It takes ages to recognise a command, if it even does recognise them; worse is that when it doesn't is snaps a Bing search of whatever it thinks you have asked for.

A good example is if you think of Netflix where you'd say "Xbox, pause." and it would do it immediately, well try that with Cortana and it takes between 5 seconds & 15 seconds to actually register and then pause. Doesn't sound like a lot but when going from immediate and it constantly having this delay it builds to enough frustration to just use the controller.

Also really irritating how she can understand "Do you speak Klingon?" or "Do an impression." perfectly well yet can't seem to understand the actual functional commands.

Hopefully it gets far better after the preview though, otherwise it'll not be worth ever using voice commands.

Good price for this though with the provision that it does get better again.
17 Jun 16 1 #28
Because I always have my headset on when I'm sat watching a movie, or when I'm walking into the room and want the TV to turn on!
17 Jun 16 1 #29
​Thats why I didn't opt into this phase of the preview programme. I remember how buggered my Xbox got last time there was a big update and couldn't be bothered going through that again!
17 Jun 16 1 #30
Its a good piece of kit, I use it on my pc for skype and windows hello login. Cortana commands are good and she, for me at least, understands 99% of what I say.
17 Jun 16 #31
Mine broke after about 13 months, sitting on a tv mount and looked after.
It just stopped working, so I'd never buy another.
17 Jun 16 #32
Phil Spencer : 'nobody gets left behind'.
17 Jun 16 1 #33
Yeah it's actually brilliant for the PC for this - good camera and microphone array and I don't really miss having to type to login any more :smiley:
17 Jun 16 #34
Exactly. Microsoft at this point couldn't give two thoughts about Kinect and stripping out the port of the Kinect at the back of the Xbox One Slim is just what they needed to almost make it obsolete. Customers can use it, but they're basically done with it and aren't going to touch it again from the looks of it.

"Xbox Two" (really hope they don't use this name) will be like the current Xbox One Slim + Scorpio but without gimmicks such as Kinect because they know what the customers want.
17 Jun 16 #35
It makes sense it'd be used for something else than gaming because Kinect 1.0 was a huge disaster albeit people still used it for other reasons. Same applies here, I see.
17 Jun 16 #36
I think they made it pretty clear that VR is going to be in the realms of their next console, the Scorpio. Most people believe that they will go with either Oculus or Vive rather than develop their own hardware as there will be less risk involved - both pieces of hardware come with their own cameras so Kinect would not be used there.

I've seen a few people mention the USB dongle so the S can use Kinect, but it is worth noting that the only way to get it free is to already own a One with Kinect and then upgrade to an S, new customers, who you would expect to be the majority of sales for the S, will have to pay a premium for the device of about £35 - it is not an enticing prospect for a new customer. Add to that the fact that voice commands (Cortana) should be available through a microphone in an update in the not too distant future and it is pretty obvious that Microsoft are done with Kinect, it lives with the Zune. If you enjoy it then great, I'm sure some people do, but my original point stands that if you decide to buy it then know it is a cast aside piece of hardware. Oh, and you can play Just Dance on consoles with a mobile phone app apparently :wink:
17 Jun 16 #37
All these arguments saying that the new Xbox doesn't have a port...

I thought one of the main reasons you guys bought consoles was because you don't have to upgrade them often whereas with a PC you believe that you do (Which is invalid but besides the point).
17 Jun 16 #38
Can't find the link at the moment but I read something earlier that said MS would be making the Kinect available with the adapter included for less than the current US price of $99 shortly after the release of the Xbox One S.
17 Jun 16 #39
That's great news regarding the mic working without the Kinect - should take some of the tedium out of searching the store and my growing number of games installed on the machine.
17 Jun 16 #40
Picked one up today, plugging it in it felt a lot more secure than my old unit, which was quite loose. Guess that must have been what was wrong. This one is working perfectly so far, well worth the 28 quid to have all my voice commands back!
17 Jun 16 #41
Try Cash Converters, etc. websites, they quite often have these for less than £20. I got mine for £18 delivered with a 12 month warranty and that was last year, might be even cheaper now.
17 Jun 16 #42
If like me you have a £500+ phone I wouldn't wanna use it to play some dancing game but whatever floats yer boat pal :man:
17 Jun 16 1 #43
Correct, MS will ship you the Kinect adapter for free once you fill in their form online with your console serial code, easy as that.
18 Jun 16 1 #44
I say xbox on and it turns my TV amp and Virgin box on. Just for the ability to rid myself of 3 remotes I would pay this small amount again.
21 Jun 16 #45
Have you not been following E3 .
The Kinect is unofficially dead. We have moved onto vr and the new Xbox one s has no dedicated connection for Kinect. You have to buy an adapter. I'm afraid the kinects days are numbered
21 Jun 16 #46
​Clearly someone hasn't as, Phil Spencer and others from the Xbox team were talking about the Kinect and how people are using it.
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