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9 Jun 16
Been sent an email of a reduction in the price of Planet X newest aero bike.

I know it's not a £99 banger from Tesco but if your into bikes this is a cracking deal with full shimano ultegra 6800
Top comments
pukenukem to pnaylor39
10 Jun 16 17 #6
Perhaps, but most of the road cyclists I know would spend such an amount on a bike, myself included. This isnt extravagance, not unless it's my first bike and I don't even know how to change gear. We would spend this for a reason. As we improve in our sport, we want to go faster, have more ride comfort, reliable smooth changing gears, good brakes...and so on. While to someone who doesn't or rarely cycles this seems a huge amount to spend, to a regular keen cyclists it doesn't. It also keeps us fit, it makes us happier, makes us live longer and so justifies the investment easily.
mattyr to pnaylor39
10 Jun 16 5 #5
Your statement is a bit like "most people can't justify spending £50,000 on a Mercedes when a £7,000 Suzuki will do." Both will get you to your destination but there are many reasons why more people would want the Mercedes over the Suzuki and there are many reasons why this Planet X bike would be bought rather than a Tesco bike.
Latest comments (46)
12 Jun 16 #46
I bought one of these a couple of months ago with SRAM Force for £1299 on a 24 hr flash sale. Brilliant bike, comfortable and light, well pleased with it. Bear in mind you can get approx. £30 off by using TCB and 12 months interest free credit.
12 Jun 16 #45
We aren't talking about mountain bikes here are we? I don't think personally that an acera set costs as much as even a low end shimano setup. You can't build a decent bike yourself less than £600 and even then it would be better if you bought a retail sold one. This is a cracking deal for the bike.
12 Jun 16 #44
​What about the wheels...
11 Jun 16 1 #43
I could get it on C2W, well up to £1000. I've a Flat(ish), well as flat as you get in Scotland, commute of 12.5 miles so the faster the better and great training. I currently us both a Planet X N2A in the summer( as it's got deep dish carbon wheels) and a boardman CX team with 28mm rubber and better wheels for all weathers... So the aggressive nature of the bike suits my commuting needs, and I can keep the N2A for the racing/sportives. You only live once! Live it how you want...
11 Jun 16 #42
It is a nice bike but it is perhaps more suited for racing (looking at the agressive geometry) than commuting. If using for work, can you get C2W?
11 Jun 16 #41
Stupid? I'm buying one, I cycle 100 miles a week commuting so around 4000 a year commuting alone. And yes I'll use this for a fast commute ( 12.5 miles each way x4 per week ) The way I look at it, it will cost me about £25 a week for the bike, about the same as fuel for my car ( yes I have a car, and a nice one too) but I get my daily exercise in, keep slim, feel great and save the planet.... What better way to spend £25 a week? If you have ever commuted on a £300 bike vs £1300 you'll feel as I do... But each to there own I guess..... Some people spend that on alcohol and cigarettes weekly... I don't judge them....
Explain why it's stupid again?
11 Jun 16 #40
Do your research MTB parts can be equally expensive as road bike, your either getting trolled or this person really doesn't understand the value of good quality parts ( the fact that they are quoting Acera, tells me its the latter.)
11 Jun 16 #39
Problem? We're talking about road bikes, not mountain bikes.

And, do you think that your mountain bike would give you the same ride as one twice the price?

And out of interest, where do you get your Acera set for £80?
11 Jun 16 #38
Road bike parts cost considerably more than mountain bike parts. Do your research.
11 Jun 16 #37
Internet, ebay, sale offers, everywhere.
Alloy frame for mountain bike - around £30, second hand, unused
Tyre set with tyres - £80-100
Set of Shimano hydraulic brakes - £45
Shimano Acera set (casette, derailleurs, chain, bracket, shifters etc) - £80
Suspension fork - £100
It makes £350 so far, which leaves £150 for handlebar, saddle and minor parts. Enough.
11 Jun 16 #36
What a coincidence. My last bike was a Triban 3 (2013 with carbon forks) and it was great. I didn't feel the need to upgrade - it was good enough for me until it was destroyed by a muppet car driver. I spent £1,200 on my replacement bike. Why? Because I found that I was cycling more than I had anticipated when I bought my Triban and was enjoying it and I wanted a lighter bike with better components. My new bike is 6 KG lighter and has 105 components compared to a mixture of Sora and Decathlon for the Triban; the gears are a lot smoother, more responsive and require less maintenance. The breaks stop me faster. Two weeks after the collision which destroyed my Triban, I took my brand new bike onto the road and almost every Strava segment on the route achieved a new PR without any noticeable increase in effort and the ride was more comfortable for me.

Is my new bike worth 4 Triban 3s? Maybe not but it I can only ride one bike at a time and my £1,200 bike is certainly better than my £300 Triban 3 and IMHO, worth the extra money.

If I were starting out on road cycling, I would start with a Triban but I wouldn't avoid upgrading if I wanted to improve my speeds, cycling duration etc.
11 Jun 16 #35
Please advise where you can get a decent set of parts for less than £500.

You don't have to spend a grand retail price on a decent bike but the difference between £400, £600 & £800 bikes is noticeable as is the difference between £800 and £1,800.
11 Jun 16 #34
I have a 2015 Giant Defy Advanced Pro 1 and it is a superb bike...very comfortable and a quality build..having visited the Barnsley Planet X outlet I was not that impressed with the finish and quality of their bikes in comparison to Giant.
11 Jun 16 #33
I wouldn't buy this bike but good point
11 Jun 16 #32
What a nobhead, enough said.
11 Jun 16 1 #31
What a stupid comment. Is this a good deal or is it not? You would be better finding the deals for £300 bikes and commenting on them, your comment has nothing to do with the deal. If it's not for you then move on. This is a cracking deal.
11 Jun 16 #30
Depends on what frame etc you want. Have fun trying to get new Ultgra (£400) then the frame, bars, fork, seatpost, saddle, wheels, tyres etc for £100
11 Jun 16 #29
Yep decathlon do some decent bikes and the triban is a good start if just starting out before you get the bug and invest in a better specced bike such as the PX or the Giant discusssd in this thread.

I still have my first decathlon and it is great but not a patch on my cube with di2. Not knocking your view at all - I have little interest in cars which is why I am happy with my hyundai i20 when many folk would prefer a much higer specced (and more expensive) model or make.

I like my cycling and triathlon so am happy to spend more then £300 on a bike.

11 Jun 16 #28
It's another example how marketing is working, together with urban myths. Suzuki will do indeed, and will be much more reliable with less rust. The most reliable Mercedes is actually built by Nissan and Renault (GLA, Smart, Citan) or at least have Renault engine (1.5 liter diesel). It was Mercedes implementing such big "inventions" as air sensor integrated with ECU (sky-rocketing cost of sensor replacement), eco-friendly wire insulation developing short circuits after 5-7 years of use and E-class with no anti-rust layer at all, like cars from sixties of last century.
Returning back to cycles - I'm currently looking for my new bike. Definitely want decent bike but also definitively won't spend a grand on it. Not to mention anything above. And bike, if you take a look, is slightly different to a car.
Decent set of parts cost less than £500. Plus - let's say - £100 for set of proper tools. You can put it all together in few hours. If you can't, spend another £20 for a crate of beer, I can bet you can find cycling enthusiast willing to help you.
You will get new skills, possible new friends and few hundreds quid saved. Triple profit!
11 Jun 16 1 #27
The same could be said about almost any product. Do you use a Nokia 3310?
11 Jun 16 #26
Decathlon Triban 3....
11 Jun 16 #25
Out of interest do you own a car or house? If so how much was each of those?
11 Jun 16 #24
Sorry for being boring!!!! However if you can get this through a "cycle to work" scheme you may be able to save income tax.
11 Jun 16 #23
Troll score 3 out of 10, must try harder.
11 Jun 16 #22
All retailers state that. I got £80 from Westbrook for a Foil frameset I bought a while back.

I can also tell you my friend bought this exact bike yesterday after I shared it with him and guess what, his is tracking and I'd expect it to go through too.

Quidco is never guaranteed, but even omitting that, I'd still choose the Giant all day long over a P-X. I used to own an SRAM Red SL Pro, they're good but all things being equal I'd look elsewhere.

P-X have a MEGA SALE every other week with inflated RRP quoted to give the impressions of huge savings. The fact is, this is what the bike is worth 51 weeks of the year.
11 Jun 16 #21
No you won't as the quidco page states cashback is not available from westbrook if you use a voucher code.
11 Jun 16 1 #15
How stupid... why would the general public NEED a bike on this level? voting cold as you dont need to spend more than £300 on a bike. Only people brought up using a silver spoon would buy this..
mattyr to SPLE22
11 Jun 16 1 #16
Either you are trolling or you have no idea what you are talking about. If, however, you do know where one can buy a good quality racing bike for £300, please share.
70s_kid to SPLE22
11 Jun 16 #20
I find it hard to believe that there are no areas of your life where you spend more than you NEED to in order to get a better product, everybody likes a bit of luxury one way or another. Maybe it's your home/car/food/drink/clothing/technology/jewellery/holidays/entertainment?

If you're just a troll I'll consider myself trolled!
11 Jun 16 #19
Good luck if anything goes wrong. :smirk:
11 Jun 16 1 #18
Saved 1280 quid by buying one at car boot :smiley:
11 Jun 16 #17
Looks good, voted hot, personally looking for something with aero bars.
11 Jun 16 1 #14
Thats a good bike for the money. Buy equally a lot of money for a bike;)
If I could spend that much on a bike it would probably be a mountain bike;)
11 Jun 16 1 #13
Steady on there mate... You could get a superior bike at much less than 2k.

Personally I'd pick up one of these:

Use code FATHERS for 15% off making it £1359, then 7% Quidco for £75 cash back. Total price, £1280.

In my opinion, a better bike with higher pedigree and higher resale. If it's aero you were looking for there's an Ultegra Propel for the same cash.
10 Jun 16 #3
know it may be a deal, but most people can't justify spending £1299 on a bike when one for £300's would do
mattyr to pnaylor39
10 Jun 16 5 #5
Your statement is a bit like "most people can't justify spending £50,000 on a Mercedes when a £7,000 Suzuki will do." Both will get you to your destination but there are many reasons why more people would want the Mercedes over the Suzuki and there are many reasons why this Planet X bike would be bought rather than a Tesco bike.
pukenukem to pnaylor39
10 Jun 16 17 #6
Perhaps, but most of the road cyclists I know would spend such an amount on a bike, myself included. This isnt extravagance, not unless it's my first bike and I don't even know how to change gear. We would spend this for a reason. As we improve in our sport, we want to go faster, have more ride comfort, reliable smooth changing gears, good brakes...and so on. While to someone who doesn't or rarely cycles this seems a huge amount to spend, to a regular keen cyclists it doesn't. It also keeps us fit, it makes us happier, makes us live longer and so justifies the investment easily.
shareef to pnaylor39
11 Jun 16 #12
Always one...

Atleast you didn't say, could have bought a car for that...:confused:
10 Jun 16 1 #11
I bought the SRAM Force equipped bike a few months ago and I can honestly say it's worth every penny if you're into cycling. I have the Ultegra groupset on another bike and it's silky smooth. if it comes with a 52/36 Chainset you'll probably need an 11/28 cassette to assist in the climbs. Also comes with a half decent set of 35mm aero wheels which handle well when it's windy. You'll be hard pushed to find a bike of this quality and performance for under £2k.
10 Jun 16 #10
The Force version has recently been this price as well, so it may be on offer at this price again soon.

From the Planet X page on Cycle to work schemes:

Can I order a bike with a higher value than the voucher and pay the remaining balance myself?

Planet X have no issue with overspend but we do advise you check that your company allows this since not all companies or C2W providers do.
10 Jun 16 1 #2
Really tempted by this for my C2W bike
scotthoneyman to -BA-
10 Jun 16 #9
Is you c2w not limited to £1000?
10 Jun 16 2 #7
Cracking deal, I have a planet X bike myself and love it. I would rather the SRAM Force but that just personal preference.
scotthoneyman to Adam__H
10 Jun 16 #8
I agree with that I've got a N2A with Force, but at this price full shimano kit is a steal. The force equipped bike is £200 more for some strange reason.
10 Jun 16 #4
It's not a Raleigh Grifter, which is probably a good thing.
9 Jun 16 2 #1
Thanks, that's the triplets birthday presents sorted.

Just pleased we didn't have quads!
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