Again another good deal if you don't want the 5GB data. Although 5GB never lasts as long as you think ;)
Code: TR6450
Top comments
22 Jun 164#23
28 Jun 163#64
Ordered yesterday and arrived 9am today. Chose to ignore negative reviews as they all seemed to be about people struggling to claim cash back or not being eligible for the deal they had originally wanted after credit checks which doesn't apply to me.
The phone arrived factory sealed, there were a few marks on the box but nothing of concern. The phone itself was in perfect condition and I googled the IMEI number before confirming just to double check it had never been activated before after reading something about someone being sent a refurbished phone.
Overall I'm very happy! Though I can't comment on customer service as I haven't dealt with them at all.
Latest comments (73)
10 Jul 16#73
My phone was re-sealed and stickers as a refurb
1 Jul 16#72
Got mine delivered Wednesday and working fine today
1 Jul 16#71
I knwo this has expired but just wanted to chime in with my experience! I was also skeptical about this deal as I've never dealt with before, but I went ahead anyway as the offer was worth taking a chance on! Places the order on Wednesday, sent confirmation emails every step of the way and I received the phone the next day, brand new seal in packaging with no problems (so far anyway). Definitely worth the punt!
30 Jun 16#70
Just to throw my own experience in. I had my reservations (see my posts at #45 & #49) but decided to go for this deal on the silver phone on behalf of my daughter. The experience was very positive: ordering, communications & delivery were all as I hoped and the phone that was delivered was brand new, boxed and fully sealed. Set up with EE was also very straightforward, so for me a very worthwhile deal.
30 Jun 16#69
Tried tech support, they said there's no actual option in the system for them to do that so going to have to get PAC and take number out to another network and then back in again. PITA
30 Jun 16#68
I'll have to give that a try then, what number did you ring for that ?
28 Jun 161#67
Hi, I was told on 2 occasions by EE retentions that I would have to do what you describe. I didn't want to go through the hassle tbh especially as the phone will lock to first network too. I tried another route and went through to technical support rather than retentions and hey presto :smiley: they were really helpful and the number switch should be complete in the next 24-48 hours. I then just need to call them to close my old contract. Give tech support a try :innocent:
28 Jun 161#66
Honestly, I found using Giffgaff the least fuss. It costs £10 to activate the SIM, but you can retrieve your PAC from the online portal.
You can spend that £10 as you like, for example, on a month of Spotify Premium.
28 Jun 16#65
Thanks, presumed as much :disappointed:
I don't suppose there is a recommended SIM from another network that I can use as middle man that will give me the least fuss?
28 Jun 163#64
Ordered yesterday and arrived 9am today. Chose to ignore negative reviews as they all seemed to be about people struggling to claim cash back or not being eligible for the deal they had originally wanted after credit checks which doesn't apply to me.
The phone arrived factory sealed, there were a few marks on the box but nothing of concern. The phone itself was in perfect condition and I googled the IMEI number before confirming just to double check it had never been activated before after reading something about someone being sent a refurbished phone.
Overall I'm very happy! Though I can't comment on customer service as I haven't dealt with them at all.
28 Jun 16#63
best I could get with ee retentions was £33.50 a month £150 up front
28 Jun 161#62
Why is this not hotter?????? same deal on EE £50ish
28 Jun 16#61
Its a port away job then come back unless you get EE to price match it then ya cut all that out
28 Jun 16#60
Is there any way to keep your EE number if you're already an EE customer and taking this deal? Or do we have to port the number away from EE and then back again? Seems a royal pain.
28 Jun 161#59
put you're IMEI number in here, will tell you when the 90 day telephone support and 12 month manufaurers warranty is up.
28 Jun 16#58
Where can you check the IMEI No to see if it's new? I got this deal really happy with it phone is factory sealed i have used them before and no problems.
27 Jun 16#57
Just received a gold version, factory sealed exactly how other Apple stuff has always been.
27 Jun 16#56
The imei number on apple is recognised but says the phone has never been activated yet ( a good sign) and I've had a text and email saying DPD will be here between 2 and 3 this afternoon.
27 Jun 16#55
And is it new? Do you have acces to your account via eg. EE? Im hesitating still and i wanna find out how it works
27 Jun 16#54
I was sceptical but ordered Friday and its due today, on an email they have provided the IMEI number so its easy enough to check this on the Apple website so see if the phone is new or not.
26 Jun 161#53
Well, I guess you've just got to be in it to win it.
Orange Boy
26 Jun 161#52
No problems here, ordered Thursday and received phone on Friday lunch time emails sent at every stage of process and DPD give you a one hour delivery slot. These deals don't last forever so grab it whilst you can.
26 Jun 16#51
Well but when a company has more than 50% of 1/5 votes then its not that easy to excuse....
26 Jun 16#50
I know it looks bad, but I took out a similar sort of deal on a 6S Plus last month. Initially, I was skeptic, but then I had a realisation;
Don't a majority of people who post reviews of a company, do it only when they receive bad CS?
I thought 'sod it, what could hurt?'
Luckily I did, because I was accepted in an hour or so, and the phone was delivered the next day via DPD. I saved at least £200 by taking this risk. But, hey yo. Just my two cents. :wink:
26 Jun 16#49
I am in the same boat as you - looking at it for my daughter - and have the same dilemma. The company is owned by Carphone Warehouse and the offer is legit. However - if you check my comment #45 - you will note how poor a lot of the reviews are. I already have 2 contracts with EE and called them to see if they could match this deal and the answer was a resounding 'no'. The contract itself would cost you £10 per month more and the handset would be 6-7 times more expensive as an up front cost going directly with EE according to the lady I spoke to at EE.
26 Jun 16#48
Isnt this some sort of a scam? They have terrible reviews but the price is unbelievably low. I want to get this deal for my girl but im hesitant whether its fake or not? Is it possible to get this directly from EE? Can someone explain me how this works ? are the phones refurbished or used or what?
Done all the due diligence stuff to get this sorted for my daughter but - after looking at the reviews on TrustPilot (almost 53% are 1 star with many saying they would have given 0 Stars if the system allowed) - I am going to go directly to EE as I have two contracts with them already. Link to TrustPilot review of
Silver arrived factory sealed no problems ,deal,deal,deal
Orange Boy
24 Jun 16#43
My daughters Rose Gold iphone 6s just arrived and looks factory sealed to me
24 Jun 16#42
Says this on their website: Please note: Unfortunately we can't' guarantee that the seal on your mobile phone box won't be broken. This is due to spots checks that are made in our warehouse before despatch. If the seal has been broken when you receive your phone, this is the reason why and there is no need to contact us.
24 Jun 16#41
Thanks for heads up. I wonder if their sim free phones are returns too which is why they are so cheap
24 Jun 16#40
23 Jun 161#39
Got one off these a few months back and I just bought as a new customer and then got PAC off old network n gave it to new one via their online chat, which also closes down your old account (my contract had expired).
23 Jun 16#38
Do you get to transfer your number from another provider? Can't see where you enter the PAC code details.
Orange Boy
23 Jun 16#37
I'm out of contract on EE and want to order this and keep my number, what's the easiest and cheapest method?
23 Jun 16#36
Stock clearance.. ip7 coming soon
23 Jun 16#35
Many thanks :smiley:
mango carrot
23 Jun 16#34
The 7 will be October? Why would you think that, when the 5, 5S, 6 and 6S were released mid Sept? I'll concede that it's a few months, rather than a couple :P
I got this exact same deal back in October. Given the next gen is out in a couple of months I'd have expected it to be better than this. Glad I didn't wait now!
23 Jun 16#31
Can you provide a link to the S7 deal please?
23 Jun 16#30
pretty good deal for this
23 Jun 16#29
As usual only available for new contracts but not upgrades. Any way round this?
23 Jun 16#28
It locks on the first sim (network) you put in
23 Jun 16#27
Yep got this deal exact same on voda November like chap above , should be able get something cheaper now
23 Jun 16#26
voucher code VCEE20 less 20 instead of 10
23 Jun 16#25
I got the 64gb 6S for free on an EE 29.99 p/m tariff with 4gb data about 6 months ago. This barely beats that so don't think it's scorching but if it's the best deal right now (I haven't looked) then I guess it's hot. Hard to believe the prices haven't changed much in all that time though.
23 Jun 16#24
Excellent deal.
22 Jun 164#23
22 Jun 16#22
I personally got this exact deal ( price and data ) but on Vodafone last November, would have thought they would be even cheaper now.
22 Jun 161#21
Nice, thanks. So I might be able to get it in silver?
22 Jun 16#2
Great deal. Unfortunately my teen daughter will not go for the space grey and I can't seem to get this deal in another colour?
kieran_beaty to PlanetP
22 Jun 16#16
gadgetmann to PlanetP
22 Jun 16#18
Tell her if she wants another colour she can pay for her own contract. Problem solved. It's heads you win, tail she loses.
natashairvine31 to PlanetP
22 Jun 161#20
go to uswitch. I got this deal in gold.
22 Jun 16#19
My phone accidentally came with a "refurbished tote" sticker on with "knowhow repair centre" all over it. Therefore I would have unknowingly been getting a "brand new" re-sealed and repaired phone. I called to complain and they said it was a refurb and that it must have been a mistake. To anyone that's unsure of what a tote is just imagine the crates that the fruit and veg are in in supermarkets. Now imagine how many refurbished iPhones you can fit in one of those. Now think how they manage to get the deal so cheap. It's safe to say I returned the phone and cancelled the contract.
22 Jun 16#17
if you go through u switch . ee doing any colour for £25.99 through phone cost £50
22 Jun 16#15
If you change the colour in address bar to the colour you want the deal still works
22 Jun 16#14
Hmmm this or s7? ee 5gb data on carphone warehouse roughly the same after top cashback/sale value for VR headset..
22 Jun 161#13
Is anyone able to actually order this? I continually am told that my card transaction has failed and I have tried on different browsers with different cards...
22 Jun 161#6
Will this phone come locked to EE or can I use an O2 sim?
fedex1401 to Igsteam
22 Jun 16#12
It will be locked to EE as it locks to the first SIM that is inserted. If you sign up to the EE contract I don't see the point in putting another SIM in it anyway. :confused:
mango carrot
22 Jun 161#3
I think this was posted a couple of weeks ago too? It's a good deal, but the 7 comes out In a couple of months and that's the time to go for the 6S deals imo- good if you can't wait though
codge to mango carrot
22 Jun 16#11
October at the earliest and will be £40+ PM
22 Jun 16#10
Sorry it was se64gb
22 Jun 161#4
Only £29.99 upfront on carphonewarehouse plus possible topcashback.
fras23 to cj41
22 Jun 16#7
do you have a link to this deal? I don't see it on their website
AzNDeals to cj41
22 Jun 16#9
Are you sure? The only one that they have not only is a 16gb model, but is an iPhone 6, not 6S..
22 Jun 16#8
Sorry had it in my basket its gone now grrr
22 Jun 16#5
Says on topcashback £101 on ee contracts with carphone warehouse.
22 Jun 16#1
its not unlimited mins...its 1000 mins.. ? or do you apply the code to get unlimited mins instead of 1000 mins
Opening post
Code: TR6450
Top comments
The phone arrived factory sealed, there were a few marks on the box but nothing of concern. The phone itself was in perfect condition and I googled the IMEI number before confirming just to double check it had never been activated before after reading something about someone being sent a refurbished phone.
Overall I'm very happy! Though I can't comment on customer service as I haven't dealt with them at all.
Latest comments (73)
You can spend that £10 as you like, for example, on a month of Spotify Premium.
I don't suppose there is a recommended SIM from another network that I can use as middle man that will give me the least fuss?
The phone arrived factory sealed, there were a few marks on the box but nothing of concern. The phone itself was in perfect condition and I googled the IMEI number before confirming just to double check it had never been activated before after reading something about someone being sent a refurbished phone.
Overall I'm very happy! Though I can't comment on customer service as I haven't dealt with them at all.
Don't a majority of people who post reviews of a company, do it only when they receive bad CS?
I thought 'sod it, what could hurt?'
Luckily I did, because I was accepted in an hour or so, and the phone was delivered the next day via DPD. I saved at least £200 by taking this risk. But, hey yo. Just my two cents. :wink:
Please note: Unfortunately we can't' guarantee that the seal on your mobile phone box won't be broken. This is due to spots checks that are made in our warehouse before despatch. If the seal has been broken when you receive your phone, this is the reason why and there is no need to contact us.
Thanks for heads up. I wonder if their sim free phones are returns too which is why they are so cheap
Rose gold:
My phone accidentally came with a "refurbished tote" sticker on with "knowhow repair centre" all over it. Therefore I would have unknowingly been getting a "brand new" re-sealed and repaired phone. I called to complain and they said it was a refurb and that it must have been a mistake. To anyone that's unsure of what a tote is just imagine the crates that the fruit and veg are in in supermarkets. Now imagine how many refurbished iPhones you can fit in one of those. Now think how they manage to get the deal so cheap. It's safe to say I returned the phone and cancelled the contract.