Beats Amazon's price by 10p. Released 24th of June.
Dino Dini’s Kick Off Revival combines the elements that made Kick Off, its sequel Kick Off 2 and Goal such a success, together with the improved technology offered by PS4: high-resolution graphics that keep the spirit of the franchise, updated physics, artificial intelligence, and gameplay that is both easy to learn, yet deep and unusually intense.
15 Jun 161#1
No wonder there's so much hooliganism with names like this on football games! Disgrace and cold.
oUkTuRkEyIII to mivanpy
15 Jun 161#3
What's this guy on about?
15 Jun 16#2
think I will wait until reviews before rushing out to buy a PS4
or maybe I should just dig out my amiga 500 from the loft
Gold Feet to bojangles
15 Jun 16#5
You be careful, maybe get one of your Grandsons to go up there? :wink:
Loved this game back in the day :smiley:
Opening post
Beats Amazon's price by 10p. Released 24th of June.
Dino Dini’s Kick Off Revival combines the elements that made Kick Off, its sequel Kick Off 2 and Goal such a success, together with the improved technology offered by PS4: high-resolution graphics that keep the spirit of the franchise, updated physics, artificial intelligence, and gameplay that is both easy to learn, yet deep and unusually intense.
or maybe I should just dig out my amiga 500 from the loft
Loved this game back in the day :smiley:
Not a good one mind.
Ps I gave heat I'm looking forward to this.