Wickes currently have 20% off the 85L Haemmerlin Chillington Camden Classic Puncture Free Wheelbarrow 85L making it £39.99 (Previously £49.99) beating prices on eBay etc.
This appears to be a good price for the Puncture Free Version, and gets good reviews (on Wickes and other sites). This is also UK made.
There appears to be plenty of stock around the country, with Click and Collect available.
Hope this is useful to someone.
2 Jun 16#3
After using a wheelbarrow with a ball wheel I would never use these type of wheelbarrows again. Hands the best for wheeling around heavy waste.
2 Jun 16#2
thanks op , def need the puncture free around here ,
blackthorn hedging !
Opening post
This appears to be a good price for the Puncture Free Version, and gets good reviews (on Wickes and other sites). This is also UK made.
There appears to be plenty of stock around the country, with Click and Collect available.
Hope this is useful to someone.
blackthorn hedging !