Not sure how this deal will be perceived but I bought £3 worth of timber at my local Wickes (SOT) yesterday and was given a number of 15% off vouchers over the next few months. Ok I know so should you lots of Wickes prices are over priced ie nails/screws etc etc etc but if you know your prices then I've found they can be cheaper than my local builders merchants on a number of products. My last Wickes deal was Easter when their site crashed I got 15 litres masonry paint (brick red) for £40 no one else could touch that price. Not sure if this is national as the Stoke (Vicy Rd) branch is under going a fit out so it might only be this store as the voucher booklet does have "Stoke" printed on the front.
21 May 16#1
thanks OP may pop down later
21 May 16#2
I think Wickes are very reasonable for most things compared to B&Q and Homebase, often on a par with Screwfix. Hope you are not painting your bricks in brick red masonry paint I absolutely detest that. Would put me off buying a house that had painted bricks.
21 May 16#3
No just painting existing rendered walls, over 10 years since was last done so definitely due!
21 May 16#4
Anyone else managed to get these elsewhere, I have a £450 order pending so 15% off would be great.
buzyxbee to margamboy
21 May 16#5
got a load from cannock store so id say its national
21 May 16#6
I got 15% off in Northallerton yesterday buying 30 Quid's worth of wood to build a tele cabinet. that is a newly opened store though, so thought it was just a deal they were doing. they also gave me some vouchers for 15% off on next visit.
21 May 16#7
Hi, this will be store specific. You are right...stores having a refit will hand these vouchers out.
They will be stores up and down the country having a refit, it's a case of when it's near you!
21 May 16#8
Can the vouchers then be used online? I'm planning on buying deck building materials this week so this would be an enormous help.
22 May 16#9
Anyone got any spare 15% off vouchers, which they're likely not to use by any chance? And can this be used on their kitchen units in store too ?
22 May 16#10
i would like to 15off if anyone got any spare one. ythanks
24 May 16#11
can anyone confirm plrase if we use it online? and the other question is how do we get the vouchers? is it at the checkout after you paid for the goods?
Opening post
They will be stores up and down the country having a refit, it's a case of when it's near you!