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Virgin Mobile updated Tariffs £10.00
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Virgin Mobile updated Tariffs £10.00

£10 Virgin Media6 May 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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5 May 16
Virgin Mobile has added extra data to the sim deals. Worth giving them a call if you are an existing customer!

Highlight for me is 2500 mins plus 2500 mins to 08 numbers, plus unlimited texts and 2GB of data for £10 per month.
Top comments
secretmsg to Minlack
6 May 16 8 #39
​They been saying that since 2014
jb66 to popit
5 May 16 7 #5
All comments (87)
5 May 16 #2
that's pretty good actually. the old £12 a month tariff of 2500 minutes, unlimited texts and 2gb of data is now down to £10 a month.

i managed to get my sister unlimited minutes and texts and 4gb of data for £10 a month on a retention deal with them which is handy.

i've got unlimited everything with them myself for £20 a month.
dothedealnow to HankHandsome
5 May 16 #7
I don't believe Virgin do unlimited data?
5 May 16 1 #3
unlimited minutes and texts and 6gb of data and spotify on vodafone retention only 13.50
jb66 to popit
5 May 16 7 #5
888eyeball to popit
6 May 16 #21
​for that price with unlimited calls and text voda gave me 10gb of data :confused:
5 May 16 1 #4
Virgin Mobile is still going?... Wow
5 May 16 #6
3g only
5 May 16 #8
They kind of did, you got 4GB then they reduce you to a slow speed after, so it was unlimited in the sense that you cant go over a limit, but they slowed you down
5 May 16 #9
There is no unlimited data tariffs anymore unless you on old one.
asmahaji1 to bobusm
6 May 16 #28
They've cancelled unlimited data tariff
5 May 16 1 #10
My current Retention deal is £9.50 unlimited calls/texts/data. Used to be £8.

The 3G is so slow though.
BLOSSOM143 to ratfink
5 May 16 #14
​yeah mine was £5.00 mth went up to £9.50 yeah they really need to sort there internet from 3G to 4G only businesses get 4G they told me!? so will be sticking but will change partners 2morro :-)
5 May 16 1 #11
tried to order a sim but only for existing virgin media costumer!!:disappointed:
AndyRoyd to naslondon
6 May 16 #22
Strange, webpage specifically states VM "don't mind" if you're not an existing customer:
5 May 16 2 #12
Thanks! Will drop down to the £5 tariff and save a bit of money. Only need 500mb for emails etc.
steford to Minlack
6 May 16 #27
Call them and you may get 1GB for your fiver.
5 May 16 #13
pay 10.00 now but get less so changing 2morro thanks OP :sunglasses:
5 May 16 #15
Thanks op. Paying £12.40 unlimited and 2gig.
phone call bashing coming up : )
5 May 16 2 #16
Why the heck is it not automatic,just checked and my £5 sim deal is still the same.Damn you Virgin you treat us like virgins.
5 May 16 #17
Im on 1000 minutes + Unlimited Text + 500MB Data for £8, what do i have to say on the phone to get this £10 deal? Do i have to threaten to leave them?
ando to clnsndrs
5 May 16 1 #19
you can do better
jb66 to clnsndrs
6 May 16 #25
You could do that, or just ask to move to the new tarrif
5 May 16 #18
6 May 16 #20
I have that SIM already. In all i have 3 pay monthly SIMS, One at £5 like yours and the other 2 like i posted £8. The 4th is a LG G4 2yr contract which has 4GB data. I need the £8 ones sorting but my account shows £12 just for 1GB of data. I need to know if threatening to leave will make this deal or if a courtesy call will get me it?
6 May 16 #23
My VM SIMO tariff: unlim mins, unlim txts, unlim stnd 08xx access, unlim data, 3.5GB FUP, £7/m.
6 May 16 #24
Seems the retention deals are quite varied in price and tariffs...
6 May 16 #26
The popular belief that the Virgin FUP is automatically applied once you hit a certain amount of data usage isn't actually true.

There is a FUP of 3.5gb and if you exceed that, they look at how you've done it first and foremost. If you've gone over inside the first few days or you're hammering it with tethering and downloading torrents (which, apparently, some people actually do do on their phones) then they'll likely throttle you back.

If your usage is more spread out and you don't hammer it, you'll never get throttled. I've been on unlimited data since last october and i've exceeded 3.5gb many times and have yet to experience any problems at all.
6 May 16 #29
The fiver sim deal might just do for me
6 May 16 #30
The virgin unlimited data tariff is still available but you have to ask for it - that's how i got mine.
6 May 16 #31
They haven't cancelled mine:
6 May 16 #32
Was going to get the £5 p/m sim but just spoke to 3 and they have matched it so staying with them
6 May 16 1 #33
you can also get a spending cap on virgin deals so hot from me.
6 May 16 #34
Thanks for the heads up, have some heat! FYI - moved this to mobiles section
6 May 16 #35
a bit confused. some people here say the data is 3G? What is it exactly, 4G or 3G? If it is 4G, I am looking to get one.
gregok to wildcolor
6 May 16 #36
Its 3G only.
secretmsg to wildcolor
6 May 16 #37
3g .. 4g is only for business contract.
6 May 16 #38
Lady on the phone said they will be introducing 4G later in the year for all customers. Not a guarantee... but they really should in order to keep up with the competition.
secretmsg to Minlack
6 May 16 8 #39
​They been saying that since 2014
6 May 16 #40
Same for me, been with them ages and paying £19 p/m for unlimited everything.
6 May 16 #41
Have this deal for £11 plus free sure signal and 3 months free
6 May 16 #42
Same reaction. Didn't realise they were still afloat.
6 May 16 #43
VM were going to sell to Vodafone but it looks like they want 3/O2 to merge as they have a provisional contract if the merger gets the go ahead. They probably want to get off the EE network because of BT :smiley:

You can get better deals as posted here, just say you want to cancel and others getting better deal. I haven't had to haggle on SIMO with Virgin, they usually are very accommodating.
6 May 16 #44
​I got unlimited everything for £7.30 a month
6 May 16 1 #45
Oh.. need to call for that extra 1GB on my £10 SIMO
6 May 16 #46
Tempted as for a year I was with them for a yr and worked out for free cos they kept messing my bills
6 May 16 #47
I'm on old sim only deal, unlimited data, texts & calls. £8.21 pm. Use about 6GB a month. Expect one day they'll cancel it. :-(
6 May 16 #48
I managed to get unlimited everything with them for £14.00 a month (Was £10.50 a month about a year ago but it's went up since then)
6 May 16 #49
They sent me a letter and said from 18th may they were going to change my tariff as they are no longer providing unlimited data
6 May 16 #50
I got the same deal but struggle to use anymore than 3gb per month having wifi at work and home. I was told that any usage over 3.5gb and speeds drop right down to 2g, never used that much, can you confirm either way if its the case.
6 May 16 #51
Btw anyone on a contract wanting to change their sim to a nano sim Virgin used to charge £5 but two days ago I went on CS and got the change for free and delivered yesterday.
6 May 16 #52
you've been very lucky then. most people who have gotten to that pricepoint have usually been a full virgin media customer in excess of five years - sometimes a lot longer.
6 May 16 1 #54
Great post - heat added. I'm an existing customer and was on 1gb data + unlimited calls + unlimited texts for £13 a month. Rang up after seeing this post and they tried to fob me off by saying the new tariffs were for new customers and not existing customers. When I asked if I could terminate my contract and take out a new (better) one they put me through to somebody else and I'm now on unlimited texts + unlimited minutes + 3gb data for £15. So an extra 2gb data for £2 :smiley: I'm well happy - thank you OP.
6 May 16 1 #55
Nice one
6 May 16 #56
Not any more you can't. Virgin just ended it.
6 May 16 #57
Ha! Okay. I'll give it a couple of months. Only need 4G when I dump my creaky old Lumia 520. Old...
6 May 16 1 #58
No they haven't. The used to do unlimited minutes to 08 numbers on £12 a month sim only contracts but they now have a limit of max 5000 minutes of 08 calls per month. So yes, you can still use as mentioned in comment # 1 to make FREE international calls using your 08 calls allowance.
7 May 16 #59
I am on an old no longer available tariff they offered for a while to existing customers:

Unlimited calls, unlimited texts, 1gb data... £8 per month.

I find the service very good.
7 May 16 #60
With regards to Virgin doing 4G, the man I was speaking to a while back who gave me the "official" explanation about the FUP and how it's applied said that as far as 4G goes, they are trying but they simply cannot give any definitive dates.

He said they found out they were going to do the iPhone two weeks before it was actually due to go on sale so it was a mad dash for everyone to get trained up on them, get the stock in, get the tariffs sorted e.t.c.. and he said that the likelihood was that it would be the same with 4G in that they'd know when they know and no sooner.

So anyone saying it's "coming later this year" isn't being entirely truthful, but they're not completely lying either as they are definitely trying to get it and have been for some time.
7 May 16 #61
Anyone know if Virgin offer free to receive calls roaming in Europe on their PAYG, as they do on their contracts?

I pay £8 per month for unlimited mins and text, plus 1GB Data.
7 May 16 #62
i get unlimited web 500 text 200 minutes for 11.58 a month with virgin ?
7 May 16 #63
Are you sure you only get 200mins, I was put on a similar tariff around 2 years ago after calling them, they offered your tariff but with unlimited text for £8 a month. Then around 6 months ago I got a letter to say that they were upping the tariff by £1.50 a month but also adding more minutes, so I now pay £9.50 a month but get 500mins, UL text and data only thing missing is 4g but I guess prices will go up once they introduce it.
7 May 16 #64
you can buy unlimited data on three today
8 May 16 #65
These are all poor deals by default as Virgin, bafflingly, do not offer 4G. I left them as I was on a cheap 3G deal and you could barely download a picture and loading web pages takes 8-10 seconds if you are lucky. 3G is woefully inadequate in this day and age. Voted cold.
9 May 16 1 #66
i think is unfair for you to say "3G is woefully inadequate in this day and age", whats woefully inadequate in this day and age is virgin mobiles policy on throttling the connection making it unusable. My parents live in a rural area and 3G tops out at 20mbps, hardly "woefully inadequate" as you claim..
9 May 16 #67
Are you getting mixed up with G and 3g? I stream online radio and watch YouTube with no issues
9 May 16 #68
Virgin's throttling "policy" has been explained on this thread already, in so much as there isn't one unless you hammer the allowance all the time.

But, as far as the 3G "issue" goes, I agree with you. It's very far removed from "woefully inadequate", and I live very close to a number of 3G blackspots.
10 May 16 #69
Just finished a live chat, I was promised by the end of this month!! Seeing as they use the EE network I wrongly assumed the data connection would be 4G. Very annoying.
10 May 16 #70
What number is people using to get through to UK customer services? 789 takes you to the Philipines, so I used an 0800 number yesterday to get the UK, but today it was going through to the Philipines too. Eventually found another 0800 number which did get me the UK, but had to get a PAC code as both yesterday and again today they weren't offering anything better than the now standard £10 deal.

What I did get confirmed today though, was that the free 08 numbers includes all 08 numbers, including 0844 and 0871, but excludes 083 which I've never heard of to be honest..
14 May 16 #71
I'm on 250 mins, unlimited text, unlimited data for £5
21 May 16 #72
We've got unlimited everything for £8 a month.
21 May 16 #73
Says 08 numbers are free, wrong... 0800 and 0808 are, but not the rest.
22 May 16 #74
"""08 numbers: Use these additional minutes to call any number that begins with 08 without using up your regular UK minutes. Calls to 080 are always free."""

You obviously don't understand the difference between 'free' and 'included/inclusive'. '080' numbers are free, other '08' ones are included in the additional 2500 minutes. And just to spell it out for you, that's over 41 hours of calls in a month!!!
26 May 16 #75
Can anyone on one of the new tariffs confirm that it works with makefreecalls?
26 May 16 #76
The latest from Virgin is that 0844 and 0871 numbers are NOT included in your minutes allowance. 0845 and 0870 are included, and of course 0800 and 0808 are free.
26 May 16 #77
I have replied to your question HERE on the other thread.
13 Jun 16 #78
As I have learned today, just because Virgin offer you unlimited/2500/5000 08 minutes does not mean they're going to let you use them. I had a contract which used just a bit over 2000 minutes last month and they have just forced termination citing "excessive usage of 08 numbers". I asked them how it can be excessive when the new £10 contracts offer 2500 minutes rather than the usually vague "unlimited" and they wouldn't budge.

It seems that now not only do we have to question what unlimited really means but even when you are sold a specific number of minutes (and I guess texts and data) you may not get to use them!
13 Jun 16 #79
This is ridiculous. Why offer a set number of minutes in the first when they have no intention to honour them. Why not just offer 300 minutes of 08 calls like Vodafone does. Madness.
13 Jun 16 #80
Just checked via live chat and they state all numbers are included that start with 08, no exclusions.
Do you have a source for your info?
13 Jun 16 #81
All 08 numbers are inclusive from both my Virgin mobile sims. I use them almost every day.
13 Jun 16 #82
I have an active complaint against Vodafone for charging me for using an 08 call-through when I had allowance left in an 08 add-on. They specifically said I have been charged not for the call to the 08 number but for the final leg of the call to the final destination.

Be careful out there. Telecoms companies cannot be trusted to follow the rules.
13 Jun 16 #83
What has become apparent is that Virgin staff basically haven't a clue! You phone and speak to someone, you then phone again, speak to someone else and they tell you differently from the previous person.

Quite frankly, the fat-cat bosses of companies like Virgin obviously are totally brass-necked and arrogant, and have no shame in taking their fat salaries while providing abysmal levels of customer service.
13 Jun 16 #84
​My line was terminated too today with same reason, so basically it was not unlimited nor they want you to use too much.
13 Jun 16 #85
I totally agree with you there and now we can add not even letting you use the allowances they sell you...
19 Jun 16 #86
On the phone, Virgin have stated exactly what you have stated, i.e. not all 08 numbers are included. I asked where was this stated and she said in the terms, but couldn't tell me where!
And in my tariff summary screen there is no mention of the included 08 calls either!
16 Jul 16 #87
​are you still getting that? I was on this until they sent me a letter to kindly inform me that the price would increase by £3
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