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Two weeks all inclusive to Bulgaria £252pp@ Thomson Holidays £504.00
3.5 stars +275

Two weeks all inclusive to Bulgaria £252pp@ Thomson Holidays £504.00

£504 Thomson Holidays25 May 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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25 May 16
One for the northerners here . Just booked two weeks all inclusive to hotel polyusi in sunny beach 9th June from Manchester. Holiday with skytours . Reviews for the hotel are mixed but for the price you can't expect five star luxury .
Top comments
25 May 16 9 #4
I lived and worked there for several years, and had a brilliant time, avoiding other Brits like the plague.
I'd love to know the rough outline of the horror stories, and whether or not they occurred in and around the resorts, as that's usually where the problems are.
When I was there, quite a few men who were arriving at the airports had obviously taken too much notice of the ''grab yourself a Russian bride'' adverts, and assumed women would swoon at their feet because they had a foreign passport, whilst others assumed they could get drunk for a few quid, make idiots of themselves, and stick two fingers up to the local police when asked to behave - not a good idea for foreigners to take the **** out of a police force noted for accepting mafia bribes, and stopping cars for the most obscure reasons until their palms were greased (if you were unlucky they'd then nick you for trying to bribe a police officer !).
The Thomson flights to Bourgas can be rowdy due to groups of drunken Brits sadly, so if you want to take young children and avoid the louts, fly to Varna or use another company..... but then if the price appeals to you, be prepared for the worst and it might not happen.
Oh yes, please don't lean over your hotel balcony when drunk, as there are dead tourists most years due to exactly that behaviour.
25 May 16 7 #8
The currency site are quoting a rate of 2.57 lev to the pound, so you should get around 2.50-2.55 in a city centre bureau, but airports and even resorts fleece you, so get an idea of the current rate before travelling.
Of course, if you're there for a holiday it might not bother you whether you get 2.30 or 2.50, but when living there, changing a hundred quid at a time means perhaps losing 20 lev at the example rates given, and that 20 lev can buy me and my kids some fried fish (tsatsa), chips, burger, and drinks including a few draught beers for me, at a favourite place on Varna beach, so I always use a trusted exchange bureau which gives brilliant rates and no swindling.
If anyone goes and plans on returning flight only, bring a few lev back in case you need them quickly next time, for example flights into Bourgas often arrive around 1am, so we waited with coffee in the airport café until the first bus into the city about 5am, and then a quick breakfast and another bus up to Varna, all of which we paid for with money from the previous trip until we could get to a good change bureau.
Sorry to go on at length, but I love the country very much, and would prefer everyone to have a decent fun holiday, as it's also easy to get cheated or robbed out there if you're not alert, and know how to spot the particular minority group who are incredibly brilliant pickpockets - they're specially trained and usually the lighter skinned ones are chosen so as to blend in with tourists, but once you get used to it then it's easy to be safe.
Latest comments (51)
6 Jun 16 #51
Getting excited now !
6 Jun 16 #50
Got back last week from a great deal on here (albeit in Nesebar instead of Sunny Beach) and wish I was still there!
Would happily go back.
We managed to not get threatened, robbed or killed - just followed usual due diligence when visiting a foreign place e.g. not waving large wads of cash etc... None of our electronics / money went missing from the hotel.
The most hassle we got (if you can call it that) was from persistent taxi drivers.
28 May 16 #48
Nope... im talking about using a main high street bank in Bulgaria or Thailand or many other countries. I work for a large UK Bank. Simply put... there are higher costs involved in the UK money changing services holding multiple foreign currencies and supplying them than a local bank giving yiu local currency.
helenlouis to hielliot
31 May 16 1 #49
I am in this hotel now, it is sunny and the hotel is pretty quiet. We have a very clean room, free ac and free wifi. I would recommend this hotel to relax for this month, I think it will be packed in the summer. The main noisy lively part is a 10 mins stroll. Great to send your teenagers to.
27 May 16 #47
Why would I need to work in retail or investment banking to know anything about basic stuff like that, it's common advice to all business travellers these days and it's gotten to the point where we plain out get told not to exchange money locally on a lot of trips, I've even gotten cash advances to help prevent it.

Money laundering is a major problem across the EU and across the whole world and it's something that's getting a lot of attention. You don't get something for nothing and overheads on cash exchange for large operators is next to nothing so if you are getting a better deal it should automatically raise suspicions because the only added value is the clean cash value. If you don't want the risk of contributing to that you do it here in the UK from somewhere reputable(like M&S for example) if you don't care do what you like. It's also worth considering that it's also better to support UK businesses rather than foreign ones.
27 May 16 #46
if you dont work in retail or investment banking or work in a compliance related anti money laundering roll, then keep you trap shut as you full of BS pal!
27 May 16 1 #45
some of the comments on this thread are from mindless fools who dont have a clue about Bulgaria! thats coming from someone who has been going to sunny beach for the past 10 year with my family/friends! yeah its not everybodys cup of tea, and yes (like any other summer holiday beach resort) you get big group of idiots on the lash all day in the central beach areas!

stay clear of these fools (sunny beach is 8km in size) or stay around ravla/nesebar/obzor if you want a quieter resort!
i have never been threatened, mugged/robbed in 10 years and know alot of great local Bulgarians who work hard for 6 months solid to make sure you have a fab holiday!

ref the leva discussion- i use the local exchange CROWN Exchange booth ( big blue crown on top ) and there are loads everywhere you go in sunny beach and you get better rates here than in the UK
27 May 16 #44
noooo stay away
26 May 16 #43
If you are getting a better rate on your cash than an exchange in your country of origin then there is something dodgy going on. From what you said you are likely exchanging money from somewhere that's got some suspect connections and using it to launder dirty local currency into clean foreign currency. There are places in lots of countries that will give you better rates than what the going international exchange rate is, however you ABSOLUTELY should never ever use them.
26 May 16 #42
It is full of thieves
26 May 16 #41
Are the hotels safe ?? Sorry if silly question !!I am going with my teenage 16yr old daughter just the two of us , I bit worried re out and about alone oOthanks
26 May 16 1 #40
I (male, 30) have been 3 times. Once in a mixed group of 6, one with a group of 6 lads and then again on my own. Never had any problems with anyone. The only trouble I've seen there was the first year that I went when England played Germany in the world cup or euros and after Germany won, the Brits were burning German flags and becoming rowdy with Germans. It's typically the case though. Brits are often the biggest cause of trouble in these types or resorts but luckily Sunny Beach has a higher number of germans/Scandinavians so there seems to be less chaos.

Do avoid strip clubs though as I've heard of them seriously ripping people off and as mentioned, the resort/country is ran by the mafia so you probably don't have the police on hand to help you if some bouncers in a strip club demand £500 from you.

Do check out the amazing cars down at the mafia hotel on the beach front however. They are amazing! I've forgotten the name of it but you will know when you see it.
26 May 16 #39
I was told its crap from a few mates who travel a lot and they said it is full of thieves and that is just the maids robbing mobiles and kids nintendos . They could not wait to go home .
26 May 16 #38
I used to work with some Bulgarian girls 15 years ago (aged in their early 20's) , they seemed nice enough people to work with, most of them did get deported for overstaying their visas. Anyway that's not the case now as Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. They also didn't get on at all with Russians that I worked with.
26 May 16 #37
​Went last year to sunny beach for first time and the hotel we stayed at "tiara beach" was booked out for this year very early, didn't see anything remotely bad in the 2 weeks we were there, the food was great and everything was so cheap. The locals have the place very safe as well
26 May 16 1 #36
I stayed in a hell hole of a hotel right on the strip. It was called the Pomorie. I strongly advise going to that place! The beer and food in the bar next door was spot on and extremely cheap.
26 May 16 #35
My in laws have a place near Bansko in Bulgaria. When we go out there I use my Halifax Clarity, but you are better off taking pounds sterling (in crisp £10 or £20 notes) and using a Bureau de Change or Bank out there to change money. The same in Thailand - you get a better rate than you would in the UK or using the Visa/Mastercard interchange rate
26 May 16 #34
Why wouldn't you just change your currency in the UK BEFORE you travel, there are so many cheap places now and often the cheapest are the most reputable like M&S. Frankly if you are needing to change money at the other end you are often better off just eating the transaction fee on your credit card(or getting a card with small to no fees).
25 May 16 2 #33
Rusev matchka
25 May 16 1 #32
I am not a big beer drinker, but the Kamenitza and Zagorka are the 2 most famous brands, but there are many others like Shumensko.

Local spirit is called Rakia/Rakiya - it's normally made from fermented fruits, usually plums or grapes.

I would personally never go to Sunny Beach for a holiday - this place is loud, dirty and overcrowded. If you are a party person then it's fine. There are many other fine resorts on the bulgarian seaside - St. Vlas, Nesebar, Sozopol, Pomorie and many others.
25 May 16 #31
yep.... me too, i like to party but also see the the old towns and a different view... chill
25 May 16 #30
Yes, I think you are right in saying that Sunny Beach is a party destination. My daughter's boyfriend went with a bunch of male college friends two years ago, and last year, my daughter went with a bunch of her female college friends. My daughter and her friends bought tickets in advance to go on the party cruises. Though there must be other parts of Bulgaria that are more suited to families and those that don't want to party.
25 May 16 1 #29
Really looking forward to going to nesebar
25 May 16 2 #28
Next time I will re read and run a spell check before I post

25 May 16 1 #27
Sunny beach is a party destination. Central summer beach is close to Magaluf.

If you want quite place hop on to Vlast or Nesebar. 15 mins by bus. Or you can even walk it if you fancy.

I am in Bulgaria sunny beach every summer. Last year I was for two months... Lost of Russians are expected this summer on Bulgaria because they avoid turkey now like place after the fighter jet accident earlier this year. I am mentions that because Russian women are hot and at time they could be rather friendly.....
25 May 16 1 #26
A family trip to sunny beach in June......... Erm yes enjoy that, it will be hell
25 May 16 #25
Have you ever tried the Mussels ? The size of the plate and amount of mussels is crazy i think it was only a few quid too lol
25 May 16 1 #24
Yep ! Been there for two weeks and went to Djannys every single day. Prices are a joke and food is top notch. Smoking hot manager as well !
25 May 16 1 #23
​So how many years were you a rep?
25 May 16 1 #22
Pirinsko & schumensko ^_^
At least that is what I drink in the Winter Resort Bansko
Some good local wines can be found as well if your prepared to try a few.
25 May 16 #21
Depends where you go. Daughter has a place in the north on the coast is lovely. Sunny Beach a bit like Bulgarian Blackpool without the tower. Bulgarians very friendly and prices very good value for money.
25 May 16 #20
Still Damn cheap though . Happy days
25 May 16 2 #19
Vote remain if you want to go here.
25 May 16 #18
Do you what the local beer is over there?
What to ask for ? Do they have a local spirit?

Thanks mate
25 May 16 #17
My mistake.
25 May 16 1 #16
At this rate it will be HUKD overseas conference venue . See you all there
25 May 16 1 #2
Anyone been to Bulgaria ? Heard horror stories from work friends who have been
lindseyiredale to yozzman1234
25 May 16 2 #15
​i went 2 yrs ago i loved it it was fab caters for everybody and sooooo cheap
25 May 16 #14
Also I saw this hotel earlier from Luton or Gatwick £160 all inclusive... think was 6th or 10th June.... via Thomson last minute page
25 May 16 1 #13
I'm going in June ....

I've heard some stories but tbh I'll just be careful make my own judgement and not wind up locals!

If you smile be nice to people they'll tend to respond in a similar manner
25 May 16 2 #12
25 May 16 #11
25 May 16 1 #10
I am an actual bulgarian living in the UK, so if you have any questions do ask :smiley:
25 May 16 #9
Thanks for all your brilliant tips . I'm really looking forward now
25 May 16 7 #8
The currency site are quoting a rate of 2.57 lev to the pound, so you should get around 2.50-2.55 in a city centre bureau, but airports and even resorts fleece you, so get an idea of the current rate before travelling.
Of course, if you're there for a holiday it might not bother you whether you get 2.30 or 2.50, but when living there, changing a hundred quid at a time means perhaps losing 20 lev at the example rates given, and that 20 lev can buy me and my kids some fried fish (tsatsa), chips, burger, and drinks including a few draught beers for me, at a favourite place on Varna beach, so I always use a trusted exchange bureau which gives brilliant rates and no swindling.
If anyone goes and plans on returning flight only, bring a few lev back in case you need them quickly next time, for example flights into Bourgas often arrive around 1am, so we waited with coffee in the airport café until the first bus into the city about 5am, and then a quick breakfast and another bus up to Varna, all of which we paid for with money from the previous trip until we could get to a good change bureau.
Sorry to go on at length, but I love the country very much, and would prefer everyone to have a decent fun holiday, as it's also easy to get cheated or robbed out there if you're not alert, and know how to spot the particular minority group who are incredibly brilliant pickpockets - they're specially trained and usually the lighter skinned ones are chosen so as to blend in with tourists, but once you get used to it then it's easy to be safe.
25 May 16 #7
No it isn't . That's for half board not all inclusive
25 May 16 1 #5
Great to hear from someone who is in the know . I too try to avoid the tourists like the plague . I have no intention of going nightclubbing till dawn or throwing people swimming pool etc . If you act like an idiot you deserve what's coming to you
25 May 16 9 #4
I lived and worked there for several years, and had a brilliant time, avoiding other Brits like the plague.
I'd love to know the rough outline of the horror stories, and whether or not they occurred in and around the resorts, as that's usually where the problems are.
When I was there, quite a few men who were arriving at the airports had obviously taken too much notice of the ''grab yourself a Russian bride'' adverts, and assumed women would swoon at their feet because they had a foreign passport, whilst others assumed they could get drunk for a few quid, make idiots of themselves, and stick two fingers up to the local police when asked to behave - not a good idea for foreigners to take the **** out of a police force noted for accepting mafia bribes, and stopping cars for the most obscure reasons until their palms were greased (if you were unlucky they'd then nick you for trying to bribe a police officer !).
The Thomson flights to Bourgas can be rowdy due to groups of drunken Brits sadly, so if you want to take young children and avoid the louts, fly to Varna or use another company..... but then if the price appeals to you, be prepared for the worst and it might not happen.
Oh yes, please don't lean over your hotel balcony when drunk, as there are dead tourists most years due to exactly that behaviour.
25 May 16 #3
I will report back in due course
25 May 16 1 #1
This is based on two of us sharing a family room . Take more people and the price per person drops .
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