Sandisk 960GB 2.5" SATA3 Ultra II Performance SSD/Solid State Drive
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Latest comments (40)
19 May 16#40
No it's definitely marketing Intel know that the customer has a presumption based on the tier monikers i3,i5i7. I work as an IT refusbisher/seller I know how the customer thinks unfortunately.
19 May 16#39
Opps good spot, I didn't read that bit, 2x4GB it is.
19 May 16#38
good price but not good enough to make me get one, they're getting closer to a fair price tho, heat :sunglasses:
19 May 16#37
I was referring to the second part of your statement. The first part is kind of correct, it is not Intel's fault that customers can not work out simple model numbers/generations.
19 May 16#36
I think you know exactly what I mean and just wanted to be pedantic.
19 May 16#35
I guess you may have had your head in the sand and think Intel only make U series CPU's then?
You should have highlighted the 8GB Max. Just to avoid any confusion. But if the mobo only supoorts upto 8GB, then i would use 2x4GB. Not saying you should, but best use of Dual Channel support i think.
19 May 16#32
Only if ...!!
19 May 16#31
Thanks OP
18 May 16#2
Does anyone know whether this will work in my Dell inspiron N5010 i5 laptop?
bavi014 to richie1
18 May 16#7
yes it should, it did work on my inspiron n4110. mor or less similar designed laptops. do look out for hardware maintenance manual specific to your model though.
fishmaster to richie1
18 May 16#12
Yes it will, as long as you don't mind following this video and taking your whole laptop apart, there's no HDD easy access panel on N5010. Not the greatest laptop Dell has come up with to be honest.
If we vote out you'd better buy PDQ before the £ really takes a battering!
The long term benefits of being in or out are debatable, but in the short term we'd likely see a significant dip against the $, because if there's one thing the currency market doesn't like it is instability, or even any possibility of it!
Even if we did end up doing better out of leaving in the long term, it seems very likely that there would be a short term (up to a year) and possibly even medium term (few years) hit in currency value.
18 May 16#18
Can I ask a stupid question also.
So I've been out of the desktop scene for a good while, been using laptops.
For me 2.5" drive = laptop drive. 2.5" drive now though will fit perfectly find in a desktop case won;t it?
I mean it's normal to use these in desktops nowadays?
FWIW I have bought a Fractal Design R5 case.
BigBlueDot to disciple
18 May 161#19
Yes. I've got the R4 and there are 2 slots for 2.5" drives below the motherboard tray. I think it's the same on the R5.
OnlyJoeKing to disciple
19 May 16#22
I've got the same case. If you take off the rear side panel, where all the wires go, there are two places for you to fasten in SSD drives.
Great case!
TheSummer to disciple
19 May 161#27
Yes it will fit. You don't actually need any slots for holding it though. Since there are no moving parts, you can just dump it anywhere in the base as long as you can reach a power and sata cable to it. I leave mine just lying behind my power supply.
19 May 16#26
Ordered, thanks OP
19 May 16#25
Hmm, will Amazon match this? also Scan are on as a marketplace seller. I have some vouchers and this looks like a good price.
19 May 16#24
Dont shop till after the vote, as the paund is being battered, and we dont make memory or nand or cpus or any other computer doodads
18 May 16#20
Decent price, let's hope it drops further.
vulcanproject to smsmasters
19 May 16#23
3D NAND driven price drops are going to batter the price of SSDs by the end of this year as most major manufacturers catch up with Samsung and roll them out to mass production. There will be a flood of new drives based in this technology.
19 May 16#21
The price drops of these make me react like Azrael when Butch lifted up his bazooka! :laughing:
18 May 16#17
Thank you :smiley:
18 May 16#16
Hdd to ssd is the biggest possible upgrade for the average user your pc / laptop will literally be 2 or 3x faster booting and opening stuff
18 May 16#15
Thanks for your input. so do you think this will make much difference to its current performance?
18 May 16#14
Thank you very much for your input. so buying this you think it will make a huge difference to the hard drive it came with?
18 May 16#13
i5 means nothing, it's just a marketing term, and it fools most consumers so that's why Intel use it, there's so much variation in the performance of all the i5 CPUs that have been made, it means nothing, even i7 means nothing now on laptops, it used to mean high end quad core, now it means pretty much the same as i3 and i5 which is dual core low power usage, good battery life, very average CPU performance.
The above paragraph is a grammatical catastrophe :smiley:
18 May 16#11
Did it make much difference to you or for the money you spend, is it better buying a whole new laptop. p.s mine is an i5
18 May 16#10
It only supports up to 8gb I'm afraid. so its either 1 X 8gb or 2 X 4gb
18 May 16#1
Not seen it this price since the amazon Christmas lightning deals
fishmaster to MacPhisto
18 May 161#9
Yes it's a deal, but 5 months later and they can't do any better on the price obviously. SSD prices are useless currently. This is always the case with SSDs, the prices will fall but never as quickly as they could do.
18 May 16#8
Good one thanks. I can't believe my account still has free delivery even though I haven't ordered anything from them in 5 years.
18 May 16#6
18 May 16#4
Also anyone know the best place to get memory as may as well do a full overhaul on it. and it is 8gb max. would you recommend 2 X 4gb or is one 8gb best?
Cattle to richie1
18 May 16#5
Most motherboards support dual channel ram so 2 sticks is better than 1, save up and get 2x8GB.
Opening post
Sandisk 960GB 2.5" SATA3 Ultra II Performance SSD/Solid State Drive
Shared Via The HUKD App For Android.
Latest comments (40)
It is not Intel's fault that most customers want U series CPU's, I think the demand for longer battery life is more than for quad core 45w parts.
Thanks OP
The long term benefits of being in or out are debatable, but in the short term we'd likely see a significant dip against the $, because if there's one thing the currency market doesn't like it is instability, or even any possibility of it!
Even if we did end up doing better out of leaving in the long term, it seems very likely that there would be a short term (up to a year) and possibly even medium term (few years) hit in currency value.
So I've been out of the desktop scene for a good while, been using laptops.
For me 2.5" drive = laptop drive. 2.5" drive now though will fit perfectly find in a desktop case won;t it?
I mean it's normal to use these in desktops nowadays?
FWIW I have bought a Fractal Design R5 case.
Great case!
Yes it will fit. You don't actually need any slots for holding it though. Since there are no moving parts, you can just dump it anywhere in the base as long as you can reach a power and sata cable to it. I leave mine just lying behind my power supply.
The above paragraph is a grammatical catastrophe :smiley: