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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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17 May 16
Having a nosey again at holidays! Spotted that there are some corking prices right now for London to Orlando and East Midlands to Orlando. I'd shift fast if you want them though!

UPDATE - 2 adults and 3 kids showing as £125pp (See comment #1)

Dates searched

London Stansted (STN) to Orlando Sanford (SFB), return to London Stansted (STN)

Outbound - Wed 08 Jun 2016
Return - Wed 22 Jun 2016

Same dates based on a family of 4 showing as £133pp (2 Adults and 2 kids)


From East Midlands (EMA) to Orlando Sanford (SFB), return to East Midlands (EMA)

Outbound - Sun 12 Jun 2016
Return - Sun 26 Jun 2016
Top comments
17 May 16 39 #11
​Pet World
17 May 16 17 #20
Is there anything for July. Would have gone for this if it wasn't in Ramadan.
17 May 16 15 #15
​That made sense...
qwerta369 to ozstriker3
17 May 16 15 #12
Teachers have to go on holiday in term time? :confused:
All comments (127)
17 May 16 #1

Also Based on 4 Adults same dates as above (Stansted)
17 May 16 5 #2
Also remember your microchipped passport!
qwerta369 to nathan3007
17 May 16 1 #4
Anyone know where I can get my passport microchipped?
17 May 16 #3
It's coming up £140 for me :-)
NeoTrix to 1234321
17 May 16 1 #7
Can't see that, what are you searching? Thanks :smiley:
17 May 16 1 #5
17 May 16 3 #6
You jus need to renew it as they are standard with the new issues
17 May 16 6 #8
Seeing these prices makes me so happy that we are teachers and have to go in term time which costs around 10x more
alexjameshaines to ozstriker3
17 May 16 #9
​Either have a child and have paternity/maternity


Take the time of unpaid.

I've done the calculation and we'd be better off doing the second option in our household currently. I am sorely tempted.
qwerta369 to ozstriker3
17 May 16 15 #12
Teachers have to go on holiday in term time? :confused:
Babbler to ozstriker3
18 May 16 #38
Phone in sick for 2 weeks :smile:
kamenitzabrit to ozstriker3
18 May 16 6 #42
Think of the advantages like having more or less the same working hours and time off as your children ?
It's your choice of job, and whilst I do understand the frustrations, surely people think of both the pluses and minuses when deciding to embark on a career ?
I have worked as a teacher abroad, and it was great hours when we had babies, as I had daytimes mostly free apart from a bit of lesson prep at times to suit me, then had to be at work between 5pm and around 9pm depending on students turning up or not.
After a few years we realised that whilst we as adults could cope with being foreigners, it was going to be awkward for the children (long story), so we returned here (for now), and are currently self-employed so as to be able to take time off when we want, although an income is not guaranteed.
Everything has it's down side, and it's up to all of us to find the best compromise I think.
sparkles21 to ozstriker3
18 May 16 1 #44
It isn't really anything to do with term time with these dates. It's more due to it being Hurricaine/wet weather season (a lot of rides get closed and it rains hot rain/thunder most of the day) and it being 14 days instead of 7.
17 May 16 2 #10
I'm looking for three adults and two kids from London stanstead on 8th till 22nd :-) not booking though my husband can't get time off work then. :-(
17 May 16 39 #11
​Pet World
17 May 16 2 #13
It's giving you the average price per person (and child tickets are cheaper).

1 adult on their own is £169.
17 May 16 1 #14
​why are you looking for those dates then ?
17 May 16 15 #15
​That made sense...
17 May 16 3 #16
No such thing as time off unpaid in teaching m'fraid.
17 May 16 #17
Because they were the dates in the post, I'm seeing if their is anything else cheap on dates we can go.
17 May 16 2 #18
Your text here
17 May 16 #19
EMA gone!
17 May 16 17 #20
Is there anything for July. Would have gone for this if it wasn't in Ramadan.
NeoTrix to dreamz
17 May 16 #21
Not seeing anything right now, will keep an eye out. Quite pricey for July right now.
kamenitzabrit to dreamz
18 May 16 #39
Perhaps worth a try at some sort of court case for religious discrimination ? After all, you're fast becoming the majority religion in some areas, so these things should really be taken into account in the interests of equality don't you think ? :smirk:
andreasuk to dreamz
18 May 16 1 #56
what difference does it make??
17 May 16 1 #22
Coming up at 133 from stansted , never seen flights so cheap to go
17 May 16 #23
Thank you
17 May 16 9 #24
Don't let the US authorities see that comment! They'll send you back from Donald Trump International Airport!!
17 May 16 #25
17 May 16 #26
17 May 16 #27
How do you get that search
NeoTrix to davidoneman
17 May 16 #29
Just go to flights on the link (so searching flights only) Make sure you select the dates and airports in my description :smiley:
17 May 16 #28
All £509 for me for all the June flights.

Highly expensive.
17 May 16 #30
Just got back from not quite as good a deal. Great plane - standard seats actually have decent leg room. Apart from having to travel with a load of British tourists it was great! :wink:
17 May 16 #31
Is there much to do in Orlando besides the theme parks?
victoriamullins1 to ehosin
17 May 16 5 #32
Oh yes been 7 times, seen beaches, towns, shopping, nasa or just relax :smiley:
qwerta369 to ehosin
17 May 16 8 #33
Travelling to the theme parks in the morning. And travelling back from the theme parks in the evening.
maemaesmummy to ehosin
18 May 16 4 #36
Lots and lots........we moved here 2 years ago,after holidaying here since 2008... Still finding new stuff to do and not a theme park in sight
davester2k to ehosin
18 May 16 #52
There is.

However, it's not the sort of place you should go to if you're not interested in theme parks as there are far more interesting parts of America than the flat, developed swamp that is Florida.
17 May 16 3 #34
Lots more to do than just theme parks , a drive down to miami and call in everglades on way back , a drive up to st augusteen , loads to do , try a shooting range its a different experiance , and nasa a great place to visit
17 May 16 2 #35
Wish it was this cheap to california, much better state. Hard to turn your nose up at this price though
Besford to lordcradden
18 May 16 1 #47
Yeah 'cos it's only twice as far away! :confused:
18 May 16 #37
Don't forget to check you have a biometric passport!
18 May 16 #40
Well, it depends how you look at it.
Since Children dont pay Airport Tax & Duty anymore, it actually makes the child seat look more expensive on the average price.
18 May 16 #41
Tuesday 7 June to Tuesday 21 June 2016 from Manchester - £166pp based on 2 adults, 3 kids.

Friday 10 June to Friday 24 June 2016 from Manchester - £136pp
18 May 16 4 #43
Don't forget this doesn't include any checked luggage, so £60 extra for 20kg case or £80 for 25kg.

Hand luggage is also a measly 5kg. :disappointed:
18 May 16 #45
I am looking to go next year, does May seem to be one of the cheapest months or something? as loads come up?
schristine06 to OrangeAgent
18 May 16 3 #48
The beginning of May is a great time to go. Weather lovely and parks not so busy. I've been 11 times and find April/May the best time
18 May 16 3 #46
18 May 16 #49
I'm dyslexic your lucky you can read what I'm writing
18 May 16 6 #50
"you're" = you are.
18 May 16 #51
Want to go mid August - anyone seen any dates available ?
18 May 16 #53
Prices changed
18 May 16 #54
2 adults and 3 kids now showing at £125pp (Stansted) With same dates, i have updated comment #1
andreasuk to NeoTrix
18 May 16 #60
i only need 3 kids to make the best of this deal.
might run out of time
18 May 16 #55
These prices are without hold luggage, add on another £80pp for 23kg in the hold and the standard 5kg hand-luggage. Still a good deal if you're able to travel light
18 May 16 1 #57
I imagine it's not the ideal time to take a holiday if you're hungry and irritable.
18 May 16 1 #58
Just work 47-48 weeks a year like the rest of us and you'll be fine ;-)
18 May 16 1 #59
i imagine its not.
although the airline companies probably doesnt care about your religion
especially if you dont fly from an arabic country
18 May 16 #61
I'm really interested in this but can't do 2 weeks. Would be happy to go for 1 week but I can't get any flights for 1 week, only 2. Has anyone managed to get flights for just 1 week?
ronaldmacdonald to lewis1231
18 May 16 1 #70
1 week?
18 May 16 1 #62
Am dying to go but can only go in August. what a shame... heat added :smile:
18 May 16 1 #63
Orlando is all about the theme parks/shopping and little else, however the rest of FL has some great places to visit and some fantastic beaches not too far away, some as little as 60-90mins drive.
18 May 16 3 #64
Rain/thunder most of the day ? You;re having a laugh, it does nothing of the sort and having been to the parks last week I can assure you that all rides bar 1 were open.
18 May 16 #65
Any of the new rides open yet? Mako, Kong etc? :smiley:
18 May 16 #66
Neither open yet, think were were advertised as open June or July.
18 May 16 #67
Just booked LOL

Total price of your holiday:

3 adults 1 kid.. in a hotel too.. LOL LGW
NeoTrix to Henlans
18 May 16 1 #68
I'll get my case!
qwerta369 to Henlans
18 May 16 #71
18 May 16 #69

includes breakfast too!
18 May 16 #72
Comments removed - Please keep on topic, cheers
Chasloyal to NeoTrix
18 May 16 1 #76
I'd dare to suggest talking about how hundreds of thousands of people 'qualify' to be refused entry to this destination for the most petty of reasons is very much on topic though.

There are enough unaware types out there who might book deals like this up without realising how the US immigration service has access to more data about British citizens than what our local old bill have.

There are thousands upon thousands, hundreds of thousands in fact, of foreign nationals refused entry in to the States when they arrive there for a holiday because of the most minor convictions in their youth. In the post 9/11 era if you got any kind of blemish no matter how far back in your life you need to contact your nearest American Embassy/Consulate before travelling, fact!

How is that off topic?
18 May 16 #73
Is this offer still on, can't find in the price range stated ? Also anybody find reasonable priced hotels/furnished apartments for 14 nights ?
Henlans to varunadas
18 May 16 #74
8th june £300 per person with hotel
18 May 16 #75
The best I am getting is £500 per person but it must be because I am searching for 2 adults and 1 child from London.
18 May 16 #77
showing as £120 for 8th june now

4th of August is looking good for me though :wink: £1145 each! just for flights
18 May 16 #78
can you borrow a child for 2 weeks lol
18 May 16 1 #79
Coz it's scare mongering and a load of old tosh perhaps !
18 May 16 #80
Wonder what the signifigance of 8th June is to Thomson as some of their EU holidays are very cheap on that date too !
18 May 16 #81
Yeah course it is, even one of my neighbours got sent back on arrival because of an affray nick more than 20 years ago.

The only one here talking "a load of old tosh" is you flower, try searching the interweb it's full of "scare mongering" like this.....
18 May 16 1 #82
You won't need to add any "heat" if you go in August - it's probably the worst month of the year to be in Florida.
18 May 16 1 #83
US immigration are very strict and know everything, hundreds, possibly thousands, of Brits are turned away every year. You need to declare and check first. The rules are more relaxed if you come in via land from Canada, no ESTA needed for example, so if you haven't an ESTA in place (it takes 72 hours) and wanted to go tomorrow you can fly to Toronto, train to Detroit then fly down to Florida.
18 May 16 #84
Exactly...scaremongering !
18 May 16 1 #85
its cheap because its hot as that time of the year.
you gonna know when you leave the air conditioned room
wise people go there between october and march
im definitely one of those!
18 May 16 #86
Where are you staying?
18 May 16 #87
Damn. I woukd have loved this but ramadhan comes first!
18 May 16 #88
£60 for 20kg baggage.
19 May 16 #89
What do you need 20kg for?

I went there with 5kg hand baggage only. I'm genuinely interested how you get to 20kg for one person.
19 May 16 #90
If u book a holiday u don't pay the £60 for luggage
19 May 16 #91
​Woooooosshhh..... The sound of a joke flying over your head.

Hot deal BTW :smile:
19 May 16 1 #92
Go without him! :smiley:
19 May 16 1 #93
Agree, rains maybe once in the afternoon during August but helps with the heat, humidity and not necessarily every day. Love the place, been going since 1986, and still find new stuff to do each time.
19 May 16 5 #94
Ok I just landed in to the US today so can give some insight. On a new esta so didn't go through the auto machine thingies.

US security is very very tight. I was surprised. It all started from Istanbul airport they were doing all sorts of checks asking for return ticket proof and so on. Then stamped the boarding pass. You can't go on a one way ticket anymore. You'll get turned back. Wanted the address and stuff of where I'm going to be staying. They then put these stickers on the back of the passport before I boarded.

Once I arrived into the us. I was immediately pulled to the side. Was told to keep my hands out of my pockets. He said tell me now if there's something I should know about before I check out your bag. Used quite a few intimidation techniques. They'll try asking you the same questions a few different times. Basically trying to make you slip up.

He then asked where my parents were born (I'm coloured, not white btw), etc.

After I cleared him, I went to the counter to the guy who does the fingerprint stuff, he was generally friendly but was asking me whether I'm Muslim. Which I found odd. I do have a Muslim name though.

It was quite scary tbh, not going to lie aha. They make you feel like you've done something wrong. But as long as you haven't got anything to hide and think before you talk, you'll be fine.

As soon as I got off the plane in the US and walked out. Got asked all sort of questions.

Most of you guys are white so shouldn't have any issues.

But basically what you need to get through.

No criminal record
Valid esta
Hotel information
Sufficient funds/and or cards
Don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend in the US
Don't have any family there
Try to be white, it will make your life easier

And you should be fine.
19 May 16 1 #95
What airport was that, never seen anything that strict and have been over twenty times since 1986.
19 May 16 #96
On average it does, look at the weather facts. Used to go there most June's because it was cheaper.
19 May 16 2 #97
5 years of living in mid-southern FL are enough facts for me thanks ;-) Thundery, short term outbursts of heavy rain are what you'll find during the rainy season (May-Oct), not prolonged rain for most of the day. A couple of inches of rain can easily fall within a couple of hours. Prolonged rainy days are not common place at all and considered a rarity though they do occur on the odd occassion.
19 May 16 #98
Turkey has had a few bombings over the past few months and the undocumented movement of people from Syria into Turkey is obviously going to make security for travel to the USA tighter, this is now the world we live in.
19 May 16 1 #99
Another teacher whining about their 14 weeks paid holidays per annum.! Ridiculous comment.
19 May 16 1 #100
Went in August last year, has nearly put me off Florida for life.
19 May 16 #101
Not as if this is a 'new thing' either, before entering a profession you would have thought educated people would know the limitations that profession put on them.
19 May 16 1 #102
Too hot in may/june/july/august...
I went last may and nearly died walking around the magic kingdom!

Oct/nov best IMO
19 May 16 #103
I'm the opposite, used to go at Thanksgiving every year and loved it, decided to try August over ten years ago and after feeling that lovely heat and humidity have been going at that time since. Love the buzz the place has during August as well.
19 May 16 #104
Well it'll be on a different date for starters...
19 May 16 #105
For two weeks!?
19 May 16 #106
Oh and one thing I forgot to mention. There's someone who checks ALL your social media. Trust me on this. If you have a public profile and have you doing anything considered immoral or have said anything against the US government you will be turned back. So keep your social media squeaky clean. Basically be a model citizen.
19 May 16 #107
This is fear mongering. USA is not north Korea. They let me in and I've said some very controversial stuff about the USA in the past and still do on many forums.
19 May 16 #108
you are very clever
it makes difference for a small minority of people
19 May 16 #109
You asked what difference does it make. I told you, the difference is that he gets a different date.
To whom it makes a difference is irrelevant, as that's not what you asked
19 May 16 #110
​he doesn't have to..thats his choice
19 May 16 #111
He's choice what date he wants to book? Of course, I agree. Which makes me wonder why you even asked him "what difference does it make??" when obviously the difference is the date (which is what he was asking for)
19 May 16 #112
​Are you black or Muslim?
19 May 16 #113
he made a choice depending on his religion that is important for only a minority of people.
the deal is not based on your religion.
19 May 16 #114
Save yourself from all the jealousy and spend your time teaching the kids during class time rather than torturing yourself on websites like this, drooling over deals you'll never get to use.
19 May 16 #115
If you know you can't go don't look. It pushes up the price!!!
19 May 16 #116
Nobody said the deal is based on your religion. Where are you getting that from?

He asked if there are other dates available. Simple as. He's not forcing everyone to chose a date that's suitable for HIM? He's asking if there's a different date. Why does his choice of date for flying out affect you in anyway?
19 May 16 #117
And how many weeks of leave do you get off a year?
19 May 16 #118
He wasnt. The other guy was and i asked him not this guy.
Why do u ask about my intentions?
19 May 16 #119
Using your actual name? Doubt it.

It's common knowledge that they search up social media accounts. Google it.
20 May 16 #120
I found it. They are interested in terrorists which is understandable. But you implied everyone who says anything bad against the US would be targeted, which is just not the case.
20 May 16 1 #121
That'll be the mosquitoes
20 May 16 #122
great deal if you can head out before the kids break up for summer.
20 May 16 #123
"He wasnt. The other guy was and i asked him not this guy.
Why do u ask about my intentions?"

What the hell does that even mean? Do you realise what you're saying makes no sense? The guy asked if other dates were available, you asked him what difference does it make, to which I told you the obvious difference would be a different date (which is what he asked for availability) and you started going on about it only affecting a minority of people. Well of course it only affects a minority of people, it only affects HIM, 1 individual amongst thousands in this site, doesn't mean he can't ask if other dates are available does it?
20 May 16 #124
i think overcomplicate the whole thing
the guy said he cant go as its ramadan
and then i asked what difference does that make as airline companies normally doesnt care about your religion
thet wanna sell tickets and they never ask about my religion..its my personal choice
20 May 16 #125
You're being disengenious here. He didn't just say "he cant go as its ramadan". He said "Is there anything for July. Would have gone for this if it wasn't in Ramadan." ergo asking for a different date, to which you replied "what difference does it make".

Of course the airline doesn't care about his religion. That's not what he's asking. He's not telling the airline not to fly out on those dates. He states, and I repeat "Is there anything for July. Would have gone for this if it wasn't in Ramadan.", i.e. asking for other dates
21 May 16 1 #126
This is so boring.
31 May 16 #127
I really hope we get some more general flight deals to the likes of NYC and LAX, right now the flights in july are $$$$
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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