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6 May 16
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Pre-order, game is due for release on 24/05/2016.

Price is £27.31 + a 4% payment fee so the total is £28.48.

This seems to be the best price around at the moment by quite a bit.
Top comments
Spark to Lukester
7 May 16 3 #9
Same here. Blizzard's game don't usually have any appeal to me whatsoever but the beta for this one has me well and truly hooked. :smiley:
Latest comments (71)
24 May 16 #71
Contact them.
I did and they told me that either they refund me or I have to wait 1-4 weeks for a key.
24 May 16 #70
I haven't recieved my code either, I get the feeling this is a really bad site to suggest on HKUD.. i've seen nothing but complaints on reviews and internet opinions about this place.
23 May 16 #69
I haven't received an email. Does this mean I should receive my key or should I try process a refund?
19 May 16 #68
I just went for the standard version at £27 so in some ways this has actually saved me money. :smiley:
19 May 16 #67
Well, you get some skins as well but tbh they don't even look that good, I'd probably use other ones as soon as I got them.
19 May 16 #66
If you want the Origins edition then yeah but otherwise Blizzard sell the standard version for £30. As someone who doesn't own Diablo, WoW or StarCraft, the Overwatch edition is of very little use to me tbh.
19 May 16 #65
i just bought it from cd keys with the discount code for 34 unfortunate but hey still cheaper than buying from blizzard right
19 May 16 #64
Just don't get Origins edition unless you really want it I suppose.

I didn't need Origins edition at all, I was just getting it for the sake of it really.

GamesDeal processed my refund request within roughly 20 minutes which you really can't fault. I've noticed that it's a bit cheaper on some of the foreign Blizzard stores like £27 (US) or £25 (KR). I wonder if it's possible to buy it from one of those. AFAIK only the Chinese versions are region locked.
19 May 16 #63
welp rip lads now the price are so high....
19 May 16 1 #62
Yeah I'll cancel as well. That's a shame but at least they admitted it ahead of time I suppose.
19 May 16 #61
Cancelling the order as well. Bit of a shame really, but whatever. It's £29.99 on with just the widowmaker skin.
19 May 16 #60
Also just got this email. Going to cancel, that sucks.
19 May 16 #59
Just got an email saying Gamesdeal have a problem with their supplier and can't issue a code for 1-4 weeks. Shame...
11 May 16 #58
i liked the beta, i just can't bring myself to pay £30 for something that everyone else is giving away for free
10 May 16 #57
CDKeys might be the cheaper option now, I'm not too sure. The prices are definitely going up though.
10 May 16 #56
played the beta last night, beautiful, fluid, typical flawless Blizzard. However, I'm mainly a single player gamer so doesn't float my boat.... this is for the multiplayer crowd only. despite its beauty, it seemed a bit generic, but that might because you need to be in proper teams etc to get into its depth. anyway, it's Doom for me :smiley: (for the SP).
9 May 16 #55
thanks op, price went up slightly to £31ish but still decent price :smiley:
9 May 16 #54
I have to say the optimisation on this game is amazing. Only the Xbox one port has any technical issues of the three apparently and even those are pretty minor.

I guess it did have to be pretty well optimised since a huge part of Blizzard's user base are in China but even so, they did a brilliant job.
9 May 16 #53
Look like the price has gone up?
£32.38 -7% +4% = £31.31
9 May 16 #52
It's extremely polished. It's Blizzard looking at Team Fortress 2 and it's lessons learned, and thinking "We can make that PERFECT!"

It purrs like a kitten on an old quad-core AMD and a GTX 960. It's gorgeous.

Controller players, as someone else said, can use a character whose weapon doesn't need accuracy. Symetra might be a good choice too if you like support. That's a decent trick against zippy players like Tracer too.

The open beta is free to everyone until tomorrow. (Including console players.) I'm loving it, but I'll get it at launch.
9 May 16 #51
No, think more along the lines of TF2 with more defined character roles. The diversity of a small MOBA with the gameplay of a decent FPS. I'm in.
9 May 16 #50
Is this a FP MOBA? it looks like one. Lots of chaos going on and people just constantly cycling through skills. It looks no fun.
9 May 16 #49
There's no aim assist on PC so it's damn tough with a controller. I did ok with solider 17? or whatever his number is but mainly stuck to mercy the healer or the fat guy roadblock? Their aiming reticles are pretty huge.You can forget about using widowmaker, hanzo, or genji on the PC with a controller. Unless you're an absolute demon I cant see how its feasible to play those chars with a controller.
9 May 16 #48
I'm guessing we get the wings with the release of the game? You can only get them now if you pre-purchase from battle.NET?

Cheers for the answer :smiley:
9 May 16 #47
I had a bit of a play, so this is only first impressions and I'll give it a chance.

It seems a bit.... generic. The gameplay is very consistent and done well, it's polished and well made, the characters have enough difference about them to be fun but overall... it doesn't really feel like it stands out that much.
Maybe bigger health bars and less binary outcomes so there's a bit more room for tactics and strategic play?
It's otherwise very pretty and "nice" but... I can't say I'm blown away by it.
If it had a more "novel" gameplay mode, something to make it stand out. It's currently a rather "me too" cartoony, character based FPS.

E.g: Stealing somewhat from WoW PVP - there's 3 "flags", holding them gives points, holding more than 1 at a time on a character gives more points, makes the characters weaker over time (and maybe puts some visual aid on the map to their location). It'd be something different at least. I get this is meant as a "moba-fps cross" so characters are intended as hard counters but spammy FPS play is a bit too frantic for that to shine through properly. It needs game modes that slow it down a TINY bit and make it have a touch more depth.

Will play it a bit more tomorrow and see if I can find a suitably baited hook to bite down on. I've not been overly enamored by it though.
9 May 16 #46
8 May 16 #45
Question, do we get the Diablo wings etc with this buy?
8 May 16 #44
There is more effective team work at higher levels. High level players are also smarter about picking heroes that fit with the others.
8 May 16 #43
good deal ordered thanks op
8 May 16 #42
That's the one. I guess if they haven't cancelled your order though then you should be OK.
8 May 16 #41
Fair enough. Personally, I find MOBAs as dull as dishwater but everyone is different I suppose.
8 May 16 #40
More a MOBA player. I have no problem with the realism, I just don't seem to find the matches particularly engaging. Beautiful, quick but meaningless. I don't see any teamwork at the levels I'm playing. No effort to coordinate player picks, etc. Everything just seems like more of the same.
8 May 16 #39
​Shame really as ive had nothing but positive things from them.
8 May 16 1 #38
Cheers for making me spend more money on games! Damn it :wink:
8 May 16 #37
Oh poo, was that what called me after I placed my order? I saw it was from New York and thought "probably some scam thing" and left it. Wonder how to tell them now... :S
8 May 16 #36
cant get the discount link to work, says it's expired
8 May 16 #35
I was doing the same thing :smiley:

Tbh I tried the beta of battleborn though and didn't like it at all and it seems to have tanked in first week sales.
8 May 16 #31
Good price, but there doesn't seem to be an awful lot of chatter regarding the legitimacy of this website? I just about trust CDKeys/Instant Gaming, but these key sites seem to sprout up by the dozen...
Spark to lou.chou
8 May 16 #34
They seem to be an accepted supplier on here so I thought that it would be OK. There is also buyer protection policy through PayPal I suppose.

After I ordered this I received a call from America to verify that the order was actually be placed by me and any vendor that has done that sort of thing in the past has never caused me any real hassle.
8 May 16 1 #33
Yeah I bought it on a whim last Sunday for £25.64 from CDKeys.
Didn't know a lot about it but it looked very polished. I've been confusing it with Battleborn for months! :stuck_out_tongue:

Beta seems pretty good so no regrets.
8 May 16 #32
very fun game, its quite good if you want to play for a casual knock about as there is nothing excruciating painful to progress to or unlocks that take years. love the beta the maps and characters are beautiful!
8 May 16 #30
People preordered the witness?
8 May 16 #27
Good deal, heat added. I'm really looking forward to Overwatch.

But if we keep buying pre-orders, PC gamers are going to continue suffering from the same bull from the gaming media and the same bull from devs. Something has to change.

I'll get it after release, assuming that it's not broken at launch. One hopes that these guys won't pull an EA on us, but I'm not gambling £30 to find out.
iamthebatman01 to Nexy
8 May 16 1 #29
You could just play the open beta...
8 May 16 #28
Price has been going up for months. It was about £20 five months ago at cdkeys and it's been steadily rising since then.

People who think this will be £20 within a month of release are delusional.
8 May 16 1 #24
It will be 20 quid a month after release.
Spark to mark9000
8 May 16 #25
Probably not but obviously feel free to wait and find out.
MBeeching to mark9000
8 May 16 #26
It's unlikely unless Blizzard are delaying cheap keys for other markets (e.g. South America, India, Russia, China).
Starcraft and Diablo held their prices after release.

Prices have been on the rise all week, hopefully Gamesdeal won't repeat the fiasco they had with The Witness.
8 May 16 #23
Pre-ordered it direct from Battle Net for a lot more, damn :neutral_face:
8 May 16 #21
Pretty much same price at G2a, use code SQRL for a small discount.
Spark to FloptimusPrime
8 May 16 #22
My past dealings with that site suggest that it is usually best avoided.
8 May 16 2 #14
I saw a few people commenting above that they are hooked... am I the only one not enjoying this game?
iamthebatman01 to kdk
8 May 16 #15
Sounds like it. Played until late last night and most people playing said they were buying the game. Thought it was very good myself.
Spark to kdk
8 May 16 #20
Are you a CoD/BF player by any chance?

Not trying to be sarcastic but all the enthusiastic CoD players that I know tend to hate less realistic shooters like this, Destiny and Halo.
8 May 16 #17
This is probably obvious but I'll ask anyway. Would I get slaughtered if I used a Xbox One controller?
KayinAmoh to metalnigel
8 May 16 #18
Against any serious K&M user, yes. The speed they can turn is way, way faster.

That said, a fair number of PC players will likely be using a controller too. It's just that you'l inherently be at a disadvantage against anyone who can use a keyboard and mouse. Blizzard have actually tweaked the console versions a little to compensate - turrets don't kill quite as quickly, so that players have more time to react.
Spark to metalnigel
8 May 16 #19
Depends on the character you choose honestly. If you're clever about it and actually skilled then no but I wouldn't fancy your chances playing with something like Tracer or another one that needs super fast response times.

Saying that there are some BF4 top level players on PC who use controllers. It all just comes down to your skill level.

I've mostly been playing the PC beta but I went back on the ps4 version last night and the PC version has really improved my skill level. I managed a 17 kill streak on the ps4 but there's no way I'd get that on the PC.
8 May 16 #16
I love this game, and some funky wings for my old diablo chars sound cool. Heat.
8 May 16 1 #13
games deal are know to scam since they're associated with a wow gold trading company. Many complaints if you look online.
7 May 16 #12
Great find, this one really is the cheapest. G2A seemed cheaper, but the 20% tax kills it.
7 May 16 #10
discount count received from their facebook page does nothing to the price on their website when trying to purchase. dafuq?
Spark to Chloro
7 May 16 #11
I'm guessing you're not logged in.
7 May 16 1 #8
I'm strangely enjoying this too (personally thought I wouldn't like it)

will be picking this up though. Cheers op :P
Spark to Lukester
7 May 16 3 #9
Same here. Blizzard's game don't usually have any appeal to me whatsoever but the beta for this one has me well and truly hooked. :smiley:
7 May 16 1 #7
Loving the beta, shall pic this up. ty op. :smiley:
7 May 16 #5
The origins edition offers a few character skins for overwatch, wings for diablo and items for other blizzard games. Nothing that would make you pay extra for really, but the normal version either isn't sold or is the same price so it's best to get this one, heat.
Spark to pRxda
7 May 16 #6
Exactly. I went for the origins version because it was the same price but otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I don't even own any other blizzard games. This is their first game that has interested me.
7 May 16 #4
Oddly, Origins Edition is actually the same price. I'll update the OP. :smiley:
7 May 16 #3
Just looked and it looks like its a few different things from diablo and such, nothing special.
7 May 16 #1
What does the Origins Edition include? Is this the cheapest place for that too?
Spark to maizecorn
7 May 16 #2
Pass :smile:
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