£12.43 for 7 Lego Disney minifigures! £5 off a £15 spend on Lego at WH smiths.
Vouchers are just sat on the checkout. Perfect for if you want to get a set! Or just buy quite a few!
I got a couple at sainsbury for £1,but had to question it at the till as they rang up at full price. A different branch today had them priced at full whack.
15 May 161#29
I got mine earlier, although only 5 were out by the tills and the rest were in the box behind the counter. Had to grab what i could and luckily had no duplicates although i did get another minnie mouse. Never understood the bump codes until now, and i've felt my two packets so i know i have each of the characters from the incredibles - the hair and the square lego piece are a big give away - but i can match the bumps on these so will use that next time! Trying to resist buying them all until disneyland in 4 weeks but i want them all...for the kids, obviously...
15 May 16#28
I dislike the molded heads of Mickey, Donald etc.
The ones with Lego heads are more fitting.
15 May 16#27
no £5 off at my wh smiths but giving out £5 off £20 spend but not valid until 23 may
15 May 16#26
Highstreet whsmith has sold out of mini figures this morning.
Got the voucher to try later in the week :disappointed:
15 May 16#18
If you look on the back of the packet there is a code printed on them which identifies what's in them. Just make sure not to pick any 2 with the same code. Can't remember exactly where the code is but youll notice its been printed on like how best before dates are. Makes it easier to avoid multiples
Here's a real challenge though : find something that's NOT been hi-jacked by Lego. Hmmmm? Nope, thought as much.....
haritori to Elevation
15 May 16#24
What do you mean 'Hi-jacked'? Lego are hardly using them for terrorist training..
15 May 16#23
Bump codes are really unclear on these packs. They are really difficult to follow and I ended up with a couple of duplicates from it. Only have one left to get now though until I complete the set. You can sell duplicates on eBay for more or less break even if you do end up with some unwanted. I even think there is a swap forum on here somewhere!
Back to my productive addition to the discussion:
forgot about the free Lego, is there still some tomorrow?
animatedjoe to Robinsad
14 May 16#14
Yeah, nexo knight today and Lego city helicopter tomorrow, both with minifigures!
14 May 161#11
Yeah I've been to the 3 near me and nothing at all! Heading out to another one tomorrow but they've probably been cleaned out! I'm sure Argos will do a similar price sometime soon. Thanks though :smiley:
14 May 16#9
Can you get the voucher online?
animatedjoe to hels4t
14 May 16#10
I'm not sure but they have a massive wad of them by the self checkout. I bought the Mail newspaper first that gives you a free Lego set then picked up the vouchers while there.
14 May 16#8
I did see that someone posted a deal that sainsburys have on series 15 a couple of days ago, I'm not sure if it's still on deal but apparently they were £1 each! You could even make a tidy little profit via eBay with them at that price!
14 May 16#6
I got 2 whole sets for £54.64! Instead of £89.64...giving me a saving of £35! I must have looked a bit crazy... Standing there feeling the bags. The figures are pretty easy to differentiate between though so getting doubles isn't really a problem on this set.
FireBlazer to animatedjoe
14 May 16#7
Yeah the local WHSmith I got my set from the lady behind the counter actually helped me identify them all! But got a few odd looks from customers paying haha.
Was going to use this voucher on series 15 as it has kind of got me into collecting them. But not sure they sell them now that they have this set as their main focus
14 May 161#5
Haha yeah! Guess not much available at under a pound. Might have a look tomorrow. Will get an image of the voucher up shortly if that helps
14 May 161#3
Is the voucher limited to Lego only? Picked up one today and thought it said all toys, books etc. Including all Lego. So perhaps a cheaper toy to bump it over £15?
animatedjoe to FireBlazer
14 May 16#4
I no longer have the vouchers but yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what they had written on them. I just assumed it was only Lego books and toys. If only they had toys at 6p!
14 May 161#2
good find op, heat added
14 May 161#1
The only reason you have to buy 7 rather than 6 is because they are £2.49 each. If you find something in the store that is Lego and less than £2.49 then you could potentially get them even cheaper.
Opening post
Vouchers are just sat on the checkout. Perfect for if you want to get a set! Or just buy quite a few!
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The ones with Lego heads are more fitting.
Got the voucher to try later in the week :disappointed:
Back to my productive addition to the discussion:
I found this "feel guide" which really helped. Link to such guide
Your text here
Was going to use this voucher on series 15 as it has kind of got me into collecting them. But not sure they sell them now that they have this set as their main focus