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Free Lego Daily Mail 14th and 15th May 2016 @ WH Smith @ ASDA Sunday Only
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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8 May 16
Available at WHSmith Sat/Sun and it looks likes Asda on the Sunday only, bound to be one per person. Thou bound to be lots of people with quads or more claiming they need them for the children to the staff.

Don't forget if you spend £10 at the weekend (£5 mon-fri) in Waitrose & swipe your Waitrose card you get a free newspaper.
- cazsilver
Top comments
8 May 16 67 #2
And don't forget, if you are embarrassed to be seen walking out of whsmith with the Daily Mail, you can always wrap it up in a porn mag.
meherenow to finnmaccool
8 May 16 10 #6
LOL, usually I just ask them to bin it for me, however last time they asked me to stick it in the bin outside, as too many people were leaving them behind!
9 May 16 3 #11
I have twins so do need multiples so it's a shame if it is one per person but never had that before. Actually my boys had a Lego party a few years ago and I went into smiths and spoke to the manager about buying in bulk and he said they couldn't stop you. I bought 50 and put the bags in the party bags each child got 2 and they were a complete hit. All the parent asked where I got the bags from, was just very prepared and bought very early for sept birthdays
All comments (46)
8 May 16 2 #1
8 May 16 67 #2
And don't forget, if you are embarrassed to be seen walking out of whsmith with the Daily Mail, you can always wrap it up in a porn mag.
DannGo to finnmaccool
8 May 16 1 #4
I normally stuff it down my pants.
tubbyasstoo to finnmaccool
8 May 16 #5
just leave the rag by the door
meherenow to finnmaccool
8 May 16 10 #6
LOL, usually I just ask them to bin it for me, however last time they asked me to stick it in the bin outside, as too many people were leaving them behind!
8 May 16 2 #3
good find op, heat added
8 May 16 #7
8 May 16 2 #8
Great find op always get these for my boy his got a 2 boxes fill now
soldierboy001 to rachae13
9 May 16 2 #20
Hope he has a better grasp of English than you.
8 May 16 #9
Good find ..thank you.
8 May 16 #10
Never was on in the first place. Was just a rumour based on the fact there's been a free Lego week during that week for quite a few years now. List was made up, promotion might happen at some point but nothing confirmed yet.
9 May 16 3 #11
I have twins so do need multiples so it's a shame if it is one per person but never had that before. Actually my boys had a Lego party a few years ago and I went into smiths and spoke to the manager about buying in bulk and he said they couldn't stop you. I bought 50 and put the bags in the party bags each child got 2 and they were a complete hit. All the parent asked where I got the bags from, was just very prepared and bought very early for sept birthdays
seanmorris100 to hpaytonjones
9 May 16 1 #15
Twins dont share? Boy and girl?

Bit lame how you emptied the store for a bday goody bag but its better than the bay scrubs...
9 May 16 1 #12
Thanks for the heads up, I'll try to remember this. We usually buy two papers when free lego is included as 2 of our sons love lego :smiley:
9 May 16 2 #13
Warning to the resellers:
The tyres of cycle do not normally fit into large letter!
Postage of 2.80 + packaging warrants no sales.
Gorsti to missmisiowa
9 May 16 #14
You'd only sell in bulk anyway, not gonna make anything on singles!
9 May 16 #16
Someone had a box they put on ebay a while back which was obviously one meant for the shop promotion as it had a WH Smith postage label on it. Shame that some kids missed out there.
9 May 16 #17
Look like they are bigger than the Large Letter.. these sets are available in other countries so someone may have the set already they are not exclusive to the UK
9 May 16 #18
No asda by me, & Smith's not open Sundays!
9 May 16 2 #19
The wheels are the space technic, official style and dimensions: Wheel Hard Plastic Small (22mm D. x 24mm)
LLetter is 25mm but take into account any packaging and the fact that there is many small parts which will get in the way.
Also 22mm is on the face of the wheel, the mid-groove goes beyond that - closer to 23-24mm.
I am a Lego wheels specialist :-)
9 May 16 #21
9 May 16 #22
Oh good! Makes a change, Asda. We have a recently opened one.
As for the Mail (and all the OMG it's 'THE MAIL!!), saddos who hide it from view because of embarrassment? I regularly hear people APOLOGISE! for mentioning it. Oh grow up! :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, I'll just pick up a 'free' copy - if you need some groceries this weekend go and spend a tenner in Waitrose on Sat/Sun and any newspaper, inc the dreaded Wail, is FREE! edit - oops, just noted this was mentioned at top! :neutral_face: still no harm in mentioning again.

Ok, you have to spend a tenner, but there will be a few bargains or offers to enable that.

People get so worked up about the Wail, it's a paper, so what? More to the point, look at the numbskulls who buy the Guardian... 2 quid daily apparently, and god knows what weekend ones cost. :smile:
9 May 16 1 #23
So am I right in thinking I buy the newspaper the 14th and 15th and redeem the coupon each day fir the free toy?
9 May 16 #24
Yeah, wheely! LOL
That's the trouble with Royal Mail pricing, all on size instead of weight. Good if you have something around or nearly 2 kilos with packing, can be posted for 2.85 (NOT £2.80 prices went up last month! as per usual.) Now, if you have a fat wide feather - ie more than 25mm in width, - that weighs just 2 grams, well Moya Greene* says up yours, that 2 gram feather will have to go via Small Parcel, costing you £2.85 to post (2nd class) or if you want your lightweight feather to get there quicker, then that's be £3.35 please.
*(ex Canada Post, where no mail is delivered to your door, you have to collect it from a central point - surprised she hasn't tried that one yet here. Yeah, she's in charge of Royal Mail - do we really not have anyone talented or not talented as the case may be, to run our OWN mail service?) Seems not.
9 May 16 #25
9 May 16 #26
^^ Daily Mail reader.
9 May 16 #27
We don't have a local Asda and our WHS doesn't open on a Sunday either. For all previous offers the WHS have allowed us to collect on the Monday, have even collected on a Tuesday before OK. Also, for previous week long Lego giveaways, WHS have let us collect every other day as we are quite a distance away and shift patterns don't always allow. To get around the one per person rule, take the children with you to collect, all though our WHS has always let us have 3 (with 3 vouchers), when I haven't been able to park so eldest child goes on their own. Now I only get them for the youngest, but I do often get 1 or 2 extra as they make brilliant toys to put in the Christmas shoebox appeals.
9 May 16 #28
​It's got some life left yet. You can have it for next time.
9 May 16 #29
My local WHS opens at 10am and even though you're the 1st through the door they still say they have run out. They've upset my child so many times that I have given up asking for them. The staff keep them for themselves.
9 May 16 1 #30
So they can flog it on ebay...
10 May 16 #31
And you? ^^ Guardian reader :stuck_out_tongue:
Strangely enough, I am. I also read (if time) all the other papers as I'm in a position where I get 'all' daily papers free. Sadly not the weekend ones. Most of the time they just get binned. Do you know what is really funny? Most of the stories in the Wail are also in most of the other newspapers! That is what is so funny about the omg it's the Wail nutters! Most papers have trash in them, anyone with an ounce of sense knows that. Each paper has its own agenda too. But again, anyone with sense knows that too. Papers are really a waste of time now. I got the New Day paper free and thought Christ this won't last a month even if it was free every day. I was wrong it lasted 2 months!

Back to the Wail reminded me of the last time some Lego and the Mail was on here, and one anti-Wail nutter poster said 'Hooray, Lego and free toilet paper'. He didn't even realise what he'd said. He was that thick he made everyone think he used the Wail as toilet paper... even if he didn't. What a dick! Think before you post. But then Wail moaners wail before they think. Perhaps they secretly read it on the loo? They ALWAYS seem to know what's in it. How strange. A real phenomenon of the modern world. :smile:
10 May 16 #32
The store gets 4 boxes for each day so hardly emptied the store. Plus I did ask before I did it. I also showed him my book with all my prep work in including the invites which I already had.
10 May 16 #33
Oooooo. Guardian v Daily Mail!

Anyone gave popcorn?!
10 May 16 #34
You can throw in the sycophantic corbynista Mirror, that will get the far lefty's riled.
12 May 16 1 #35
LOL, you showed him your book with all your prep work.

I can just see the conversation :

You : Good morning Mr Shop Keeper, I would like to buy 50 copies of the Daily Mail and take all of the Lego that you had delivered this morning so that no one else can have either today.
Shopkeeper : I'm sorry. To make sure everyone is able to get some Lego, and a Daily Mail, it is one per customer.
You : But I want all of your Lego for myself. I don't care about everyone else.
Shopkeeper : As I said, I am sorry but it is one per customer to be fair to everyone. I might let you have 2 but 50 is taking the biscuit.
You : But I have a book. It has prep work in it, You can see it if you want.
Shopkeeper : A book, with prep work in it. Please show me.
You : Here, look, lists and sums and everything.
Shopkeeper : Oh well, sod everyone else you can take the lot. Have a nice day.
You : Thank you.
Next Shopper : Hello, Can I buy a Daily Mail and get some Lego ?
Shopkeeper : Sorry, none left. Have you done any prep work ?
13 May 16 #36
Why so snotty? I took proof so that they didn't think I was just going to sell them on eBay. He thought it was a brilliant idea and said if they did the offer the next year he might do it for his sons birthday. As I said they had 4 boxes containing I think it was 100 each box so nowhere near emptied the shop. Grow up.
13 May 16 1 #37
Just a thought, anybody could make out a prep book to make the story sound feasible, couldn't they. Just a thought.
13 May 16 #38
A book that you have written things down in yourself is not proof of anything other than that you have written things down in a book. You might have well just taken in a piece of paper saying 'I promise I am not selling these on ebay' and said that was 'proof'. I am not faulting you for tying to get hold of loads for party bags it was just the way you justified the shopkeeper letting you do it by saying you had shown him a book. Doesn't matter how many times I read it, it still makes me smile :-)
13 May 16 #39
Simply take the voucher printed in Saturday and Sunday's paper to a participating WHSmith High Street store, Eason or ASDA store (Sunday only)

Whsmiths stores closed on sunday
Asda stores to claim toy on sunday
14 May 16 #40
That's your take on it. You don't know what I had in the book. I had print outs from website with order details etc. Just take it at face value like everybody else and stop being judgemental towards others totally innocent comments. U have twin boys who's birthday is in Sept, I'm a planner which is lucky because I'm now disabled and need to plan financially especially for something like a party hence having proof so early on in the year.
14 May 16 #41
Not when it had proof of Internet orders and receipts of Lego birthday things that I had already bought with pictures of everything.
14 May 16 #42
Very good, bet you already have the presents for their 18th birthday party.
14 May 16 #43
Got the bike today. Will be used as a homework and tidy room bribe.
14 May 16 #44
​I was the "like" number 69...made me chuckle that did!!!
14 May 16 #45
My local used to say max 5, today was 1 per person. dunno how strict they are on that
15 May 16 #46
Does anyone know if there's a postal address you can send off to get these like last year?
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