£119.99 curtains in 90% off trolley in Hastings store, I queried the £22.99 price and got them for £2.25!!!!
Loads of curtain reduced down to 3 or 4 quid plus duvet sets, tie backs and net curtains for 90p
8 May 16#5
Will they cover the windows now?
I'll get me coat....
8 May 161#4
Does anyone know of this is just at the Hastings store?
MAXSTARR to ecclescake
9 May 16#6
All Dunelms will have them, but what is reduced is pot luck. They will have yellow discount stickers on and most will be 90%. Hope you find something
8 May 16#3
I need new curtains for my dining room, fingers crossed
Red Devil
8 May 16#1
Hot deal OP. Went to Hastings yesterday for the first time in 10 years, looks like they're starting to spend some money on the place and bring it more 'upmarket'.
sophieb1986 to Red Devil
8 May 163#2
I came here for a weekend 4 years ago, upon my return to London I quit my job and moved down here a month later. Was the best thing I ever did.
Opening post
Loads of curtain reduced down to 3 or 4 quid plus duvet sets, tie backs and net curtains for 90p
I'll get me coat....