Listed at £168.99 but can use discount code RW5FFJN7 to get price mentioned here.
Stainless Steel
Solar Powered
Radio Controlled time update
100M water resistance
Great specification for the price, much cheaper than equivalent Citizens.
Brand snobs will no doubt vote it cold, but hey-ho.
Top comments
stefmcd to shamhaque
12 May 1612#6
I know. They've only been the biggest watch sellers for 30 years.....
12 May 163#10
Ah yes, the lesser spotted brand snob. We've been expecting you.
robwdavies to ashpreston
12 May 163#2
Not the same thing.
Neither solar powered or radio controlled.
Latest comments (61)
16 May 16#61
Cheers for sorting that. Worth noting I have very slim wrists, so if anyone is thinking it looks too big, it probably wouldn't on them.
16 May 16#60
Looks good! Thanks a lot!
Weirdly your link is showing as an image (I can't click it) so here it is for anyone else: click me.
16 May 16#59
16 May 16#58
Apparently I'm too new to send PM's. Stick in on I don't think you need an account to just post a pic there.
16 May 16#57
Can't put pictures here unless they're hosted somewhere. Will try and put on Onedrive and put up here. If you like though, PM me your email address and I'll send it. It's not too big, which I find appealing.
Had a quick go with the stopwatch, was straightforward enough, once you get your head around what is doing what and which buttons you need to press. Despite being small, the little hands on the lower left dial are very clear to read.
You can get an electronic version of the manual online (model 5423), much clearer than the tiny and thick version you get with the watch.
16 May 16#56
Thank you! I missed that 2nd hand (tucked under the back of the big minute hand) so that's good to know. I've been looking for a chrono for a while and this watch may perfectly fit the bill, and I find it slightly more visually appealing than some of the others.
I imagine it's accurate, but if you get the chance to test it that would be great. If you could take a picture of it on your wrist that would also be appreciated :smiley: Not many pics of it online AFAIK.
16 May 16#55
Or something that rhymes with "Doc"....
16 May 16#54
The lower left dial has two hands and is clearer than I expected, so I don't think reading the minutes will be too difficult. Haven't used the stopwatch yet, but happy to give it ago. Can run my digital watch as a control and see if I can tell the recorded time off this one.
Have no experience of this model, but only good experience of Casio. There will likely be a load of other models that look cosmetically different but offer the same features if the looks aren't for you.
I've no doubt Plum will soon be along to tell you that you need nothing more than a wind up Timex though.
16 May 16#52
The weirdest thing in all this? Plum, who is old enough to (allegedly) buy an Omega in the 60s, used text speak ("m8") earlier in the thread. Just wrong.
16 May 16#51
Why did Plum by an Omega when a Timex will do just as well?
16 May 16#50
I'll bet this "Plum" character is a real-life "Doc Martin"!
Oh dear, my always politically correct friend does like to dabble in a bit of hypocrisy, does he.
Let me explain, lest you are getting befuddled:
1. You say that a perfectly correct time piece is no more better than a wind up timex. Your words not mine:
2. You then claim, that you have 'about' 8. (which is it? 7.5 watches, or 8 watches, or is it 8.3333 watches - what does 'about 8' watches mean? For someone so veracious as yourself, I find it hard to believe you don't know how many watches you have. If I were the suspicious type I would have thought that it is a make believe figure, inserted into the conversation to make us believe that by owning so many watches you know what you are talking about.)
So Pluun, enlighten me, these watches are no better than a wind up timex, yet you have gone and bought 'about' 8 of these gadgets?!! Pray, tell me why, when there is already something doing the job quite adequately, why in the good lords name did you go and buy 7 more?
I didn't see anything about it in the description but the watch has a stopwatch which goes to 23 hours 59. The right hand does 1/20th seconds, the second hand does seconds. The left dial apparently shows 'hours and minutes'. I don't know what this means if you want to time 6 minutes say. If it doesn't loop back round then you're going to be very hard pressed to see the minutes. Perhaps I'm reading it wrong though. Does anyone have one of these and can comment?
15 May 161#45
"lady friends" - the playground equivalent to 'na nana na na you're a little girl'
"don't weep too much" - the playground equivalent to 'na nana na na you're a cry baby'
"I have decided to block you all" - The rage quit! Take your ball and go home.
Is there anything in your repertoire that doesn't replicate the day to day activities of 6 year olds?
15 May 161#44
We don't want to know your cr*p
15 May 16#43
Could you take Plum with you and leave him there?
15 May 16#42
Trekking to Everest Base Camp in October. Would like a watch that can show altitude, any of you watch gurus able to say what sort of watch to go for ?
15 May 161#41
Nine deals in nine years but 5,500+ comments tells us all we need to know about Mr Troll. :laughing:
15 May 16#40
I think I called it ages ago when I said forum warrior.
15 May 16#39
Robyn and your other lady friends, Please note.
You are boring me with your pathetic attempts to insult me, so I have decided to block you all.
Please don't weep too much.
Nickum wackum binairy ! :stuck_out_tongue::smirk:
15 May 16#38
Oh dear, Robyn.
You're reading what you'd like me to say again.
When you improve your reading skills, you MIGHT learn to read what is actually written and not what is befuddling your senses, petal.
All I have done, is explain ( well, try to) that a perfectly correct timepiece ( of which I have about 8 ) is no more use than an ordinary one.
So, methinks it is you and your " hard of understanding numpties, oops, sorry, I mean m8s" who are the "packages".
Sadly, I cannot clarify which female "package" I am referring to, as you will no doubt run, crying, to teacher and try to get me a days ban.
As I will be unable to access the internet tomorrow, try to arrange it for Tuesday, so that it will cause me untold grief and sadness. :stuck_out_tongue:
15 May 161#37
The thing is Plum, you can't just choose which features of this watch you want to compare to your legendary Timex, you need to consider the total package. Otherwise you just end up sounding like a total package yourself.
15 May 161#36
Dear me Plum. You really do sound like a prize tool.
15 May 16#35
Hey Plum, the deal went hot! Guess not everyone agrees with your 'facts'.
15 May 16#34
The solar is great. Never need to change battery. Also don't really need a huge amount of light to keep charge.
15 May 162#33
I see you Pluun.
The office 'expert', ramming your opinions down everyone's throat and badging them as fact.
Quoting your cars 0-60 time, telling everyone which TV they should buy, proclaiming why their DSLR is better than any other.
You're a bore, people put up with you to your face put say what they really think behind your back.
Even now, you've decided that 'better' means only keeps a similar standard of time. If that was the case there would be no place in this world for anything other than your cheap Timex, but in reality there are plenty of more expensive offers which continue to sell. The think is, build quality, functionality, convenience and visual appeal all factor in to the equation of what is better. Further still, what's better for you isn't necessarily better for anyone else.
If all this offends you, you don't have to post anything. Just ignore it and keep your opinions (because that's all they are) to yourself.
15 May 16#32
"Put your words into my fingers"??? I don't know that expression, a new one on me, the usual expression is "Don't put words in my mouth"
I find it really freaky. :confused:
15 May 16#31
I shall continue to stalk you to learn more of your factinions.
15 May 16#30
It would be very good, if you had the mental capacity to understand it.
Now please stop stalking me.
15 May 16#29
Here is a comparision that wasn't very good at all:
15 May 16#28
When did I say servicing was not necessary?
Please resist the impulse to put your words into my fingers.
I find it really freaky. :confused:
15 May 16#27
Explain, Plum, why this is a fact? Is it a fact because you say it is?
15 May 16#26
When did I mention solar power / batteries?
Please stick to what I say, not what you'd like to imagine what I said.
Please don't try any more comparisons.
You're not good at them at all.
15 May 162#25
HUKD: Here is a Nissan GTR at half price
Pluun: I will drive my lada, as it does the job adequately. NOTHING will be any better and if have the GTR, I'll get stuck in traffic anyway and wont arrive on time. Its just a gimmick.
Great argument. Sigh...
Edit: I should add Plunn, that you DO have your facts and opinions mixed up. When you say NOTHING will be any better, considering this is solar powered and RC controlled. No battery change, no need to set the time, or change the date EVER.
15 May 16#24
So what's the point of any watch?
Now I see why you claimed servicing an Omega in 40 years or so is not necessary!
15 May 161#23
Is it Pluun or are you saying you're a plum?
15 May 162#22
How is that tin-foil hat of yours? Must get warm with this weather.
Just because (in your view) the rest of the world will be working on the wrong time it does not degrade the accuracy of a radio controlled unit. This is highly practical, highly accurate and can for example be used as a measured to time the accuracy of your automatic watches because it gives you an exceptionally accurate base.
This is better than "Tick a tack Timex" and your opinion in not correct nor is it fact.
Radio controlled?
No better than a "Tick-a-tick Timex".
robwdavies to Pluun
12 May 161#8
Radio controlled as in the time is updated daily by radio waves so it always displays the correct time, even when the clocks move for daylight savings or you change time zone.
rbz5416 to Pluun
15 May 16#19
Please advise which model of wind-up Timex can set set the date & daylight saving time automatically?
I have a different model that is solar powered & it works well. Just need to ensure it's exposed to light & not hidden under a jumper/shirt cuff/jacket.
The luminosity of the hands & markings though is really disappointing. Glows like a very bright glowing thing initially but fades very quickly to the point of being useless.
15 May 162#18
Wow, some people really do have too much time on their hands. No pun intended...
15 May 16#17
Heat. One of the best aspects of RC is the fact it updates the calendar automatically. Solar not sure how good in real world they work, but the concept is great. No batteries to muck about with.
14 May 16#16
OK I'll explain it very slowly and carefully , just for you .
What use is a perfectly correct watch if the driver of the bus you want has only a bog standard watch ?
And even if he has an RC one like yours , he is at the mercy of traffic and not likely to arrive on time anyway .
Your RC watch will not make TV or radio programmes start on time .
A taxi will not be made to arrive on time .
In fact , NOTHING will be any better , time wise because you have a radio controlled watch .
It is merely a gadget and like many other gadgets , there is already something doing the job quite adequately .
PS. If you sprogs really want to insult me, you will have to try a lot harder.
14 May 16#15
Maybe just cut down on the caffeine a bit?
14 May 162#14
You've gone and mixed up your opinion with fact.
Not to worry, a lot of you forum warriors do.
14 May 16#13
It's not an opinion.
It's a fact.
In real life a perfectly correct, radio controlled watch is no better than a wind up timex.
13 May 162#12
That's what's great about opinions.
We don't have to agree on them.
Having owned this watch and a couple of Timex watches I'd have to disagree. But then, that's just my opinion.
12 May 16#11
I know m8.
I have both radio controlled watches and clocks but as I said "No better than a tick - a - tick Timex".
12 May 163#10
Ah yes, the lesser spotted brand snob. We've been expecting you.
12 May 16#4
Not sure why anyone would by a Casio watch, calculator maybe but watch?
Pluun to shamhaque
12 May 162#5
What about a calculator / watch? :confused:
stefmcd to shamhaque
12 May 1612#6
I know. They've only been the biggest watch sellers for 30 years.....
robwdavies to shamhaque
12 May 16#9
I'm sure that one keeps you up at night.
12 May 161#7
They've kept Argos afloat... Index tried but failed
12 May 161#1
£99 H Samuel Casio Edifice Black Dial Chronograph Watch
Opening post
Listed at £168.99 but can use discount code RW5FFJN7 to get price mentioned here.
Stainless Steel
Solar Powered
Radio Controlled time update
100M water resistance
Great specification for the price, much cheaper than equivalent Citizens.
Brand snobs will no doubt vote it cold, but hey-ho.
Top comments
Neither solar powered or radio controlled.
Latest comments (61)
Weirdly your link is showing as an image (I can't click it) so here it is for anyone else: click me.
Had a quick go with the stopwatch, was straightforward enough, once you get your head around what is doing what and which buttons you need to press. Despite being small, the little hands on the lower left dial are very clear to read.
You can get an electronic version of the manual online (model 5423), much clearer than the tiny and thick version you get with the watch.
I imagine it's accurate, but if you get the chance to test it that would be great. If you could take a picture of it on your wrist that would also be appreciated :smiley: Not many pics of it online AFAIK.
Have no experience of this model, but only good experience of Casio. There will likely be a load of other models that look cosmetically different but offer the same features if the looks aren't for you.
I've no doubt Plum will soon be along to tell you that you need nothing more than a wind up Timex though.
Let me explain, lest you are getting befuddled:
1. You say that a perfectly correct time piece is no more better than a wind up timex. Your words not mine:
2. You then claim, that you have 'about' 8. (which is it? 7.5 watches, or 8 watches, or is it 8.3333 watches - what does 'about 8' watches mean? For someone so veracious as yourself, I find it hard to believe you don't know how many watches you have. If I were the suspicious type I would have thought that it is a make believe figure, inserted into the conversation to make us believe that by owning so many watches you know what you are talking about.)
So Pluun, enlighten me, these watches are no better than a wind up timex, yet you have gone and bought 'about' 8 of these gadgets?!! Pray, tell me why, when there is already something doing the job quite adequately, why in the good lords name did you go and buy 7 more?
I didn't see anything about it in the description but the watch has a stopwatch which goes to 23 hours 59. The right hand does 1/20th seconds, the second hand does seconds. The left dial apparently shows 'hours and minutes'. I don't know what this means if you want to time 6 minutes say. If it doesn't loop back round then you're going to be very hard pressed to see the minutes. Perhaps I'm reading it wrong though. Does anyone have one of these and can comment?
"don't weep too much" - the playground equivalent to 'na nana na na you're a cry baby'
"I have decided to block you all" - The rage quit! Take your ball and go home.
Is there anything in your repertoire that doesn't replicate the day to day activities of 6 year olds?
Robyn and your other lady friends, Please note.
You are boring me with your pathetic attempts to insult me, so I have decided to block you all.
Please don't weep too much.
Nickum wackum binairy ! :stuck_out_tongue::smirk:
You're reading what you'd like me to say again.
When you improve your reading skills, you MIGHT learn to read what is actually written and not what is befuddling your senses, petal.
All I have done, is explain ( well, try to) that a perfectly correct timepiece ( of which I have about 8 ) is no more use than an ordinary one.
So, methinks it is you and your " hard of understanding numpties, oops, sorry, I mean m8s" who are the "packages".
Sadly, I cannot clarify which female "package" I am referring to, as you will no doubt run, crying, to teacher and try to get me a days ban.
As I will be unable to access the internet tomorrow, try to arrange it for Tuesday, so that it will cause me untold grief and sadness. :stuck_out_tongue:
The office 'expert', ramming your opinions down everyone's throat and badging them as fact.
Quoting your cars 0-60 time, telling everyone which TV they should buy, proclaiming why their DSLR is better than any other.
You're a bore, people put up with you to your face put say what they really think behind your back.
Even now, you've decided that 'better' means only keeps a similar standard of time. If that was the case there would be no place in this world for anything other than your cheap Timex, but in reality there are plenty of more expensive offers which continue to sell. The think is, build quality, functionality, convenience and visual appeal all factor in to the equation of what is better. Further still, what's better for you isn't necessarily better for anyone else.
If all this offends you, you don't have to post anything. Just ignore it and keep your opinions (because that's all they are) to yourself.
I find it really freaky. :confused:
Now please stop stalking me.
Please resist the impulse to put your words into my fingers.
I find it really freaky. :confused:
Please stick to what I say, not what you'd like to imagine what I said.
Please don't try any more comparisons.
You're not good at them at all.
Pluun: I will drive my lada, as it does the job adequately. NOTHING will be any better and if have the GTR, I'll get stuck in traffic anyway and wont arrive on time. Its just a gimmick.
Great argument. Sigh...
Edit: I should add Plunn, that you DO have your facts and opinions mixed up. When you say NOTHING will be any better, considering this is solar powered and RC controlled. No battery change, no need to set the time, or change the date EVER.
Now I see why you claimed servicing an Omega in 40 years or so is not necessary!
Just because (in your view) the rest of the world will be working on the wrong time it does not degrade the accuracy of a radio controlled unit. This is highly practical, highly accurate and can for example be used as a measured to time the accuracy of your automatic watches because it gives you an exceptionally accurate base.
This is better than "Tick a tack Timex" and your opinion in not correct nor is it fact.
No better than a "Tick-a-tick Timex".
I have a different model that is solar powered & it works well. Just need to ensure it's exposed to light & not hidden under a jumper/shirt cuff/jacket.
The luminosity of the hands & markings though is really disappointing. Glows like a very bright glowing thing initially but fades very quickly to the point of being useless.
What use is a perfectly correct watch if the driver of the bus you want has only a bog standard watch ?
And even if he has an RC one like yours , he is at the mercy of traffic and not likely to arrive on time anyway .
Your RC watch will not make TV or radio programmes start on time .
A taxi will not be made to arrive on time .
In fact , NOTHING will be any better , time wise because you have a radio controlled watch .
It is merely a gadget and like many other gadgets , there is already something doing the job quite adequately .
PS. If you sprogs really want to insult me, you will have to try a lot harder.
Not to worry, a lot of you forum warriors do.
It's a fact.
In real life a perfectly correct, radio controlled watch is no better than a wind up timex.
We don't have to agree on them.
Having owned this watch and a couple of Timex watches I'd have to disagree. But then, that's just my opinion.
I have both radio controlled watches and clocks but as I said "No better than a tick - a - tick Timex".
Neither solar powered or radio controlled.