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6 Apr 16
This looks a pretty good deal on the face of it.

10k miles a year allowance

£2,400 dep

£174.81 pm x 23

£239.99 admin fee

= £6,660.61 in total.

Deposit can be reduced to:

3 months (£761.52) = £253.84pm

6 months (£1365.48) = £227.58pm
Top comments
6 Apr 16 41 #6
10 years ago this would have been an amazing deal. Now not so. Of course, this has nothing to what you've posted, but my age. You see, I read this, like it, and then see the MPG and wish it was a bit less powerful and more economical. Shoot me now.
6 Apr 16 36 #42
6 Apr 16 21 #22
Deeky in deals - heat added
6 Apr 16 19 #21
Handles well...nice deal deeky :laughing:
All comments (1062)
6 Apr 16 7 #1
6 Apr 16 6 #2
Popped 6 degrees on it to level it out. No idea about the golf. Car or the sport. But, I'll take your word for it.
6 Apr 16 4 #3
6 Apr 16 9 #4

I said I was on the lookout though :laughing:
6 Apr 16 1 #5
No steering wheel is on the wrong side! :laughing:
6 Apr 16 41 #6
10 years ago this would have been an amazing deal. Now not so. Of course, this has nothing to what you've posted, but my age. You see, I read this, like it, and then see the MPG and wish it was a bit less powerful and more economical. Shoot me now.
karlie88 to pukenukem
6 Apr 16 4 #9
So you missed the Passat Alltrack deal that was half this price? 4motion, estate, DSG, diesel with 190 horses but better fuel economy, List price of the car is £30k+ but was yours to lease for £3.4k over 2 years.

Best lease deal so far, IMO.

Deal lasted less than 24 hours though because it was a price glitch. Surprisingly they're being honoured. I've heard VW's finances are doing exceptionally well at the moment. :confused:
hukd_addict to pukenukem
7 Apr 16 1 #72
oh my... sounds like you need a day out on a track... see if your local GP can give you a Fun injection on the NHS. :smiley:
barbiegirl to pukenukem
7 Apr 16 #76
I had an indicated 45mpg in my Golf R doing a 90km/h run for one hour on the way back to Calais. OK, I was slip streaming a lorry using the radar controlled cruise and was only two up, but still.....
sibeer to pukenukem
7 Apr 16 4 #102
If you are doing 10k miles a year the difference between this with around 40mpg and a 50mpg car is 225 litres a year or £225 roughly in current prices. Even the difference with a 70mpg car is only 482 litres a year. Personally if I am spending over £3k a year to own a car I would choose to spend another £500 and have one that was great fun to drive rather than one I have to rag the life out off.
Shoesize to pukenukem
7 Apr 16 2 #151
Have you learnt nothing from Jeremy Clarkson? The ONLY thing that matters is POWER!





6 Apr 16 10 #7
I’ll buy it if you will be my chauffeur
loveboat1234 to daffers
6 Apr 16 #16
Andy@XCite to daffers
6 Apr 16 3 #37
Driving Miss Daffers. :smile:
6 Apr 16 6 #8
Heat added :confused:
6 Apr 16 3 #10
I was gutted about that. Tried to call next morning to ask a few questions, couldn't get through. By the time I got home and got through it was too late :disappointed:
6 Apr 16 1 #11
Do you know anything about the 2 companies karlie? £300 is not to be sniffed at but it's pretty insignificant if one is so much better than the other.
6 Apr 16 14 #12
Go deeks...
6 Apr 16 2 #13
:disappointed: Hopefully there'll be another deal in the near future. :smiley:
6 Apr 16 1 #14
There'll be no significant difference deeky. One may do the credit search a few hours earlier and give you your order number a couple of days earlier, but in all honesty there'll all pretty much the same.
6 Apr 16 2 #15
I read about some in the Passat thread going straight to their local VW dealer. Are there any drawbacks to that? I imagine cutting out the middleman has got to be good?
6 Apr 16 6 #17
Yes you cut out the broker and the admin fee. Trick is to send emails or phone your closest 3 dealers and ask to be put through to the fleet manager who will have access to personal lease deals.

The salesmen on the shop floor with white shirts and clippety-clop shoes will laugh in your face if you quote this deal. PCP is what they sell.
6 Apr 16 1 #18
Thanks Karlie. I'm feeling a few phone calls in the morning coming on :laughing:
6 Apr 16 1 #19
8am sharp - don't miss out on this deal. :laughing:
6 Apr 16 2 #20
Definitely worth a call to a couple of dealers. I leased a Tiguan last year, they beat all the internet quotes I had by a fair few quid, made a deposit contribution and even threw in some decent mats. Don't even worry about distance - I live just outside Chester and got a Golf a few years back from a dealer on the outskirts of London.
6 Apr 16 19 #21
Handles well...nice deal deeky :laughing:
6 Apr 16 21 #22
Deeky in deals - heat added
deeky to Chanchi32
6 Apr 16 3 #23
Wow chinchi! That's great, how long did it take you to knock up? Saved for future use :laughing:

6 Apr 16 1 #24
How do I explain to the wife that this is the perfect family car we have been looking for?

Maybe don't tell her what's under the bonnet?
Missed out on the Passat Alltrack.
deeky to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 3 #25
Just don't mention the power, like you said, a nice Golf Estate, perfect for a young family :laughing:
karlie88 to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 1 #26
Don't explain. Just get it. :wink:
barbiegirl to Cristiano
7 Apr 16 #78
always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...
6 Apr 16 2 #27
Looks nice in white
6 Apr 16 #28
Wow that looks smart in white. Are those the standard wheels?
666bandit666 to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 #29
Nope, 19" extras.
6 Apr 16 3 #30
Remember to factor in the visits to the Dentist and Chiropractor!:wink:
deeky to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 1 #31
No, looks like they are the optional 19" 'Pretoria' wheels. Standard whhels ar '18" Cadiz, as seen in pic.
6 Apr 16 2 #32
I've never really liked estate cars but that looks quality. With the price of petrol being so reasonable this is a real contender. Considering the other cars you get for sub 200 a month. In 2 years one of these cant be worth much more than 18k, so i don't know how they do it. List is north of £30k.
deeky to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 3 #33
I know. It's a mystery to me as well. They must cost much less than we imagine to produce.
deeky to Cristiano
6 Apr 16 1 #34
6 Apr 16 #35
Sorry for my ignorance... I do not know much about lease deals... Can someone please explain what happens after 24 months? Does the car go back to the lease company?

Also, what if someone was to pay off the lease company after say just one month?
deeky to sydney871
6 Apr 16 #39
Point 1 - it just goes back to the lease company.

Point 2 - you mean pay of the 23 payments up front? Dunno if you could, or why you would want to do that.
Cristiano to sydney871
6 Apr 16 3 #40
Yes you give it them back. The second question isn't possible really, I don't think you can pay it off. You are signing a contract to pay a deposit and a monthly figure for 2 years in exchange for this beautiful car.

A good deal in my book for a lease is if it costs you less over the lease period that it would in depreciation if you "owned" the car.

If you take this example - the golf has a list of 33k. If in 2 years this car could be sold for more than just shy of £26k (list minus lease cost) it would work out better (without taking into consideration how large the monthly payment, interest etc).

But this car would depreciate a lot more than the price of this lease quoted above - which in my book is the sign of a good deal.
Just my personal take on leases and this deal.
6 Apr 16 1 #36
Still nice. Decisions decisions.

The funny thing is that this would be the wife's car. She is the one on maternity leave with our little one. Unless I can somehow say I should drive the family car and you can drive the other car. She will be back to work in January so I could then make a play to drive this. The wife would literally pootle around town to and from the shops. But at the weekend, play time.
6 Apr 16 1 #38
That is how you got into this mess in the first place! :laughing:
6 Apr 16 1 #41
Thanks make sense
6 Apr 16 36 #42
6 Apr 16 4 #43
Now the down side to leasing. In two years I will want something even better and faster. Finding something sub 5 seconds for real world money is almost impossible. :disappointed:
6 Apr 16 1 #44

No satnav as standard?
6 Apr 16 #45
2 questions hopefully someone might have knowledge of.
1. Will it have a 2 yr service interval, meaning no service required?
2. What condition do the tyres need to be in when it's given back?
NSA to JSmooth
6 Apr 16 #49
For point 1, yes it will be on a long life service plan but you'll still need to service it before it goes back...

Not sure about tyres, but I guess they'd have to be road legal as a minimum. Normally, BVRLA is what most lease companies adhere to...
6 Apr 16 1 #46
They do take the wee don't they! :smile:
6 Apr 16 1 #47
Modern day Audi RS2. Without the vast price tag that car commanded, mind.
6 Apr 16 #48
I read on the R forums that the estate version only has 2 working exhaust pipes out of the 4 and a lot of people were complaining to VW to say why don't the other 2 work! :smile:

I have the hatchback version of the Golf R and it's a fantastic car. Specced it with DSG (Amongst other things) last year as I'm getting on a bit now...nearly mid 40's anyway. Took SEVEN months to arrive mind!!!!
6 Apr 16 1 #50
Nice car, heat added :innocent: Hope there's no back seat driver though :wink:
7 Apr 16 #51
Trust you to mention the back seat :smiley:
7 Apr 16 #52
TCO = £6835.43 therefore £284.81 pm full spread.
7 Apr 16 #53
7 Apr 16 2 #54
3.5 k Down the swanny each year to get away bit faster at the lights ?!
Must be same folk who believe their semi will put on hundred k a year , without fail...
ollie87 to logohigh
7 Apr 16 4 #55
Some people like fast cars and are willing to pay money for them. Not that hard to follow really.
karlie88 to logohigh
7 Apr 16 12 #56
And you posted a deal for a £3,500 bike. You're havin' a laugh...
7 Apr 16 #57
Never been able to get hold of this company.

rang, no answer.
Left a voicemail, no call back.
sent an email, no reply.

shame, I would take most of these deals that they've been advertising.
dezontk to shuwaz
7 Apr 16 #60
You can do better x
7 Apr 16 #58
Great deal, shame they don't offer PCP
7 Apr 16 #59
have some heat sir.
7 Apr 16 1 #61
A great deal and a great car.... the estate boot is smaller than the 2 wheel drive version....

Get 30mpg from mine when driven normally, low 20's when hooning

Goes like the wind with foot down, DSG near essential, the non-crash cruise control is a dream....
barbiegirl to glduuk
7 Apr 16 2 #77
I absolutely love the radar controlled cruise - did 600 miles to Germany in one sitting - got out the car feeling like I'd done a 45 minute journey - cannot overstate how it takes the tiring concentration out of motorway driving. I do find there's a half second or so when in my other car with the cruise on when I think "why isn't it slowing down as I'm getting closer to that big truck". Followed by some sharper than normal breaking....
7 Apr 16 2 #62
Cold because the deal is basically stolen from this (and more expensive);

And only hasn't bombed because the HUKD clique are involved.
7 Apr 16 1 #63
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought this :smiley:
7 Apr 16 #64
This is a slightly better deal for those who do 10k per year. The other one is 8k per year.
7 Apr 16 #65
In 99% of the cases with leasing, it's cheaper to pay overage :smiley:
7 Apr 16 3 #66
Bloody gutted, had been waiting for months and months for a Golf R deal, my time had run out so only a month ago I took a deal on a Seat Leon FR, and then this turns up!!

Damn, ah well, at least I can laugh at those getting mid 20s mpg and gloat with all my wonderful high 40s mpg.

But I'm still crying inside :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:
Gambler to Oak99
7 Apr 16 #71
Did you get a good deal?
7 Apr 16 #67
Ooh, look. A negative comment from ezzer in a lease deal thread. Now there's a thing :laughing:

Fwiw, this deal wasn't 'stolen' at all. I hadn't seen that deal and it didn't show up when I posted this one. Besides, even if I had, it's a different deal from a different supplier.

And clique? Grow up mate. Sure, I might have a few buddies who might have voted hot but it's currently at 458 degrees from nearly 300 votes. They're not all my friends :wink:
7 Apr 16 #68
What has happened to that other deal, it seems to have disappeared.
deeky to Cristiano
7 Apr 16 #69
Looks like someone spammed it.

It was for 8k miles, a smaller advance renatl, I think about £1700 and £202 a month. Not much in it.
7 Apr 16 #70
To be fair Deeky, I honestly wasn't aiming the 'clique' comment at you mate, truly.

What hasn't helped though is the other deal has been taken down...

And my negativity is usually aimed at the actual car on offer, I have been kind to VW on this occasion :smiley:
deeky to ezzer72
7 Apr 16 1 #73
Fair enough. I thought you meant my 'clique' :smiley: Although you haven't been that kind, you still voted the deal cold.
7 Apr 16 #74
Taking it to 15K / year only adds a few quid too :smiley:

7 Apr 16 #75
Geez at more than double the speed limit ( 155mph ) & car insurance group at 34E, this has to be a super fast sexy car with small breasts :-)
7 Apr 16 3 #79
just ordered from horizon..

£197.99 a month

£1781.89 up front
9+23 agreement
£180 broker fee up front inc VAT

£6515.66 all in

and 10k miles
deeky to mattyoakley
7 Apr 16 #80
Whahey!! Result!

Did they say how long? What colour?
7 Apr 16 #81
I'm very tempted you know particularly with the deal from horizon the guy mentions above.
7 Apr 16 5 #82
I got a lease on the hatchback Golf R from a thread on HotUKDeals and had it one year now - best thing I've ever got from this site and a lease deal is the way forward for me now. Mine was a manual at £6800 for 2 years at 10k per year so this is even better. Keep the options to an absolute minimum, as you pay the full cost over the lease term and VW gets a better car back at the end - only add the things you can't live without and I put heated seats and auto dipping headlights which I find brilliant now. Lease company was just the middle man with VW sorting finance and collected from a VW dealer in Cardiff that just threw me the keys, told me the manual was in the glove box, sign the paperwork and off you go - most disappointing!

The car itself is utterly amazing and had 45 mpg on some runs over 100 miles; mid to high 30s for the majority of trips. However, it takes off at such a pace that before you know it you are into serious license losing territory. Great thing about leasing is that I read on the Golf R forum that some owners had taken it in for a PX and were offered low £20k after one year; around £10k loss. I had paid way less than that for 2 years and that was before the VW scandal dropped prices even lower. Following a puncture, I got a replacement tyre fitted for less than £90 and insurance was £150 - even less for a year than my bottom of the range Sirocco?

This is a win-win. You know the price you'll pay, the car is under warranty and taxed by VW and, with DSG, this is an unbelievable deal. I'd be all over this if I didn't have another year left on my R.

If you get it, you will NOT be disappointed. :wink:
Cristiano to HertzVanRental
7 Apr 16 1 #89
That's really helpful stuff in there. Glad that you are happy with the car and I agree the DSG addition for me is a real bonus.
7 Apr 16 #83
11 week lead time currently, but they did say there was a massive influx of orders since yesterday haha.

vehicle tax(rfl or ved or whatever the hell the politically correct abbreviation is ) for 2 years included.
insurance is 270 quid(cheaper than my focus st 225, and that now includes my fiancée whos 26)

gone for tornado red..
7 Apr 16 #84
do it.

I dealt with pascal at horizon, lovely chap.

its cheaper up front on both broker fee and initial payment which is better for me,
7 Apr 16 1 #85
11 weeks don;t sound too bad. NVS quoted me 16 weeks.
7 Apr 16 1 #86
I'm filling in the finance application but at no point before that did I get to select my colour.

Is that something you do later? I'm also going for the standard tornado red!
7 Apr 16 #87
mine was done over the phone, he asked which colour, white or red
7 Apr 16 #88
pascal rang me..

applied for finance..

rang back and said application accepted..

then they email you a form to sign..which I scanned and emailed back..

then you call to confirm details and colour...

Pay the £180 broker fee...

at that point deal is secured..

if something happens and they cant fulfill the order.. £180 gets refunded.
7 Apr 16 #90
Is tax included the norm for leases? I thought that the VED would be included, but I didn't realise that RFL was included as well.
7 Apr 16 1 #91
road tax / ved / rfl or whatever the hell its called is included for the term of the lease
7 Apr 16 2 #92
Thanks Matt.

Managed to order a 3 + 23 deal. No admin fee, £761.52 down and 23 @ £253.84 p/m. 10k pa.
7 Apr 16 #93
that's not too bad, doesn't work out a lot more than mine..

I just wanted under £200 a month price as got a wedding coming up.
7 Apr 16 #94
7 Apr 16 #95
anyone know what the Milage cost is on this.... E.G (use up your 20k miles over 24months) pay 7p per mile etc.

Any details would be appreciated :smiley:
deeky to silver145
7 Apr 16 1 #98
It's 7.2p a mile inc VAT.
7 Apr 16 #96
You can buy the car through drivethedeal at a c£6.5k discount, so initial price of about £27,500. Two year old Golf Rs sell for well over £21,000 (more like £24k), so buying the car rather than leasing does appear to be a better option, particularly if you want to keep it more than 2 years, or add options.
deeky to skdotcom
7 Apr 16 3 #97
Assuming you have £27k to shell out in the first place?
7 Apr 16 #99
Thank you sir
7 Apr 16 #100
Anybody rang a VW dealer to see what they can do? Can they not match the lease?
dirky to c.grex
7 Apr 16 #124
I'm also interested in the answer to this or I will do doing it myself, any guidance?
rincage to c.grex
7 Apr 16 1 #164
This deal will be VW. The broker is just the middle-man and hands over to VW as soon as the order is placed. VW will provide the car, tax and charge your bank account each month.
7 Apr 16 #101
PCP rather than lease.
7 Apr 16 1 #103
I just can't decide between white and red. I've provisionally ordered white, but the more I look at the red the more I like it!
7 Apr 16 2 #104
Not sure I'm doing a correct comparison, but on a £27k car, with £2.4k deposit/10k miles/2 years... it doesn't look competitive at £485 a month.
7 Apr 16 1 #105
If you like cleaning cars go for White. Latest Red paint goes very well on the Golf.
7 Apr 16 1 #106
I agree with the sentiment but I do think that 40mpg for this car is wildly optimistic :laughing:
7 Apr 16 #107
I'm a bit of a detailing addict if truth be told, but two out of my last three cars have been white. I've never owned a true red colour before, so it's tempting. I also think that the red looks slightly better than the white with the contrasting silver mirrors.
7 Apr 16 #108
I dont know much about PCP, but what you've chosen is Golf GTI for your comparison. The calculator will be working back to a residual price for a cheaper model therefore thats why its costing more.

It may be that the monthly cost is more using PCP, but you will actually have some equity in the car after 2 years,so overall it would be more cost effective.

I have a lease car at the moment, and its the worse choice I ever made. I chose not to spec any options, because if you do you're getting nothing back for it. You pay the full cost over the 2 years. I'm constantly having to monitor my miles and keep within the mileage limit (if you go over 10% more than allowance the PPM no longer applies and you have no idea what it will cost you!). No one pointed that out!
7 Apr 16 1 #109
Only just realised this.

The OP has incorrectly stated the price in the title. Should be £175 less because it's the initial rental plus 23 monthly rentals - not 24 as stated.

7 Apr 16 #110
Surely if you choose to walk away after 2 years PCP, as you do with a lease, then you don't have any equity?
7 Apr 16 #111
It depends on how much the car is worth. If it's worth more than what you owe, then you could use this equity to put towards your next PCP, for example.
7 Apr 16 #112
:laughing: Even better then, I'll amend it now. :laughing:
7 Apr 16 1 #113
Ordered mine today, Build week wk19 currently, which is mid May. But guess this could change. Gone for White but added the winter pack :smiley:
Cristiano to volksdub
7 Apr 16 #114
Is red or white the only standard colour for this? Not urano grey??? Hahahah
7 Apr 16 1 #115
VW are in the gutter at the moment, no compensation to UK customers was the final straw.
kiish to djh1975
7 Apr 16 #117
Lets be honest, doubt most people care. They build decent cars :smiley:
7 Apr 16 1 #116
And don't mind not having £27k work for you - not hard to get 3-4% with low risk..
7 Apr 16 2 #118
It's so fast that the GPS signals can't keep up so no point really.
7 Apr 16 1 #119
You might have some equity left at the end , you might not

A lot can happen in 2 years , fuel prices might go through the roof hitting resales on petrol cars , another VW scandal could occur .

Taking out a PCP upon the basis of having equity at the end is incredibly risky IMO . Not something I would personally do
sickly sweet
7 Apr 16 2 #120
I was going to vote hot until you changed the colour of the car to white on the little picture.

I don't like white cars.

Voted cold.

*ok, so I do hate white cars but I didn't vote cold. Because I'm not a prat. And I like Deeky. Very much. Even if he likes white cars. White cars are almost as bad as white shoes. Never trust a man who wears white shoes. Ok, that's all. Voted hot. Begrudgingly.
Askrulous to sickly sweet
7 Apr 16 2 #135
Nothing wrong with white cars, as long as you look the part [url=]correct attire[/url]
7 Apr 16 2 #121
hahaha... good one!
937666 to umair007
7 Apr 16 #122
7 Apr 16 2 #123
7 Apr 16 #125
What happened to the other thread?

I've ordered mine. Straight through the dealer. Cheaper than NVS
jeds to aymanhd
7 Apr 16 #130
On this deal or a previous one?
silver145 to aymanhd
7 Apr 16 #134
Hi Aymanhd, can you elaborate on how you did this (e.g phoned local VW dealer and explained?)

7 Apr 16 #126
7 Apr 16 #127
Missed out on the Scirroco R deal last summer, ended up getting a 330i wish i could've got this now :disappointed:
deeky to thesampeople
7 Apr 16 2 #128
A 330i ain't a bad sub though :laughing:
7 Apr 16 1 #129
Yep standard colours are Pure White and Tornado Red. I was going with Lapiz Blue but as I'm not keeping it and I like it in white I decided to save the extra monthly £22
7 Apr 16 1 #131
Nah its not at all,its pretty fantastic tbh but it was used and it would have been nice to have a nice new Hot hatch for a couple of years haha
7 Apr 16 #132
Total price is £6,669.60, so only £9 difference. Just 8k vs 10k.
7 Apr 16 #133
There was a previous deal posted by someone else yesterday - it's completely disappeared...

I ordered at 12:30. Not with NVS but with a dealer...
7 Apr 16 #136
That's all there is to it. Just call them, ask for the fleet manager and say you've seen this deal on NVS, and ask can they beat or match it. They will either say they can match it or they can't. If they can it just means you deal directly with the dealer and cut out the middleman. Got to be easier all round.
7 Apr 16 #137
There's also no admin fee with a dealer, so you save some money, if they can match it that is.
7 Apr 16 1 #138
same for personal (as i am not after a business lease) ?

7 Apr 16 2 #139
I messaged you - mine was personal.
7 Apr 16 1 #140
I would take up this offer but £6,660 is my absolute limit.
karlie88 to 937666
7 Apr 16 3 #141
deeky has 61p, kindly let him know your bank account details so that he can wire you the monies.
7 Apr 16 #142
I'm waiting for a call back from my local dealer. They pass it to their fleet manager. My local garage is stockport, south Manchester. Her name is Michelle apparently. I told the sales guy and he said its great offer, pcp or hp couldn't get near it
7 Apr 16 #143
no thanks just waiting for my passat alltrack to arrive :smile:
7 Apr 16 #144
just seen this deal £267.99 + vat for a bmw 640d ! shame as its only for business!
Are there anyway around this?
karlie88 to jeeves
7 Apr 16 #146

Select the 8k mileage option and personal prices will appear.

£22k over the lease term on a personal lease - no thanks.
SpamJavelin to jeeves
7 Apr 16 #148
£3600 per year if you go with the 10,000 miles option then that on top in tax. Plus the £2,400 deposit = 84 pence per mile for a business user. If you are in the higher rate then it jumps to £1.20 per mile.

Private would definitely be the way to go with this one - call them for a quote :-)
7 Apr 16 1 #145
Heart says yes, head has already left the building in my diesel Skoda :-(
7 Apr 16 1 #147
I agree nobody cares that they have lied to their customers, they aren't the first and they won't be the last. I still find it funny that Skoda & Seat are more reliable than their parent company and you pay more for the plastic badge.
7 Apr 16 #149
same the nearest near me was £50 a month more than the online lease, having a chat with him tomorrow to discuss as he said they may be able to sort something etc.
7 Apr 16 1 #150
Hmm, I dunno, there's a few too many sixes in succession there for superstitious folk.
7 Apr 16 #152
Called VW Edinburgh, best they could do was £7198 and they could not match or beat the deal from Horizon. Called Horizon, spoke with Pascal, very friendly chap, said the deal is still on and delivery can also be extended until September. Have filled out the finance application online and now waiting to hear back.
lukez0r to Harris_M
7 Apr 16 #153
I heard back from Pascal about 30 minutes ago to confirm my order has been placed. The Horizon staff are actually working late in order to process all of the orders they've received and still have over 100 general enquiries to respond to regarding this deal. Hope all these orders don't delay deliveries!
7 Apr 16 #154
Thanks for the update, how soon did you hear back about your financing approval?
7 Apr 16 5 #155
The VWFS lease deals are 7.2 ppm up to 999,999 miles which is the same as PCP excess mileage so that argument is null and void.

Fact of the matter is, nothing comes close to the price of this deal. PCP, bank loan, cash... because this lease deal is less than the depreciation of the vehicle.

Lets talk numbers rather than fantasy thinking. Even if you took out a Golf R Estate on a 48 month PCP with £6,5000 discount through drive the deal you would be looking at the below (based on VW finance calculator);

48 month PCP
10,000 miles p.a
£1500 deposit + £6,500 discount = £8000 deposit
£359.68 per month
GFV £14,193.
6.6% APR

Say after 24 months you want to chop the car in, you will be £1500 deposit + 23 x £359.68 = £9,772.64 outlay on PCP with £22,825.32 approximate settlement fee based on the GFV + remaining payments.

The estate is too new a model to get depreciation examples for so I will base it on a 24 month old 5dr DSG hatchback with 20,000 miles which has a similar OTR price as the R estate.

We Buy Any Car valuation : £20,270 (you may be able to get a better deal through private sale or part exchange but don't expect to reach the 24k trade prices, I would estimate £21,500 max)

Based on the above valuation these are the approximate outlays to drive this vehicle for 2 years:

Lease = £6,660.61
PCP = £9,772.64 + £2,555.32 negative equity
Cash = £7,120
7 Apr 16 1 #156
I'm tempted by a lease deal but wondered what the hand back was like. Do they charge for every little scuff? I bet even the wheels on this are expensive for a refurb, they look like laquer on machined alloy. Don't fancy getting stitched for another £1000 on hand over for normal wear and tear. I do look after my cars but don't want to have to park it in a bubble.
HertzVanRental to Burty
7 Apr 16 2 #157
Finance paperwork comes with a fair wear and tear guidelines booklet that details what's acceptable and what's not. Link to the page here.
lovelybeer to Burty
7 Apr 16 #159
The wheels look like they are Diamond cut... Which is indeed expensive to refurbish, but that shouldn't put anyone off this deal.
7 Apr 16 #158
Pascal called me this afternoon around 3 to confirm the finance was all okay and then I had to print and sign the order form and return it to him with the £180 admin fee. Took a couple of hours at most to sort the order. You'll probably get a call in the morning i'd expect!
7 Apr 16 #160
How is it so cheap? I just bought a Ducati and it cost me 15k.
7 Apr 16 3 #161
I went for the lease deal on the hatchback Golf R that was doing the rounds in October 2014. Had to wait until Mar 2016 to pick up the car. Some details for those considering ...

Have done 20,000 miles in the last year. Had to replaced tyres at 16k.
Averaged 32 mpg over this time. Some spirited miles in that total though. The most I can get is 39mpg on a steady 60mph motorway run. Have always used Tesco 99RON petrol.
Car is very comfortable. I went for a manual gearbox which suits me fine and keeps the drive engaging. Some say the Golf R is a little clinical. Which it is, compared to say an Impreza or Type R or Focus. But I like the fact that its engineered to such a high level.

Amazing car for the money basically. And no regrets form me.
7 Apr 16 #162
whats service intervals?
karlie88 to gonzo02
7 Apr 16 #163
20k miles or every 2 years - whichever is sooner.
Flyingzard to gonzo02
7 Apr 16 1 #167
Pascal said to me that it is on a long life 2 year or 20k miles plan. Basically, get it serviced the once before you hand it back.

Waiting on my credit check but he said as I am in the system now I should get one. Here's hoping. Gone for a red one. £6.5k for a 5 sec family wagon with a boot bigger than my Octavia is a no brainier to me
7 Apr 16 1 #165
Got mine thru VW direct. Best price out all of them.
7 Apr 16 #166
How much?
7 Apr 16 #168
He said that to me but said if you take it back before the service light is on you don't have to have it serviced :confused:
7 Apr 16 #169
I'm made up with how many people seem to be actually going for it instead of talking about it :laughing:

I'm also pretty chuffed that there don't seem to have been many, if any, naysayers in which hints at it being a great deal :smiley:
7 Apr 16 #170
Thanks, that looks reasonable. I used to work at a ex rental VW Skoda refurb site for sub 12 month old cars with less than 10,000 miles, similar rules. Average costs were around £250 to the lease company with their large discounts for volume, we painted around 60 cars a day. I'd guess I could look after mine a bit better than airport car though.
7 Apr 16 #171
Still stuck between red and white damn it!
7 Apr 16 #172
You are right about the residuals, but the GTI is £6000 or so cheaper than the R too, so pro-rata, the R payments could be higher - they certainly won't be c. £200 this way.

Also whilst you are right in theory about having some equity, in my experience this is very rare on VW/Audi PCPs - I'm afraid in this instance a PCH is definitely much cheaper than PCP.
7 Apr 16 #173
anyone experienced the golf dynaudio sound pack?
deeky to silver145
7 Apr 16 #174
I'm sure it's great if the Dynaudio speakers I had in an older car are anything to go by, but my salesman said the standard 8 speaker sound system is great as it is for anyone but a proper audiophile.
7 Apr 16 1 #175
Thanks for the reply! I dont mind the extra 22ish a month for it, as the enjoyment of it is a large part.

Just waiting to hear back from VW direct to see if they can match the deal to cut out lease company! as currently they were about £50 more expensive per month, The quote between 15k miles and 20k miles was £70 difference a month, but if you paid the 6p excessive mile charge it worked out about £25 a month difference over 12 months so it was a little.....odd!
7 Apr 16 1 #176
Great deal :smiley: thanks
7 Apr 16 #177
Nicely done, who did you have to contact for that and how much did you end up paying?
7 Apr 16 3 #178
You can almost add me to th list. The wife is Deffo coming round to the idea. Just not sure on whether to go for this deal with Pascal that everyone has mentioned or hang on for Vw. This pascal sounds like the man to talk to.
7 Apr 16 #179
Good luck :smile:
7 Apr 16 #180
This pascal is on the ball. He had a quote back to me within 4 mins of me submitting the enquiry at 930pm.
7 Apr 16 #181
In all honesty, I don't think many, if any, VW dealers will beat the broker's quotes. May as well just go with horizon as far as I can see.
7 Apr 16 #182
So have you signed up?
7 Apr 16 1 #183
Leaving it until morning myself to hear back from VW then i will take the plunge!
7 Apr 16 #184
i sent a quote in before you and have heard nothing back. was it by email or text/telephone?
7 Apr 16 #185
let us know what vw say please silver145 :smiley:
silver145 to support28
7 Apr 16 #186
Will do, original quote for 10k was 220, 15k was 239 and 20k was and 2100 deposit on each so hopefully some major work to be done!!! lol
7 Apr 16 #187
I just put the query via the horizon website. I was quite impressed. Just need to work a little on the wife and its a done deal. I want this so bad, more than I wanted the Alltrack. As I think this will be amazing to drive.
7 Apr 16 2 #188
Great deal!

We've got both the R Saloon and 208 GTI on lease
Both fantastic fun cars in their own right

My advice is to find a local dealer (ask for fleet / business) not only will it save you the admin fee but also leads to a much nicer leasing experience (Inspection / hand over and pickup)
Cristiano to zermattbusby
7 Apr 16 #189
Some guy earlier spoke of something similar where he had leased via a leasing company and picked up at VW garage and they practically through the keys at him and said manual is in the glovebox. If this woman doesn't call me back from the VW garage I will go via horizon
7 Apr 16 #190
Did you get my PM mate?
7 Apr 16 1 #191
I used : Corkills in Wigan for the Golf and Booths of Ditton for the Peugeot
Both were fantastic!
Choice of number plates and both cars beautifully presented under cloth covers at handover lol
7 Apr 16 #192
Been waiting for a cheap R lease to come along again - excellent!
Sent an enquiry to my local dealer to see if he will match (Lancaster Aylesbury)

The new car sales team had a very dim view on the last cheap R deal - They insisted to me that it was an error and that VW would not be doing it again!

Glad they were wrong! Be good to collect it from them and have a quick chat with the sales guy that dismissed me last time :smiley:

I want the 19inch pretoria wheels, but it looks like it would be cheaper to buy a nice 19inch set myself and then sell on afterwards?
8 Apr 16 #193
Great idea on the wheels, should get away with a single set of tyres on the originals if you only use them for winter use. And sell the Prets after :smiley:
8 Apr 16 #194
Any better deals for the gap insurance?
deeky to volksdub
8 Apr 16 #196
I'm gonna look at this - I don't fully understand gap insurance but it went red hot so I suppose there must be something in it :laughing:
8 Apr 16 1 #195
Just checked my mail and the Lancaster Aylesbury business manager has responded to me at 9pm tonight asking for a few details and he will provide me with a quote ASAP tomorrow morning. Sounds promising

Might pop out for OJ and bread tomorrow and return with a signed order form :smiley:

Going for white with no options - if it looks like this White VW Golf R Estate I will be very happy - are these the standard 18inch wheels? The one in the background has the 19inch pretoria.
8 Apr 16 #197
Yes, they're the standard Cadiz wheels.
8 Apr 16 #198
Hot! Picking up some tips from Pistonheads, managed to get a main VW dealer to do 3+23 at £245 for the bog standard car in Tornado Red plus Car Net but brokers' prices are pretty similar so get on it while you can!
Nehcrux to jyjyjy
8 Apr 16 #199
If you don't mind sharing, what dealer?
8 Apr 16 #200
Has anyone got a dealer to beat the lease deal offered by Horizon? For example, by not charging a document fee or offering a lower fee?
8 Apr 16 #201
anyone had there order number off horizon?

pascal said yesterday I would get email from world pay confirming the £180 payment, and then a booking number to track car. nothing at all yet :disappointed:
8 Apr 16 1 #202
Pistonheads has a few recommended at the moment who are offering great deals.

Vindis Bedford - guy called Nick Kealy
Also some shouts on there for Jardine VW, have a read of the thread
8 Apr 16 #203
I'm the same, don't really understand what figure I need to take. Total cost of the car or just enough to cover the finance payments? :neutral_face:
8 Apr 16 #204
Put in the total cost of the car, (34k) the quote for 2 years comes up at about 134.

Because when uncle bob plows into the side of you, and the insurers write off the car and payout what the car is worth once you have driven in 3 miles, there will be a gap of 7k for example, this covers that :smiley:
8 Apr 16 #205
I got quote of £71 :neutral_face:
8 Apr 16 #206
Don't just leave us hanging! How!? <3
8 Apr 16 #207
:laughing: Well I'm presuming I did something wrong :laughing: I'll check when I get home from work :smiley:
8 Apr 16 #208
If you don’t want to go through these online lease companies I got a very good lease deal from a VW Dealer – Alan Day VW (Southgate) - dealt with a guy called Harlan Loganathan – top man, very helpful – give him a bell
8 Apr 16 #209
For those going for a red one like i was. Pascal informed me earlier that there is no current build date on them yet on the system. You may have to wait until September ish for delivery. A load of pure white ones are being built in the middle of June so maybe a end of June delivery. This info may change if you order one now but something to be mindful of if you are going for a solid colour. I changed mine for a white one after seeing these piccies!

Pascal is going above and beyond the call of duty to satisfy the demand for this deal. He emailed me at 10:30 last night with my credit check approval. He certainly is as good as some of you guys were saying earlier in the thread!
8 Apr 16 #210
Just noticed the offers gone now
blimeyman to mr_wacky_unis
8 Apr 16 #214
Probably used up there allocation - try a VW Dealer they were late to the party so probably still have some allocated - I just got mine through Alan Day VW Southgate - Harlan Loganathan sorted mine. Good luck. Very excited
8 Apr 16 #211
MotorPocket quote comes out as £63.48 assuming i've entered everything correctly.
8 Apr 16 #212
Hmm he certainly never mentioned this to me when I ordered a red one :disappointed:
8 Apr 16 #213
so i called into VW wakefield, was told only 30 of these cars were available in total and this has been emailed out nationwide to dealers?
8 Apr 16 #215
Pascal at Horizon just called to explain theres probably a 14 week wait on the red but he might be able to swap to white if I wanted which will probably be 11 week wait.

He also explained that this deal wqs basically a misprice by VW.
8 Apr 16 #216
Don't believe it - no miss price - even if they say it is. Very clever marketing by VW. They said that last time with the last round of Golf R leases. They know what they are doing...
8 Apr 16 #217
I'm desperate to get this deal done and I'm not getting calls back. Tiried horizon and my 2 local VW garages and nothing. Anyone know of anyone who can still do this deal.
Flyingzard to Cristiano
8 Apr 16 #220
I really hope you can! Whether it is true or not, Horizon said to me when i phoned about it at 4pm yesterday that i may not get one due to the crazy demand levels for it but i was lucky. It did take me 10-15 mins waiting to get through to them.
8 Apr 16 #218
You may have ordered yours before me. Did he give you a build week? He basically does not know when it will come up on the system. It could be tomorrow for all he knows.
8 Apr 16 #219
Looks like they've withdrawn the offer judging by responses I'm getting for dealers. I've got a fixed price quote ready to go from yesterday - We will see how true to their word they are about fixing it!
8 Apr 16 #221
Pascal just confirmed they can't order anymore. I just hope someone somewhere can order 1.
deeky to Cristiano
8 Apr 16 #223
What did Alt say? Did they get back to you?
8 Apr 16 #222
Didn't give anything concrete just said probably 14 weeks because there's no build date iirc.
8 Apr 16 #224
They would get the fleet person to call me. Crewe VW just emailed me back to say the deal has gone. Very annoying as I emailed and called them yesterday morning at 730.

I snoozed for too long and have lost out. Serves me right for being married and not just making a decision.

I am gonna sulk all weekend now. Very disappointed.
8 Apr 16 1 #225
Aww, bad times mate. I know how you feel, I snoozed and loozed over the Passat deal a few weeks ago. Keep your chin up, something else will come up, just don't procrastinate next time, you've got the green light in the bank :wink:
8 Apr 16 #226
I was part way through the application with a written agreement on price when the offer was pulled. Had my local VW fleet exec not been out of the office this morning, I would have had mine confirmed before the deal was pulled. Safe to say that he's rather miffed with VW, as apparently it wasn't advertised as being limited stock. He's now trying to see if he can process the deals he's already quoted for in writing, but I'm not hopeful!

That will teach me for consulting the boss overnight :disappointed:
gonzo02 to theshabster
8 Apr 16 #227
Same boat here but I think we are too late.
8 Apr 16 #228
It's a bit naughty of VW to at least not state that it was limited stock or a limited time frame. It's frustrating for us, the dealers and the brokers.
8 Apr 16 1 #229
Pascal called me at 2 today, my order got through but no build date yet as I chose tornado red. But all.confirmed. well happy
8 Apr 16 1 #230
Aww, bad times mate. I know how you feel, I snoozed and loozed over the Passat deal a few weeks ago. Keep your chin up, something else will come up, just don't procrastinate next time, you've got the green light in the bank :wink:[/quote

Gateway leasing are still doin it. But I don't know if he's pulling my leg when everyonelse can't do it. He said it would be fine. Thoughts?
8 Apr 16 #231
Lol, wouldn't like to say. Can't see him pulling your leg though? Why would he? Anyway, fingers crossed.
8 Apr 16 #232
Still deals about but gone up slightly £6,959.68 through CJAutomotive VW dealer. 2 years, 10k - 3+23 - £803.04 upfront and £267.68 pm
Cristiano to volksdub
8 Apr 16 #233
I've spoken to 2 firms and they said its 400 a month now with same 2kish deposit. Deal closed at 12. I don't know how some can still do the deal if VW don't allow orders to be placed at this rate.

The gateway guy was a bit lax. He said input 1 through this morning and not had problems with it. And we get an email when deals end. But he wouldn't / couldn't check if it was still available. Just as far as he's aware.

I will ring this other one and see what they say. 500 extra isn't too bad.
8 Apr 16 #234
For people still trying to get this deal, have a quick look on What Car? Leasing:
Give the dealers listed a call sharpish - you may still be able to nab one!
8 Apr 16 #235
Been in to Huddersfield £6800 for 2 years..Signed paper work paid deposit walked out and there just told me deal has been pulled I can't have it at that price anymore.. I am gutted.
8 Apr 16 #236
Been in to Huddersfield vw £6800 over 2 years. Paid deposit signed paper work.. Walked out only to be told the deal has been pulled I can no longer have that deal at that price.. I am gutted.
Cristiano to rym123
8 Apr 16 #238
Unlucky. I don't know why some dealers and lease firms still allow us to get so far down the track and then find out its pulled.
8 Apr 16 #237
Just tried them all. Pulled. Worth the shout. I'm gonna keep all these names and numbers in prep for the next deal. I've asked them all to keep my number in case an others can be squeezed through. Angry with myself for waiting. The car is so good.
8 Apr 16 #239
I'm disputing it as it's not my fault they haven't checked it wasn't available at 2pm... The only reason I waited til today was the sales rep wanted me to test drive one and it was arriving today. It was a monster I might add.
8 Apr 16 #240
FYI i got back from dealer about an hour ago,

I paid the extra £17 a month or so and got the car in black as it was pretty much the only color left, but he had a job getting it! i went direct with VW leeds
silver145 to silver145
8 Apr 16 #241
also - paperwork was signed but no deposit paid, don't have to pay until about 2 weeks before car arrives
8 Apr 16 #242
Don't blame you. Crewe VW who people recommended after the Alltrack deal were woeful, emailed yesterday morning and called twice yesterday and today - they emailed at 247pm today saying the deal has now gone. Sorry.

I've got to sharpen up my act. I was into this as soon as this was posted, but the wife was dragging her feet.
8 Apr 16 #243
f|_|ck , i applied at over the phone 1:30 and it was still on the website all afternoon , ive heard nothing nothing back yet saying its been cancelled , i hope they come through but knowing my luck ..... and they even said they could get me a black on by the end of May, too good to be true i guess.

Im going to remain hopeful, as there is nothing around that comes close without paying at least another 1k deposit and 100 a month, which will be too painful if this slips through my fingers.
rym123 to check_your_bank
8 Apr 16 #244
Vw lightcliffe told me there was only red and black available yesterday and couldn't price match or even come near. Good luck in getting one wish I wouldn't of waited til today for a test drive.
8 Apr 16 #245
Why did he want you to test drive it if you wanted to buy without a drive? Was he trying to put you off?
8 Apr 16 #246
They just try pushing test drives to secure a deal easier..Rather than me just walking in and talking figures. The guy was trying his best to get me to sign. I wish I wouldn't of drove it this afternoon tbh.. I wouldn't be this pi**ed off.
deeky to rym123
8 Apr 16 1 #247
:laughing: Like I said to cristiano, hold tight and pounce next time :wink:
8 Apr 16 #248
8 Apr 16 #249
national vehicle leasing have 2 left of an hour ago. ring them you might get lucky.
8 Apr 16 #250
one left now
8 Apr 16 #251
now gone
8 Apr 16 #252
Sad to see people have missed out, I know how you feel, I just missed the hatch deal last time too.

Managed to get my white one from Lancaster Aylesbury today

£2400 deposit
£166.25 x 23

No options, wanted it as cheap as possible.

Thanks to the OP and others for letting us all know.

I am sure another R deal will be along soon for those that miss out this time.
deeky to bisto
8 Apr 16 #254
:confused: That's £200 less than mine :neutral_face:
Harris_M to bisto
10 Apr 16 #308
Was just on the phone with them and they couldn't do that price at all, was yours a PCP agreement?
8 Apr 16 #253
hopefully they will do a good GTD estate offer as want decent mpg for the family load lugger!
8 Apr 16 #255
845 cheaper than mine (but i got the black paint)
8 Apr 16 1 #256
It's not all bad though :laughing:
8 Apr 16 #257
When did you order?
8 Apr 16 1 #258
Yesterday morning. Hope I'm not tempting fate but he said he spied 2 apparently unclaimed, white ones scheduled for build this week and he'd try to pin my name onto one. :laughing:

Has anyone else got a trackable order number yet?
8 Apr 16 1 #259
I ordered yesterday morning and I've no order number yet as he said the system hasn't allocated one yet so can't track. Said it was something to do with build date. Only white ones were available to track not the red.
8 Apr 16 #260
I'm gutted that I missed out because the sales rep I was dealing with was out of the office this morning :disappointed: It's not his fault that VWFS pulled the plug without any warning, but it's still no consolation.
8 Apr 16 #261
I have a tracking number for my white one ordered today, but not trackable yet - dealer said a day or two. Certainly not as far advanced as deeky! :confused:
deeky to bisto
8 Apr 16 #264
I think that I might have just fell lucky and stumbled upon a 'for stock' one as opposed to a new order.
8 Apr 16 #262
I wonder why it ended? I don't think it was a mis-price as has been suggested, because when the Passat deal was pulled it reappeared almost straight away at similar rates to this, and the list price of the Passat is about the same as this. I'm thinking it was probably just a limited offer designed to create some interest?
8 Apr 16 #263
I was told the original deal only had limited quantities (30) from VW wakefield
8 Apr 16 1 #265
Don't be too disheartened - these R deals seem to be a regular feature on the lease sites. My money is on the Scirocco R again next :smiley:
8 Apr 16 1 #266
I reckon you are right horizon already have a stock offer on a Scirocco 2.0tsi GT for £170 a month
8 Apr 16 1 #267
They must have sold more than 30. Look at the attraction it has generated. I have been told consistently that the deal was pulled at 12 and no further orders were able to be processed. I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled on this leasing sites. My new morning ritual - sky sports, HUKD, and leasing site.
8 Apr 16 #268
:laughing: Not forgetting the wife's cup of tea in bed :wink:
8 Apr 16 #269
How many people have theirs confirmed?
8 Apr 16 2 #270
I really like the look of the Scirocco, but I've fancied a Golf R for a while. More power and 4WD. I've never owned a 4WD car before. Plus this had the added incentive of the DSG which I've been meaning to try for years. Hand on heart I would have preferred the hatchback, but the practicality of the estate grew on me.
Must not rush into buying a random lease deal to cheer myself up. Patience Padawan...
8 Apr 16 #271
I agree, just quoting what the VW rep told me at one branch,

I then purchased the car at another branch 2 hours later....
8 Apr 16 1 #272
Yeah keep her sweet ready to pounce.
8 Apr 16 #273
I wonder how it works then. Do each of these places have an allocation to shift or can they just process as many orders as they can during the time the offer is open for? To be fair I didn't get the all clear until 130pm, so by this time it was over. I had my quote from pascal last night at this time, I should have filled it in. Is there a cooling off period? So if I had done that and the wife then threatened divorce if I went ahead - could I cancel the deal and only lose the admin fee?
8 Apr 16 2 #274
Aren't you Soon to be golf r owners not gutted you didn't save yourself £500 and go for this?

Obviously I am joking, but this really does put into context how much car you are getting for your money. The noise these things make will make you almost giggle every time you floor it.
8 Apr 16 #275
I've got a written quote from VW. Are these fixed like someone mentioned as I never had time to follow up - guessing it's gone now.
theshabster to R0B
8 Apr 16 #277
I was assured by my local dealer that the price was fixed and allocated against a particular colour for 28 days. That now appears not to be the case, as when VWFS pull the plug there's jack all the dealer can do.
8 Apr 16 #276

I know, the estate is such a great all-rounder. These are super deals for the R's

More offers on the R range soon I am sure.
8 Apr 16 #278
i was told by my local VW dealership that all dealerships should theoritically offer the same price as the price is dictated by VW themselves.

The reason they get round this is that they buy a quantity of cars that should go to one business so they receive a bit better discount. Which is probably why Pascal has sold out now as the 50 or 60 he said he would sell has now gone. This is why the normal VW dealership cannot match the price as its a single unit. They said they have known companies to revoke the orders but it is very few and far between.

I went with my local VW dealership which almost matched the price :smiley:
8 Apr 16 #279
Great deal!
9 Apr 16 #280
Totally forgot to check how much they might sting me for insurance on this too - £234 :confused:

Wow, I really must be getting old now!

Used the Lease company as the owner and me as the registered keeper - think that is how these deals work?
9 Apr 16 #281
I got an even bigger shock :laughing: I'd been putting off calling but called yesterday evening - £130 extra for the remaining 11 months :confused: Happy days :laughing:
9 Apr 16 #282
Thanks for the heads up. Was close to getting a Passat Alltrack 190 but got the colour and kit I wanted on the R Estate for same money £350pm on 3+35 for 8k. Not the cheapest but still £50 a month than I nearly got 3 months back. Pays to hang on. :sunglasses:
9 Apr 16 #283
£50 less to be clear.
9 Apr 16 1 #284
But we know you are old! :laughing:
9 Apr 16 1 #285
Mine is at Stage 2 - Your order is with factory and is currently being scheduled for production. :smiley:
9 Apr 16 1 #286
The noise from inside is fake. Makes it should like a V6 but it's only a 4 pot ultimately. No need to tell your passengers that though. :wink:

Exhaust note improves significantly after a few thousand miles though. :smiley:
9 Apr 16 1 #287
Spoilsport :laughing:
9 Apr 16 1 #288

But a big turbo helps! :laughing:
9 Apr 16 1 #289
My current M135i has a 'fake' exhaust sound thing too - it does sound nice outside, but the fake noise is only available in sport mode and then you are wasting more fuel because you want to hear the noise :smiley:

Think it is the same in the R? So if you like the noise, do not expect 30+ mpg :smile:
9 Apr 16 #290
I'm looking at Ala Gap Insurance currently. Is it best to take a main dealer price for the car new as the invoice price for the quote and let Ala decide the cover required?
silver145 to volksdub
9 Apr 16 2 #295

It is £63 for 2 years cover (10k gap cover) for the lease hire, this will be plenty and its half the price of ALA
9 Apr 16 #291
Just received my build number - I can now track the progress using the VW site!!!
9 Apr 16 #292
volksdub - What Colour did you order and did you order any extras?

I ordered White with no extras
volksdub to blakes03
9 Apr 16 #294
Mine is White with the winter pack as the only option
9 Apr 16 #293
Just received my build number - I can now track the progress using the VW site!!!
9 Apr 16 #296
That sounds better if 10k is enough, which I think it would be. Ala is showing 20k as the ideal cover on £34,270 car, seems a bit excessive :neutral_face:
9 Apr 16 #297
I can't give this thread enough torchy heat points, scraped in virtually the last order. Allocation now all sold/leased.
9 Apr 16 #298
I asked for Limestone Grey which bumped it up by around 19 quid per month plus winter pack at 23 per month. Just need to ask for the options.
9 Apr 16 #299
I was gutted I missed it but then now cooled down a bit. Mate says he struggles to hit 30mpg and with me doing 15k a year I hope the GTD goes on offer. Although I know that's not comparable re performance.
9 Apr 16 #301
Always on there :wink:
9 Apr 16 #302
Only just found it when I was looking to see if the R has stop/start, still not sure tbh.
9 Apr 16 1 #303
Yes it does, it's a standard feature that doesn't need to be added. :smiley:
10 Apr 16 #304
Oh, I wasn't sure I wanted it tbh :laughing: Still, I suppose you can always turn it off if you don't want it on.
10 Apr 16 #305
do you need a good credit rating to get a lease like this?
volksdub to ajmitchell
10 Apr 16 #307
Guessing it needs to be quite good
10 Apr 16 #306
Have it on my A6 and its so quick to restart you don't really notice it. Worth having, but as said easy enough to turn off. Didn't expect the folding mirrors as standard that's a nice option :smiley:
10 Apr 16 #309
It's more or less finished now. It was a limited offer by all accounts. A once they're gone they're gone thing.
10 Apr 16 #310
Deeky - have you seen the guy on piston heads who has been to pick his white one up already? Wow it looks quality. He went for the 19s as well. It is one hell of a car. I'm just hoping and wishing that they decide to just open it up for 1 more day in the near future and I'm pouncing. I'm not being another snoozer. When I first saw your post for the deal I wasn't that interested at first as it wasn't a car I was aware of, but now I've missed out i feel it is the only car I can have next..... Just because I have a little baby, I'm not driving around in a Vauxhall meriva. No way.
10 Apr 16 #311
The pretoria wheels were an exra £40 odd a month and I could not justify that - these look like a good copy, but they may not fit :disappointed:

eBay Item Number 262374656138

They wont be forged either, but might be worth a punt if someone can do the wheel maths to make them fit.

Any offset and wheel size experts on here?

Originals are 19x8 ET50
Copies are 19x8.5 ET42
10 Apr 16 #312
No not seen it. I'll have a look when I get home from work. Just keep your eyes open. I been watching since I missed the Passat deal. Kinda glad I missed it now though :stuck_out_tongue:
10 Apr 16 #313
Should be a great fit as they are slightly wider
10 Apr 16 #314
This is only £250 more expensive in total.


£202.62 x 23

£299 Fee


Just noticed though that they all say call for availability so I wouldn't get too excited.
10 Apr 16 #315
Don't start getting me excited
10 Apr 16 #316
No harm in calling tomorrow morning.
10 Apr 16 #317
Sent them a message and will chase them tomorrow. Worth a shout. i agree with your Passat comment because I think this will be a far more enjoyable 2 years in the golf, although the price of that Passat was outrageous. And in truth would have had both.
10 Apr 16 2 #318
bump this up and get him his badge :wink:
deeky to arcangel111
10 Apr 16 2 #319
Aww shucks AA :laughing:
10 Apr 16 1 #320
Great deal and heat added :wink:
11 Apr 16 #321
Website i showing £999 pm. I guess it's expired.

Pretty good deal for Polo GTI on that site. Works out around £5,200 for 5dr DSG version (total cost over 2 years with 5k miles per year).
11 Apr 16 #322
Yeah, if you check my link further up there are others offering it at a very similar price to this deal but they say call for availability.
11 Apr 16 #323
Thanks! If I wasn't 1 year into my 2-year (non-estate) R contract, I'd probably go for estate. Great car but miss a little bit of extra space as boot is quite shallow compared to other versions of Golf.
11 Apr 16 #324
Someone was mentioning waiting for VW Scirocco, not 'R' model, but maybe worth looking:
11 Apr 16 #325
Has anyone that went with red from Horizon spoken to Pascal and managed to change to white to avoid the wait?
11 Apr 16 #326
Rather people didn't change to Red as I ordered a White ;-)

Mine is with the Factory at the moment
11 Apr 16 #327
Rather people didn't change to Red as I ordered a White ;-)

Mine is with the Factory at the moment
Flyingzard to blakes03
11 Apr 16 #328
I changed to white as well :-)
11 Apr 16 #329
Anyone gone passed stage 2 at the factory?
deeky to volksdub
11 Apr 16 #330
11 Apr 16 #331
Wish mine was in transit :disappointed::smile:
11 Apr 16 #332
You're making me feel guilty :disappointed:

Ok, I'm over it now :laughing:
11 Apr 16 #333
Mine is still at Stage 2 - With the Factory. As soon as I get to Stage 3 I shall let you know. 03
11 Apr 16 #334
Thought I might check for Petrol Golf Estates.......

1k cheaper initial payment, then £449 a month for 24 month contract.

Really - a 1.4, 140 BHP????

I feel like we got a good deal on the 300 bhp R Estate
11 Apr 16 1 #335
Got my order number through for my red one :smiley:

Dealer says June delivery but not sure how he knows that tbh. Way too early but already getting excited :smile:
11 Apr 16 #336
Is it showing on the tracking page yet?
11 Apr 16 #337
Yes, but only Stage 2 so not much going on!
11 Apr 16 #338
Which dealer did you use?
12 Apr 16 #339
Martins in Surrey
12 Apr 16 #340
Has anyone else ordered from horizon and received their order confirmation? I was told verbally over phone that everything went through, but not been sent anything.
deeky to jonnyh15
12 Apr 16 #341
Why don't you just call them and ask if everything is ok?
12 Apr 16 #342
Tried calling them today but no answer, also emailed them yesterday but nothing back.
12 Apr 16 #343
Meh, how annoying.
12 Apr 16 #344
They are probably having a day off in a darkened room after the last few days they have had to endure!!!
12 Apr 16 #345
Hate waiting. :neutral_face: I have to think about selling my car yet, once I get a better idea on delivery date for the Golf
12 Apr 16 #346
Probably, it's just frustrating that they were lightning quick to respond when taking my order, but now that they've collected the brokers fee I can't get a response...
I'm just getting jealous after hearing all these lucky people with their order numbers :-)
12 Apr 16 #347
Same here. I might just stick what I get for mine in an ISA for a couple of years then if there are no similar lease deals, or I'm fed up with shelling monthly payments out, I'll just cash it in and buy again.
12 Apr 16 #348
Ordered mine on Fri and chased up Pascal yesterday who replied and said they had ordered with the dealer and were awaiting order numbers.
jonnyh15 to Northernlight101
12 Apr 16 #351
Thanks for the update, hopefully we are not at the end of the qeue after the people who signed up directly with VW
12 Apr 16 #349
Nice one and welcome to HUKD and this thread in particular :smiley:
12 Apr 16 #350
Thinking exactly the same. :smiley:
12 Apr 16 #352
Dealers can give you more accurate build date as they can see their allocated build weeks for their areas.
12 Apr 16 #353
I read on pistonheads that VW shifted circa 500 golf r estates in those 2 days. Although not as good and more expensive I'm having a look at the toureg r. 3.0 v6 diesel and it's a decent spec.
deeky to Cristiano
12 Apr 16 #354
That looks smart. I looked at that before the Golf came up.
jyjyjy to Cristiano
13 Apr 16 #355
Yeah, 200 cars allocated to the offer apparently, but they got 500 orders in within 48 hours.

You would like to think they had learnt from previous deals but obviously not!
14 Apr 16 #356
After 4 silent days and much speculation about not getting it, I got the call today. Papers sorted on the phone (Yes, you can electronically sign any PDF on Android) and payment sent today. Only available option is base spec in Pure White. Original price of £197.99 at 9+23 with admin fee of £180.00. A very happy customer!

What was that deal on the GAP insurance? I assume that it is not possible to take that out before you have the vehicle delivered?
deeky to Harris_M
14 Apr 16 #357
Great news :smile: How much advance rental is it on that?

Got a tracking update from VW this morning myself. It's on stage 2 of transit and an estimated 3 weeks till it arrives at dealer :laughing:

I think you'll find most of what you need to know in here
14 Apr 16 #358
9 x 197.99 = 1781.91 advance rental. Total with broker's fee included over 2 years works out at 6515.68 which is an absolutely positively insane price considering this is a £34K car and you would be losing a minimum of £9K on the first year (considering you would buy new and sell privately). Mileage is at 7.2ppm excess (and there is no limit mentioned in the agreement, but I will double check that!). Also the service plan is at 2 years or 20.000 miles, not sure if they would want you to do the service or if you can hand it back if the light hasn't come on!
14 Apr 16 #359
I think a lot of us are paying the same give or take a few quid.

That's exactly what my dealer said, that if the light hasn't come on your can just give it back as it is.
14 Apr 16 #360
Sounds good! Any thoughts on the GAP insurance? Worth it or not?
14 Apr 16 #361
I'm not that well up in it tbh but judging by the temperature of that deal I'd say so. Not looked into it yet though.
JimDut to deeky
14 Apr 16 #362
Hi Deeky,

Can I ask how/where you came across this deal in the first place?


14 Apr 16 #363
I had been watching the price of the Passat lease after I missed out last time and I just happened to spot it at the side of the page I was on.
14 Apr 16 #364
Thanks for the reply. Good spot, reckon you've made roughly 500 people very happy!
deeky to JimDut
14 Apr 16 #365
:laughing: Well I hope so.
14 Apr 16 #366
Still sitting at stage 2 on my order waiting for production. Not enjoying the waiting :smiley:
DigiDougs to volksdub
14 Apr 16 #368
Me too, still at stage 2 :confused:

What is odd ..... the upholstery has changed from "Black/Titanium" to "Black/Titanium Black/Black/Pearl Gray" hope the seats all match!!!

Tom Petty was so right, the waiting is the hardest part! :stuck_out_tongue:
14 Apr 16 #367
Should we arrange a massive meet and see if we can get at least 100 people to show up :smile:

On a more concerned note, how on earth am I going to do 10K miles a year when my annual commute is only 3K?! Methinks a trip to Germany...
14 Apr 16 #369
got my build number but no build date yet. When did you order yours deeky?
deeky to WhateverTrevor
15 Apr 16 1 #370
I ordered mine the morning after I posted the deal. I fell really lucky in that the first place (VW dealer) I called agreed to match the NVS price and immediately set about securing one of two cars that were showing as in the build week, and apparently 'un-dibbed', which he managed to do. I got the order number the same afternoon and it was trackable the next morning. It's all going like clockwork up to now (touch wood) :laughing:
15 Apr 16 1 #371
lucky ****! :-) :wink:
15 Apr 16 #372
Just had an order update from VW on my white one. Car has been confirmed a production week commencing 09/05/2016 :-)

That is over a month earlier than i was told to expect!

Encouraging news for you guys as well!
Northern_Dragon to Flyingzard
15 Apr 16 1 #373
I got the same date for mine 15 minutes ago. Anyone got any idea of the time between build date and delivery? I need to let my work know when I'll be handing my company car back...

While I'm making my first post on the thread I'm going to thank Deeky for his sharp eyes and prompt posting, like many others I just missed out on the Passat deal so I'm very pleased to have got in on this one (even if it is a somewhat less 'sensible' option!). Cheers mate :smiley:
15 Apr 16 #374
Build to collection normally 2 weeks. 1 week to ship and another to deliver and PDI at dealer - as a rough guide.
15 Apr 16 #375
Mine just got allocated 9/05 too.

Looking at the MK7 R forums it would seem to suggest delivery is normally 4 weeks after build starts.
Some have had build weeks change (not sure how regular that is?) and quite a few people never got notification of 'build in progress' - it jumped straight to 'in transit'.

Early June for 9/05 build then hopefully? :smile:
15 Apr 16 #376
2 weeks seems optimistic? Got to get to Emden then wait for a ship, then be unloaded and transported to the dealer who then has to get round to PDI etc.

Mine is expected in June so I guess I should be waiting until the second half of May before I get anywhere near built, hopefully they will confirm the build week towards the end of April to give me a bit more notice of when I need to sell my current car!
15 Apr 16 #377
You're welcome. I know how excited I am so it's nice to know I might have made a few others feel the same :laughing:
15 Apr 16 1 #378
Yeah same here, just updated build week 09/05/2016 :smile:

deeky, as others have said, thanks for the original post.

Northern_Dragon, likewise I was annoyed at missing the Passat deal but we all know which one will deliver the most smile's per mile!
15 Apr 16 #379
Not fair, still not updated for me. Keep hitting refresh :wink:
15 Apr 16 #380
Are all these ones with a just confirmed build week white? My order is red!
jonnyh15 to jyjyjy
15 Apr 16 #384
I have had mine confirmed for this build week and it's red
Northern_Dragon to jyjyjy
15 Apr 16 #387
Mine's white with a couple of extras over the standard model. I was toying with red but the comments on here about a later build on the red ones decided it for me.
15 Apr 16 #381
mines confirmed 09/05 and yep white in colour.
15 Apr 16 #382
Build Week Confirmed!!!!

"Your order has been confirmed for production week commencing 09/05/2016"

Excellent, so hoping for it to arrive 2nd week of June I guess.
15 Apr 16 #383
Forgot to mention - mine is White
15 Apr 16 #385
Damn :disappointed:

Good for you though!
15 Apr 16 #386
Still haven't even got my build number yet!
15 Apr 16 #388
Do you think it will mess my build up if I ask for some extras. I just want the winter pack.
15 Apr 16 #389
or am I too late if build week is confirmed
15 Apr 16 #390
Order progressed to stage 2 this morning (with the factory) still no build date. Got in touch with VW using the live chat feature on the website and they advised Week 24 build - week commencing 13th June.

Tornado Red - No Options.
15 Apr 16 #391
White with Winter Pack for me.
15 Apr 16 #392
might try the online chat and ask then
jyjyjy to WhateverTrevor
15 Apr 16 #393
Think the dealer is the only one who can help you make changes (or tell you it's too late), from what I have read
15 Apr 16 #394
Folded just now and succumbed to asking the online chat for my provisional build week...

It's BW21 - 23rd May

Shame about missing out on those boost gauges by a week :disappointed:
666bandit666 to jyjyjy
15 Apr 16 #402
What boost gushes??
15 Apr 16 #395
Good news most of us seem to be moving along the line. I am sure the others will catch up soon.

Went to my local dealer and sat in their demo R today - very nice place to sit. I had my heart set on the 19inch Pretoria wheels, but having seen a used white hatch with the standard 18inch Cadiz - I think I will stick with the Cadiz, they have grown on me and the gloss black inserts look really nice as a contrast to the white.

Sold my BMW M135i the other day and I am missing the performance already - my wife's beetle and my daughters 69hp Fiat 500 are no replacement! :laughing:

The VW cabin compares very well to the BMW and I am sure the performance will be just as exciting. I have heard that the VW is easier to drive quickly compared to the M135 and feels better balanced as standard.

Even more excited now and I have not even turned a wheel in one yet!
15 Apr 16 #396
I ordered one in grey, with app-connect and reversing camera, and before I got the update to stage 3 this morning, I had opened a web chat with VW direct, and they came back with the following:
'It is currently showing a build week of week 19, which is the week beginning May 9th. It can take around 8 - 10 weeks from that date to arrive in the UK'
volksdub to Ratterz
15 Apr 16 #398
When I first ordered mine I was told the build week was Week 19 starting May 9th and I have just done the live chat and they are saying the same. But it's not updated to stage 3 yet for me.
15 Apr 16 1 #397
​I too have an m135i which I'll be advertising soon. I wanted a golf R when they first came out but the dealer wasnt giving a good deal and a 9 month wait! Im going to miss that 3.0 straight 6 but like you say the power is not accessible most of the time.
15 Apr 16 1 #399
Yes it is a cracking engine - the whole car is very nice. Almost had a tear in my eye as I walked away from it :disappointed:

Same as you too - was looking for an R deal when I got my 135, just missed a previous lease thread and cheered myself up with a 135.
The approved used price for a similar aged R hatch to my 135 was ridiculous - these leases are superb value if you were ever going to be buying new or nearly new.

I hope they are doing good deals on the M140i in two years time and I can then flip back to the equivalent golf 2 years after that and repeat :laughing:

Not sure if I thanked deeky either? So, THANKS deeky
15 Apr 16 1 #400
A big thanks to Deeky from me too - great find!
15 Apr 16 1 #401
​Yes an m140i xdrive would be good. This is my first lease and the way forward for me now. also thanks to deeky for pointing out the deal. <3
15 Apr 16 #403
If your car is being built after build week 22 it will be the MY2017 revision that will have digital performance gauges available on the display. Such as boost gauge for the turbo, g-force meter etc.
15 Apr 16 1 #404
My first lease too, although almost got onto the R and a 208Gti previously - you have to be quick!

Seems a no-brainer to me?
Won't go into details why I think these lease deals are great, because someone will be along to argue the other way and it will descend into a battle, with all 'leasers' being branded chavs that can't afford to buy their own cars :laughing:

Great deal for a great car. What is not to like? Long may deals like this continue.

2 year super cheap lease on a Tesla model 3 would be cool next time too - doubt that will be happening for a while though :disappointed:
Keep an eye out deeky! :smiley:
15 Apr 16 1 #405
​two peas us mate. I'm borderline putting a deposit on the tesla 3.. seeing as I dont think they will come until well into 2018... but I keep thinking petrol cars are going to have cracking deals.. plus petrol us bound to stay cheap with all the electric cars comming out.
15 Apr 16 #406
Anyone bought anything for their car yet?

On the evening of placing my order, I looked at BishBosh's VWROC thread and liked the idea of the VW official blind set to darken the rear.

Found an unused set on ebay for £60 and the purchasing began! :smile:

Apparently VWFS normally provide mats - some leasers have even received two sets?
15 Apr 16 #407
VW plug and play sound system. 330 on ebay.. 25 quid to rent the coder. sell when done. :-)
silver145 to WhateverTrevor
15 Apr 16 1 #408
Found any reviews/install tips/how the enhancement is when installed?

found one:
15 Apr 16 1 #409
I got two sets on my 3dr R.
bisto to 666bandit666
16 Apr 16 #410
Well you have to love VW - great VWFS lease support and 100% more mats than required :laughing:

Thinking of one of these - Hatchbag
Anyone used them before? Might have to mail them to confirm R estate is still good for this.

Just got to choose between orange or pink then :confused:
16 Apr 16 #411
Rather expensive when a bit of plastic sheeting would do the trick.

£110 on a boot liner rather goes against the ethos of cheap leasing!
16 Apr 16 #412
True, but spending on things that I will own and can sell on afterwards is more acceptable to me.
I would have liked the £990 pretoria wheels, but the cheap leasing ethos is exactly what stopped me from adding any options.

My blinds and boot liner could return 30-40% of the outlay in 2 years - assuming they are not too well used!

So, pink or orange? :laughing:
17 Apr 16 1 #413

17 Apr 16 #414
Not long for you now then :smiley: mines not moving along but if it jumped to that stage I would be in a panic to sell my car :smile:
17 Apr 16 #415
Yeah, gonna make a start tomorrow although it's not essential I sell it before getting the golf. I've got th advance rental safely tucked away :laughing:
17 Apr 16 #416
Arw you from manc deeky?
deeky to WhateverTrevor
17 Apr 16 #417
Yes, North Manchester.
17 Apr 16 #418
Cool same here.. I should have rang that dealer! :-)
18 Apr 16 1 #419
vw uk said mine has an unconfirmed build week of week 21, 23rd may.. tornado options
18 Apr 16 #420
Exact same thinking from me. Don't want to put a deposit down on a Tesla 3 now as it is their first mass produced car and there are bound to be some teething issues. Wife has a Leaf and apart from its looks it is a cracking motor. Tesla is in a different league to that
18 Apr 16 #421
Did you end up ordering in the end via the details I sent you?
18 Apr 16 #422
​my friend has a p85d. The tesla 3 will be ready when built I wouldn't expect any teething issues to be honest. Model S owners have been the guinea pigs and faired well. It's more the cost for me.. I'll only have an electric car if its actually cheaper to own than an equivalent petrol and does the same. Including depretiation, fuel, repairs, range, etc... The tesla 3 prices aren't really confirmed. I'd anticipate 40k with decent options.
19 Apr 16 2 #423
Not long now hopefully. Old car sold today :disappointed:
jonnyh15 to deeky
19 Apr 16 #424
Not long now. How long did it take between build week and arrive in UK?
Where did you sell your car btw, cant decide where to list mine, autotrader / ebay / gumtree
bisto to deeky
20 Apr 16 #431
Pics when collecting please :smiley:

Oh and see what advice the sales people give on the run in process - lots of differing opinion around about this. Some well respected knowledgeable owners have said to give it some welly during run in and some sales people have advised this too.
The manual apparently asks for sympathetic driving with no redline for the first 900miles (1500km) Some swear that hard driving from day one prevents oil consumption issues and helps to condition the engine for a harder life? Don't think there is any data to back this up?

Just read Top Gear magazine, their long term C63 has differential and oil seal leaks and has been return to mercedes for repair. Mercedes suggest that the hard early life of these press cars is most likely the cause of this failure.

I might be using a little bit of the two methods to bed mine in I think. Normal common sense for driving turbo cars applies too at all time obviously - make sure it is really warm before thrashing (20-25 mins driving), don't thrash it before parking up and always let it settle and tick over for a minute or so before you turn off.
jonnyh15 to deeky
26 Apr 16 #460
Have you got a delivery date yet? I thought you would have the car by now
19 Apr 16 1 #425
Ordered on 7th April, it was being built that week.

Took it to Got about £1k less than private sale but I had to allow £400 for cambelt and water pump which were well overdue, then advertising, tyre kickers etc... I'm satisfied with what I got and they only blagged me out of about £150 which was a surprise :laughing: Money was in bank 30 mins later so I'm quite happy.
19 Apr 16 #426
i didnt after i got intouch i never had a response, same for the wakefield branch.

Leeds branch eventually got intouch and sorted me out
19 Apr 16 #427
Fair enough, that's a shame, but at least you got one ordered!
19 Apr 16 #428
Yes, was pretty disappointing in those two dealer ships not even contacting me back though!!
19 Apr 16 #429
A lot of PH'ers ordered through Vindis in Bedford, but he wasn't quick enough on the reply, so just went with the guy I sent to you. Vindis ended up being £50 cheaper than the deal I got with Parkway VW. (Car net and Tornado Red)
19 Apr 16 #430
Yours has moved along nicely. Bet you can't wait now. :smiley:
20 Apr 16 1 #432
Sure, I'll see what they say. I'm thinking just a bit of common sense is the order of the day. Obviously warming up and cooling own go without saying. But as for ragging it, it's not like we're talking about track day ragging is it? I mean, it's a properly fast car - how much can you actually rag it on the road without ending up in a police cell? Tbh, the only ragging I'll be doing is the odd traffic lights grand prix :stuck_out_tongue:

This bloke is taking delivery of his R and the dealer tells him it's ok to drive it hard, just go easy on the brakes for the first couple of hundred miles. He says if you work them too hard the discs can warp.

20 Apr 16 2 #433
FYI i will be booting it from day 1, end of the day its a lease.
bisto to silver145
20 Apr 16 1 #434
Naughty! :smirk:
20 Apr 16 1 #435
Yes, I watched that too. In his handover video they are best pals and then later he realises he may have given him duff advice.

I think as long as you don't redline it or constantly launch control it everywhere, it will be fine (I am looking at you silver145 :wink: )

As you say, only so much performance you can use on our roads and stretching its legs now and then will be just fine.

Also, the dealer mentions 'warping' the discs - It is almost impossible to warp a brake disc, especially on a road car (even a performance one) the wobble he talks about is almost certainly cooked friction material being deposited on the face of a hot disc unevenly and then creating that 'wobble' feeling as the pads float over it - bedding in the discs and pads correctly is important too.
20 Apr 16 2 #436
I have driven my hatch like I stole it from day 1. New front tyres around 12k, still on rears at nearly 16k. Had new clutch under warranty/maintenance and service manager commented on blue discs and melted tyres. That's Bedford for you!
20 Apr 16 1 #437
It's not that hard in my opinion but never heard the friction material problem as a cause for judder.
20 Apr 16 2 #438
haha no i only drive spiritedly, not illegally! Typically when you change pads/discs on a car the thing you have to look out for is bedding in of the pads, not the discs. but so long as you are sensible/spirited i doubt there would be a problem.

I certainly wont be as reserved if i had just spent 35k on the car and it was more precious to me than the first born :smile: But thats the advantage of a lease
20 Apr 16 2 #439
This is a very good point and as you say another great advantage.

Not that we will be driving them like idiots, but you will feel more relaxed pushing on a bit, knowing that you have only 'invested' a small percentage of the car's actual price.
Obviously, you would still have an awkward conversation with the dealer/lease company if you ruined it, but it does sit a bit easier with me knowing I am not looking at £35k dripping away on my drive :smiley:
21 Apr 16 1 #440
So far I have just been checking the VW website for updates however I just got an email update from NVS this evening.

"Your vehicle is scheduled for build in week 19 (w/c: 9th May) and due to arrive at dealer 3-4 weeks later. Once your vehicle arrives in the UK we will e-mail across your finance contracts".

Although I already knew the build week it was good to hear that it should be with my dealer 3-4 weeks later (fingers crossed).

I order the car in Tornado Red, Standard Spec.
22 Apr 16 1 #441
Just had email confirmation from VW and checked the website for build week confirmed as BW20 (16th May). So I'll be expecting it on 1st July (ish) sooner the better of course!
It should take about 6 weeks from the end of the build week to be ready for collection.
22 Apr 16 #442
the lease deals are coming to us on a low loader aren't they? The VW dealer that Horrizon uses are chuffin miles away!
bisto to Flyingzard
22 Apr 16 #443
You can choose to have it delivered to your home I believe or collect from a dealer - mine is going to my local dealer as I ordered directly from VW.

Some like to travel to the supplying dealer and make a day of it - also helps to get to know the car on the way home.

Check with your lease company to see what they offer, I have heard of cars being driven to the customer - not sure if this still happens?
aymanhd to Flyingzard
22 Apr 16 #445
I'm driving to mine, it's only an hour away. I could have it delivered to me, but would prefer to go there.
I definitely wouldn't want it drive-delivered. I wouldn't want to know how (driving style) they've driven those miles!
22 Apr 16 #444
My wife's lease car was driven to us, added 250miles to the mileage of the car but they note it on the delivery documentation and your annual mileage allowance is in addition to that amount
22 Apr 16 #446
It's a lease, who cares. You give it back in 2 years regardless. Most deliveries are by retired guys earning a few pounds.
22 Apr 16 1 #447
Old people enjoy burn-offs too you know :disappointed:

22 Apr 16 #448
So did the Porsche guy last night at the new Boxster 781 launch event who was collecting people from off site car park. He launched a brand new 911 4S off the junction into the roundabout. **** off a shovel. The new Boxster S with launch does 60 in 4.1secs!!
22 Apr 16 #449
Noted :laughing:
22 Apr 16 2 #450
Here's a nice detailed review just to make us all even more impatient :-) YouTube vid
23 Apr 16 1 #451
Happy owner of a Lapis Blue Golf R Estate. 6 Months in. Love it but if anyone went for
Lapis Blue. Seems you only have to sneeze near it for it to scratch or swirl!! Its a great car. Loaded up with kids it will drive wonderfully on the motorway or country lanes. I get 33-35mpg when being sensible .On my own race mode 12mpg :smiley:
I would recommend asking for flatbed delivery or pick it up yourself. Mine arrived with nearly 200 miles on and scratched. They took it back to fix scratch. it came back with another 600+ miles on it, a scratched alloy and it had been smoked in!! I have been compensated financially and the mileage is being taken into account when returning it but it did take the shine off knowing someone had been ragging it about., Ex policemen apparently doing the pick up drop off. Now out of that particular job as well. A rare case im sure but hey if you're near pick it up. Anyway its a fab car and I will be getting another when my lease is up. Enjoy.
23 Apr 16 #452
Yes, Lapis blue ones I have seen in the flesh look very 'swirly' - Lovely colour though.
Not good about the delivery hassle and initial service you got. Need to check carefully before we drive away!
23 Apr 16 #453
My hatch R arrived with soaking wet rear seats. Lifted seat and water under there and under boot carpet. Taken back next day, returned two weeks later with massive stone chip to bonnet, taken away again and returned with new bonnet and 600 miles. The brand new fully spec'd GTD they gave me which was sales managers new car, went back with 1500 miles on it in 3 weeks!! Got a nice set of roof bars as compensation and first months lease free.
25 Apr 16 #454
I'm less than an hour away from the dealer, I may as well collect it. I think even if it was 5 hours away, I'd still collect it.
25 Apr 16 #455
My car is looking like it will be managed by VW Lookers in Newcastle. I live in Oxford, Newcastle is miles away but if it was a case of my new car being delivered by a driver I would make my way up to Newcastle, hey, make a weekend of it. Under no circumstances do I want anybody but me thrashing this car. I do plan to take it very easy for the first 1000 miles.
Any advice – do you think I should speak to National Vehicles Solutions or VW Newcastle to see if they can get the car delivered to a VW garage a bit closer to home?
jonnyh15 to blakes03
25 Apr 16 #456
Would you like to swap :-) I live 5 mile from Newcastle and mine is being delivered to Kent!
666bandit666 to blakes03
25 Apr 16 #457
I don't get this worry, it's warrantied and it's not and never likely to be your car. If it's more convenient go get it but what's the worry about delivery??
25 Apr 16 2 #458
Some of us obviously have a bit more mechanical sympathy than you :wink:
Fully appreciate that it is most likely never going to be owned by me, but I don't intend killing it during my ownership and spoiling it for the next owner.

I have purchased approved used VW and BMW previously and always liked to think that the owner before me had treated the car with some respect and looked after it. However, having read some of the comments on pistonheads, vwroc and here, I am surprised they did not fall apart like a clown car when pulling away from the dealer :confused:

Whether I own it or not, it will be treated as if I did.
25 Apr 16 #459
I look after it, but bar consumables I'm liable for and can account for the rest is under warranty. That's the beauty of buying or leasing with manufacturer warranty. DSG even covers the clutch and it's impossible to damage through driver error.
26 Apr 16 1 #461
Went to sign papers this morning. He's put 4th May as delivery date but said it should be before that. It hasn't arrived at the dealer yet. Tracking said it had landed in UK last Monday and it takes about 7 days then to reach dealer. He said the tracking system errs on the side of optimism :smiley: I know, not at all like VW to be economical with the truth :laughing: Got the reg and chassis number, just no car :laughing:
26 Apr 16 #462
Does anyone understand the Gap insurance situation for lease cars? I'm reading different articles and one says that if you can't own the vehicle at the end of the lease period then you can't have return to invoice gap insurance - you can only insure against your contractual obligations.

I can't even get my head around what questions to ask, it's so confusing :stuck_out_tongue: Does anyone know for sure what we need, and can explain so that even I can understand it?
26 Apr 16 1 #463
I had a GAP policy running for my M135i which I owned outright and asked if I could transfer the remaining months (over 24 left) to my new lease car - they have said yes and they need to know the retail price of the car, type and length of lease and the monthly payment.

Waiting for a response from them regarding a price to move across.
27 Apr 16 1 #464
You'll have to post some piccies when you get it Deeky!
deeky to Flyingzard
27 Apr 16 1 #465
I will when I can drag myself out of it :laughing:
28 Apr 16 #466
28 Apr 16 #467
plenty pics.. there not many online...
29 Apr 16 #468
Mine is still not confirmed and has now been pushed back to week 22.
666bandit666 to volksdub
29 Apr 16 #469
Lucky you, you get a 2017 car with boost gauges.
29 Apr 16 #470
Ah, but no lockable glovebox!
29 Apr 16 #471
Mines updated to build date 23rd may , I'd that gonna have the gauges? What build week is that?
666bandit666 to mattyoakley
29 Apr 16 #472
Build week 22 is the change. Google your date or build week.
666bandit666 to mattyoakley
29 Apr 16 2 #474
A week early, at least you can lock your glovebox though.
deeky to mattyoakley
29 Apr 16 #475
BW 22 is 30th May

Oh, I see you found it :smiley:
29 Apr 16 #473
Looks like week commencing 30th May for build week 22
29 Apr 16 #476
Different alloys on the 2017 version too I believe. Much nicer I personally think.
bisto to tamlync
29 Apr 16 #477
What wheels are they now then? Got a link to any pics/spec?
29 Apr 16 #478
29 Apr 16 1 #479
deleted to save confusion... Seems I have the wrong model...

Who knew there was a r and an r-line which are different models... Blooming Germans.
29 Apr 16 #480
But it says "18-inch Serron alloy (PR code PI4 (C7I)) standard on GTE and R-Line Edition will be replaced with the 18-inch Marseille alloy", Serron's aren't currently standard are they? The Cadiz wheel is standard on the 'R' at present. Is the R-Line edition the same as 'R'?
29 Apr 16 1 #481
R-line is not the same as R, no change in alloy.
29 Apr 16 1 #482
R Lines get the sportier looks but with the standard engines. They're definitely not 'R'. Similar to S-Line in Audis.
29 Apr 16 #483
Ok.. Hands up.. Was wrong, have edited original post to save confusion.

Who knew there was a r and an r-line which are different models... Blooming Germans.
29 Apr 16 1 #484
No, don't think so, the R-line models tend to be the 'all show no go' variant.
Got all excited about the 'Polo R' launched a while back and then realised it was just a body kit thing - confusing!
3 May 16 #485
where are the pics deeky :-)
3 May 16 4 #486
Lol, you must be psychic :laughing: Just had a call not ten minutes ago - Thursday 12.00 :laughing:
4 May 16 1 #487
I was behind one the other day.. first estate ive seen on the road.. sounded pretty good. plenty of dsg pops on the upshift!
5 May 16 1 #488
just over 3 hours to go :smiley:
5 May 16 1 #489
On my way now, it's ready :laughing:
5 May 16 1 #490
White with no options was it?
5 May 16 #491
My Build Week is 9th May, next Monday. I have White, no options - be interested to see if it jumps straight to shipping on Monday. I shall let you know when I get an update.
bisto to blakes03
5 May 16 #492
Mine is the same build week too. White with 0 options.
Looking at pistonheads thread, some of those with a build week on Monday 02/05 got the mail on Wednesday morning.

Quoting VW message from that thread -

"Your order status has been updated. Your car has been built and has now left the factory. On average it takes 4 weeks from build for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer."

Hope that super German efficiency carries on :smile:
DigiDougs to blakes03
5 May 16 #494
Same here, Build Week 9th May, but I ordered Red, No Options.

bisto - Have also read this on other forum's, 4 weeks from Build Week, also my last email update I got from National Vehicle Solutions estimated 3-4 weeks from the confirmed Build Week.

So here's hoping for a Early to Mid June delivery date.
5 May 16 #493
Mine's on the 16th May, hoping for build completion by Wednesday, then I might get the car by 22nd June.
5 May 16 1 #495
Have you got out of it yet to take some pictures? :smile:
5 May 16 2 #496

Here she is :laughing:

There are a few dupes - blame Photobucket :smiley:

It makes a lovely noise in race mode by the way :stuck_out_tongue: Not sure how much of the sound is synthetic but it's great anyway :smiley:
5 May 16 1 #497
Launch it! Great photos and vid. :smiley:
5 May 16 1 #498
Nice :smiley: long wait for me yet
5 May 16 1 #499
Looking very nice. Smiling as you drive?
Glad I picked white - the wheels look really nice with it too. Don't think I will bother with the 19inch pretoria

Just 4 weeks and a few days for me now hopefully? :smile:
5 May 16 #500
Didn't realise it had flappy paddles, although tbh I can't think why or where you would need to use them :neutral_face:

I love the seats - got a comfy position straight away.

Some nice little touches I hadn't seen before - little handles either side inside near tailgate, you pull them and the rear seats automatically fold forward.

Not seen properly yet but long, blue strips along sills, top of inner door panels and top of glovebox I think, that light up blue.

Automatic handbrake and hill hold. I saw something about parking pilot in the setup options - don't know what that is yet.
5 May 16 #501
karlie - that lovely pop/spit when it changes up - is that synthetic?
karlie88 to deeky
5 May 16 1 #503
I think you're referring to a DSG fart on the up-shift. The synthetic sound gives that throaty growl when climbing the revs - it's called a sound actuator. Heard more in Race - put it into Eco and you hear less of it.
5 May 16 1 #502
Have you tried Adaptive Cruise Control? Car brakes/accelerates itself - bloomin' marvellous in traffic.
5 May 16 #504
Not on this one, I had it on a Honda legend a few years back tho. Never trusted it in traffic though :laughing:
5 May 16 #505
Yeah, DSG fart sounds about right :laughing:

Can I ask something else? Is there any difference between 'S' on the DSG and race mode? I mean is say 'S' and race mode and different than 'D' and race mode?
5 May 16 1 #506
Yes that is a nice feature. On one of the German YouTube reviews he also shows that if you tap the load cover in the middle it retracts to the first position and if you tap it again it retracts fully - nice!

Little things for a little minds :smile:
5 May 16 #507
From what I have gathered and learnt myself, Race mode = valves on 2 outer exhausts open up and sharper throttle response . D on the DSG = gear changes low in the rev range (e.g. you'll be in 5th gear at 30mph). S = gear changes high in the rev range (e.g. you'll be in 2nd gear at 30mph).
5 May 16 #508
So would 'S' and race make it any faster or more responsive than just race? I mean, if you just have it in race mode, do you need to bother with 'S' on the DSG? Will it make any difference to anything?
5 May 16 #509
Only difference between Race/S and Race/D would be the gear changes. As far as I'm aware, everything else is the same.
5 May 16 #510
The exhausts are fake on estate. Only hatch has true 4 exhausts with flaps that open. Estate is one real and one fake each side.

Watch the auto handbrake it doesn't always work. Probably failed 1/250 times with me. Had to jump in and put on as it started to roll. It never engages if you are not wearing your seatbelt so be careful moving off drive. Having said all that DSG should lock it as you can't remove keys if imagine without putting box into P
5 May 16 #511
You learn something new everyday. Seems odd that the hatch and estate don't have the same exhaust set up.
5 May 16 #512
Don't want to **** on your chips Deeky but I'd be very careful posting pics and videos where your clearly breaking the law. Most plod are desk jockeys these days.

PS. Your steering wheel is put on crooked, built on a Friday??;-)
5 May 16 1 #513
Race affects steering weight and speed of cornering headlights etc.

S will change the revs at which the box changes for sportier driving.

Is there not an additional mode on the box. Push lever across and S or something. Long time since I've been in one, makes it paddle only or using gearstick +\- up/down push to change!!??
5 May 16 #514
You can push the stick to the left and it makes it so you can use the paddles. You can also use the paddles any time when in D or S and it overrides but will revert back to D or S. Keep left if you want permanent manual. Race and stick left is favorite mode as i find S keeps the revs to red line in each gear. If you push the stick back it switches between S and D in any mode. Race does drink the fuel though as it changes the management system for fuel intake etc as well as the steering / suspension fake noise.. You can set your own options of a mix of race and normal settings in the console. Keep softer steering but firmer suspension etc. Anyone used launch control yet? i have once. Its fun.
5 May 16 #515
Race does nothing to engine mapping. I have it in my hatch. R just makes you use more throttle probably due the noise. Economy, limits the throttle position until you push on.
5 May 16 #516
No idea what you mean :smiley:

I thought the radio controls were in a funny position :confused:
6 May 16 1 #517
looks great.. sounds like I better sell my car quickly before my white beast arrives!
6 May 16 1 #518
Looks fantastic Deeks congrats. Just be careful leaving it Parked up outside the Etihad for to long :smiley:
6 May 16 1 #519
Awesome snaps.Thanks Deeky!

So glad i went for white!
6 May 16 2 #520
Once we all get bored of our Golf R Estates!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently this is another concept, this time from the apprentices at VW, there is GTi variant too.
7 May 16 3 #521
Mentioned earlier in the thread that I got the Golf R hatchback on a similar lease from a HotUKDeals thread that was delivered in March 2015 and I hand it back in March 2017.

I got a letter this morning from VW saying the vehicle is due to be returned soon(?) and is subject to an end of contract inspection. The letter also included indicative charges for damage at the end of the contract that I thought would be worthwhile sharing on this thread:

Dents (not requiring repainting) - £36
Body panel damage (requiring repaint) - £110
Spare key replacement - £132
Alloy wheel damage (per wheel) - £36
Full valet - £27 to £60
Tyre damage - £50 to £300
Incomplete or missing service history - £400
Windscreen damage - £65
Lost Sat Nav disc - £300
Bumper damage - £138

Some of the charges don't seem that bad, for example the alloy wheel damage, but it's worth looking after it if you don't want to pay outside of their fair wear and tear guidelines.
9 May 16 1 #522
Someone from the PH thread has had their confirmation of car in transit, even though their build week was w/c 9th May.
(they received their notification last Friday).

Has anyone who 'bought' from this received theirs?
9 May 16 1 #523
My Build week is this week. Just checked and not moved to Stage 4 yet.

I am kinda hoping that the car was actually built last week with the other White, no option cars and this will move directly to Shipping. :-)

I shall let you know when it moves to the next stage.
9 May 16 1 #524
My Build week is also 09/05/16 (week 19). Red, zero options.

From the information I have read and questions I have asked on the various forums, many other previous buyers are suggesting that around Wed / Thu your tracker will jump straight to "In Transit" on the your allocated build week,

Ready at your dealers around 4 weeks later, my dealer is two hundred miles away so I plan to travel to collect it myself.
9 May 16 1 #525
My build week is also this week - Limestone grey with reversing camera and app-connect. My dealer is up in Newcastle so trying to decide whether its worth the 260 mile trip, or just wait for it to be delivered to me!
9 May 16 1 #526
Great - so we 3 are in the same build week. If you hear anything, pls share on here as I will.

My dealer is also Newcastle. 270 mile round trip. I am also considering going on on the train to pick it up and have a drive back down. Never been to Newcastle before.

Nearer the time, I shall get in touch with them and if it is being delivered on a low loader, that is fine, I can wait for it to be delivered but if they are going to get some bloke to drive it down, then hey, I want to put the first 300 miles on the clock as these are important miles for a car. Even though this is a lease, I still take care of the care and do not want it ragged from the off.

If I have to go up there I will request they take the 270 miles into consideration if I need them at the end of the Lease.
9 May 16 2 #527
I am in this build week also, Mat black paint option rest standard
bisto to silver145
9 May 16 #528
Matt Black or Deep Black Pearl?

I am on this week for build too - white with no options.
Deeky's pics are not helping me be patient :smiley:
9 May 16 #529
deep black pearl, for some reason i was one of the last ones to order and the only slot they could get me was with that paint option!
9 May 16 #530
this week too! white no options
9 May 16 #531
​looks nice in black.. just have to keep it clean.
10 May 16 4 #532
Mine has updated to 'in transit' now!
10 May 16 2 #533
Just sorted my GAP insurance out. It was doing my head in trying to find out if/what/how much cover I needed to I opted to just do a straight 2 year/£20k cover with ALA. It cost £118 with a 10% discount code.

If anyone wants to go the same route you can call Katie at ALA on 01653 916300 and pay over the phone.

I may well have paid too much, or bought cover I didn't actually need but it's saved me searching around any more.
Flyingzard to deeky
11 May 16 #535
Seems like a good price that.

I will wait until years 1-2 as my insurance cover new for old in the first year.

On a different note Deeky - did your R come with a space saver spare and bar as standard?
10 May 16 #534
mine hasnt :confused:
11 May 16 1 #536
Yeah, be careful with that though. I didn't query it but I did look in the policy wording about a new car in the first 12 months. Mine says that but in the policy wording it says 'if you're the first and only owner and registered keeper', and I don't believe we are.

So if I were you I would just check to be sure.

Space saver yes - what bar do you mean?
11 May 16 #537
mine is on its way :smile:
blakes03 to bisto
11 May 16 #538
Just checked mine - White - No Options - Not progressed to Stage 4 yet :-( - Shall keep checking today!
11 May 16 #539
All my update notifications came just after 8am so there probably won't be any more news today :disappointed:
11 May 16 #540
Yes, as deeky mentions - not sure if the new for old cover applies to a leased car, best to check.
They will wriggle out of a full replacement if they are not obliged to I am sure.
11 May 16 #541
Good point, I just checked and the wording is nigh on the same as on your policy. My first lease so a lot to learn!

the bar whatever it is called to get ze nuts off the wheel :-) Assuming you got a spare then it should have that as well.
11 May 16 #542
Yeah, jack, locking nut key, nut wrench, screwdriver and a little thing for flicking nut covers off, all in a nice polystyrene box in a cubby hole on the left hand side :smiley:
11 May 16 #543
Excellent - thanks Deeky. I was wondering what i comes with to ensure that what i give away with my current VRS i won't need!
12 May 16 #544
anyone else had an update? mines still just sat at build week confirmed.
DigiDougs to WhateverTrevor
12 May 16 #548
I am in the same boat :disappointed: build week is 09/05, Red No Options, still sitting at "Build Week Confirmed", they must be taking extra care on this weeks builds :wink:
12 May 16 #545
mine is still sat on build week confirmed (09/05). Wouldn't worry. it'll probably skip to in transit status next!
12 May 16 #546
Just checked - Mine too (white, no options) - just sat there on Build Week Confirmed. I'm hoping for it to just skip to Arrived in the UK!! Shall let you know when this moves.
12 May 16 #547
My red one with car net app is shipping. They'll have to sit on it until 1st Sept when current R expires.
12 May 16 #549
im expecting mine to update tomorrow.
DigiDougs to WhateverTrevor
12 May 16 1 #550
Fingers crossed for all of us in this build week :smiley:
13 May 16 3 #551
oh yes.. its on ts way stage 5. Had the email :wink:
13 May 16 #552
Mine still at Stage 3 - maybe they missed mine!!!!
Northern_Dragon to blakes03
13 May 16 #554
No update or movement on mine either. :disappointed:
DigiDougs to blakes03
13 May 16 #569
Same for me still on Stage 3, according to VW's FAQ The Golf is built in around 30 hours and takes up to 4 days to complete.

Lookers VW in Newcastle, I will also travel to collect the car if it is not due to be delivered by transporter.
13 May 16 1 #553
Mine is on its way too!
13 May 16 #555
Don't want to upset those that have not had the 'in transit' mail yet, but I got another mail this morning letting me know that they have revised the expected delivery time from 4 weeks down to 3 weeks :smiley:

For those that got mails today, do yours show 4 or 3 weeks estimated delivery?
13 May 16 1 #556
Yep - same here. The only thing that changed was 4 weeks down to 3.
13 May 16 #557
Is that delivery to dealer, or delivery to you?
13 May 16 #558
The tracker details are for delivery to dealer - could be a few days after arrival before it is available for me to collect.
I suppose it depends how busy the dealer is with other PDI checks?
13 May 16 #559
Delivery to dealer
13 May 16 #560
Great, thanks guys.

So probably approx. 4 weeks after the 'in transit' email until it's ready to collect.
13 May 16 1 #561
Well I am upset by that!
13 May 16 #562
Is it possible that you could 'unread' it and forget I mentioned it? :wink:
13 May 16 #563
Mine is at last confirmed for build week starting 06/06 so it's the MY2017 update. Which doesn't really mean much to be fair. But at least it's confirmed now. :smiley:
13 May 16 #564
I'll try but, if my the delivery to the dealer is just three weeks for me too, I'll still be happy.

Like some others mine is being delivered to Lookers Newcastle; has anyone got any further looking at options for delivery/collection from there? I'm really not sure whether I want to go and collect it or whether to have it delivered, and it really depends on whether it would be delivered on a truck or driven down.
13 May 16 #565
Yep - that's where mine is going also. I was waiting for it to be closer to hear what the options are, and might go and get it if they are just planning on driving it down.
13 May 16 1 #566
Mine too - Newcastle - I too am waiting for nearer the time to investigate how they plan to transport to me. If driver, then I shall be going up there to collect. Does anyone know if the snow will be melted by then ;-)
13 May 16 2 #567

Treat yourself to a night out in Newcastle. Watch a few episodes of geordie shore first to get the idea :wink:
13 May 16 1 #568
Oh jesus with that advice make sure he knows the closest STD clinic and that is for his eyes just after watching Geordie Shore....
14 May 16 2 #570
Received an update at 8:15 this morning, my car has now left the factory and is in transit, 4 weeks to dealership.

Happy now that I have seen progress on the tracker!
14 May 16 2 #571
Same here - updated this morning - now in transit and on the way to Newcastle :-)
14 May 16 #572
anyone have an order number that disappeared from the system at any point?
15 May 16 1 #573
I didn't get an email like others, but when I check the order progress page it's jumped to Step 4, build in progress.
Build WC 09/05 Pure White (Winter Pack)
15 May 16 2 #574
Yay! Got the email and text this morning; mines on its way too. :smile:
16 May 16 #575
Anyone else still at step 4 of 7 with a build week of 09/05?
Not sure whats happening, was hoping it would go to completed at 08:15 this morning.
aymanhd to playerg69
16 May 16 #576
They typically take approx 30 hours to build. Perhaps if they started build on the Friday, it might not be done until Tuesday at the earliest?
16 May 16 #577
It went into step 4 @ 8AM yesterday morning, so they appear to be running 7 days a week.
If it's 24 hours a day which I suspect it is, then that would mean 30 hours later would be 14:00 today
08:00 Sunday - 14:00 Monday = 30 Hours.
It does say though that it can be split over 2-4 days so the wait continues :disappointed:
Northern_Dragon to playerg69
16 May 16 #578
Seems to be that they only send progress updates just after 8am each day though, so even if it was completed at 14:00 today (or any time after 08:00) then it wouldn't show until tomorrow...
aymanhd to playerg69
17 May 16 #580
Did you receive anything this morning?
16 May 16 #579
Yeah, I received every update around 8.10 am.
17 May 16 #581
still enjoying the car deeky? learnt any new tricks?
deeky to WhateverTrevor
17 May 16 #584
Not discovered any surprises to be honest. The ACC is good in traffic, except it's a little slow in pulling off when the car in front moves off. I know it's just making sure there's a safe gap but it seems to err on the side of caution, meaning you're constantly expecting the car behind to give you a little 'come on then' toot.

Had a little dabble at the launch control :laughing:

17 May 16 #582
You guys are lucky!! Mine went to stage 2 on Sunday.
17 May 16 #583
I'm hoping to get an update tomorrow morning that it's been built.
Have many others got a build week of this week?
17 May 16 #585
You should be able to use the RES button on the steering wheel or tap the throttle a touch to get it going again.
17 May 16 #586
Yeah I can do that but it would be nice if it wasn't so cautious and I could leave it to its own devices :laughing:
17 May 16 #587
True, at least it works, even if it is a tad hesitant.
Did you end up 'buying' from NVS or did you go direct to the dealer instead?
17 May 16 #588
I called NVS who quoted 12-16 weeks delivery which prompted me to enquire at my local VW dealer, who immediately matched the price and put my name to an apparently unclaimed one which was in build week, so 4 weeks from enquiry to delivery, give or take a few days. Neil Gourney, Inchcape, Old Trafford. Manchester. Can't fault him.
sickly sweet
17 May 16 1 #589
You've received your car already?!

I thought you were going to visit when you got it.


17 May 16 #590
You said not if it was white :neutral_face:


Still time to change your mind :laughing:
17 May 16 #591
Mine is still in stage 3 with build week of 9/5, what's going on :confused::disappointed:
sickly sweet
17 May 16 1 #592
You told me you had changed the colour! :laughing:
17 May 16 #593
Any regrets or very happy? Another month before mine gets here!
17 May 16 1 #594
No regrets at all. I don't expect there to be too many disappointed boys in this thread :laughing:
sickly sweet
18 May 16 1 #595
Fixed that for you :stuck_out_tongue:
sickly sweet
18 May 16 #596
Ps...ok, putting the colour issue aside, it does look rather snazzy :smile:
sickly sweet
18 May 16 #597
Pps why four exhausts :laughing:
sickly sweet
18 May 16 #598
Ppps nice knob.
sickly sweet
18 May 16 #599
My ppps is in mod queue (and may not pass). That's the best comment of all and what I was leading up to, damnit.

It may have involved innuendo.
sickly sweet
18 May 16 #600
Pppps, when it's muddy and will pass as grey, feel free to pop round for some cake. You can see Stonehenge whilst you're in the area & other delights.
18 May 16 1 #601

So we're back on? :wink:

Erm, we won't go into that :sunglasses: You like them? It worked then :laughing:

You're not the first person to say that :smiley:

It's fine. I'm not averse to a bit of innuendo :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew it was the right move to get this car :wink:

Brb, just making myself unavailable for work on my next long weekend :smile:

18 May 16 1 #602
Another update on mine today - it's now saying 'Your car is in the final stage of its journey to the UK. From this point it takes approximately 10 days for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.'
Very speedy.
sickly sweet
18 May 16 1 #603
What do you mean, step away from the wine?!


I can't do the long weekend, I'm up in Bedfordshire!

Any other weekend looks free.

This weekend there's guaranteed to be cupcakes. Did you see my suitcase cake piccys?! The cake for Saturday should look good, look out for piccys in JHT on Thursday/Friday. Probably Friday.

Day of R&R for me today, so I'll bid you adieu and get some more sleep. The dogs are fast asleep on the floor beside me, I doubt they'll move much all day as its pouring with rain outside & look like they're wanting to join me on my day of nothingness.
18 May 16 1 #604
Mine's progressed to stage 5a - in Transit.

Very exciting!
18 May 16 #605
Mine too went to 5a today too, Yipee !. I thought they had forgotten to build mine.
aymanhd to playerg69
18 May 16 #606
Was yours a build week of 09-05-2016?
18 May 16 #607
Yes I'm assuming it must have been in the last lot of ones which went into production that week (09/05).
Does yours have a build week of 16/05?
aymanhd to playerg69
18 May 16 #608
It does indeed. Hopefully it will be in the country soon!
18 May 16 #609
me too. 3 weeks to go! :laughing:
18 May 16 #610
You're like a load of kids :stuck_out_tongue:
aymanhd to deeky
18 May 16 #611
Yes, yes we are. I'm sure you were too before you got yours!
18 May 16 #612
Still am :laughing:
18 May 16 1 #613
And we've got that to look forward to :smile:
18 May 16 #614
That's pretty good, I went back and forth with a dealer and got approx £250 off the NVS price (I'd already ordered before I looked on HUKD), but would probably have paid that money to not live with the agony of not having it so soon! :disappointed:
20 May 16 2 #615
Mine is now stage 6! In the UK and on the way to the retailer!
20 May 16 #616
I thought I'd got it £300 cheaper as well as there was no mention of the NVS admin charge when we agreed the deal :laughing: He dropped it on me when I went to sign the papers :laughing:
20 May 16 #617
Build week of last week?
20 May 16 #618
Yeah - it's moved very quickly!
WhateverTrevor to Ratterz
20 May 16 #621
​hi ratters.. how long between your stage 5a 3 week email and it moving to stage 6?
20 May 16 #619
Mine's updated today too, apparently it's on the next stage of its journey and "on average it takes 3 weeks for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer". :smiley:

Sadly, despite the wording, I don't imagine that it is really going to come to my local VW retailer though!
20 May 16 #620
Is that stage 5b?
20 May 16 #622
I just got the same email this Morning, yay !. my local dealers (Lookers Newcastle) isn't too far though
20 May 16 #623
So, got them in this order (not sure of the 5a, b, c levels, but have included the description next to them for clarity):

10th May - Stage 5 - Your car has been built and has now left the factory. On average it takes 4 weeks from build for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.

13th May - Stage 5b - Your car is on the next stage of its journey to the UK. On average it takes 3 weeks for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.

18th May - Stage 5c - Your car is in the final stage of its journey to the UK. From this point it takes approximately 10 days for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.

20th May - Stage 6 - Your car has arrived in the UK. It is now awaiting clearance and transportation to your retailer. This normally takes 7 days.

(and Newcastle is most certainly not local for me!).
20 May 16 1 #624
I also got the "3 weeks to go" email update this morning.

Sat 14th May - Stage 5 - Your car has been built and has now left the factory. On average it takes 4 weeks from build for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.

Fri 20th May - Stage 5b - Your car is on the next stage of its journey to the UK. On average it takes 3 weeks for this model to reach your local Volkswagen Retailer.

Lookers (Newcastle) I wonder how many "local Volkswagen Retailer's" I will pass on my way to collect it?
20 May 16 #625
Mine was built in week commencing 9th May, arrived at Emden docks on the 12th May, but is still in Emden :disappointed:
Can take up to 15 days to get an allocation for sailing according to VW Live chat.

Ah well, few more weeks to sort a boot liner and rubber weather mats then.

Has anyone ordered any rubber mats for their car?
20 May 16 #626
My car is being delivered to a dealer 240 miles away from me. The broker told me delivery was included. I'm not driving all that way back in it and I'm not having it driven to me either. So low loader it has to be!
20 May 16 #627
Could you not try and get them thrown in for free? If you're collecting your car instead of having it delivered, perhaps swap that cost around?
20 May 16 #628
How are people getting on with insurance quotes? Obviously circumstances vary significantly but thought it might be worth sharing experiences:

My best quote so far is £700 with Privilege through Unfortunately I had a company car for several years and therefore only have two years of no claims.
20 May 16 #629
I know different insurance companies benefit different types of drivers, but give Esure a try. They absolutely murdered my renewals 3 years back. Mine went down from £600+ to about £380, and the wife's from £400 to £240. Nothing to lose. Mine just increased by about £130 for virtually a full year. '58 Skoda Superb Elegance before this.
20 May 16 #630
I've been getting around £650 with myself and fiancee (I'm 24, and she's 22). 3 years no claims. Live in an okay area, out of town. 1 claim each, (mine was third party total, hers was no other party involved)... Excess of £250 gave the best price.
20 May 16 #631
​Yep I plan to. No way I'm buying a new car and letting someone else enjoy the first 250 miles of use.

As for insurance my renewal wont be far off. im with esure also but will be giving some specialist a try also this time.
20 May 16 #632
Cheapest I've found is £330 with £250 excess. 28, 3 years ncb.
20 May 16 #633
Under £200, age 44, too many years no claims to remember.
20 May 16 #634
Where do you live? In a remote cave on the Cornish coast?
20 May 16 1 #635
Just outside Gosport or Gospit as its affectionally known, across the water from Portsmouth. Cheap as chips isn't it?!
20 May 16 #636
Aye, you can say that again :laughing:
20 May 16 1 #637
apparently the sensor which stops low impact collisions makes the golf lower insurance.
20 May 16 1 #638
Best I can find is about £340, but then I've got quite a few years no claims also. In other news, I've had all my lease paperwork to sign from VW, and looks like it'll be ready on 31st May!
21 May 16 2 #639
Just got my VW confirmation that it's now at the dealer (stage 7)!
21 May 16 #640
my insurance is going up a whopping £9 from insuring a VRS Octavia to this. Paying around £250 for me and my wife with European travel and legal cover etc. from LV. I am 41 and the wife 35. Excess went up from £350 to £550 mind but i guess that is because the car is worth way more than the Occy.
21 May 16 #641
That was quick! 1 day to the dealer? I'm
surprised at that! I suppose it only takes a couple of hours on a transporter. Is it possible you'll be getting it sooner than the 31st?
21 May 16 #642
Oh, and I've just got my 5b notification.
21 May 16 #643
The registration doc says it's registered date is May 31st, and I'm on hols, so can't get it any quicker
21 May 16 1 #644
vid showing Golf R estate being built by de germans.
21 May 16 #645
That's a very interesting clip.

Those machines, and the brains behind them, are incredible.
21 May 16 #646
Yeah the bit where its submerged is for the anti corrosion. Amazing.
22 May 16 #647
Has anyone who ordered through horizon received any financial docs to sign yet?
Mine just progressed to stage 5c this morning, hopefully not long to go now
22 May 16 #648
Sorry can't answer for Horizons however I am currently on stage 5b (20/05/16) I ordered through National Vehicle Solutions, in the last email I received (21/04/16) they confirmed the financial documents will be emailed out once the car arrives in the UK (Stage 6).
22 May 16 #649
Hi All. This is my first post on this site ever, so be merciful chaps :wink: Mine was ordered from Horizon (standard spec, only black pearl paint added). It went to stage 7 last Thursday and after applying a bit of gentle pressure on Horizon I received all the financial documents Friday afternoon.
I noticed though that there was a difference of around £1k in the initial payment between the originally quoted number and amount on the supplied contract wording. This was explained by Horizon as dealer's contribution and that I shall only issue a cheque based on the value originally quoted by Horizon and the balance will be topped by the dealer. This seemed a bit dodgy to me, especially since the contract doesn't mention any dealer contribution and as it stands the wording make me liable for the full initial payment which is £1k higher than the original proposal (...) Has anyone had similar experience with Horizon, NVS or any other leasing company?
22 May 16 #650
Yeah. Mine through NVS was the same, but it's fairly standard. I've had other cars in the past where the dealer contribution shows up at this stage.
22 May 16 #651
Have they mentioned when you should expect to receive the car? I haven't heard anything from horizon since they confirmed my order had went through. Was expecting them to be a bit more proactive in sending all the forms through and keeping me informed
22 May 16 #652
I had similar with VW. They matched the NVS quote so deposit was £2,400. The paperwork showed a deposit of £3,120. He explained that VW would deposit the extra £720 into my bank account a couple of weeks before the deposit was to be taken from my bank, which they did. Seems a bit of a long winded way of doing things but it went smoothly enough.
22 May 16 1 #653
Thanks lads, much appreciated.

They mentioned that it may take up to 10 days from sending back all the paper work for the car to be available, it can be either delivered (driven, not towed) or collected in person from the designated VW branch.
Cool, I guess that is standard stuff then. Anyway deeky, many thanks for the whole thread. I had been looking for a decent personal lease for a while and then I spotted your post. May the heat be with you this summer :stuck_out_tongue::sunglasses::innocent:
22 May 16 1 #654
You're welcome. I'm just chuffed that so many people have gone for it. I'm a little boy myself when it comes to fast cars so I expect (hope) you all feel as excited as I am, which pleases me :smiley:
22 May 16 #655
Mine went to stage 5c this morning. No sign of any financial paperwork from Horizon yet. Interesting reading about the dealer contribution. First I had heard about it but then it doesn't really affect anything apart from being forewarned about the extra grand on the deposit!
22 May 16 #656
This might come in handy. My last car had built in sat-nav so I'm without at the moment.An added bonus with this one is that it has FREE lifetime map, traffic and speed camera updates. Camera updates are £20 a year if you're not familiar with the shadier side of sat-nav updates :smiley:

Anyway, it's £145 from Amazon, the next cheapest I can see is £170. This is the 610, 6" version and it's actually £10 cheaper than the 510, 5" version at the moment. I'll leave it here for a while before I post it as a deal as there are only 3 left it says.

Tomtom Go 610 with free lifetime ww maps/trafic and camera updates
23 May 16 #657
I was looking at exactly the same one deeky or a 5100 which is 5" and has a built in sim for updates. I know 610 can use phone data but then i cant see it pairing with in car bluetooth simultaneously :-) Get a MDI to USB cable from the dealer and a vent mount. All nice and neat.
23 May 16 #659
Ooh it's the 23rd May, my build week this week! Only a month or so to go before I'm cruising around in my estate! Who's actually collected apart from deeply so far? :stuck_out_tongue: Any photos of the red one for me to drool over?
23 May 16 1 #660
I'm not sure. I need the extra inch though with my old eyes :laughing:
23 May 16 1 #661
Just one thing on the 6" TomTom, I bought one of these for my brother on the Amazon Warehouse deals, - TomTom 610, it was £101. Anyway, he previously had the 4" one, and the 6" is nearly too big to fit where the 4" one would go.
Also, for some strange reason, they've put some mounting thing on the bottom, and it's quite thick, so might be worth checking that out.
23 May 16 #662

I have the 5inch TomTom which you can hock up to your mobile using a WIFI hot spot. It works well. I also had it hooked up to my previous golf using Bluetooth at the same time. It all works fine and really easy to set up.

Stupid question - why are we all talking about this, does the R not come with a SAt Nav as standard?
WhateverTrevor to blakes03
23 May 16 #665
​Ah ok thanks for that. I figured it used bluetooth not wifi tether. still might be a pain tethering everytine you get in the car. Think I'll go with a 5100.. based on price and built in data.
23 May 16 #663
​good advice
23 May 16 #664
Er... nope :neutral_face:
23 May 16 #666
I went for the app-connect so can just use your android/iPhone as sat-nav (and more) linked to the head unit.
23 May 16 #667
Can you use tomtom app this way or is it just google maps?
23 May 16 #668
I have never got on with mobile sat nav.
23 May 16 #669
Think it depends on if the app is android auto or apple car play compatible. Personally I love Google maps as it gives you real-time traffic information and is pretty bang-on with fastest route/arrival time.....
23 May 16 #670
Can any confirm the benefits of the car net app option, i want to stream audio via bluetooth, and from the coincidental previous posts the sat nav too, i have an android phone - is it worth it ?
23 May 16 #671
Well, I can't confirm anything yet as I've only had a brief play with it so far. Have a look at the following video, although you can ignore the first 2 minutes as that's just for the initial setup. It uses a USB connection, but certainly does calls, audio, maps, and a few other things, along with charging it at the same time.
23 May 16 #672
I didn't go for the car net option. You can still connect your phone via Bluetooth right for audio streaming/dialing right? I thought it is just you cannot mirror the phone apps and use the auto connect software which I am not overly bothered about. I am used to streaming Spotify from my phone in-car and I don't mind doing the same in the R..
24 May 16 2 #673
Correct :smiley: also mine has landed in the UK, just waiting for it to get to dealer now!
24 May 16 #674
Ta - mine too :-)
24 May 16 #675
Thanks for confirming i was under the impression you needed car net app or you had to use USB.

Next question then, is the Dynaudio upgrade worth it ? any opinions on the std 'cms' or the upgrade if you ordered it ?
24 May 16 #676
I was going to wait and see what the audio is like before shelling out on the upgrade. There is info in this thread about that and losing your space saver wheel for it if you decide to wait like me....
24 May 16 #677
Yeah i did catch those comments, if anything it will be the Dynaudio integrated setup not too keen on loosing boot space which i guess the R already does being 4wd, i just like to hear anyone's opinion and the degree of improvement over the standard setup , or even how good the std is.
24 May 16 1 #678
It depends if you are happy to pay an extra £20-odd a month for the privilege. I toyed with it but decided against it. I'm glad I did now because the standard sound is fine.
24 May 16 2 #679
mine is in UK <3
24 May 16 #680
What was your timeline? 5a -> 5b -> 5c -> 6?[/quote]
24 May 16 #681
4 weeks despatch give on 13th May.
24 May 16 #682
So 5a given 11 days ago, and your stage 6 is 7 days to retailer, is that correct?
24 May 16 #683
yep :smiley:
24 May 16 #684
Has anyone heard from Horizon this week. I've received no documents and no replies to emails?
24 May 16 #685
When are you getting your car?

I saw it was at the dealer a couple of days ago, presumably you'll be picking it up soon!
24 May 16 #686
Ignore that, I remember you were on Holiday and it's being registrered on the 31st May.
24 May 16 #687
Spoke to them on the phone, he said he would contact the dealer and get the particulars then send financial docs through, although I haven't received anything yet
24 May 16 #688
Yep - it's there. Paperwork all done and money paid! Just got to wait until likely the 7th June. I might ask them to take a photo though to prove it's there! (but really just because I'm impatient!)
24 May 16 1 #689
I'm hoping mine's going to be skipping a few stages and I'll get it soon! :disappointed:
26 May 16 #690
I received my Stage 5c text this morning. Should be at the dealer in 10 days.
26 May 16 #691
Got my text and email to say mines in transit , to vw medway in Essex. I'm in Blackpool so quite a long way. Do they deliver it for free? When should horizon be in touch with me to sign paperwork? If I'm at stage 5 , how long should it be until it arrives at dealership?
26 May 16 #692
Are you at stage 5a?

Hopefully this will help you?

My timeline is as follows:

Order date - 7th April 2016
Build Week Confirmed - 22nd April 2016
Build Week Commences - 16th May 2016
In Transit - Stage 5a - 18th May 2016
Shipping (at Emden) - Stage 5b - 21st May 2016
Near the UK (On a Boat) - Stage 5c - 26th May 2016
26 May 16 1 #693
I've got my delivery date of 8th June now. They are delivering it to me on transporter (which saves me going to get it, and saves me for worrying about someone driving it hundreds of miles!), and yes, mine is being delivered for free.
26 May 16 #694
is yours from horizon Ratterz?
26 May 16 #695
If yours is from VW Medway via Horizon that is super sexy news as I didn't really want to drive down to get mine and didn't want it driven!
26 May 16 #696
No - NVS (National Vehicle Solutions)
26 May 16 1 #697
Mine was via NVS, and the dealer was VW Benfield Newcastle.....
26 May 16 #698
Horizon quoted me £1 plus VAT per mile for it being delivered on a low loader. Anyone else getting it delivered for free who used Horizon?
26 May 16 #699
Well you certainly now how to destroy a man's hopes and dreams.
26 May 16 #700
Looks like i'll be going to fetch mine then!
26 May 16 #701
26 May 16 #702
Hopefully that's good news, or at least a good sign for those of us expecting NVS deliveries into VW Newcastle though. :smiley:
26 May 16 #703
I must admit, I was surprised! I'll believe it when I see it turn up outside!
26 May 16 #704
My car (build week 09/05/16, white, no options) is in transit. It will also be going to VW Newcastle. I will be wanting it delivered to me but only on a low loader. Seems to be the same deal as you Ratterz. What was your build week?

I ordered through NVS
26 May 16 #705
Unless we push for free delivery. I have a 120 mile trip to get there myself
26 May 16 #706
26 May 16 #707
Mine was the same build week as yours, but mine is Limestone Grey with a couple of options. Perhaps mine was just at the front of the queue that week, but it did seem to move through the whole process very quickly.
26 May 16 1 #708
Takes ages on the train and costs a small fortune. I looked into it. The station is about 2 miles away from Medway. With prior warning the dealer can pick you up from the station. I have a mate who is driving me up.
26 May 16 #709
Good to hear you've got it sorted. I'm surprised that the delivery isn't free.

Mine offered a low price with nationwide free delivery. I'm still going to collect it. I'm hoping, as they'll be saving money by not delivering it, they'll put a full tank of fuel in instead.
26 May 16 #710
That is a good point. Unlikely that they will fill it up unless you ask. Worth mentioning it!
27 May 16 #711
I will do, there was also another company that was £50 cheaper than them, but I went with them because the dealer actually returned my emails... So might ask when I get the Stage 7 text.
£60 on a full tank won't cost them that in real business terms, they should just be able to write it off as a business expense...
I've received my Stage 6 this morning!
27 May 16 1 #712
Just got stage 3! Build date of 20th June. Such a long wait........
27 May 16 1 #713
Hate waiting. Build starts 06/06, how long for build week to collection roughly? Have to plan selling my car soon I think!
27 May 16 #714
Just received my paperwork.
27 May 16 #715
28 May 16 #716
As my car is now in build week 23 it will be the MY2017 which now has the winter pack and discovery navigation as standard. But I have added the winter pack as an option when I ordered :neutral_face: do I try and question it or just leave it lol :smiley:
28 May 16 1 #717
I'd certainly be asking. Why should you be paying for something you would be getting for nothing? No harm in asking anyway. He's he's not gonna say 'Oi, don't be cheeky. Right, you're not having the car now' :laughing:
28 May 16 #718
Oh, my build week was 04/04 and I took delivery on 05/05 so about 4-5 weeks tops.
28 May 16 #719
True, not sure if they will honour removing the charge for it on this deal. But might give it a go once built, incase they take it away during the build :laughing:
28 May 16 #720
​you lucky ****.. I'm really going to miss heated seats out of my present m135i. My Golf R is in the UK now.
28 May 16 #721
​where did you hear about those additions? from what I read it was just oil/boost gauge and a new rearview mirror.
28 May 16 #722
My paperwork arrived yesterday and the car is at the dealers in MK
Name is spelt wrong on the contract, so I have asked about that and the deposit contribution is not mentioned on it either, but I think this is normal?

He has advised me that I can collect from Wed 8th of June (although it said 8th March on the mail?)

Unfortunately, I won't get a clear day until around the 14th/15th
28 May 16 #723
The revisions are on the UK VW site now, look at the standard spec that comes with the car and they are no longer optional extras but standard. Also read it on Piston Head forum. :smiley:
28 May 16 #724
just did, both still chargeable on 3 door car
28 May 16 #725
still shows lockable glove box which i thought had been deleted
29 May 16 #726
yes and the alloys are the same, i guess that post that was floating around about the my17 updates doesn't have much truth in it, definitely seems to be winter pack and discover nav included now, maybe other stuff too - i can probably drop car net app now,

Im not sure what is in the winter pack , is it just the heated seats and heated window washers ?
31 May 16 #727
Is anyone collecting/having delivered theirs today or in the next couple of days?
31 May 16 #728
Nope - i got the the last email from VW when you did but i am still waiting for my contract!

Have you got a collection date arranged?
31 May 16 #729
When I got the 5C text/email, I contacted the dealer myself and he said when it gets to stage 40 (on his system) they will send the paperwork.
I received the Stage 6 text/email the next day, I emailed the dealer again requesting paperwork. I received the paperwork at around 13:00 and had it signed and emailed back by 14:00. (I'd already thought I would get the paperwork through that day, and brought [with me to work] a council tax bill and bank statement just in case).

He said that he's faxed the forms off to VWFS, and that's the last I've heard from him.

The paperwork stated it will be registered on 6th June, along with the registration number and the VIN.
31 May 16 #730
You know a lot more than me but i have not been pushing Horizon to be honest. I have just phoned them now and they said that the dealer are registering loads of cars - a lot of R's apparently.....

He was going to chase my paperwork.

Registered on the 6th - I guess based on that we should be able to pick the car up later that week.
31 May 16 #731
Huh, looks like you've jumped ahead of me then, based on your previously posted timeline at one point mine was three days ahead of yours but I was two days behind you getting my 5c text and I've yet to get my stage 6 notice. Still, I'm actually not in a hurry as I'm still trying to sort out giving my current company car back...:disappointed:
31 May 16 2 #732
I ordered and have dealt directly with the dealer, so information isn't being pushed to a third party, then back to me. I'm not sure why yours hasn't been to stage 6 yet, as the ship is a Ro-Ro they normally unload within the same day. Perhaps yours has been caught up at customs.
I think the 6th date was just to be safe, due to the bank holiday weekend. Presumably I'll get stage 7 in the next few days, then it'll be ready for collection after that.
I have just been emailed by the dealer saying that all the documents have been verified and he's just waiting for the car to be delivered.

If you look at the tracker online, it should show you your dealer and a contact name, it might be worth contacting them?

If you need any more details let me know - but I'm no expert!
31 May 16 1 #733
Just got my forms and new reg :-)

Going directly to the dealer will most likely mean you'll get sorted quicker than going through a broker.

It won't be long now before we can pick our new R's up. Broker thinks next week!
31 May 16 1 #734
Great stuff :smiley:

Indeed, and I'm glad I did to be honest. There was no fee to pay, and I managed to get a good price. I'm not sure on next week or not, as if your car hasn't reached Stage 7, there might be some PDI or damage to rectify - unlikely, but entirely possible. I'm hoping I can collect mine on registration day. The wait is killing me!
31 May 16 1 #735
Build week confirmed 20/6/2016, so this should be a MY2017 with the satnav and winter pack as standard, woohoo! Any ideas on how long delivery takes after that? My signed documentation shows 7/7/2016 but I don't think that's remotely possible!
31 May 16 1 #736
I have just heard I can pick it up on Friday and it will have a full tank of fuel!
31 May 16 1 #737
That's great, you lucky bar-steward!

Are you driving there to collect it or having it delivered?
What date is yours being registered on?
1 Jun 16 #738
I am picking it up. I asked for a full tank of fuel because of that and saving the dealer the hassle.

I cannot believe it to be honest as i have not even had a chance to send back the master copy of the contract and cheque yet. I may as well take it up there in person!

No idea when it is being registered. I will ask. I need to speak to the lease company this morning as Friday is the only day this week my mate cannot drive me up there so i have asked for a Thursday PM collection instead.:stuck_out_tongue:
1 Jun 16 #739
Mines gone from 5a to 5c in 6 days :smiley:

Not had any paperwork yet tho..

Anyone Else moving a private plate onto there new R?
1 Jun 16 #740
It was worth asking then! Glad you got a little extra, I'm hoping for the same. Still yet to receive my stage 7 email/text. :disappointed:.

I'm surprised you haven't sent the paperwork - mine had to be verified before I was given an 'all okay'...
1 Jun 16 #741
I have not received my stage 7 email either!

I really cannot see how i can pick the car up this week unless the lease company looking over my paperwork was enough for VW.

I will keep you posted.
1 Jun 16 #742
That is weird. I would be a tad concerned as they may not be able to register it until next week.

Do you have a plate? If so, you can check if it's been registered here -

I know mine's not being registered until the 6th June, and hence doesn't appear on the website. It's fairly quick in updating, so wouldn't be surprised if it's on there within minutes of being registered.
1 Jun 16 #743
Well i am picking it up tomorrow from the dealer.

I have a plate but don't know when it is being registered. I checked that link and it isn't there yet.......!
1 Jun 16 #744
Hey Flyingzard - Which build week were you. I was build week 09/05 and mine is in transit. Has been for ages now but I am kinda expecting for it to just jump to being at the dealers in Newcastle.

I am using NVS. Cheers
1 Jun 16 #745
I was same build week as you. I would fully expect your R to be with your dealer by now. As i said in a previous post, i have not had the last update from VW saying it landed at the dealer but it must have done a few days ago.

I am using Horizon and not NVS. I would give them a ring and ask for your contract. Horizon just wanted me to scan it back to ensure it looked ok - once they did that they did the rest with the dealer. In the meantime i am supposed to send the master docs and cheque to the dealer direct but as i am picking it up tomorrow, I am taking it up in person!

Sorted GAP insurance out as per Deeky's recommendation. She advised taking £7k worth of Gap to cover the shortfall on payments and difference between market value and price of car after 2 years. I ended up going for £10k as a bit of extra cover.

Cannot wait to pick her up tomorrow now!!
1 Jun 16 #746
Was that ALA or GAP123?

I've got a quote of £129 from GAP123 - that's for the cover you've stated above. Does that sound about right?
This was including the deposit protecting (£35 extra)...
1 Jun 16 #747
I went with ALA and used the 10% code HJ16 for £10k it was £106 i think it was. Annoying thing was as i entered the code in last night and didn't purchase it as i wasn't 100% sure i was getting the car on Thursday, when using the site today the code didn't work. Never mind as it was worth phoning and getting advice and Katie at ALA applied the code anyway.

However, Topcashback offer 10% as well so you could try and get that and use the code (if you choose ALA of course!)
1 Jun 16 #748
Great stuff, I'm not sure if it's really worth the deposit protection addition. There is a 12% off voucher for Pistonheads - Piston12

That brings the quote down to £101.20. I'll probably go for that. I might see what the dealer recommends cover wise. £15k cover is only an extra £4.40 and £20k cover is an extra £14.96. Not going to break the bank too much!

Still can't believe you're picking it up tomorrow!
1 Jun 16 #749
I'm pretty sure the discount codes don't work if you go through a cash back site. I think it's either cash back or code. Don't think you can have both.

Bet you can't wait now :laughing:
1 Jun 16 #750
If you're shopping for gap insurance you might want to check out this thread: Credit to Norfolk12a1 obviously. seem to be consistently cheap but ALA will beat their price by 20% of the difference. That may (or may not) beat cashback or vouchers. Worth a look I reckon.
1 Jun 16 1 #751
No i cannot wait now. Up until now i hadn't really put much thought to it as we are having loads of building work being done at home which i am trying to project manage whilst trying to work full time. But now.... sod the building work and job :-)
1 Jun 16 #752
collecting mine tomorrow, just updated insurance and got the ALA gap cover, thanks for the 10% off code also!
P.S how does road tax work, do i tax it now before i get the car?
1 Jun 16 #753
The vehicle should be taxed for the duration of the lease!
Also if you look on here - it should show your vehicle as taxed until 1st June 2017?
1 Jun 16 #754
Sadly Reg not found!
1 Jun 16 1 #755
It might be being registered tomorrow then. But should definitely be taxed. Otherwise you could be paying another £370 over the term!
1 Jun 16 1 #756
It will already be taxed.
1 Jun 16 2 #757
Deeky is correct. We are not the registered owner or keeper. It is therefore in VW's best interest to tax the car which they will have done before you pick it up. It may not be registered in time however but that doesn't matter. You don't get to take the V5 anyway. That will happen shortly afterwards.

Whilst i am rambling if any of you peeps who have or are getting the R, should you want to take it abroad you must ask permission from VW and they will send you the required document. Failure to do that could land you in strife as you won't be able to prove you are allowed to drive the car. Complete the form and submit it here 2 weeks before you plan to leave

I am taking my R down to the South of France over the summer hence why i know this!
1 Jun 16 2 #758
Picked mine up this eve (ordered through Horizon).

First impressions are that it is uber rapid! The sound seems a bit artificial....but I have come from several years with a BMW 130i! Loads of gadgets but was a bit disappointed that the dealer can't retrofit the app connect (apparently can only be done with sat nav spec'd). Adaptive cruise control is amazing btw!

Looking forward to getting out on some good driving roads and exploring 'race' mode!
1 Jun 16 1 #759
Yay, Member no.2. Welcome to the R club. I was starting to get a bit lonely :laughing:

Wait till you try launch control :laughing:
2 Jun 16 2 #760
picking mine up in half an hour, eeeeeeeeeeeee
2 Jun 16 #761
Long drive back?
2 Jun 16 #762
sadly not, dealer is about 5 minutes drive from me lol
2 Jun 16 #763
Just take the scenic route via Scotland.
2 Jun 16 #764
I will be picking mine shortly after you :-)
2 Jun 16 #765
How long from stage 6 to collection for you fly old chap?
2 Jun 16 #766
haha going for a drive now, first impressions are good, very good combo of comfort and speed when needed. first thing to set up is "individual mode" you can set specific things how you like e.g turn the fake sound off etc.
2 Jun 16 #767
Just had an email from the dealer stating they can deliver next Thursday - I tried to be the least cheeky and asked for a full tank on collection - I think I phrased it really badly! :/
2 Jun 16 1 #768
I phoned the dealer this afternoon for an update (Lookers New Castle) I ordered through National Vehicle Solutions.

My car is now at the dealer :smile: Build Week was 09/05.

Last VW Tracker update was on 28/05/16. This afternoon it was still showing as 5c of 7 (in transit: near the UK) so as others have said before it is never the most up to date.

The dealer said they are a bit behind in getting finance paperwork out to customers this week due to staff holidays but I should get the documents by tomorrow.

No number plate for the car yet but it will be ready for collection 10/06/16 onwards, or transporter delivery the following week.
2 Jun 16 1 #769
no full tank for me :disappointed:
2 Jun 16 1 #770
My idea seemed to work for FlyingZard! It's a possibility and not something I was expecting.
On another point - I got some more insurance quotes and somehow they had managed to go up by 37% since looking 6 weeks ago!
I found that going through GoCompare instead of CompareTheMarket sorted the costs down, got a quote with Admiral and it's now £534. Approx. £27 cheaper than 6 weeks ago! Very happy :smiley:
2 Jun 16 1 #771
6 earth days :-)

Still not had my final email but who cares now!
2 Jun 16 1 #772
mines been there ages.. getting delivered on loadet next week. too far to collect.
2 Jun 16 2 #773
car is incredible. Race mode and she burbles!

49.1 miles in to my journey from the dealer and the smallest of stones hit the windscreen and yep you guessed it - gonna need a new one. Typical - especially as that is going to set me back £140 hay ho. 10 minutes later i grabbed the handle above the door to feel the German precision where it sinks back - oh no what ii got was a cracking sound and now my handle is stuck in the down position for me to bash my bonce on it.

So you would think i would be annoyed, disappointed etc. ... not one bit. Incredible car made a wee bit more fun as my mate who drove me up has a new Astra VXR so coming back was a giggle!

Without your post Deeky i wouldn't have seen this offer - respect most high!
2 Jun 16 2 #774
The pleasure is all mine :wink:

Shame about the windscreen :disappointed: Too big for a repair which won't cost you anything on your insurance?

And the handle is surely a warranty issue? Unless you've been swinging into the car like a monkey :laughing:
2 Jun 16 #775
​bad luck matey. do you not have windscreen cover on your insurance.
2 Jun 16 1 #776
Too big a repair think. I am covered but the excess is £140.... I will see if it can be repaired first....

Yep grab handle is a warranty repair. I work next to a main dealer so result!

Just popped out. Loving the illumination at night. Such a classy understated motor which goes like stink!
2 Jun 16 1 #777
yeah, it's such a nice place to be, especially at night as you say. What do you think of the stereo? (stereo? giving my age away a bit there :laughing:)
3 Jun 16 #778
HAHA - exactly what i call it as well! I expect a lot of us buying this are in the 'slightly more mature' bracket - we have bought a daddy wagon after all. A few years - :cough: many years younger and i would have gone for the hatch!

Stereo is very good- much better than i was expecting. Mostly used Spotify via Bluetooth. The option in the menus - by default Bluetooth and AUX are set to quiet. Changing them to Loud makes a big difference :-)
3 Jun 16 #779
What else would you call it? Is it not a stereo? I'm in the 'slightly less mature' bracket at 24 with no children... I probably don't need an estate, but like to have the space if I was to ever need it. I got my stage 7 text/email this morning, so it's definitely a day behind at least.
3 Jun 16 #780
Infotainment unit i believe is the correct term :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh to be that young again. I am a 41 year old with a 3 year old - oh and a wife!

To be honest space is a bit overkill but going to be needed coming back from France loaded up with wine!
3 Jun 16 1 #781
Stage 7 - Nearly there, it is on it way to VW Newcastle.
I ordered with NVS, build week 09/05 to give you an idea.
Not heard anything from NVS yet.

Thanks to everyone for giving their first impressions, really good to get peoples opinions and it sounds like everyone is very happy with their new motor.

Also, a BIG thanks to Deeky to putting this deal up and keeping us all posted, cheers Deeky, your a top bloke!!!

Also, I too am a young 'mature' Daddy who is no way sensible, so probably fit the social stereotype for this car. Had many cars over the years, Porsche, BMW, Audi, work horse Ford Galaxy, VW, Alfa, the list goes on. At the moment I have a Supercharged Range Rover (not the new shape) which is a lot of fun, goes way faster than a 4x4 should. I managed to get £107 of fuel in it the other night! Not sure whether to keep it or not, should be sensible and get shot but will probably keep for a bit.

Cheers everyone and happy motoring.........
3 Jun 16 #782
Hello DigiDougs, I am the same build week and same VW Dealer, Newcastle. Appreciate the chase and update to the board, very helpful. I will probably go for a low loader as live in Oxford. Its a bit far and although would like to make a couple of days of it, work will not allow!!! Do you live down south? If so, we might be on the same low loader.
My car is White, no options.
3 Jun 16 #783
Also got the stage 7 email this morning on route to dealers here in Newcastle.
Out of interest how long have people generally waited from stage 7 to collection.
I'm getting excited now, I hope they process it quickly.
3 Jun 16 #784
4 days for me (leeds)
3 Jun 16 #785
No stage 7 notification yet, but just spoke to Lookers Newcastle and my paper work is going out this afternoon and my car should be with them by the time I return that apparently. They'll then be able to deliver (on a wagon) some time in the week commencing 13th June! :smile:
3 Jun 16 #786
Nice one Mr Dragon - Getting close now for all of us VW Newcastle fans!

BTW - what was your build week and were you NVS?
3 Jun 16 #787
Just got my paperwork through from NVS (after a phone call to chase them), stage 7 email this morning
build week 09/05
Hoping that since I can drop off the paperwork tomorrow to VW Newcastle rather than post, and since I can collect it rather than wait for delivery, that it could be in my hands before the end of next week.....
3 Jun 16 #788
At what point did Medway/Horizon contact you?
3 Jun 16 1 #789
I am scheduled to collect mine from Lancaster MK next Friday (10th) :smiley:
3 Jun 16 #790
​Build week 09/05, and yes NVS. Mines white with the winter pack and car connect added.
4 Jun 16 #791
I Contacted them in the end (horizon) and they chased the dealer for the forms. Without them and you signing and emailing back VW finance cannot do their final authorisation checks.
5 Jun 16 #792
Just realised i have no clue what the service interval is on this thing, anyone read the booklet yet?
5 Jun 16 2 #793
20k miles or 2 years - whichever is sooner. Depending on your driving style you may get an oil service message within those 2 years too.
5 Jun 16 #794
For those of you that want a quick to apply bit of paint protection. Especially if youve order a white car like me. Gtechniq C2 v3 Liquid Crystal - 100ml is about £8.69 on ebay delivered. squirt it on and wipe it off.. gives a fair few month protection and should make life easier cleaning the car.
6 Jun 16 #795
My vehicle (bw 23/5) arrived in the UK yesterday, how long have people been waiting from a car getting off the ship to picking up from a dealer? Very excited now!!
6 Jun 16 #796
I'm picking mine up on Thursday (dealer has a PDI backlog) I got my stage 6 on the 27th May.
6 Jun 16 #797
How long was it before your cars were showing on the DVLA website/database so they could be insured?
6 Jun 16 #798
Arghhh 2 whole weeks. How will I possibly survive if it's the same for me? You must be well bored of waiting!
6 Jun 16 1 #799

I've watched ALL THE VIDEOS. Including some in Spanish and German, the Polish ones were too out of my language range!
It arrived at the dealer on Thursday, I was hoping to collect it today, but Thursday was the earliest I could collect/they could deliver!
I've asked for a full tank of fuel as I'm saving them time and money having to deliver it. With no dealer sticker in the window too. Probably the most picky customer - but I'll just peel it off!

Mine's being registered today. Just need to sort insurance (have just cancelled my previous policy within the 14 day cooling off period - cost £25 [if I'd cancelled it tomorrow, it would have cost £65] and GAP.

Lots to sort out, but is worth it in the end!
6 Jun 16 #800
It's only 2 days :laughing: I just hope you're not disappointed, I'm sure you won't be though :laughing:
6 Jun 16 #801
Ha ha, the most I was willing to go to on the Youtube videos was the camp German guy who did his piece in English.

There's a new Telegraph Cars one on the R estate in the last week or so if you haven't seen that one yet...
6 Jun 16 #802
The Autogefuhl (i think) ones - There's the 37 minute one on the estate, a 51 minute comparison between the VRS and the Seat ST Cupra 280/290 thing and there's another one on just the Golf R hatch.
I've seen the Telegraph one too.
6 Jun 16 1 #803
I won't be - I've not driven one either, so it will be my first time in a Golf R that actually has the engine running!
6 Jun 16 1 #804
Just had a quote of £53.18 from ALA insurance for the GAP Cover £10k cover 2 years contract hire.

Does that seem too cheap?
albeit - it was a price match with Motorpocket - so was about half of their initial quoted price. As they price match by 20%.
6 Jun 16 #805
That's exactly what I've asked them for via email (pricematch against motor pocket) but they haven't got back to me yet.

Can you add voucher codes as well at checkout? piston12 I think gives you 12% off, but not sure if you can do it on price matches.
6 Jun 16 #806
You can only do it over the phone - so can't apply a voucher to an existing discounted policy quote.

I just used their livechat at the top of the page.

Stated what I needed and they price-matched it straight away.
7 Jun 16 #807
Crikey that is cheap.I paid £103 with a 10% discount at ALA for 10k!
7 Jun 16 #808
I'm just trying to decide if the extra £70-odd is worth it for the initial payment protection too - with GAP123.
7 Jun 16 #809
I don't even understand why we need payment protection at all. Perhaps someone could explain how it works?
7 Jun 16 #810
It's not payment protection - it's Initial Payment protection.

Situation A) Don't take out GAP123 initial payment protection, have Total-Loss accident within 2 years, lose ALL THE MONEY, out of pocket by whatever the initial payment was (in my case - £1324.80). If I have an accident a couple of days after I get the car (hopefully I won't!) I'll have no money for a new car or lease etc.

Situation B) take out GAP123 initial payment protection - have total-loss accident day after collection. VW is paid what they need to be paid, I get my initial payment back - can lease a new car or buy something second hand for £1,500.

I probably will just pay the GAP123 cost of £129 for 10k.
7 Jun 16 #811
Ah I get it now. Thanks for that. So it's not completely wasted then, initial payment protection. Even if I'd known what it was I'd probably still have took it out.

Incidentally, how come your initial payment was only £1300? Are you paying higher monthly payments than the £174-ish?
7 Jun 16 #812
I went for a 3+23 deal instead of the high upfront deposit as well. Makes no sense to frontload payments if you can avoid it!

Not sure paying an extra £70 for gap123 for my deposit of £729 is worth it, the ALA offer is very good indeed and they have good reviews too.
7 Jun 16 1 #813
I went direct to dealer and bashed them down a bit on price.

I'm getting Car-Net App-Connect included for £1324.80 down, £220.80 a month. Total of £6,403.20. (6+23)

With people that are paying the £2400 deposit, I would say the GAP123 insurance is well worth it.
7 Jun 16 2 #814
Mine being delivered on Monday!!! Shall have a WFH day.

Does anyone have a check list of what to check when the car is being delivered?

B/w 09/05 NVS Newcastle VW White
7 Jun 16 #816
Just picked a pair of these up for £5 on Amazon Warehouse :laughing:

It says for the 5 door saloon but the eBay listing suggests they might fit. If they don't, someone with a 5 door saloon is gonna get a bargain :laughing:
7 Jun 16 #817
7 Jun 16 #818
:neutral_face: Are you insulting me? :laughing:
8 Jun 16 #819
Mine gets delivered today!!!
8 Jun 16 1 #820
me too
8 Jun 16 1 #821

Wahey!! I bet your front windows are full of nose prints :laughing:
8 Jun 16 #822
Just had my stage 7 text and email:)
8 Jun 16 #823
It seems GAP123 have removed the option for initial payment protection... :L

Ah perhaps not, strange - different parts of the website have it excluded...
8 Jun 16 1 #824
got it.. just deciding on my gap insurance :smiley:
8 Jun 16 #825
Same here :smile: Was yours via NVS also?
8 Jun 16 #826
I think I'm just going to take the risk of not having the deposit protection. Why not!
8 Jun 16 #827
Horizon. Not even driven it yet. £20 to update my insurance plus £26 admin fee :neutral_face: I just went with gap123 also £15k cover plus deposit insurance for £129 they recon I only need £7500 cover but for sake of a few quid just bumped it right up. only works out £65 a year so worth the peace of mind to me.
8 Jun 16 #828
£134 the GAP insurance was actually
8 Jun 16 1 #829
Got what? The car?
8 Jun 16 #830
Same here! Heard anything from Horizon yet? All quiet here!
8 Jun 16 2 #831
​yeah man :wink:
8 Jun 16 #832
I emailed pascal this morning and he said Bruce would be emailing me finance paperwork imminently.

Is yours at medway?

I'm 282 miles from there :disappointed:
8 Jun 16 #833
Well? Well? :laughing:
8 Jun 16 #834
Yes mate 175 miles one way for me too. Megatrain prices to St Pancras are cheap then it's just another train out of there to Gillingham.

Hoping dealer will pick me up from the station and give me a full tank for the trouble.
8 Jun 16 4 #835
Mine is here, and I love it already!
sickly sweet
8 Jun 16 2 #836
Nice colour :laughing:
8 Jun 16 3 #837
8 Jun 16 2 #838
8 Jun 16 2 #839
​sweet colour mate. If this wasnt a lease thats the colour Id have gone for. mines all sealed and ready for road.. private reg docs ready for the post also. :smile:
8 Jun 16 2 #840
1st to 2nd gear pop in sport has to be the best thing about the car.
sickly sweet
8 Jun 16 1 #841
You're just jealous, wishing you'd gone for the awesome silver aren't you?! :laughing:
8 Jun 16 1 #842
I've got wind deflectors on mine if that's any use :neutral_face:
8 Jun 16 #843
Got GAP insurance today for a very good price! :smiley:
8 Jun 16 #844
Ugh I have to send a cheque!? I don't have a cheque book! (to VW for the initial rental)
8 Jun 16 1 #845
Do you have to send it via carrier pigeon?
8 Jun 16 2 #846
Lovely colour - that is the one I would have gone for if I were not saving the pennies to make it as cheap as possible :smiley:
sickly sweet
8 Jun 16 1 #847
Sexy <3

Ps most men call them 'pants' :laughing::stuck_out_tongue:

Pps women don't fart so don't need them.
8 Jun 16 #848
I hope not I haven't tamed any yet this year! Horizon are saying I need to pay the initial rental by cheque, anyone managed to get around this and pay on card when collecting or somethingto that effect?

Also just noticed according to the finance docs my registration date for the car is 30th? Surely thats a long time to wait if it's already at the dealers?
8 Jun 16 #849
I have ordered through horizon and you can pay via bank transfer instead. They send you the bank details and you put the car reg in as the payment reference
8 Jun 16 #850
Whilst I wasn't with horizon (I did it through NVS) I was told cheque initially, but when I asked them they gave me bank transfer details instead.
8 Jun 16 #851
Have you had chance to go for a drive yet? Yeah, silly question I know :laughing:

Initial thoughts?
8 Jun 16 1 #852
Yeah! Love it. Amazing how it can be quite relaxed when not pushing it, then an absolute beast when you floor it in race mode.
Looking forward to a longer drive tomorrow.....
How's yours now you've had it for a little while?
8 Jun 16 1 #853
Nice one cheers mate!
8 Jun 16 3 #854
Meh, a bit bored tbh :disappointed:

:laughing: Nah, I love everything about it still. I even enjoy the looks I get from the gang of scroats who hang about around the corner from me, even though it makes me slightly nervous, them eyeing it up :laughing:

Looks even better with my new wind deflectors :laughing:
9 Jun 16 #855
I noticed the wind noise in the front with windows open. As if you were sat in the back. loving mune so far though.. plenty of spec and so well planted.
9 Jun 16 #856
I collected mine today. full tank of fuel as requested. Averaged 32.5 mpg for the journey home. It sounds a tad like a diesel on tick over which is a bit disappointing. I've driven it most of the time since collection. 106 miles so far today! no exciting extras except from a trolley token keyring. App Connect works okay. I prefer the interface for music via Bluetooth than Android Auto.
9 Jun 16 #857
I averaged about the same on a 250 mile round trip today. I was a tad disappointed as there was a lot of 70mph motorway driving. I'd love to know how they get the quoted 40.4 MPG.
10 Jun 16 1 #858
I went for a night time drive yesterday evening, and the blue lights look stunning!
10 Jun 16 2 #859
Collected mine yesterday, wow !!! what a car.
It came pre-set race mode, with a full tank of fuel thanks to Lookers Newcastle.
Tried out the launch control last night, several times, grinning like a Cheshire cat all the time.
Aveage fuel consumption so far 16.1 MPG, but thats over 150 Miles in permanent race mode with a few Launch Controls.
Thanks Deeky, i'm over the moon with this car, best HUKD i've ever bagged.
10 Jun 16 #860
Were you told there was no running-in period?!?

I think it's mentioned somewhere on page 315...
10 Jun 16 #861
Dealers said drive how you like it, it's already been broken in at the factory.
The engine was already warm when I picked it up, it had 14 miles on it and 14MPG was the consumption reading thus far, I suspect whoever filled her up at the dealership had some fun whilst doing so.

Whilst I agree the brakes aren't effective for the first 100 miles until bedded in, the engine is ready to go, I think the Manual is just being overly cautious.
10 Jun 16 #862
Fair enough :smiley:

You might have an early oil change at that rate though!
I emailed the dealer and they stated there's no running in period - but I'm still not going to abuse mine...
Mine had an average of 28mpg on 6 miles, so thankfully they were careful - ish :smiley:

I've done about 120 miles - so the breaks should be all good :smiley:
And it's on a 20k service interval :smile:
11 Jun 16 #863
My build week is over yet I'm still showing Step 3, build week confirmed 06/06. Doesn't look like my car is going to plan at all. :disappointed:
11 Jun 16 #864
Mine wasn't build until 4 days after my build week ended, from there was about 4 weeks to delivery. Be patient it's soo worth it
11 Jun 16 #865
Where have you slid in from? :laughing: Did you get yours from this deal?
11 Jun 16 1 #866
Yes Deeky I'm posting under a pseudoname, cos I forgot my other password, got mine Thursday, thanks again, I've had a permanent smile on my dial since Thursday
11 Jun 16 #867
Ah, I thought you were a new 'member' who'd been keeping a low profile :laughing:
11 Jun 16 1 #868
First rain ride in the Golf R estate. No problem it says.. I like the rain. My m135i would have been wheel spinning all over the show this afternoon. :sunglasses:
11 Jun 16 #869
Missing my Harmon Kardon sound system tho. plug and play sound system looks good but dont want to loose the spare.
11 Jun 16 1 #870
Yes, the R feels more planted than the M135i. It was quite easy to get it to squirm about at the rear.
I know some people like a car that is 'playful' but the R does feel a bit better suited to me I think.

I was worried about the audio (had HK on my M135 too) but it is absolutely fine for me - plenty good enough for car audio.
12 Jun 16 #871
Showing stage 4 now in progress and estimated 4 weeks for delivery to the dealer :smiley:
12 Jun 16 #872
For anyone who went with Horizon, did they manage to deliver on the date that was stated in the finance agreement? Mine is very unlikely to be delivered on 7/7 since it is getting build 20/6.
12 Jun 16 #873
That's very unlikely to happen, should be around the end of July or worst case start of August if it's not being built till 20/06.
12 Jun 16 #874
My build week was 23/05 its been at the dealers since about Wednesday and i'm collecting Friday if that's any help.
12 Jun 16 2 #875
​Yes no slagging of the M135i from me but for a road car the Golf is better. alot more laggy boost but it rewards you working it. I played with the audio settings a bit yesterday.. sounds much better if you, from center, set the bass one up, mid one back and treble 3 up. Move the sound distribution 2 forward. Try it..
12 Jun 16 #876
I might get a M140i when this lease is over. If they still make them then. :smiley:
13 Jun 16 #877
Yes, I would consider one. I think the 140i with the twin scroll 6 in it has about three years left - I think TRL, the BMW sales chap at baby BMW, said something along those lines?

Thanks for the sound tip, will have a go with those settings, not touched anything yet
13 Jun 16 #878
The alarm works on mine :wink:

Fitted a dashcam today, threaded the cable neatly across the top of the screen and down the rubber door seal, under the glovebox and then down and along to the center console under the edge of the trim - hardly any cable is visible and I am very happy with the install.

But, the suction cup for the cam does not stick (for long!) to the mesh area around the mirror - don't know why I thought it would?

Anyhoo, when it finally gave up sucking, the cam swung down like a big old spider and set off the ultrasonics - car beeped away for ages and I ignored it (I thought it was my neighbor's smoke alarm), only realised when my daughter said my lights were flashing.

So, if it sounds like your neighbour is burning toast at 3am, get outside with a torch and a scary voice asap :smile:
13 Jun 16 1 #879
Posted this subtle little mod on the pistonheads R thread - no one has called me a chav yet :laughing:

I like the stealth of the R, not as bling as the GTi, but thought it needed a little something?

Black might be nice too? But that is probably too stealthy (other than badge deletion)
13 Jun 16 #880
Should be in 'R' blue though, not GTi red!?
13 Jun 16 1 #881
13 Jun 16 1 #882
Hello my happy fellow Golf R Estate leasers..........

Mine arrives this morning, sorted out my insurance, quite a lot of money for an old boy like me but then again, multi car insurance and all that.

Just sorted my GAP insurance out - Dawn from ALA did the best deal around and matched the PistonHeads quote. I got £53.18 which is a cracking good deal, apparently this is the best you will get. On top of that, Dawn sounds lovely :-)
13 Jun 16 #883
Was that the one from my post?

Did you not want the added deposit protection?

Ah - I see you've posted on there :smiley:
13 Jun 16 2 #884
I may as well post it on here to help anyone that needs it:

I first got a quote with GAP123, - £129 for £10k cover over the 2 years with the deposit cover (£35)
I then got a quote with ALA for the same (without the deposit cover) - £115. £101.20 with the Piston12 code.
I then got a quote with Autoebid (run by Motorpocket) - The same cover - £10k 2 years came to £63.48.
I then got ALA over their livechat - quite hard to find, but I did, to pricematch the Motorpocket quote. This brought it down to £53.18 (as they price match, then reduce by 20%).
I then went back to GAP123 (as I really wanted the deposit cover). GAP123 on their website state they don't need to offer codes, as they are normally the cheapest.
I emailed them stating a rare case had occurred (the wording on their website referencing cheaper prices). I asked them to price match the £53.18.
They asked for evidence, of which I had emailed over to me by ALA.
GAP123 Price matched at £53. They also offered me an added service of deposit protection (I was going to ask if they can tack it onto the £53) - I thought it would then be a non-price-match-able price, as it's different services.
Anyway. GAP123 offered the £10k cover over 2 years, with the deposit protection for a total of £78.

The guy on the email - Mark - very good to deal with, stated that he won't reduce to a penny less than £78 (I was trying to be cheeky and deal at £75). He also said that this was THE CHEAPEST GAP insurance price he'd given anyone this year (with the above parameters).

Apologies about the rambling, but fortunately I managed to save quite a bit of money (about a tank-full).

Happy bartering! :smiley:
13 Jun 16 #885
Well I certainly appreciate the ramblings. I'm on live chat with ALA now and they've offered me £53.18 as well, but like you for the extra £25 for deposit protection I think I'm going to try Gap123. Always assuming they'll give me the same deal... Out of interest what deposit did you put down?
13 Jun 16 #886
No worries - as long as it helps someone :smiley:
GAP123 may not offer you it for the reduced price of £25 - but still at £35 on top of the £53 it's not a bad price.

My Initial payment was £2250 (with £925.20 contribution from the dealership) So I would get the full £2k from GAP123.
13 Jun 16 #887
Thanks for the info. I got ripped off initially with ALA and seeing as there is a 30 day cooling period i managed to get it down to £55 and a few pennies - saved myself £48 :-)
13 Jun 16 #888
Sorted, though sadly they have now realised that £53+£35 is not £78! Mark did apologise and say that they were already cutting the price as much as they could and frankly I believe him so went with it anyway.

Worth noting that GAP123 also cover upto £250 of your main policy excess, which is an extra at ALA, so I'm pretty happy with that.
13 Jun 16 #889
how did you contact them, phone/web? as i need to do this!
13 Jun 16 #890
​good job I paid full whack.. They wouldnt barter with me. Might try to cancel.
13 Jun 16 #891
just went on their webchat. i quoted the Autoebid quote. they checked it and still gave me my additional 10% off for going through honest john i think.

It was quite easy really.

Good luck!
13 Jun 16 #892
Near enough another tank of fuel :smiley:
13 Jun 16 #893
The reduction wasn't a mistake - if that's what they're making it out to be, then that's interesting...
This is the line from their email 'The standard premium for this addition is £35 per policy, which we will reduce in this case for you.'

But this could have been because I hadn't asked for it in the first place. Did you ask for it? Or did they tack it on for an extra £35?
13 Jun 16 #894
All of this was through their respective websites - I hate talking to people.
I then got a call to go through payment details from their sales team.
13 Jun 16 #895
Was that with ALA?

ALA shows a Price match of 20% which should have brought it down to approx £53.20
13 Jun 16 #896
Yes it was ALA. Not sure exactly how they came to that price but to get £48 back i didn't really care :-)

There was me thinking £103 was a good price a few weeks back...!
13 Jun 16 #897
I asked for it specifically and said that a friend had recommended them because they'd provided cover at about £75 and I included the email I'd had from ALA matching He initially came back at £78 but then sent the below email:

"Dear Northern_Dragon,

Sorry for the error below, clearly £53.18 plus £35 is £88.18 and not £78.18. As we understand that no other provider offers the deposit protection cover we are unable to discount that element, and the substantial discount provided on the standard policy is not able to be lowered.

Should you wish to proceed please let me know. Please accept my apologies for the addition in the email from a few minutes ago.

Bit annoyed if he's spun me a line, seems a little unnecessary and greedy given all the business they're clearly getting from this. Either they can make money at that price or they can't why start changing it now and p'ing people off?
13 Jun 16 1 #898
Ah - I thought you'd said £55 - and you'd saved yourself £48? £103 still is a good price - compared to the dealers.
I'm just glad it's worked for other people :smiley:
13 Jun 16 1 #899
I got £47 back so i am happy, thanks for the heads up! :smiley:
13 Jun 16 #900
I think that'll be why - I thought that if I mention it too early, they may not offer it - as it's then not like-for-like.

It's still a good deal at £88.18 - even if they've got an extra £10 from you... Sorry! At least you've saved some money :smiley:
13 Jun 16 #901
Yeah, I'm not complaining really, I'm really pleased to have the additional reassurance of the deposit cover for just £35. Especially when the return of my company car is sorted, I'm now fully insured and I've now only got until Thursday to wait for delivery. :smile:
13 Jun 16 #902
It's worth the wait! I need to sort my seat/headrest out though as I'm getting a touch of neck-pain...
13 Jun 16 2 #903
Took delivery of mine today, tornado red, standard spec, ordered through horizon. I live 350 mile from the dealer so I didn't fancy making the long trip to pick it up. Instead was driven up by Tony who delivers cars for JCB Volkswagen (the dealer who horizon use). To put people's minds at rest, he was a great guy, he had set off at 5am this morning and got to my house for 1pm as he likes to take it easy (he showed me on the trip computer 50mph average speed and nearly 40mpg). He took his time to show me every function of the car, every single menu function and button etc. (did you know that if you put your mirror adjustment to the left hand and select reverse, you can configure the mirror to dip as you select reverse gear so you don't curb your alloys). What I am getting at is don't think that some teenager is going to be dropping your car off after drifting around every single bend on his way to your house :-)
13 Jun 16 #904
mines arrived at medway through horizon. just need to posts docs and cheque to them. did you send cheque or get a bank transfer? was there any fuel left in it at delivery?
13 Jun 16 1 #905
I did a bank transfer as I dont have a cheque book. There was only quarter of a tank left in mine, but could of been due to the long distance travelled.
Comes with car mats too which is a bonus
13 Jun 16 #906
What's the ideal cover for the GAP insurance? I've put the car in as 34k and 10k of cover and I'm getting £115 through Ala. Still don't really get what it covers and if I need deposit protection or not.
13 Jun 16 #907
How did you go about doing bank transfer? Did you contact horizon or medway?
14 Jun 16 #908
Read the previous page chap. All the info you need is there. Basically, you can easily get it for over half what you have been quoted by getting ALA to price match.
14 Jun 16 #909
I asked Peter at JCB on the breakdown cover and he believes as it is a lease we get 2 years full UK and European cover instead of the 1 year that VW provide if you buy the car. After all VW care about the car as it is still theirs.....
14 Jun 16 #910
Never had a cracked windscreen. Stone hit it this morning and cracked.. not even what I'd call hard. I heard of another guy in this thread also got one driving hoke from the dealer. Googled mk7 golf windscreens.. apparently they are very thin :disappointed:
14 Jun 16 1 #911
Yes they're terrible. I've got a chip on mine. With it having auto wipers it makes them a little more expensive to repair. Been quoted £250 to have it replaced.
14 Jun 16 #912
ive got 100 excess on my policy. Think Im going to call the dealer.
14 Jun 16 #913
It was as if it was slow motion, that a stone flying towards me from an e46 M3 came and hit the screen - thankfully no damage, but am very wary of a cracked windscreen! :disappointed:
14 Jun 16 #914
It should be for the extent of the lease.
14 Jun 16 #915
I contacted horizon. They will send you the bank details of the VW garage.
14 Jun 16 #916
If you need any help - let me know.
14 Jun 16 #917
I was told by the delivery guy that it was only 1 years cover
14 Jun 16 #918
I've asked the dealership - as I was informed it had 2 years...
14 Jun 16 #919
What fuel are you guys using. The filler cap says 98 Ron but 95 is in brackets. Not too fussed on the long term impacts as it's not my car, so I'm thinking just use 95
14 Jun 16 #920
The other peep was me. The stone was about the size of a pea and barely made a noise. Glass is thin. Chap at my work had 2 chips on his R not long after he got it. I am leaving mine as i am bound to get more and although it is classed as an MOT failure and no one will repair it as a result, it isn't in my line of sight and i don't see the point of shelling out £140 (my excess) only for another stone to hit!
14 Jun 16 #921
I read up on this - according to VW it won't make a noticeable difference on performance using 95 RON. It is up to you basically. You will likely get slightly better fuel consumption on something like v power but i would argue that won't outweigh the additional cost. That said i put v power in mine the other day but driving down to the South of France in a couple of weeks i'll probably bung the cheap stuff in it!
14 Jun 16 #922
The dealer said, the fuel cap says super, but you can just use normal, so will be, I might try V-Power to see if there's a difference. But am yet to fill up - it's only been 5 days!
14 Jun 16 #923
​Can we not approach VW together on this. clearly an issue with weak screens. :confused:
14 Jun 16 #924
there are 3 of us so far with chipped windscreens.
14 Jun 16 #925
I spoke to the dealer - VW issue us with 1 year European breakdown cover as standard.
On the contract under 9.1.2 on the contract that the Finance company covers the second year of European Breakdown cover.

14 Jun 16 2 #926
just tried launch control for the first time. Holy crapola! :sunglasses:
14 Jun 16 #927
14 Jun 16 #928
Of the 4 of us at work that have the hatch R. Two of the guys have had two windscreens each, the other two are clear so far.
14 Jun 16 #929
I just msged vw live chat.. we need to collate all users and reg plates. Defo an issue. Please anyone with the issue pm me your reg plate and name. I will send all of the info to VW.
14 Jun 16 #930
Any point in those with ok (up to now) windscreens tagging on? I mean, if you're all gonna get new, thicker windscreens, then I want one too. If your screens aren't fit for purpose then neither is mine.
14 Jun 16 2 #931
Think we have to prove the issue first but I'll update here if I make progress.
14 Jun 16 #932
That was quick, two and a half weeks, hopefully it will be the same for mine!
14 Jun 16 1 #933
My past Type R's never ran well on 95 RON, you really did notice a difference when you used 98 RON, to get the best out of the car I plan to use Shell V Power as much as possible, the extra cost of fuel is worth it for me. :wink:
15 Jun 16 #934
Yes, I always use Tesco 99 Momentum. For the sake of a few quid each tank I think it is worth it.

Probably not that much difference in day to day and a little bit of sporty driving - but the chaps with tuned turbo cars always get much better results (high boost pressure and far more BHP) with the higher octane stuff - so it is obviously a superior fuel for performance cars.

The engine management systems can take a while to adapt to the fuel in the car and will appreciate a few high rev sporty runs to help them calculate the best timings and mixtures.

On a private road of course :smiley:
15 Jun 16 #935
I was wondering what happens when you get caught speeding in your lease car - does the lease company just pass it on or do you get a slap on the hand from them too ?

note i said when not if:wink:
15 Jun 16 #936
They should just pass it on to the leaseholder. Sometimes this isn't within the 14 days required by the police, and therefore may be in a little trouble - it's easily rectified by a letter though.
15 Jun 16 3 #937
They forward the fine plus an admin fee on top

Also be careful where you park...VWFS are likely to pay a parking fine and add an admin cost. Which means you won't be able to battle it out with cowboy firms.
16 Jun 16 2 #938
Had the 5b text yesterday and got my paperwork sent over today, car is cheaper than originally ordered so guessing the winter pack has been removed as my optional extra as its standard on my car now :smiley:
17 Jun 16 1 #939
awesome! :smiley:
17 Jun 16 1 #940
No need to look so smug :laughing:
17 Jun 16 1 #941
Moving along nicely now. 5c text this morning, just hand delivered the paperwork back. He said they reduced the price due to the car being the MY17 model and my optional extra is included now as I thought :smiley: sat nav and winter pack included for free :smile:
17 Jun 16 #942
Might sound stupid, but do I need to wait till I have the registration before looking at getting the gap insurance?
17 Jun 16 1 #943
You can look into it, but will need the registration - was it not on any of the documents?
17 Jun 16 #944
No it's not been registered yet, they left that part blank.
17 Jun 16 #945
​mine wasn't registered until the 9th June, but I got the reg around the middle of May.
18 Jun 16 #946
Need to sell my A6 quick, any suggestions on where to advertise. Put it on eBay and gumtree so far.
18 Jun 16 #947
I tried both of those when selling my mini Cooper s, didn't even get a sniff. Then stuck it on autotrader and got 2 people genuinely interested straight away, sold in less than a week
18 Jun 16 #948
I took mine to webuyanycar. Got £5.5k as opposed to a possible £6.5k, but I had none of the hassle and the money was in the bank about 30 mins after leaving it there. It depends if, like me, you're willing to pay for an easy life.

If you price it right though it will sell quickly enough.
18 Jun 16 #950
Always sold my cars privately. Never once traded in or used a car buy company. :smiley:
20 Jun 16 1 #951
sold mine in less than 2 days on Autotrader to the first chap that looked at it. Quite easy really. Only downside was the day he paid for it he did so in £20's. Try paying in over £10k in notes at the bank and you are treated like a criminal.

Bank: So sir where did you get this money from?
Me: i sold my car
Bank: what make and model was the car?
Me Skoda Octavia
Bank: Let me go away and check...... Comes back. Exactly what model is it?

I really felt like saying i am a pimp and this is my ho's money.
20 Jun 16 #952
Probably better than £50s though!
20 Jun 16 2 #953
Managed to sell mine to Evans Halshaw for the price Autotrader said it would be worth so very happy. They beat WBAC price by about £400. Couldnt be doing with the hassle of a private sale.

Made the trip down to JCB VW Ashford (car ordered through Horizon) from the midlands to pick mine up on Friday. Was collected at Ashford Intl station by David (their driver) in my shiny red R. He went through and showed me all the gizmos and gadgets then we went indoors to pay the initial rental. Great experience all staff were friendly and David was more than happy to answer any questions. On the way back from the station there was a squeak coming from the drivers door which in my excitement I didn't even notice, he had a technician rectify it before I left.

Loving the car so far. The drive back was pretty stop start as even in the early afternoon M20/M25/Southern M1 was super congested and busy. Completely forgot about the Dart charge til Sunday so no doubt i'll get shafted for that.

My build week was 23/05 so was hoping I might get lucky and squeak in with a Winter Pack and Nav but no dice unfortunately.

Massive thanks to deeky!
21 Jun 16 1 #954
Think I have a buyer now, well price agreed and hopefully gone on Friday all being well. Got the stage 6 text on Saturday so guessing I should have the Golf soon :smiley:
21 Jun 16 #955
Guys, any opinions on who to choose for car insurance? What kind of quotes have you managed to get?
21 Jun 16 #956
I asked the same question a while back, check out page 32 onward. Mine was just over £700 with Privilege.
21 Jun 16 #957
Admiral multicar, 360 for the year
21 Jun 16 #958
esure £525
21 Jun 16 1 #959
however others quotes are irrelevant. just go on moneysupermarket or comparethemeerkat and see.
21 Jun 16 #960
Different strokes for different folks. Esure were incredibly cheap for me, not so much for a couple of others I recommended them to. You just got to shop around.
22 Jun 16 #961
I have to take out a new policy even though I have 6 months left on the insurance policy I wanted to use as they don't want to quote for the R. I only have 5 years NCD on that policy as my other car has all my driving NCD on it. I'm 35 and being quoted around £330-£380 for the Golf. Direct Line and Privilege though compare the market are currently the best. But I think my insurers will beat that when I ring them. I'm with HIC for my cars.
22 Jun 16 #962
Hard to say exactly as i was 2 months in on my old car before i swapped. I was paying £250 for my VRS and paid an extra £9 for the R for me and the wife. It'll be just under £300 i should imagine. Pretty cool as that includes European travel and legal cover as well. That is with the max years no claims. However excess went up £200!
22 Jun 16 #963
I initially had insurance quotes for £660 from CompareTheMarket. I did some more quotes closer to the time, and managed to get it from Admiral for £489.47. Admiral offered me multicar (myself and partner). It was £55.85 cheaper for my car (£433.62) and £83 cheaper (over her cost last year) for her car (£136.32) - in my eyes a ridiculous price for a 22 year old.
22 Jun 16 1 #964
Delivered Yesterday :smile:

Golf R Estate Front

Golf R Estate Rear

Very Happy ..... Thanks again deeky!

Lookers Newcastle delivered on a single car transpoter.
22 Jun 16 #965
Looks great :laughing:
23 Jun 16 #966
Mines arrived but I'm not collecting till the 1st :smiley:
23 Jun 16 #967
Has anyone looked into taking out the service plan (£287.82)?
I've spoken to the dealer and they're saying that it can't really be done.

But I'd like to take it out as a separate entity to the lease, and not an addition to the lease. I think what he's saying is I can't make a non-maintained car - maintained, yet this isn't what I'd like to do.

It looks like a single oil service will cost £159 and a Major service £329. So the £288 will save me quite a bit, for the two services. - Just under £200.
23 Jun 16 #968
First service won't be due until you've handed the keys back (20k/2yrs).
23 Jun 16 #969
I wasn't sure, as it could need a minor (oil/filter) service at 10k/1 year.

I'll leave it as it is and worry about it in 23 months' time!
23 Jun 16 #970
VW website says that servicing is now 3 years/60k miles on new golf r estate.
23 Jun 16 #971
Very unlikely, mine requests service around every 8-10k on 2 year intervals. Depends how you drive it.
23 Jun 16 #972
3 years? Jesus. Christ. I would not want a car that was only serviced once every 3 years!
24 Jun 16 2 #973
My boot liner arrived today. Quality item - should be for £90! :smiley:

Should make a good chunk of that back from selling on afterwards hopefully? Won't be putting rubble straight in the back, so it should still be in reasonable condition at the end of two years.
24 Jun 16 #974
Looks lovely - Are the sides just velcro?
24 Jun 16 #975
Link please:)
24 Jun 16 1 #976
Yes, Velcro.
Good grip all the way along the carpeted area and the backrest cover area has three snap locks for the headrests. You can fold the seats flat and it will stay attached and cover the folded area too. You can have a seam to allow split folding, but that added another £10-15 and I like the idea of a solid waterproof layer across everything - a seam could leak.

This is the one I have - Titan covers
28 Jun 16 #977
Had my car delivered today, loving it ..

Just one query...

People have said..and tell manual states flexible servicing..

When I go into the infotainment system and go to service, it says oil change due in 345 days?? Thought it was 2 years
28 Jun 16 #978
Is this same ?

Same manufacturer and says includes bumper flap..

Look at this on eBay
28 Jun 16 #979
Oil will be due a change at 1 year or so and then the first proper service is at 2 years (740 odd days for me)
Oil service is usually around £150 - £180 and service will be £200+ We may not get the indicator before the car goes back, so we may just have to pay for the oil service? Must use a VW retailer though, can't use an indy or local garage.

Yes, sounds the same - good saving over the grey one I got.
28 Jun 16 #980
where is it stated it has to be a vw dealer bisto.. isnit in the agreement
28 Jun 16 #981
Taken from page 6 of the Contract Hire driver's guide:
"Service and maintenance - Please ensure our vehicle is serviced and maintained at an authorised Volkswagen Retailer or repairer strictly in line with recommended manufacturer guidelines using only approved parts."
28 Jun 16 #982
One thing we were chatting about earlier in the thread re breakdown cover. Once you register with vw driverline you'll see that you get 2 years UK cover and the first year in Europe as well. Just thought I'd clear that up
28 Jun 16 #983
Pretty sure it says the same on mine.
29 Jun 16 2 #984
In my red contract sheet it sates under section 9.4

You agree to:
9.4.1 make sure that the vehicle is serviced and maintained strictly in line with the manufacturers recommendations and that scheduled servicing and necessary maintenance is carried out only by authorised Volkswagen dealers.

If you don't get an official stamp they can (will) log it as incomplete service history and apply a charge of £400.

Not worth the risk to me for the sake of saving £100 or so getting it done via an Indy or local spanner.
29 Jun 16 #985
Hi Deeky,
I'm pretty certain that I forgot to thank you for posting this amazing deal - it came at the perfect time for me, as I was looking to replace my Focus anyway.
29 Jun 16 #986
There should be 2 years European breakdown cover. That's what I was told.

1 year from the dealership and 1 year from the finance company...
29 Jun 16 1 #987
You're welcome :wink:
1 Jul 16 #988
There is an interesting post on the BabyBMW forum that suggests you can extend your lease indefinitely at the current monthly price, so £160 or so for most of us, when the 2 years are up?
Would be good if it is fact, even if it is just to get your next lease sorted for a month or three?
Continuing at £166 for a third year would be a very attractive option too?

This is a different option to actually asking for a formal quote for an extension apparently, an extension quote will increase the monthly payments and tie you for another 12 months.

See here at VWROC for extract from BabyBMW and discussion - VWROC
1 Jul 16 1 #989
Thank you Bisto - This is something I would be interested in. Loving the R and would be happy to keep for another year.
1 Jul 16 1 #990
Collected mine today, and only done about 26miles so haven't had a proper play yet. Impressed with the amount of grip and how planted it feels hitting corners at speed :smiley:
1 Jul 16 1 #991
Awww, I'm feeling the Deeky love in here <3

I hope that you're well and have a super weekend.
3 Jul 16 #992
Are you still on the run in period, have a look in your handbook, I've not tried launch on my new Alfa yet because it is all logged within the system, if anything were to break such as turbo or gearbox the warranty won't cover it as they look into how the car has been driven.
3 Jul 16 #993
Deek, never knew this thread existed, did you get one of these rockets? It's 0-60 is faster than my Alfa veloce, although the Alfa is a lovely design. The Golfs were out of my budget as I wanted to buy rather than lease, I guess this is similar money to the m135 and merc ??

I got mine on 0% pcp.

Also which gap insurance is best?

I decided not to pay for a detailer to coat it and instead buying my own kit from Wolfgang, much more cost effective.
3 Jul 16 #994
3 Jul 16 #995
Ok cheers will check out the thread. Have you tried out the power yet? Suppose you'll be doing a few driving bank jobs around Manchester? :neutral_face:
3 Jul 16 1 #996
No, I haven't gone fast in it, it's just for load lugging :man:

I'll just say launch control is awesome :laughing:
3 Jul 16 1 #997
Is that the button you press to launch the missus out of the sunroof when she's nagging too much? :smirk:
8 Jul 16 #998
1000 miles in almost.. car sounds and drives much better. I turned sound to eco in individual mode, steering to comfort and engine to Normal, Car actually sounds way better. You can hear the exhaust note with window down. :smiley:
8 Jul 16 #999
I've just passed 800 miles in mine. Very happy so far. Looking forward to trying launch control in a couple of weeks.
12 Jul 16 #1000
Still enjoying the Golf, it's one of those cars where you just want to find a reason to go somewhere. And putting a G Force meter on the display just makes it more of a challenge to see how high you can get it :smiley: Sat Nav is great really happy I got that in the update. Car Net is rubbish not worth the hassle trying to set it up.
12 Jul 16 #1001
Does it also have boost pressures etc?
12 Jul 16 #1002
I do agree that Car Net App Connect is crap. Constantly losing GPS Signal, even though it's fine on the phone, spotify is terrible, just bad. I use bluetooth which is annoying, because I can't have google maps on the screen. Hopefully it will get better by September when I go to Ireland - and I won't forget the VE103b...
12 Jul 16 1 #1003
Yep boost gauge is also there. You can personalise the 3 gauges on the main console
12 Jul 16 #1004
Yep that's what I'm experiencing. Constantly losing connection saying no data connection. When there is.
12 Jul 16 #1005
It's really frustrating! Especially when I could have spent the extra money on a reversing camera instead! I hope there will be an update soon!
17 Jul 16 3 #1006
I have done a smidge under 3000 miles in mine already. Got back from a holiday in the South of France which was 1800 miles all told. Great fun and a dream to drive through France in it especially the tunnels and mountain drives. Adaptive cruise is so good it makes a long drive much easier and you don't feel as knackered after doing 700 miles in a day!
18 Jul 16 #1007
I've just passed 800 miles in mine. Very happy so far. Looking forward to trying launch control in a couple of weeks.[/quote]I have done a smidge under 3000 miles in mine already. Got back from a holiday in the South of France which was 1800 miles all told. Great fun and a dream to drive through France in it especially the tunnels and mountain drives. Adaptive cruise is so good it makes a long drive much easier and you don't feel as knackered after doing 700 miles in a day![/quote]
Just got over the 1k mark on Saturday, still yet to try LC, but had a good meet with PH yesterday and ran into another Golf Estate R. They seem to get a lot of attention!
14 Aug 16 #1008
My windscreen cracked today and needs replacing. Got to find out if the lease cars need OEM glass or whatever Autoglass provide is okay? Seems to be easily cracked!

Anyone had theirs replaced yet?
14 Aug 16 #1009
Lease company would never check providing it looks OEM and isn't mirrored or something.
16 Aug 16 #1010
Yes, thanks. Put a call into the Driverline number today and they confirmed that they do not care what screen is fitted - as long as it is of comparable quality - can't be any worse than the one that developed a 8 inch crack from a small stone at 40mph!
16 Aug 16 #1011
27 Aug 16 #1012
another screen bites the dust. cheap VW R's :man:
14 Sep 16 #1013
Hello everyone! So here's a question that you don't get often... How can I cancel my lease before the vehicle is delivered and avoid paying any fees? I think Horizon Leasing charges 3x the monthly payment for "backing out" of their finance agreement, but I know that I can sign the VWFS hire purchase agreement and then cancel without penalty. Has anyone ever tried this?
4 Oct 16 1 #1014
Gotta say I'm really disappointed with the MPG. Went on a long run for first time - Manchester/Helensburgh/Manchester, 500 miles round trip. 400 miles of that was motorway. 75-85ish mph all the way. I know it's not a diesel but I expected more than 30.6 mpg average.

Meh. Wouldn't have been so bad if I'd been able to have a bit of fun, unfortunately the hobgoblin was in the passenger seat :laughing:
4 Oct 16 #1015
I've been on a couple of longer runs (not as much as yours, but long enough) and have achieved 40.4mpg and 39.4 mpg on both very similar trips. On a 100 mile trip to Derby, I got approx 36mpg, there must be something you're doing wrong! :/
4 Oct 16 #1016
Can't imagine what I could be doing wrong. Unless having the ACC on was the culprit.
4 Oct 16 #1017
Are you using fuel from Lidl or Aldi? HUKD know-it-alls say that 'cheap' supermarket fuel lowers fuel economy by 56mpg. Problem solved.
4 Oct 16 #1018
That could be the answer. I used ACC on the 100 mile trip I did, and noticed the lower fuel economy. For the better trips (40 miles to the airport) I didn't use ACC. I have heard using the ACC is crap for fuel economy because it slows you down too early when you could just release the accelerator and coast.
4 Oct 16 #1019
Asda going, BP regular coming back :laughing: I've tried premium a few times but not noticed any difference tbh.

Next time I go on a run I'll try taking control myself, see if it makes any difference.
4 Oct 16 1 #1020
I notice quite a difference between cruising at 75mph vs 80mph. There seems to be a difference if kept below 3000rpm.
9 Oct 16 #1021
Best I've seen is 33mpg on a 200 mile trip. I've done the same trip 4 times and it always shows around that. 160 miles of the trip is motorway. To get much more than that you are better off having a different car as it's no fun to drive.
9 Oct 16 #1022
Is that ACC or not?
9 Oct 16 #1023
It probably helps that I drive in Eco mode the whole time unless I'm driving for fun...
9 Oct 16 #1024
Same here. Makes you enjoy Race mode that much more when you engage it :smile:
9 Oct 16 #1025
Haven't bothered with the ACC to be honest. And I only use eco on the motorway as I find it a bit gutless for daily driving.
22 Oct 16 1 #1026
Just drove a 150 mile journey and averaged 37.2mpg. Probably would have been more if there wasn't 40 miles of 50mph speed limits...
22 Oct 16 1 #1027
Also, the Android auto is really good. Was crap with my HTC, but great with the S7.
23 Oct 16 #1028
Does anyone else notice some wind noise coming from the door? I'm thinking it may be a dodgy door seal. Also is there any way of cancelling the cruise control without just tapoint your foot on the brake?
I am really enjoying the car as a whole, very practical but still very fun too! As you guys say though the mpg let's it down a bit, although it's probably on par with allbthr equivalent cars. It will be interesting to see how the car peforms in the winter
23 Oct 16 #1029
Had wind noise from both my R's drivers doors. My 64 plate used to drip water in during heavy rain above 85 leptons.

On of the buttons on steeering wheel allows you to knock off cruise and another to resume set speed.
23 Oct 16 #1030
And got a 37.7mpg on the way home. Pretty consistent. I am quite happy with that.
23 Oct 16 #1031
I don't have any wind noise yet. Just use the on/off button on the steering wheel?
I'm certainly not disappointed with the MPG. What are you achieving?
23 Oct 16 #1032
Think mine has had the wind noise from day 1. It's not quite annoying me enough to warrant a trip to the dealership, but hopefully such a thing would be covered under warranty if it gets any worse.
I frequently get around 300 miles out of a tank, sometime 10-20 more, sometimes less, although I do lots of shorter journeys, not many motorway miles
8 Nov 16 #1033
Just had an issue with my car, went to fill up fuel and the fuel flap wouldn't open. Had to jimmy it open. Not impressed, as it's something I have to do quite frequently!
9 Nov 16 #1034
mine does this. lock and unlock and a prod usually does trick
9 Nov 16 #1035
I went to VW and their technician just jabbed at it harder than I would have liked. Apparently it's now fixed.
When it breaks in 2 months time through over jabbing, they'll have to sort it. Perhaps I was being too delicate with it.

Lock and unlock does nothing unfortunately.
24 Nov 16 #1036
Tried an economy run with a mix of town, dual carriage way and motorway. Just over 116 miles and got 39mpg.
24 Nov 16 #1037
Birds custard please - powder variety!!
19 May 17 #1038
Anyone still look her occasionally? Must be a few of us who have had or need an oil change soon? Been quoted by my supplying dealer (Lancaster MK and Aylesbury) £279 :confused: - crazy price for an oil change, think they must be quoting for a service?

Booked in with Citygate Chalfont now for £185 - still expensive for an oil change - but it keeps the VWFS contract people happy
19 May 17 #1039
Mine went back yesterday :disappointed: I saved myself the cost of £2-300 service charge though so not all bad :laughing:
19 May 17 #1040
Mine is due a service now too. Vw offer a fixed price service plan of about £280 Which covers your 2 years of servicing.
19 May 17 #1041
My service light came on a few weeks ago. The dealer had told me it was on long life service schedule (I think that's what he called it) and didn't need anything for 2 years or 18k miles, whichever was soonest. I just called in and they reset the warning light.
19 May 17 #1042
Yes they do, but mine will go back before the next service is due, so should only cost the £185.
Interestingly, just found that Windrush VW have an online booking system and that comes up as £165 for the oil service. Chalfont is closer to me though, but I might be cheeky and ask for a £20 discount to match.

Why did yours go back so early deeky if you don't mind me asking? Found an even better deal? :confused:
19 May 17 1 #1043
No, I bought one (not a Golf). I just saw a car I really liked and wanted to buy. I looked at the economics and although it cost me just over £1k to end it early, it would have cost me £2100 to keep it. Then there's the cost of the £250-ish major service before it went back that I've saved so it wasn't too bad.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the car but I've had a blast and it was time for me to move on.
19 May 17 #1044
Excellent - Man/Car maths at its finest :laughing: I play these games all the time too.
Do VWFS charge 55% of the remaining term to terminate early?
19 May 17 #1045
:laughing: Yeah, 65% up to 12 months and 55% once you pass 12 months.
19 May 17 #1046
How come you won't need a second service? Won't it be due at 2yr when you hand the car back?
19 May 17 #1047
I thought mine was on long life too. Perhaps it's worth me ringing back up, if I can get away without servicing it for another year that would be great
19 May 17 1 #1048
Mine should be due on the 10th June 2018 and I will just make sure it is returned before then, there is no onus or contract clause to get it serviced until it is due.
VWFS/BCA normally chase for you to return well in advance of the actual return date anyway and I will just oblige and send it back a few days before the indicator 'runs out'

BCA/new owner (likely to be a VW dealer) will service it before the next customer buys it - will not cost them much to just reset the computer anyway :wink:
19 May 17 #1049
What car did you go for deeky?
19 May 17 2 #1050
I bought a Mk1 Fabia vRS, immaculate and enthusiast owned for last 7 years (I guess it won't take you long to find the exact car :laughing:). I bought the SE version of it in 2007 when they came out. Had I kept that I'd have been in the same position I am now, only about £30k richer :laughing:
19 May 17 #1051
Don't say that - I want to think I've made shrewd move in saving the service money :laughing:
19 May 17 #1052
Ah I see. I am probably going to try and extend my lease for an extra six month so that tactic wouldn't work for me. Can't see anything coming along that ticks the same boxes for the same price too
19 May 17 #1053
I thought if the light was on you had to service it or pay the cost. I bought the service pack including tyres for two years and 20k for about £500 over 24 months. Seemed a no brainer. Google will tell you the dash sequence to reset your service light.
19 May 17 #1054
Yes, I am torn too. Might extend for another year and then may look to purchase at the end - this is my extreme thinking or I might sign for another VW lease if anything interesting crops up and do an informal extension (at the same monthlies) until that arrives?

Got another 12 months to worry about that though :smile:
19 May 17 #1055
Seems to be the normal thing to do for 'lease masters' :laughing:

There is no light as such, just a menu that you have to scroll to that lets you know when it is due. If I were selling the car privately, then obviously this is something that would need addressing or I would need to expect them to negotiate the price down to include servicing costs.

The VWFS return 'checklist' indicates they can raise a charge for missing, incomplete or incorrect service history (this does include not using a VW dealer or approved agent - so no local garage buddies) - but if the service was not actually due when it goes back then that seems to be acceptable.
19 May 17 #1056
I like the vRS range, the Fabia MkI was far better received than the II. The Octavia vRS estate is really nice too.
9 Jun 17 #1057
Mine is due an oil change in 27 days it says now. Should I be asking if this is correct if it's started on a long life schedule?
9 Jun 17 #1058
It has a lot to do with how you drive it. Mine is long life but is showing at 12 months. I bought a service plan for £15pm which includes tyres, seemed a no brainer for two services and four tyres in 22 months.
9 Jun 17 #1059
Mine is the same, 1 year anniversary of collecting it today. I drive approx 5 miles a day to work and back plus the usual longer weekend trips. That's what has attributed to it needing an oil change in less than 2 years.

I saw someone had managed to get a quote for the service at Little Chalfont (Bucks) for £175. And a JCT600 service was about £146 after a bit of haggling. It is still a lot for oil and filter. But that's the price you pay unfortunately.
9 Jun 17 #1060
Get yourself the be service pack, it works out at about £280 and covers the first two years of servicing. I just had my first service done last month. I too do short journeys mainly
9 Jun 17 #1061
I was told I couldn't get the service pack as I already had the maximum of two monthly payments on the VW system. One for the car and the other for the VED.
9 Jun 17 #1062
I will give it back probably around 22 months so won't pay for the major service as I have another car. The oil service that's just come on is just on time not miles. Bang on 12 months from collecting.
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