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6 Apr 16
50p/month better than the other deal posted.
never had any problems with cashback with e2save (part of carphone warehouse group)

possible £5 quidco also
Top comments
6 Apr 16 11 #8
Hi guys. My friend works at EE and he's pointed out if you go direct with EE with this tariff you get EE extra, but if you go through a third party it's just standard EE with capped data speeds.

Worth looking into, maybe EE directly is worth a few quid more a month if you prefer the EE extra services.
K0YS to Mimlloyd
6 Apr 16 4 #10
​Nope. I had a contract with them a few years back. You just upload the bill and get a cheque back in the post within a couple of weeks.
karlie88 to samtman
6 Apr 16 4 #3
Online or via snail mail.
6 Apr 16 3 #1
Voted hot - although tempted to hold off until a sub £10/month deal appears. :laughing:
All comments (189)
6 Apr 16 3 #1
Voted hot - although tempted to hold off until a sub £10/month deal appears. :laughing:
the porter to karlie88
6 Apr 16 1 #5
Hopefully a cashback war will now break out
6 Apr 16 1 #2
According to the terms the bills have to be sent in to claim back the money.
karlie88 to samtman
6 Apr 16 4 #3
Online or via snail mail.
mmurdoch to samtman
6 Apr 16 #4
Does anyone still receive paper bills these days
Looks bang on deal tho shame not EE Extra for free holiday calls and texts.
Id pay £20.00 for it tbh. One of the best sim only deals ive seen for EE.
Hot from me
cheekyfrazzleboi to samtman
7 Apr 16 #44
They do but it's very easy, they have an online form within your account - just upload a copy of the relevant bill, fill in a few fields and done :smiley:
6 Apr 16 #6
is the first month £34.99, like the other similar deals listed?
andreasuk to bhaisab
7 Apr 16 #30
probably yes
patg2005 to bhaisab
7 Apr 16 #43
Because some people are trying to find good deals to share at a rate higher than 1 in 4 years!
6 Apr 16 1 #7
Why are these deals being posted like a million times.
vassy201187 to gooner786
6 Apr 16 1 #13
Different sellers
6 Apr 16 11 #8
Hi guys. My friend works at EE and he's pointed out if you go direct with EE with this tariff you get EE extra, but if you go through a third party it's just standard EE with capped data speeds.

Worth looking into, maybe EE directly is worth a few quid more a month if you prefer the EE extra services.
K0YS to ryanbower94
6 Apr 16 #11
​I never actually thought of the double speed thing before regarding all these cashback deals. They don't mention on their site either.
I can't find any mention of the first money etc being full price like it's mentioned on other sites.
wipeout to ryanbower94
6 Apr 16 #19
What speed is the data capped at?
bojangles to ryanbower94
7 Apr 16 #63
BS - Im with 3rd party & got EE Extra which I used in Bulgaria last month
Al18 to ryanbower94
7 Apr 16 #71
What about other 3rd party sites like MPD which state the sim is EE Extra?
6 Apr 16 #9
is it a load of hassle getting your cashback from these bill redemption schemes? Do they drag their feet sending the money? I'm tempted but not if I have to fight to get the cash back.
K0YS to Mimlloyd
6 Apr 16 4 #10
​Nope. I had a contract with them a few years back. You just upload the bill and get a cheque back in the post within a couple of weeks.
Begize to Mimlloyd
6 Apr 16 2 #17
No, I used, part of the same group, for my last contract and it's dead easy to claim. Get the bill as a PDF file from the EE site, upload it to the resellers site, they email you within 24 hours to say it's all OK and the cheque arrives a few weeks later. They make it clear on the website what date bills you need to upload and usually give you a 60 day window for each one.

Only issue I had was one of my cheques was due just after the last Carphone Warehouse data breach, took about a month to arrive.

I would point out Carphone Warehouse have a shocking record for data protection, having had at least two major data breaches in the last 2 years. Personally I would be very wary about them having my financial details as they didn't seem to learn any lessons from the first one.
6 Apr 16 1 #12
I was t mobile but EE took over so does that mean I'm an existing EE customer
hamzii786 to kelar
6 Apr 16 #14
6 Apr 16 1 #15

The MPD version was advertised as having double speed 4G, and it includes EU roaming so surely it's EE Extra?
6 Apr 16 1 #16
Just something to bear in mind (and check) on for the same deal:

EE 4G SIM Only £19.99 Includes £15 on-bill credit in the price.

Your first bill will be £34.99 and the £15 on-bill credit will be applied automatically from month 2.

I assume this would apply for the £19.99 deal from any site.
6 Apr 16 #18
Do you think they will realise that sending the money electronically might just SAVE THEM MONEY and you the hassle of going to the bank?
6 Apr 16 1 #20
Some of them do pay you electronically now, I would assume the ones who send you cheques are banking (pardon the pun) on people not being bothered to go and pay them in. Obviously the whole cashback thing is meant to reduce the headline price with the hope the punters don't claim it.
6 Apr 16 #21
Look on the bright side you could just lose the cheque or forget to cash it in.
6 Apr 16 #22
Good deal but decided to get this deal via EE adding an additional line to my partners account.

£16.49 with poss £20 Quidco. (£14.82 a month it works out at)
6 Apr 16 #23
As soon as I hear EE and T-Mobile the alarm bells start ringing, though this is based on perceptions from the past. Are they reliable?
socialmammal to Gennip
6 Apr 16 1 #24
EE are currently the best in data speed in the UK and you don't have to
Worry about paying more as the data is capped always. With unlimited calls in UK and Europe, what more would you want.

I have 4 lines with EE and use their mobile broadband to run IPTV, as the home broadband is grossly inferior n speed
Begize to Gennip
6 Apr 16 #26
I had EE a couple of contracts ago and no issues, we also now use them for all our company mobiles (around 200 of them) and the service has been pretty rock solid. Just a few teething issues at the beginning of the contract. That said, business customers get onshore support whereas domestic usually goes offshore.
cheekyfrazzleboi to Gennip
7 Apr 16 #45
Been with EE on and off (the only reason for off was price) for 4 years now with home BB and mobile - never a problem with service or equipment etc so not had a reason to complain about anything :smiley: AFAIC you can't beat their national coverage.
6 Apr 16 #25
Ordered direct with EE once the £19.99 pm deal came out. Wish i'd waited now for the cashback. I guess i could cancel it and go through the process again...
This deal with a sharer sim sounds perfect for me!
6 Apr 16 #27
Does anyone know how long this deal is likely to be on for? :smiley: (apologies if I've missed where it says!)
6 Apr 16 #28
****, just missed it.
signed from ee website already!
7 Apr 16 2 #29
ee site says 14 april and so does one of the other cashback deals.
deal still available
7 Apr 16 2 #31
Regular - capped at 30. Adverage speed 12-15. 5.5mbps upload.

Extra - capped at 60 at peak times only, average speed 24-30. 11mbps upload.

Extra in 4G+ devices, same cap as extra; average speed 90mbps, upload is upto 30mbps.

7 Apr 16 #32
Does Cash back remain valid on THREE ported number then the number of EE SIM send by e2save or mobiledirect .While submitting the cash back claim through website or post.
chenzz to SAM_Londn
7 Apr 16 #33
Yes. I can confirm that.
the cashback will be still available after number ported.
7 Apr 16 #34
Hi can you please confirm source of confirmation or written any where in T&C
7 Apr 16 #35
Can I port a number direct from Orange to EE, or do I need to port out and back via another network PAYG?
7 Apr 16 #36
After the **** I've gone through with EE I'm never going to go back to them. You get what you pay for I guess.
imran to Pyrii
7 Apr 16 2 #37
Could say the same for any of the networks, each have their own share of unhappy customers.
7 Apr 16 #38
I have a Vodafone contract which I got cash back and it expires this 29th.Dont go for Vodafone if you have a contract with them thru same websites since you will get denied. I tried on my name and wifes name it got rejected twice and support said it might be coz I already have a contract which I strongly suspect.There is nothing wrong with my credit score. So Companies play these games and nbetter to change the provider rather than applying for new sim in my experience.
7 Apr 16 #39
I cant see anywhere on this deal with, or the other similar deals with MPD or that its 4GEE Extra that seems to be only through EE directly which is £16.49 p/m.
7 Apr 16 #40
I also see thats its 'EXCLUSIVE EE OFFER ENDS 14TH APRIL. EE 4G SIM Only £19.99 Includes £15 on-bill credit in the price. Your first bill will be £34.99 and the £15 on-bill credit will be applied automatically from month 2'.
7 Apr 16 2 #41
Once added to your basket, the mobilephonesdirect deal was clearly labelled as double speed 4G:
7 Apr 16 #42
Ive been with TM/EE for years now and never had any issues with EE coverage, Yes there's a blip now and again depending were you are in country but mainly faultless. Vodafone on other hand what a pile of crap my business phone is with VF and ill be lucky to get a phone signal these days never mind 3/4G
Smuggling Pnuts
7 Apr 16 #46
7 Apr 16 #47
The source is my own experience.
I was with giffgaff before signing a cashback contract with e2save.
I worried about number porting as well, asked the customer service, and got assured as long as the contract is under my name, and the monthly payment of the contact is not reduced, the cashback offer is valid.
I did port the number, and claimed 5 of 6 cashback already, still waiting for my last one.
Believe it or not.
7 Apr 16 #48
I renewed my sim only contract with Three about 3 weeks ago and I couldn't find any good deals like this at the time.

I get 4GB data Unlimited Texts and 600 minutes for £16.

Is there a way for me to get them to give me a better deal? My contract starts on 9th APRIL.
ukdelboy1952 to ArticIcon
8 Apr 16 #95
7 Apr 16 #49
Thanks for confirmation
7 Apr 16 #50
Can you port your number across ?
7 Apr 16 #51
this is in the small print at the bottom of the page

(Please be aware your network will increase monthly prices in line with the retail price index during the length of your contract.)
7 Apr 16 #52
The tenant that lived in my house before me still pays for paper bills, although she hasn't changed her address with her phone provider yet. Her bills are over 200 pages!
7 Apr 16 #53 have the exact same deal if you're interested
7 Apr 16 #54
has anyone tried this deal for tethering ? does it work ? not really an issue for me anymore since I have been able to bypass the tethering issue on Android 5.1.1, but I was wondering how fast the 4g is for tethering to a laptop. Also being 4G, I'm not sure how it all works but for each page of data viewed via 4G as opposed to 'normal' browsing (3G?), does more data get used up?
I take a daily commute to work from Birmingham to Milton Keynes on the train, so was wondering how good the coverage and speed would be if tethered on my laptop on that route.
Anyone who knows ?
K0YS to sonny3sum
7 Apr 16 1 #55
​Browsing won't use more data, it should just download the items on the page faster. 4g does use more data when streaming though, as the video player will see you're on a fast connection and so will download in a higher quality by default compared to 3g browsing. You can of course, set it to play in lower quality everytime.
As for tether allowance, ee let's you tether your data from your allowance.
7 Apr 16 #56
Can someone please explain when I can claim the cashback? Is it after the 12 months or is it possible to claim earlier? Also as I am an EE customer on PAYG how do I port my number to the new sim? Do I still need a PAC code? Thanks!
Ath3rs to SammieJG
7 Apr 16 #57
Same question, I have been advised if you ring 150 from your EE phone they can transfer the number. Fingers crossed this works correctly!
K0YS to SammieJG
7 Apr 16 2 #65
you guys should really just check the deal out instead of just relying on people on forums, especially when a lot of people are confised here anyway lol.
from the site "Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 ".
as for porting, you cant port to the same netwrok. port out to another netwrok andthen in again once youve got this sim.
shootomanUK to SammieJG
7 Apr 16 #86

Save £102 Cashback by redemption on ee

Send your claim in line with the Cashback Claim Process below and we will credit you by cheque with £20.40 each time.

This will save you £102 over the 12 month duration of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £11.49 per month.


Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12

It's so simple to workout when you need to claim your cashback, please see the below table on when you should send your bills to us.

Bill Claim Amount
Bill Dated July 2016 £20.40
Bill Dated September 2016 £20.40
Bill Dated November 2016 £20.40
Bill Dated January 2017 £20.40
Bill Dated March 2017 £20.40
The required bill needs to be sent to Cashback Claims, PO Box 376, Southhampton, SO30 2PX and must be received within 60 days from the date on the bill. The bill must show your name, address, mobile number and tariff you are connected to.

We recommend you send this by recorded delivery as we cannot be held responsible for lost items or claims that arrive outside the qualifying period. We also recommend you keep your proof of postage.

Alternatively, you can submit an online version of your bill via your My Account area by clicking here.

Please note: the above calculations are based on the basic line rental of the tariff and do not include itemised billing.
7 Apr 16 #58
This deal is tempting.... my current tariff with 3 is
All-You-Can-Eat Data
All-You-Can-Eat Minutes
All-You-Can-Eat Text
4096MB Personal Hotspot
£22 per month 30 day rolling.
How is EE coverage compared to three?
Also the data speed, I do have 4G as part of my tariff however
I leave it off as the coverage is poor.
MrRiceY to f3rgy15
7 Apr 16 #64
4G on 3 ain't nothing to write home about. Gone with the MPD deal literally an hour ago £19.99pm, 12mths with £96 cash back through redemption and hopefully £10 cash back on quidco. I've heard nothing but good things with EE's 4G double speed, quote me if I'm wrong as this will be my first time jumping on EE.
7 Apr 16 #59
Advice please folks.

Was going to go for the Vodafone 4GB £7.50 p/m (after cashback) @E2Save.

4GB is more than enough for me, but who has the better coverage and data in and around London?
rhymer2k to IWannaBeAdored
7 Apr 16 #61
I want to know this too. My work blackberry is Voda and seems to get better reception in most places compared to my personal Three line.
7 Apr 16 #60
​This directly via ee is 19.99. The 16.49 price is for existing customers wanting this as a second line.
7 Apr 16 #62
Three's coverage was dreadful when I was with them a few years back. Don't know if this is still the case.
7 Apr 16 #66
like all netwroks, depends where you are. at home i get around 35+mbits on Three, at work i get about 5mbits.
7 Apr 16 #67
It only came into effect this month, it seems to be the case, non of these third party deals are advertising EE extra anymore. Seems accurate to me.
7 Apr 16 #68
I got the same deal through retentions but with 21GB data and first three months free
c.grex to tomj17
7 Apr 16 #69
£19.99, and first 3 months free? Or cash back as well
7 Apr 16 #70
Agreed, that's what I thought, but a rep from EE said I can port if I contact them on 150. That why I'm a little confused. I clearly explained I was on EE PAYG too going to EE 12 month SIM contract.
7 Apr 16 #72
Does anyone know the score with the 'contract starting today' business? Does it mean I'll have to pay both my 3 charge and EE this month? Won't it just start when I activate the EE sim?
7 Apr 16 #73
Which means having to make a special trip to the bank.
7 Apr 16 #75
Im currently on Three's 200 minutes unlimited texts and all you can eat data which is due to go up to £20pm shortly, tempted by this but I like Three's feel at home.
K0YS to iamryan
7 Apr 16 #79
ive just got off the phone to them 3rd day in a row, best they could offer me was 8gb unlimted calls text for 16£ rolling month
7 Apr 16 #76
Speed restrictions apply to our Always On data after 6GB of data usage.
7 Apr 16 #77
I advise everybody to take a screenshot in order to make sure you get the advertised deal in this case. EE and Carphone warehouse are the only 2 places you can get EE extra now. Although e2save etc are CPW owned they cannot sell EE extra anymore apparently.
7 Apr 16 #78
Actually no, still on T-Mobile until you upgrade, main difference is you won't have 4G.
7 Apr 16 #80
I have this deal with mobilesphonesdirect and it is double speed, so much for your friend working for EE lol.
7 Apr 16 #81
Maybe I'm missing something, but it still isn't quite clear to me if this specific deal comes with double speed or not?
I'm assuming not, as it doesn't list it, in contrast to the mobilephonesdirect deal which does list it as being included.
7 Apr 16 1 #82
Confirmed. I've just successfully transferred from EE PAYG to EE 12 month plan. I first rang EE, they replaced the number on the new SIM I just received in the post with my current number. To confirm, I then rang the supplier who provided me with this deal (MPD) and they are showing my current number straight away and the new one has successfully been deleted. Confirmed cash back will not be affected too, happy days!
7 Apr 16 #83
Hi can anyone who has this deal and is using on an iPhone confirm if you can use EE wifi calling, as I had been advised by EE that this was only available on sims issued directly through them.
7 Apr 16 #84
Well I had mine in early Feb but with 20gb of data
7 Apr 16 #85
is this just 4g or 4g+
7 Apr 16 #87
Just checked EE and they offering this sim with EEextra for 16.49 Your text here
Al18 to najakimran
7 Apr 16 #88
Only if you're an existing customer
7 Apr 16 #89
Got an amazing deal with T-Mobile retention today for 2 Sims combined contract
2 x EE Unlimited Mins/Text, 16GB data to share between us
Free iPhone 5S 16GB grey or silver (£6 delivery)
£29pm - works outs £14.50 each which is pretty good when you consider the free phone
8 Apr 16 #90
this has got to be one of the best sim only deals out there..!
destroys anything on GiffGaff
the EE network will only Get better as BT have purchased them..also the emergency services contracts have gone to EE from Vodafone which means they can stick their masts up wherever they need to...
8 Apr 16 #91
What i find crazy is that i got declined for this deal. Ive been with 121 aka tmobile in the old days for about 2+ years at easily £300+ per month then went to orange and was with them for a good 8 plus years, and my credit is top tier. Really cant believe these guys. I left orange EE becuase of thee most crazy lowdown customer service. After seeing this i thought id take a punt but im shocked that theyve clearly rejected the contract
8 Apr 16 #92
The dilema I have is unlimited data with 3G and patchy 4G coverage or 4G speeds with 16GB data.
8 Apr 16 1 #93
Hi e2save are giving new number on new sim only deal. Is there anyway I can keep the same number by taking the contract. I'm on 30day sim only on EE, EEsaid you need to Transfer existing number on different network n then get new contract. Can anyone advice
8 Apr 16 #94
just ordered as just finished 2 year deal and still happy with my Note 3. fingers crossed they pay out. cheers
8 Apr 16 1 #96
I've just renewed my contract with 3. I've got - Unlimited mins, Unlimited text, 4GB data: £12 a month. 1 year contract
This deal also includes free roaming calls from many countries including the USA.

I settled for that in the end. I got sick an tired of looking around for a better deal.
8 Apr 16 1 #97
After purchasing through e2save and creating an account on EE it states "When in the EU, you can also use your allowance to call & text back to the UK and the EU."
8 Apr 16 #98
Can I port a number straight from Orange to EE or do I need to transfer out and back via another network?
8 Apr 16 #99
Just confirmed with ee as my account was approved today not recieved sim but account was active by giving name and address etc. they apply a 15 credit to the first month so u dont pay 34.99 it is also the same deal as everywhere with ee extra and double 4g which is only available in london. I see lots of people have been asking this its the same deal everywhere with same features and u can get a 15 pound credit applied to first month
mmurdoch to forziakhan
8 Apr 16 #100
double 4g is only available in London?
8 Apr 16 #101
Thats what they said
8 Apr 16 #102
I would have thought or hoped Double Bubble 4G would have been further widespread. Never really looked in to it thought it was all over!
8 Apr 16 2 #103
4G+: Up to 90 Mb/s: limited roll out. Select areas in London only. Check coverage at before purchasing
8 Apr 16 #104
can get on ring rd in Oxford
KingTut68 to rudey
10 Apr 16 #121
According to the EE coverage map, the Ring Rd in Oxford is not covered by 4G
8 Apr 16 #105
​When I phoned to ask the lady did stipulate that this was just the 4G sim (not the 4G+)
The other deal is confirmed the 4G+
8 Apr 16 #106
Double speed 4GEE is available in many areas, 4G+ is currently only available in London.
8 Apr 16 1 #107
The guy i spoke to on ee chat said that it did include 4g+
8 Apr 16 #108
Is this only available on nano sim? Got nexus 5 micro sim.
rudey to eagleian
8 Apr 16 #109
​I think you get a multi sim
K0YS to eagleian
8 Apr 16 #111
​Select the micro sim deals if in doubt. This link goes to the nano
8 Apr 16 #110
Does anyone know when this deal ends?
KingTut68 to K1LLER HORNET
10 Apr 16 1 #120
Thursday 14th April 2016
8 Apr 16 1 #112
If you use the desktop version you can select a sim type shows as ending 14 April on ee site
9 Apr 16 #113
Very good timing. My contract ends this month and I am looking for new one with large data
9 Apr 16 1 #114
Ordered. Don't forget to use quidco to get extra 5 pound
DaveG46 to sy8111
9 Apr 16 #115
​Tracked at £10 when I did it
9 Apr 16 #116
My Quidco tracked at £45 including the bonus £10.
9 Apr 16 #117
Cheers guys - I just signed up with ee directly at 19.99 (plus topcashback) although the not used the sim yet - but this seems a no brainers ee extra or not. Anyone had any luck getting ee to match the monthly price on a cancellation?
9 Apr 16 #118
Can I order this today and get a new number from EE and then get PAC from current provider Tesco Mobile and port my old number to this new EE one?
tascheman to cloudchaser
10 Apr 16 #127
10 Apr 16 #119
Why can't you get the PAC first and do the porting at the same time, you can get your PAC over the phone in 2 minutes, the EE deal valid until 14th April
10 Apr 16 #122
What is the difference between EE 4GEE and 4G+ ?
10 Apr 16 #123
It was late night when I posted as I wanted to order then. Have got the PAc off my operator this morning and will order it - thanks
10 Apr 16 #124
Does this deal include extras?
KingTut68 to abdbaas
10 Apr 16 #125
Yes it does
10 Apr 16 #126
Gone for the "" variant of this deal, though they're the same company as e2save so it's basically the same thing for the same price :smiley:

Thanks for posting :smiley:
10 Apr 16 #128
can someone tell me how I can find out whether e2s has the "ee extra" features in it? I can only see the EE symbol but not the tachometer (extra) sign
10 Apr 16 #129
​Nothing is mentioned on the website. Where did you see that?
10 Apr 16 #130
I went Direct with EE as offering same deal for £16.50 for existing customer.. i had an old payg sim details in my account.. I think £5 pm is worth going direct..
Hopps to najalubar
11 Apr 16 #135
I think I've seen this deal but it only applies to additional sims doesn't it? I'm currently with EE and coming to the end of my contract. The retention team offered me 2GB at 12.99 a month. If I can get the deal you're describing I'd mostly likely go with that.
davening to najalubar
11 Apr 16 #138
​Hi, when you say you are an existing customer, are you an existing ee payg only customer?
I am not sure what is meant by existing customer.
Thanks for replies.
seaniboy to najalubar
12 Apr 16 #144
I did this via topcashback with £47.xx and the £16.49 deal, double speed, EU calls work out better for me over a longer term than 12 months minimum, no other network gives inclusive calls roaming to other EU countries.

£150 all in @£16.49 a month V £132 less inclusions and £19.99 month 13 onwards.

No brainer, £18 more for a lot more. Saving £18 in short term even over 12 months is not worth it for lower speeds, even a 7day EU holiday with EE would be £14 for a call or text once a day on the £2 daily charge for unlimited usage in the EU to call text home or EU country.
11 Apr 16 #131
Ordered this before I left for work this morning.

Decided to to for this over the Vodafone 4GB @ £7.50 also at E2Save.
11 Apr 16 #132
Has anyone ordered/received this sim yet?
To clarify whether you get the EE Extra benefits like double speed and using allowance in Europe; EE advertise it on their site but not menitoned on e2save

I've messaged e2save but not had a response yet.

Also, issue about the first month being £34.99

seems to be confusion on the mpd deal
mmurdoch to bhaisab
11 Apr 16 #134
Thought it was cheaper than £34.99. You've lost me with that one. What do you mean. Cheers
11 Apr 16 #133
I placed my order with EE on Friday afternoon and am awaiting the SIM card being dispatched. Hopefully they'll post it today and I'll receive it by the end of the week.
11 Apr 16 2 #136
A lot of people have been charged the full £34.99 on the mpd deal rather than £19.99

e2save have replied and confirmed that it isnt EE extra.
link to reply
11 Apr 16 #137
cheers for that, And I thought MPD were a decent outfit, Im sure it will be resolved
11 Apr 16 #139
​Doh about not being EE extra. Not worried about the Europe calling, but the double speed would be good.
11 Apr 16 #140
Just checked my e-mails from E2Save and got this on one of them:

Thanks for joining
We just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know how your EE tariff will be billed.
The tariff that you ordered was the EE 4G SIM Only £19.99 16GB tariff. The price of your tariff includes a £15 on-bill discount from EE. The on-bill discount will automatically be applied to your bill on month 2.
It’s not as complicated as it looks, and there’s nought all you need to do yourself, so sit back, relax and watch the savings roll in.

Guess that explains why people are getting billed £34.99 on the first month.

Apologies if this has been answered but why is this applied from month 2? Does this correct itself?

Also do EE charge extra for paper bills?
the porter
11 Apr 16 #141
Tcb paying £15.75 until tomorrow
12 Apr 16 #142
12 Apr 16 1 #143
Sorry to break it to ya, but I just rang them up. "We don't do any plans with EE Extra" thats what I got :disappointed:

Oh well.
12 Apr 16 #145
I went for this deal via E2save and when I check my online account with EE it says that I can use my call/text allowance in the EU.
IWannaBeAdored to wakingmammoth
12 Apr 16 #147
Do you have double speeds?
12 Apr 16 #146
EE told me that from month 13 the cost will increase to the standard tariff price of £34.99
rudey to Sneeks
14 Apr 16 #158
​ and you know the amount of folk that will be getting pac codes in that I'm sure something better will pop up
12 Apr 16 #148
hi, the deal is a bit confusing. on, which i think is the same company as e2save. it says you get £15 credit, but under neath it says a £30 credit will be applied at month 2. I'm assuming £15 is a promotion and the other £15 is to make the deal £19.99 of the first month as well. if so i work it out as £34.99 + (11 x £19.99). totalling £254.88. misusing the £102 cash back redemption and the £30. this should bring it to £122.88 for the year or £10.24 per month. have i gone wrong somewhere?
12 Apr 16 1 #149
12 Apr 16 #150
I'm currently getting 24mb/s download. Reading the EE blurb on double speeds, it says to expect 24 to 30 mb/s on average.
13 Apr 16 #151
Thanks for this, just signed up cancelling my new Voda 8g plus unlimited calls/texts for £13.50. Worth loosing Spotify for this deal.
13 Apr 16 #152
Excellent. It didn't make sense to me why buying it via MPD means you get it and if you buy it via E2Save you didn't. They are both 3rd party suppliers of the same tariff and E2Save wouldn't necessarily know the specifics like double speed etc.
13 Apr 16 #153
Got mine through just waiting for my number to be transferred. Lyca mobile used to give me 20mbps at home just tried EE 52mbps
rudey to DaveG46
14 Apr 16 #155
people on giffgaff wont ever know what thats like ................
13 Apr 16 #154
Can you put the contract on hold if you were to go on holiday for 2 months where EE dont cover
14 Apr 16 #156
Got the letter from Three, went direct to EE and they offered this £19.99 for one sim, plus a shared U/L Mins/U/L Texts and 16GB for the 3 other household sims @£12 each which seemed a great deal. So went to Three to get my PAC and they actually doubled 3 of the allowances for data (UL/UL/4GB @ £9) , but cut mine from UL to 4GB (but I've only ever been up to <2GB) and overall cut the bill for the 4 sims by £8 - bizarre...but good result in the end as would have had to buy a signal box from EE too. Must say that customer service for both of them was very efficient and polite.
14 Apr 16 #157
my brother just did this with 3 asked for his Pac code ETC.. they upped his data to 30gb a month and dropped his ultd min and texts to £20 from £36.99 ( result )
Sneeks to rudey
14 Apr 16 #159
Three had no interest in offering me any deals as good as that despite me having been a customer for 5 years.
14 Apr 16 #160
Did you ask for your PAC code ??
14 Apr 16 #161
I got told different lol. They said the price will stay at £16.49
14 Apr 16 #162
Do you reckon if I switch my Direct debit to another bank there would be issues with the cash back?
14 Apr 16 #163
Like, For like the like hundredth like time like stop like exaggerating. Like!
14 Apr 16 #164
Yes asked for and received. I've chatted with them twice since then as I've read of others getting offered 30gb data with unlimited minutes and texts for £20 per month but they tell me it's not possible.
14 Apr 16 #165
On MSE it says that if bought from with the cashback it includes 4G Double Speed and unlimited calls and texts in Europe. Has anyone confirmed this?
14 Apr 16 #166
This expires today on - I tried to order from but get an error!
14 Apr 16 #167
​ trust me it happened..lucky for my brother that he failed the credit check on EE otherwise he would taken the EE deal
14 Apr 16 #168
I'm certain others have got that deal but I've had no luck obtaining it for myself. My EE sim arrives tomorrow and I'll port my number over then.
15 Apr 16 #169
Just called E2save - this deal is now dead
15 Apr 16 #170
Wow. This got pulled quickly. Was going to wait a week initially as my O2 sim finishes at the end of the month. Deal also pulled from MPD.

Glad I didn't wait. :smile:
15 Apr 16 #171
Only available at £19.99 pm at ee's website. No cas back.
15 Apr 16 #172
pure **** no cash back and no dim kissed out on the deal but we managed to take 2£ out my bank for the credit check and have all my details
15 Apr 16 1 #173
No. Redemption deals typically require name, address, plan details and phone number (all on your monthly EE bill). Change any of those (except for the phone number - which is changed by PAC), then bye bye cashback.
16 Apr 16 #174
Hi guys ordered this, received all fine. On the MY EE APP it shows as sim only £34.99 per month is this ok or should I be worried?
16 Apr 16 #175
A few questions:

How quick do EE port over a number once submitted?

Also where does it show double 4G on your account? Can't seem to find it.

Do I have to contact EE to get the £15 refund on first bill?
16 Apr 16 #176
Got my e2save EE sim through and registered. Showing unlimited EU mins, which is part of extra plan.NOt had a change to test for double speed 4G - waiting for number to be ported before I can use it in anger.
17 Apr 16 #177
They ported my number within 24 hours, just contact their customer services, 150 from your phone and they can do it for you.
17 Apr 16 #178
This deal is STILL available from EE directly. They have extended it (internally within EE at least) until Monday 18th April. I know this because I took out TWO of these deals directly with EE via phone on Friday 15th April and they told me it had been extended until Monday.

Note that I do not know whether this is available via third partly resellers/suppliers. Neither does it appear to be displayed on the EE website - so if interested phone EE directly I suggest.

Even without cashback, this is still a good deal.
17 Apr 16 #179
It shows as the full price in the app and any activation text you might have received but the bill (once received) will show a discount applied to bring the actual price down to £19.99.
17 Apr 16 #180
My first bill came through at £34.99 with no mention of any discounts. I called EE who confirmed if it goes through a third party vendor like E2Save the first bill is full price and subsequent bills will be £19.99.
18 Apr 16 #181
Got everything sorted via a lovely lady on EE customer services.

Number is being ported by tomorrow. Have to send a screenshot of the deal on E2Save showing the £19.99 and will get a £15 credit on my first bill.

In terms of coverage and 4G on the move just awesome. :smile:
18 Apr 16 #182
I've had my first bill of £34.99. Called EE to query who told me that the tariff is £34.99 and that I should contact mobile phones direct and ask "why they lied to me" and suggested that I threaten them with the police if they didn't cancel the contract as they won't budge on the price.

Nice service EE.
18 Apr 16 #183
That's not good at all. The woman I spoke to said they had received loads of complaints about the issue.

I would try again if I were you. Could be a case of pot luck in terms of the person you get on customer services. Don't give in. I wouldn't.
18 Apr 16 #184
Did anyone else's sim come under T-Mobile? Slightly confused, I know they fall under EE, but thought I had signed up directly with EE on the phone..
19 Apr 16 #185
Got confirmation via e-mail today that I'm getting the £15 refund for the first month on my 2nd bill.
20 Apr 16 #186
Not sure about querying it, didn't it state at the beginning of the thread that it would be 34.99 for the 1st bill anyway? £19.99 then £15 credit added then you get cash back?
20 Apr 16 #187
Number ported and have done a speed test on iphone 6 - I'm getting 46mbits down/ 12 mbits up - which I believe is 4G double speed. I also still show unlimited EU mins, so I believe that this contract is on the EE Extra plan :smiley:

My account is showing both 19.99 paid (They seem to have taken a payment on Monday), but teh subscription being at 34.99. I'll wait and see what they try and charge out next time and take it from there.
23 Apr 16 #188
I tried EE and to be honest yes you get 4g all over the place but I tired a speed test on three in lots of different locations as I travel and did the same For EE as I tried there super fast sim. and sometimes threes 3g was faster than EE 4g and sometimes EE was faster than Three. I did get a signal at all the locations on both providers so that was not a problem but what I did notice is EE phone quality is terrible I mean everyone I talked to sounded like they had a cold in a big hall or something even the people I speak to often said it was bad. The thing is with three they have a much better call quality and I don't know why as with three it sounds like your nearly in the same room but With EE it was very bad.

The other thing I noticed you can use data when your on a call with three you can not with EE, what I did like was the wifi calling on EE as three app is useless for that.


call quality

4g signal
EE but to be honest it was 50 50 on the speed tests in different locations so there was not a Hugh advantage plus both got the signal in all the locations I go to so there was no benefit there.

Wifi calling
EE better integrated to the phone than threes app

I stopped with three as the best deal I could get was ulim data, txt and 200min and 2000 three to three min

will see in a year how three get on if they get 02 or not as that will help a lot if they merge the masts
25 Apr 16 #189
Thanks for the advice. I filled the EE online contact form and someone who knew what they were talking about finally called me back. All sorted now, bill adjusted and they have promised the overpayment will be credited back
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