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Samsung Gear S2 £189.99 with code @ Samsung
5 stars +562

Samsung Gear S2 £189.99 with code @ Samsung

£189.99 Samsung15 Apr 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
15 Apr 16
CODE: £60 off G34R52

Code expires: 24 Apr 2016
Top comments
15 Apr 16 5 #1
ooooh. can't afford it :disappointed:
15 Apr 16 5 #16
Blooming iPad won't keep still. Moogle 'gear s2 ipa'
19 Apr 16 3 #69
Troll somewhere else please.
jayjayuk1234 to StolenDiagram
15 Apr 16 3 #23
Battlefield 4
All comments (76)
15 Apr 16 5 #1
ooooh. can't afford it :disappointed:
15 Apr 16 #2
You can get the Gear S2 Classic for £239 if you prefer using the same code.
15 Apr 16 #3
Brill been after this for a while
15 Apr 16 #4
Birthday tomorrow...hmmmm.....
15 Apr 16 #5
5ish months til the S3 in all likelihood
15 Apr 16 1 #6
I got a gear s2 classic to replace my LG Urbane recently and Tizen OS is on a par with apple watch OS in terms of being reliable and easy to use - Both are better than Android Wear IMO - I am using it connected to a Samsung phone so the two devices being Samsung may help but it never disconnects or misses notifications
15 Apr 16 2 #7
However in terms of this being a good deal I did only pay £209 for my S2 classic direct from Samsung as they were doing a 30% all S2 watches offer a few weeks ago. It's a good watch and at this price is a deal but it has been cheaper is I guess what I'm trying to say...
15 Apr 16 2 #8
I wish the classic was chunkier. They look quite delicate to me?!
15 Apr 16 1 #9
Had the Classic since launch great, 4 day battery life, perfect for basic notifications and health monitor, but beyond that typical Samsung, software updates gone, crap apps.

Would go Android but battery life is pants, so I guess maybe the Samsung is the best balance.
beGG to obsydian
15 Apr 16 #17
​4 day battery life? :confused:
15 Apr 16 #10
Is it true you can't even set calendar reminders or location events with these? or initialise a WhatsApp message with a voice command?
They definitely look nice, bit small though, definitely more geared as a unisex watch compared to a lot of others which are made only for manly wrists.
obsydian to SuperMariosDad
16 Apr 16 #30
​You cannot initiate whatsapp on any smart watch stock. on samsung there is an app that allows this i paid and tried but found it flaky.

For me these watches are limited extensions not replacements for your phone.
15 Apr 16 #11
I thought the Classic could take a sim card? No?
*No. There is/will be 3G versions which are eSIM enabled (non-physical SIM)
15 Apr 16 2 #12
I have a pebble steel and still find it hard to come up with a reason to upgrade other than it looks nice?
15 Apr 16 #13
I fancy getting smartwatch for myself, after being very impressed with the wife's basic Pebble that she got at christmas. I've done quite a bit of research and had narrowed it down to probably the Sony Smartwatch 3 or the LG Urbane, but was interested to read that you have just replaced your LG Urbane for an Gear S2. What was wrong with the LG Urbane ?
15 Apr 16 #14
Did you know that this will work on iOS if you have an ibone. App is coming soon, BUT if you moogle 'gear s2' you should find the unreleased app and what to do
obsydian to gadgetking53
16 Apr 16 #36
​The official Apple app "Gear Manager" is ready for release accorinding to SAMMOBILE.
15 Apr 16 #15
Sorry that should be g
15 Apr 16 5 #16
Blooming iPad won't keep still. Moogle 'gear s2 ipa'
15 Apr 16 1 #18
I get 5 days on mine with HR once an hour
15 Apr 16 #19
Indeed, I have one and there is no way on earth it would last 4 days...........unless of course you don't actually wear it!
Wearing and using sparingly (I literally just use it as a watch - I like different faces) at most it lasts 1.5 days, and that's stretching it.
I suppose if everything that makes it a smartwatch was turned off, it may well be possible.
15 Apr 16 2 #20
Ordered this yesterday...just my luck the cashback goes up the day after I order it!
15 Apr 16 1 #21
I've had one since launch, it can stretch to 4, honestly depends how much you use it, it'll happily be on standby for longer than that.
I use mine for managing notifications, health tracking, the little calendar on it is amazing (even though you look like a tool checking your diary from your watch), playing games (great if you forget your phone going the toilet.) Have the shortcut button set to the calculator and can even control my phones camera from it. I do most of this stuff daily and it lasts 3 days. Can't wait until they sort out samsung pay so I can start looking like a right weirdo by paying for stuff with it!

I got the s2 Classic, so also plenty of straps to choose from.

safe to say i'd recommend it ^^
15 Apr 16 #22
What the hell kind of games do you play on a watch????
jayjayuk1234 to StolenDiagram
15 Apr 16 3 #23
Battlefield 4
gresty1 to StolenDiagram
15 Apr 16 #24
The bezel works great with space invaders :smile:
15 Apr 16 #25
I actually bought the LG to replace a Sony SW3 as I wanted something that looked a bit more "grown up" I loved the SW3 and actually preferred it to the LG in the end. I had a problem with the LG that may have been bad luck or may be a problem with the hardware, I used to get constant disconnects between phone and watch, I narrowed it down to when it changed between Bluetooth and WIFI connection but am not 100% sure on this, it was sent back to LG and they allegedly replaced the motherboard but the same issues continued.

I may have been comparing it unfavourably to my Apple Watch as that never loses connection unless you take the watch out without your phone or vice versa, and I am having similarly no problems with the gear s2 - The SW3 did disconnect occasionally but It was nowhere near as temperamental as the LG urbane. Hope this helps in some way!
15 Apr 16 #26
Under 200 for her the classic with a quick Google search and 174 for the above.
Syrb to Liitlejohno
15 Apr 16 #27
Those versions come from HK and China which means that you wont get UK Samsung warranty plus a long wait for it to get to the UK.
16 Apr 16 #28
UK seller with warranty laptops direct for one I think
16 Apr 16 #29
Whats the big difference between the classic and this?
obsydian to anthole
16 Apr 16 #33
​Classic looks smarter like a watch and less bulky aside from that the same
16 Apr 16 #31
​Yes and easy, brightness on 6, about 50% notitifications on and all stock.
The old Samsung got me 5 days.
16 Apr 16 #32
oh auto HR on moderate too
16 Apr 16 #34
​i find the bezel annoying and rarely use it.
16 Apr 16 #35
The watch coupled with Samsung SHEALTH app is great lots of auto info (heart, steps) then manual (sleep, food, stress, weight, bp, etc..)
16 Apr 16 #37
Great watch, had one since launch but did have trouble with strap and Samsung service is very very very shoddy! Amazing watch though, had sw3 previously and although more apps quality on gear is much higher
16 Apr 16 #38
Cheers, that's useful (I think). I've read so many articles and reviews online, but many contradict each other so it's difficult to know who to believe. You obviously have hands on experience with a few watches - if you didn't have any of them right now, but was told to go out and buy just one, which would you buy ? (apart from Apple, as I'm android)
16 Apr 16 #39
I would buy this Samsung Gear s2 if cost isn't an issue and you have a Samsung phone (I've not used it with other android phones but have read it works best with Samsung), I would buy the SW3 for value for money and the fact it''s a really good watch if you don't mind the way it looks (the standalone GPS is not reliable though in my experience) and sadly I couldn't recommend the LG Urbane - it looks nice but I had too many issues with it and the experience was more frustrating than anything else, but as I said initially I *may* have had a faulty unit.
16 Apr 16 #40
I owned a pebble for ages, got a gear and went back to the pebble. Gear trys to do too many things and it makes the OS a mess. Pebble keeps it simple and because everything is tactile buttons its easier and quicker to work. Third of the price too.
16 Apr 16 #41
What's the Google now and range of apps like? Are there many third part ones? I'm currently still using my first grn moto 360 but I've gotten used to the Google fit integration etc
16 Apr 16 #42
The range of apps are not great to be honest, it depends what you want it for, I use fitness tracking and the notifications - it's good you can read your previous texts and see your previous calls on the watch and also good you can reply via a keyboard on the watch (though it's fiddly) it works best with stock Samsung/Android apps though (like messages and email etc...) you can use GOSMS or GMail but the watch prefers the Samsung stuff - I don't use any type of voice integration on any of the watches I have owned so couldn't give you a proper answer on Google now I'm afraid
16 Apr 16 #43
good deal but I've already bought huawei smart watch.
16 Apr 16 #44
they look amazing, but still I won't get one... the pebble has battery left and the gear has everything else!!!
16 Apr 16 #45
How much?
16 Apr 16 #46
Fair enough - seems alright. I use the Google now functions fairly often (surprisingly useful for quick maths/physics things like checking values of constants aha) so that's quite important to me
16 Apr 16 #47
Anyone know when this deal is ending?
17 Apr 16 #48
According to TCB, code expires: 24 Apr 2016 mate.

I was going to purchase this but really don't need it. I think I'd rather buy a Citizen watch for the same price to be honest.
17 Apr 16 #49
This or the Sony sw3? A watch with GPS would be useful and a few more apps would be nice too.
17 Apr 16 #50
Get this if money is no option. Otherwise I think I'll wait till watches with greater battery life are released.
19 Apr 16 #51
S2 is old tech. Aren't we on S7 now?
19 Apr 16 #52
love my s2 classic. Had a few smart watches and this is the only one I've been really happy with. Great battery, performance, looks (most people don't know its a smart watch until I turn on the screen - which is fantastic quality) only gripe is having to use here maps and s voice over google alternatives
19 Apr 16 #53
the 3g version has gps and a speaker but I don't know if its released or its price. I had the smart watch 3 and it was okay but nothing compared to this (it is about a third of the price though)
19 Apr 16 1 #54
I have had one of these since Dec 2015 and have had nothing but trouble with it. There appears to be a design flaw which causes the straps to keep snapping. To give you an idea, in the 4/5 months I have had it, I have had to replace the strap 4 times! Straps cost circa £25. Google it and you will see there are lots of people saying the same thing.

Shame really, because other than that, the actual watch functions very well.
19 Apr 16 #55
To add some balance to the other comments, I prefer the Sony watch.
I had the S2 classic but did not like the OS at all. Opted for the SW3 and much prefer it even if the screen isn't quite as bright as the range of apps is much better.
The rotating bezel is clever but I couldn't get it to work with my email client, only the default email client which I didn't like.
19 Apr 16 #56
Well I've kind of decided on an android wear now due to the sheer number of apps. Either the smart watch 3 or the huawei. The huawei looks very sexy and I would like something with a bit of style on my wrist. Any one use that
Tyler Halifax
19 Apr 16 #57
I bought the original Pebble then Sony SW3 and then Pebble Steel (10 day battery). Battery life and notifications are all I need. I don't see a need to upgrade for a few years now.
19 Apr 16 1 #58
Yes, I went from the LR Urbane, then Gear S2 Classic then to the Huawei W1 (then the SW3).
The screen was nice but the SW3 can do everything the W1 can do (apart from having a speaker for calls/notifications) for a lot less.
I bought the W1 Active and the vibration was awful, it didn't really vibrate much your wrist much but managed to make quite a racket doing it. The parts in/on the watch vibrated rather than the body meaning it was easy to miss notifications. I decided that £330 was too much so returned it.
I got an SW3 second hand (2 months old) from eBay for £65 and I am quite happy with it.

No watch I have tried matches the notifications on the Apple Watch though, that was like someone tapping on your wrist.

Battery life for me was as follows (I wear it from 8am to 5:30pm only and turn it off overnight):
Apple Watch - 3 days
LG Urbane R - 1-2 days
S2 Classic - 1-2 days
W1 - 1-2 days
SW3 - 3 days, possibly 4 if I tried

I don't need to wear the watch at home as I am usually only a few feet away from my phone which helps with battery life. I use it mainly for work so I can see my notifications without taking my phone out the drawer.
19 Apr 16 #59
Thread is about a Samsung watch, so no need for insecure I have another watch and it's better.
19 Apr 16 #60
Sorry, was that aimed at me?

I believe my post was informative and relevant. I based my opinions (and they are mine, not everybody's) on what I have found during my usage of the item posted compared with other, similar products on the market.

If you are going to post something like in every thread where the item in question is compared to another, you are going to be very busy.

My guess is that you spotted the word 'Apple', ignored everything else I typed and have immediately taken offence because you think I was saying 'Apple is best at everything'.

What I said was the Apple Watch has, in my opinion, a better silent notification that the other watches I have tried due to it 'tapping' rather than 'buzzing' on my wrist.

Or maybe you were talking to someone else, if so, sorry.
19 Apr 16 #61
Don't know how people are managing 3 days with moderate usage. I barely get 1 day, guess the always on feature drains a ridiculous amount.
19 Apr 16 #62
Buy a pebble instead. Bought mine for £44, does the job perfectly and battery last for days....and I dont have to worry about it getting knocked about.
19 Apr 16 1 #63
I did, and i love it :laughing:
19 Apr 16 #64
Mine is connected to Priv and everyting works perfectly /no disconnections/ get all notifications
I had it since it came out
19 Apr 16 #65
I also get 3+ days out of it but not with always on and I don't need it enabled anyway but I get lots of notifications on it (100 emails/day, texts, whatsapp, ebay, viber, skype, yahoo mess)
19 Apr 16 #66
​General comments
19 Apr 16 #67
has anyone tried this on the golf course as a GPS for distances? wondering how this performs compared to Garmin and tomtom golf watches i have been looking at probably wear this watch more often

19 Apr 16 2 #68
​Again, this doesn't make any sense.

It's not like I'm sat here wishing I could have one and therefore making up reasons why I don't want it. I had one and sold it as I prefer the android wear os.

I have stated some facts that will hopefully help people decide whether to buy this or not.

Your last 2 posts have been irrelevant and of no use to this thread at all.

The watch is well made, the rotating bezel is something I think most watches would benefit from and the screen quality is excellent. It is unfortunately limited by the apps.
19 Apr 16 3 #69
Troll somewhere else please.
20 Apr 16 #70
I've been offered a Gear S2 classic for £100... is it worth taking a punt on it? I've got an LG G4 to sync it with. Thanks :smiley:
20 Apr 16 #71
​man you have issues ...
20 Apr 16 #72
​I've owned the watch since launch and posted comments about the watch
21 Apr 16 #73
Who offered it you? Ahmed from down your local market (or post office now probably) I'd probably steer clear unless you're a fan of your house burning down while it's charging.
5 May 16 #74
Great watch but strap problem an issue and boy, if you thought you'd seen appalling customer service, Samsung really do take it to a new level. Love my s6 edge and gear s2 BUT after dealing with unreasonable and ridiculously difficult customer support staff and even at chief executive level I would never EVER buy Samsung again - they are amazing right up until you have an issue... Then forget it. Avoid for that alone no matter how good or cheap the watch is.
6 May 16 #75
​Ok so what happened?
18 May 16 #76
Is this still working for anyone else?
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