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Nexus 6p £379.00 Google Store
5+++ stars +1.4k

Nexus 6p £379.00 Google Store

£379 google store26 Apr 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
26 Apr 16
Shows as £449 but once you go to checkout, discounts £70 making it £379.
Top comments
mango carrot
26 Apr 16 63 #2
A guy at work bought one of these a few days ago for £450 - I hate him so I'll gladly tell him about this price drop

Absolutely stunning looking handset though. Couldn't get over that screen
kingchris to mango carrot
26 Apr 16 34 #5
Wait the return period before telling him :smirk:
anthony212 to isan5671
26 Apr 16 26 #4
​get the black version, because black don't crack
26 Apr 16 16 #7
*Must resist & tell myself my N5 is still all the phone I need* :disappointed:
All comments (214)
26 Apr 16 2 #1
confirmed working

Save £70 on Nexus 6P and £50 on Nexus 5X

Promotion period starts 26 April 2016, ends 6 May 2016.
Lukedotv to Deal_HUNT3R
26 Apr 16 #43
5x is still cheaper on Amazon though...
mango carrot
26 Apr 16 63 #2
A guy at work bought one of these a few days ago for £450 - I hate him so I'll gladly tell him about this price drop

Absolutely stunning looking handset though. Couldn't get over that screen
kingchris to mango carrot
26 Apr 16 34 #5
Wait the return period before telling him :smirk:
Sanchit to mango carrot
26 Apr 16 #35
If he got it from Google he can most likely claim back the difference.
reckoning to mango carrot
27 Apr 16 4 #109
How tall are you?
fishmaster to mango carrot
27 Apr 16 #118
You need a ladder to get over the screen :stuck_out_tongue:
26 Apr 16 #3
hot for price but have read that camera can crack as it sticks out a bit on the back.
anthony212 to isan5671
26 Apr 16 26 #4
​get the black version, because black don't crack
26 Apr 16 4 #6
Fantastic phone - well worth it.
26 Apr 16 16 #7
*Must resist & tell myself my N5 is still all the phone I need* :disappointed:
cajogos to taker920
28 Apr 16 #164
​i tried but couldn't resist. ordered one idk what I'm gonna do with my Nexus 5 now :disappointed:
26 Apr 16 #8
thank you
was waiting for this to be reduced
26 Apr 16 1 #9
It's a shame that they don't have expandable memory. we're seeing this creep in again.
26 Apr 16 2 #10
It's a shame that they don't have expandable memory. we're seeing this creep in again.
26 Apr 16 1 #11
Running Android N on my 6P, great phone B|
26 Apr 16 1 #12
Just bought an as-new S6 Edge+ for 350, hope i did the right thing
ajavaid92 to mkh93
26 Apr 16 6 #14
If it was the S7 edge, then perhaps so. But the Nexus 6P is far superior to the S6 Edge+.
LazybeatX to mkh93
26 Apr 16 1 #28
​You did.
vb90 to mkh93
28 Apr 16 #167
Where did you buy it from? I also think S6 is better and would want to go for that.
26 Apr 16 #13
thanks OP.
How does it compare with LG G5?
speric07 to happydeals
26 Apr 16 #19
Kills it
Evouk to happydeals
27 Apr 16 #148
Tbh the LG G5 is far the better phone, better camera, sd card slot and faster overall. Where the Nexus wins is the stock Android experience. I have a LG G4 myself and I'm not too keen on the LG UI, but it does allow 3rd party UI apps so I use Nova. Of course being a Nexus it will always get the latest software well before the LG will. Overall it all comes down to person preference!
Musm to happydeals
27 Apr 16 #152
Lg g5 is better in terms of spec, newer processor and more ram. However, software is pretty **** and battery life is behind awful so defo rather have the 6p.
26 Apr 16 8 #15
£429 for the 64GB version. So tempted :disappointed: Can't decide if my Nexus 5 is still good enough. Aargh!
26 Apr 16 1 #16
I bought one on 11 March when they had £35 off. This is a great deal, also its better to buy from Google for the after sales reassurance. I love mine.
26 Apr 16 #17
64GB black version out of stock :-(
26 Apr 16 4 #18
No card slot and £130 for the memory upgrade from 32 to 128 gb - and yet a 128 gb sd card is £30? I know Apple use the same trick - but I'm happy using an sd card to expand the memory, shame the manufacturers are moving more towards onboard storage and charging a lot for the extra storage.
Deal_HUNT3R to Infiltrator
26 Apr 16 #31
All the others use sd slots
nublets2k to Infiltrator
26 Apr 16 #47
Actually no. It was previous generations where they tried removing the micro sd slot, Samsung with the S6 and Note 5, HTC with the M7, and LG added one to their G series. But all the main flagships which started out with micro sd have now moved back to having SD cards. It's now just Nexus, iPhones and OPO that don't have them.
DweebDude to Infiltrator
27 Apr 16 #138
i would hope the storage is a little faster than an sd card
26 Apr 16 #20
great phone.. is quite big though
26 Apr 16 2 #21
at this price..I compromised and got the 64GB aluminium one..damn you HUKDs
26 Apr 16 3 #22
No but it does chip like buggery, so better off getting the aluminium as this will hide it better, speaking as a black owner. :smiley:
26 Apr 16 #23
AMAZING deal! Hot hot hot :smile:
26 Apr 16 #24
Awesome phone. I'm tempted to sell my graphite 32gb and get a gold 64gb..

Not put Android N on mine yet as I've heard mixed reports about battery life. Anyone else find this?
Sanchit to kawsar17
26 Apr 16 #36
Battery life is definitely worse.
26 Apr 16 #25
I've owned this phone since Jan, love it to bits...although I wish it was a tad bit smaller. Having said that, I still think its the best Android device I've owned in my 5 years using the OS.
26 Apr 16 #26
This is my first android phone after using iPhone for years. I absolutely love it. Glad i made a decision. Everything about phone is great except placement of power and volume keys
26 Apr 16 1 #27
so tempted to dump my oneplus one for this ,but my opo runs so good on cm13 nightly
26 Apr 16 #29
Must. Resist. Hot!
26 Apr 16 1 #30
Fantastic phone. Best I've had.
26 Apr 16 #32
Got this phone in February and have no regrets whatsoever. Runs smoothly and the screen is lovely. Hot from me!
26 Apr 16 #33
I really want this... The screen size concerns me as coming from an iPhone 6s. Tried it in the shop but just couldn't tell as it has security gadget all over the back
26 Apr 16 #34
Totally tempted with this but whether to change my Moto X Force for this to lose storage expandability and gain pure Android and a fingerprint sensor (which I miss since ditching Apple)
26 Apr 16 #37
​not in the rear camera dept. there focus on 6p is terrible, macro shots aren't as good as they should be, the HDR is good, also the pictures don't look as detailed, I think it might be because of a higher pixel size on the camera, having said that the front camera is miles better than any other out now
26 Apr 16 1 #39
What is the battery life like on this phone? I have the 5x and the battery isn't great. I'd be tempted by this if the battery was better.
26 Apr 16 #40
hot from me trading my iphone 6s for this handset should get £400 plus back from my 64gb mobile so shoud have a bit of money left over dont really need alot of memory as i use spotifiy for my music as long as i have room for some games apps and films think 32gb will do me :-)
26 Apr 16 #41
how does this compare to a Nexus 6? worth the upgrade?
GeordieAffy2014 to jediross
27 Apr 16 1 #116
Personally I don't think so hence I bought the Nexus 6 when I had the choice of buying the Nexus 6P. Obvs if money wasnt an issue then Nexus 6P fingerprint sensor is the main reason I would buy it. But not worth paying extra £200 for a sensor lol.

Plus the other upgrades as in processor, camera etc are not that great either.
limeboyjoe to jediross
28 Apr 16 #176
​I was wondering that
26 Apr 16 #42
If you have this device don't watch the bend test video on YouTube.
26 Apr 16 #44
Camera is awesome for stills, 4k video though not so much. The detail is great but the lack of ois or even digital stabilisation when using 4k mode is a major letdown as the video is extremely shaky even with a steady hand.
26 Apr 16 #45
32 GB is out of stock now..
26 Apr 16 #46
Must resist..... Must resist....

Got to try to hang onto my S5 for a while like I promised myself. :smile:

I'd have to go for the 64gb version (minimum) anyway.
26 Apr 16 3 #48
A bit too big for me, it's like having a flip flop in you pocket. Heat added though, great phone, great price.
26 Apr 16 #49
what is better, s6 or this?
kharma45 to delicatejew
26 Apr 16 #51
​I'd lean to this if it's the S6 as a rival option.
vassy201187 to delicatejew
26 Apr 16 #52
S6 any day
onlinejobwork to delicatejew
27 Apr 16 #121
26 Apr 16 1 #50
Very tempted but think I'm going to wait and gamble on being able to get a decent snapdragon 820 phone for the same or less in the next three months.
26 Apr 16 #53
This is a hot deal, thanks for posting. I just can’t decide between the 64GB N6P for £430 or the S7 using the Very 20% off (making it £460). Both are really good.
26 Apr 16 #54
Hot. Thanks OP. I tried to buy but my card was refused by Google :disappointed: luckily my wife was on hand and bought it for me. Result :stuck_out_tongue:
the porter
26 Apr 16 #55
Does anybody know if bought from ee or Vodafone if the 6p will be network locked or are nexus devices unlocked no matter who you get it from ?
ilikedeals21 to the porter
26 Apr 16 #58
Yes the phone will be locked if purchased from a network provider however purchased through Google and will be sim free
26 Apr 16 3 #56
Very misleading title, it isn't 6p :wink:
26 Apr 16 #57
Anybody thinking of upgrading, what would you choose between HTC 10, S7 and Nexus 6p? Have Htc One M7 atm, really struggling to decide.
26 Apr 16 #59
ordered matte gold 32GB.. thanks
26 Apr 16 1 #60
Ordered silver 32gb to replace my note 3
26 Apr 16 #61
bought my 64gb from cpw for 490 love it best purchase ever
26 Apr 16 #62
bought roughly 4months ago now
27 Apr 16 #63
I couldn't believe what I was reading, 6p??!! 6p for a Nexus! Then I realised that was the model number. Damn!
27 Apr 16 #64
My sons lens cracked, luckily it was insured, his replacement was the black backed model.
ck12111 to daletharper
27 Apr 16 #65
Who was your insurance with, and what did you have to pay?
27 Apr 16 1 #66
If only there was a Nexus 5P...
treadingit to TypicalAsianFindingDeals
27 Apr 16 #69
The Nexus 6P is sized to fit your life — and your hand (or not).
27 Apr 16 #67
I have a N6 which gets v hot using the original fast charger. So much so that the back has started to peel - I'm assuming it's because the battery has bulged.
Any reports on the 6P suffering from the same problem?
cecilmcroberts to pedant99
27 Apr 16 #68
Had mine since November and no issues.
27 Apr 16 #70
Had this phone since before Christmas and I love it.

I got it free through my work, and wasn't sure about it at first as it is large, and I have quite small hands unfortunately, but you get used to it very quickly. I was also worried about how it would fit in my pockets as I wear slim fitting (not skinny) clothes, but never had an issue with its size and my pockets.

This is the first phone I have been happy with in the past few years my previous phones being SGS6, SGS4, HTC One7 etc. I am not a massive camera guy and all my old phones have been a disappointment, but I love it on this.

Though one concern, and I think it was just a fluke, was that after 3 months the LCD did crack, not the outer glass, but the LCD itself, with no sign of any other damage. No issues with the replacement so far.

For this price it is an absolute bargain.
27 Apr 16 #71
Stonking price for a great phone.
27 Apr 16 1 #72
27 Apr 16 #73
Can't remember what I paid for mine but this is definetly a hot deal!
27 Apr 16 #74
I hate this forum. Do I buy this, get the Very S7 edge deal, or keep my 6s Plus!
BHOY56 to shaggy
27 Apr 16 2 #75
Having originally posted the Very S7 edge deal, I'm seriously tempted by the 6p now.:smiley:
27 Apr 16 #76
wait for the big apple sale to get a cheap IPHONE 6
shaggy to callagc
27 Apr 16 #78
There will be no Apple sale. Apple makes its profits at overpricing products and never reducing them until the next new model comes out
27 Apr 16 #77
Any quidco or other cashback deals I can apply to this?
27 Apr 16 #79
What's the 5x like? I think the P is too big.
callagc to Dan_999
27 Apr 16 #81
they are losing sales now...only option is to cut price
pacmann to Dan_999
27 Apr 16 #85
​Its not bad. It's nice and light and performs well. doesn't seem to suffer input lag when under strain like other android phones I've used. The camera isn't bad but isn't great for low light. The only thing I didn't like about it is it felt cheap for the price. At the time I paid £280. Now using an Moto X Force though. Considered the 6p. GSM Arena is a good spot to compare.
pacmann to Dan_999
27 Apr 16 #86
​Its not bad. It's nice and light and performs well. doesn't seem to suffer input lag when under strain like other android phones I've used. The camera isn't bad but isn't great for low light. The only thing I didn't like about it is it felt cheap for the price. At the time I paid £280. Now using an Moto X Force though. Considered the 6p. GSM Arena is a good spot to compare.
mritchie to Dan_999
27 Apr 16 1 #88
The Nexus 5X is a terrific phone. The fast charge is, er, fast! The fingerprint reader works really well so the phone is on as soon as I pick it up. Dislikes? None. Currently just over £250 for 32gb - complete bargain. Plus Google covers are discounted I believe? I highly recommend the 5X
27 Apr 16 #80
I actually bought the 6p just before Christmas but returned it after deciding to keep my 6s Plus. The 6p is a good phone though. The only thing I wasn't convinced about was its screen quality . Samsungs are always the best for that
27 Apr 16 #82
Got the 128GB. Go big or go home, I say! (That, and I've had a 16GB Nexus 4 for for four years now and getting tired of clearing stuff off to make space for updates..)
27 Apr 16 1 #83
Its a shame I cannot use my Google Play credit against this... oh well!!

There aren't enough reasons to stop me from buying this - damn you HUKD :smirk:

shh, don't tell my !!!!
27 Apr 16 #84
Smashed the screen on my Nexus 6 at the weekend. Dealt.
27 Apr 16 2 #87
Word of advice:

Definitely get this from the Playstore as a word of advice. Google replace your phone straight away if you have any issues as they do not have a repair centre. If you get it from elsewhere like I did (on an o2 contract via ) then you need to deal with huawei directly who attempt repairs first. Huawei are good however I've found but it's just nice to get it replaced sometimes.

Also the phone is awesome but definitely get a case for it: I recommend the Verus case as it's a nice fit and protects it well - the volume button is very prone to bending if it takes some knocks as it's a single metal strip that can bend in easily so ensure its protected well.
27 Apr 16 #89
does anyone know how long the warrenty is for this is it 12 or 24 like the samsung phones offer?
27 Apr 16 #90
you mean £289 for a 32Gb. Im looking for a phone smaller than my 6s Plus which I can carry while running. Large phones are a PITA for that sort of thing.... but will I be wasting my money 'downgrading' from a 6s Plus. Not sure :disappointed:
27 Apr 16 #91
Just got this as an upgrade on EE after seeing it on here. Not sure if the deal is great but the data one me over....
Free handset (32gb)
Unlimited calls/texts
10GB Data
EE Extra
£35.99 per month.
stainless77 to mattjhowells3
27 Apr 16 #106
12 or 24 months?
Desray to mattjhowells3
27 Apr 16 #135
​I got the same deal, however I also got 500mb of data everytime I go abroad (said I was moving to three for the feel at home service). However it is long winded as I have to buy the data package when abroad and then call customer services once home to get it taken off my bill.
The 6p is a really good phone, the battery life far exceeds my S5 that it replaced.
27 Apr 16 #93
When you return it back to Google - do you have to pay return fees or postage ?
27 Apr 16 1 #94
But battery is atrocious and you can't deny that. I've had one for slightly longer than a month (changed from 6p which appeared a bit too big), but I hardly ever manage to get a full day on charge. Usually annoyingly when sitting at home in the evening I find myself realizing the phone is dead, and that makes me want me to come back to 6p. One thing for certain, once you go vanilla Android there is no coming back! Only thing I miss is an extra numbers row in keyboard found in Samsung's, LGS or Sony I had in the past.

Btw a question regarding this deal, how long is warranty when bought via play store? 1 or 2 years? I could only find info that 'it depends on the product'
27 Apr 16 1 #95
Bought this for £400 in January,

- Fantastic quality screen
- Battery Life is amazing and I haven't even optimised yet, I do everything I want and still has about 20% by the end of the day
- Stereo speakers - best thing since sliced bread
- Full metal construction is solid and looks beautiful
- Rapid charging - Unbelievably fast
- New USB port - Why didn't they just create this in the first place!
- Android less restricted all round than IPhone

- Bit heavy to hold after a while - but not too bad that it bothers me often


Extremely happy with the purchase, my IPhone battery life was outrageous compared to this, doing the same tasks my IPhone 5 would be on 15-20% by MIDDAY. This is a fantastic phone that has been enjoyable and reliable, and also has received many compliments particularly for its looks, screen and speakers.

In my eyes is better than it's competitors in the same price point/ age.

The Apple offerings admittedly are much more beautiful pieces of fashion, but this beats them in all other areas in my eyes.
cecilmcroberts to SavingsGalore
27 Apr 16 #104
As much as I also like the USB type C I would also list as a con against the device. Try getting another charger for cheap that will support the quick charge that it uses (its not Qualcomm Tech). Best so far has been the Nokia Lumia charger at cira £16 apart from the official charger. Not to mention the price of type C cables also although did get the Amazon deal posted on here the other week for £3. Do feel daft at times in work if I need to charge and off course no-one else has a type C!
I bought a Supcase Beetle and highly recommend it, normally used Spigen cases but at £6.98 so well impressed.
27 Apr 16 #96
I believe they offered 2 years, I mean I got a nexus 5 replaced almost 2 years after release.
27 Apr 16 #97
6p ? wow what a deal!!
27 Apr 16 #98
So glad I've held off this long, ordered - Thanks OP!

Heat added :innocent:
27 Apr 16 #99
Easily!!! Black don't crack easily :smirk:
27 Apr 16 #100
camera ok on this?
27 Apr 16 #101
27 Apr 16 #102
I've currently got a Note 4 but find I don't use the pen much.

Stick with my Note 4 or move across to one of these??
johnthehuman to Tomb
27 Apr 16 #117
Considering the same upgrade, any advice would be appreciated.

Looks like a decent upgrade to me.
27 Apr 16 #103
This one or HTC 10 or S7 or S7 Edge? Really Confised, Any advise please
27 Apr 16 1 #105
Who told you that?

The Nexus 6p is not far superior to the Samsung S6 Edge+ whatsoever?
27 Apr 16 2 #107
can't go wrong for 6p :wink:
27 Apr 16 #108
24 months
27 Apr 16 #110
I've owned the phone and here are a few little things of note:

The camera is very much average. I can get equally good pictures out of my OnePlus One.
Battery life is good, but erratic. Some days I could go the full day of heavy usage, some days dead by 5. I don't game on my phone, just stream music and keep up to date with news.
It is a big phone. I definitely advise trying it out size wise in a shop if possible.
The screen is lovely, however there's an orange tinge to it. If you directly compare it to another AMOLED screen, you'll see what I mean. It definitely a lot easier on the eye at night and something you get used to. It's not a horrible thing at all - just something to note.
Headphone output power isn't great at all, and the phone struggled to power my B&O H7's.
Front facing speakers are lovely, and paired with the beautiful display made for a multimedia god.
Fingerprint sensor is as quick/quicker than a 6S Plus. More accurate.

Overall, lovely phone with a few quirks but well worth flagship level money, and an absolute steal at this price.

EDIT: This phone has quickcharging capability but it's not by qualcomm. Quick charge ISN'T officially supported over USB C, so any phone advertising it is, is a false claim. This phone has quickcharging thanks to the higher voltage specifications of USB C.
27 Apr 16 #111
Pretty good deal. Mine was £26 on O2 with same except 6Gb data although that was back in November and with a corporate discount. (should have been £35) although got £50 Play credit,£60 off Huawei Watch and 6 months Play Music.
27 Apr 16 #112
That's my personal opinion. I'm a bit of a techie - upgrade phones often. So having used the Nexus 6P, can certainly recommend it 100% over the S6 Edge+. Compared with the S7 Edge, I'd perhaps call it even.
27 Apr 16 #113
Sounds like that's not the only thing you need to get over. :sunglasses:
27 Apr 16 #114
128GB Nexus 6P or the HTC 10... decisions...
27 Apr 16 1 #115
brilliant price, if the s7 edge didnt exist i would get the 6P, s7 edge however is an absolute BEAST!
fishmaster to Ashamuk
27 Apr 16 #119
The S7 Edge is the better phone, won't get one at this price though of course.
27 Apr 16 #120
Why would it make you feel daft? Just buy one from the recommended list on Amazon - such as the Anker ones - and leave it at work. They're under a fiver, and the connector is much nicer than micro USB - feels more solid and resilient, and of course has the benefit of being easy to plug in!
27 Apr 16 1 #122
Was looking at the 5X but I've caved in and plumped for the 6P. I'm sure it's the right decision in the long run. The 5X is a good phone but hoping the higher quality of the 6P will help it last longer.
cycleman to cooliusxp
27 Apr 16 #132
Don't, seriously, my son bought the 6 and has had nothing but trouble with it, not the only person I know either and it's huge!
I just bought the 5X and it's great.
27 Apr 16 #123
Same boat here. My nexus 5 is absolutely great and never struggles with anything. My only wish would be better microphone&speakers...and sometimes the camera drives me nuts - but that's more of an android/google camera software thing.
27 Apr 16 #124
Why would you buy this over a LG G5 at £410 sim free?

Older processor, fixed and expensive to increase storage and a worse camera.

In the process of deciding, so any advice much appreciated.
gbmcginty to jmle101
27 Apr 16 #131
Battery's pretty small by comparison. Screen is best part of half an inch smaller though, so I imagine it doesn't have the effect the numbers would suggest. I'd go for the screen size you prefer. Personally 5.5" is a real stretch for my thumb.
AndiTails to jmle101
27 Apr 16 1 #133
Depends on how long you intend to keep it.
This'll get at least 2 years of new OS updates, and then probably another 2 if you unlock the bootloader.

LG will dump support for the G5 when the G6 comes out. It'll eventually get Android N, then that'll probably be it.
27 Apr 16 #125
I would echo all the comments about checking one out in store, or at least on phonearena - I really like the phone, but it's massive. Also, recording video with the zoom is pretty awful, it looks like you took it on a boat.

Personally, I'm prepared to put up with it for the updates, and the total lack of crapware.
27 Apr 16 #126
anyone upgraded from a Huawei P8 to one of these?

Interested to hear any thoughts, I'd love to get back to a pure android device that's a bit snappier than the P8

Size wise doesn't seem that much bigger, but
SilverBlack to phil001
27 Apr 16 #134
6P is massive, 5.7" screen compared to 5.2" its bound to be quicker of course but too unwieldly for me.
27 Apr 16 #127
This is better than the Samsung , by a longshot I think. Every Samsung phone IV bought has always started to develop issues literally as the end of the contract approaches. bugs, glitches galore.
27 Apr 16 #128
Got an OPO2 but I'm not sure whether to get one. If I do I'd be looking at either 32gb or 64gb but cannot decide on what colour.
27 Apr 16 #129
Anyone buy the Haewui watch as well?
27 Apr 16 #130
The Anker ones do not support the quick charge of the 6P.
27 Apr 16 #136
If I could add my own storage to it then sure, it would be worth it. £50 for an additional 32GB is not worth it.
27 Apr 16 #137
Too big, no wireless charging, no FM, no SD slot
misterleoni to onlinejobwork
27 Apr 16 #141
1 - is subjective, 2 - is irrelevant for many (I have a qi charger for my S7 and never use it!), 3 - nice to have a radio if you're abroad but I'd be extraordinarily surprised if many people actually know FM stereos exist on some phones, never mind use them, 4 - I'd rather pay more and get a block of storage on the S7 I'm currently using - it's faster, more reliable and it can't go missing. I've actually lost a micro SD card in the last week after taking it out of a phone I traded in to Cex. Not a very secure setup in my opinion as they're too easy to lose, and whilst the S7 does support moving apps to SD it simply isn't as fast to load apps once they are moved there.
27 Apr 16 #139
Should do. It works with Quickcharge on my G5
27 Apr 16 #140
is this better than the iphone 6s?
27 Apr 16 #142
The g3 started on kitkat and then to lollipop and now its been updated to marshmallow.
27 Apr 16 #143
That, my friend, is known as a ****'s trick! :laughing:
27 Apr 16 #144
Just going to correct you here and say they do support quick charging, quick charging is in the usb c spec for 3A (which is why there is no need for proprietary chargers like qualcomms QC). All USB C to C cables from Anker are the required spec for this so all you need is a suitable charger which is any legit USB C charger. I have a vinsic car charger and it charges at 3A no problem with my anker cable

and my home charger I just use the provided one, I only ever end up charging it every 2 days though its insane the battery life!

Had the Nexus 6P since launch, best phone I have had in a long time and I really cannot fault it. Feels great, doesnt skip a beat (yay for Stock Android), camera is awesome and just works, battery life is the best ive had even including my OnePlus One. It definitely is a big phone though, if they released a Nexus 5P i would have gone for that but I have adapted and I may stick with it for 2 years this time. Had the Nexus 5X for 2 weeks and few people in work have the 5X, unfortunately its a totally different beast and has some pretty noticeable issues like camera failing (requiring reboot) and frequent lag drops (seems to make it worse than the original N5 in certain scenarios), which is a shame as it should be a great handset to occupy the 'cheaper' mid/high end phones.

Highly advise trying it in a store or something, if you dont like it in person it wont be for you :P

Great price btw!
27 Apr 16 2 #145
I'd really like a high-end Nexus device that isn't quite a big. But it's a good phone and a great deal, so heat.
27 Apr 16 #146
​TSB current account insurance, I had to pay £50
27 Apr 16 #147
I think I've had it with premium phones after my Sony Z3 decided to crack it's own screen last week.
27 Apr 16 #149
I bought a Nexus 5X on Friday, arrived Monday at full price.

Messaged support and they said they'd refund the £50

Also I know it's considerably cheaper elsewhere, but in my experience google support is second to none, call you back within a minute or chat online. Easy RMAs and brand new 2 year warranty starts again every time you do an RMA.
27 Apr 16 #150
27 Apr 16 #151
I would love a bit of advice from the community here.

After a number of years I am giving up on Windows phone and looking at getting my first Android phone and this one seems quite tempting. I'll be moving from a Lumia 920.

I see a lot of comments here and in the reviews saying how great it is that this phone is stock Android. To someone who has never used Android before, can I ask why in layman's terms this is such an advantage.

I was weighing up the 6p, the OnePlus2 or a galaxy s6. For me it is all about deciding which of the features I am used to that I am prepared to give up in moving across from a series of Nokia phones. Wireless charging and OIS for great video quality (both of which the s6 has that this one doesn't) and the temptation of dual sim in the OnePlus2.

The great advantage of the 6p over the others seems to be 'stock android', so any explanation of why this is so important would be great. I will be looking to keep the phone for 3 years ideally.
Evouk to Flake99
27 Apr 16 1 #153
Basically stock Android is just that...stock. Unlike other manufacturers stock Android doesn't have any other add ons or bloatware built into the system that you usually can't remove unless you root your phone. Another change to the stock Android experience is the system UI, Samsung has Touchwiz, LG has LG UI etc etc. These basically take the stock image and add their own 'take' on the system that they believe their customer wants. Not everyone likes this and not all system add ons can be changed or removed. But it is possible to run a overlay to make it look more like stock Android like Nova, Apex etc etc.
27 Apr 16 #154
I'm **** that I bought the g4 in December now. Its got so many problems.
I'm even more **** that my phone may get the bootloop issue soon.
I did buy it off Amazon though and they are nice when it comes to refunds.
if my g4 bootloops I'll be like **** THIS PHONE, refund it and buy a 6p instead.
I should've never left nexus and stock android.
**** LG.
Evouk to itsover9000jz
27 Apr 16 #156
Just out of interest what does your serial/build number start with?
27 Apr 16 #155
I'd agree that the system UI isn't the best but it still runs Marshmallow after all. Yes battery life isn't as good as the N6P but you got to remember the difference in capacity. I'm surprised that the LG G5 has a lesser battery than the G4, BUT you've got to remember unlike the Nexus it's removable! For some that is still a massive feature that only a few phones still have.
27 Apr 16 #157
27 Apr 16 #158
Yep....most 505 to 509, possibly 510 have or will have the bootloop issue.
27 Apr 16 3 #159
Great explanation. This is exactly why after buying a HTC M8, I moved right back to my Nexus 4 and kept that up until this March when I replaced it with a 6P. The HTC was full of bloatware and there were features I liked on my Nexus that HTC didn't feel were necessary, so they removed them.

To add to the above quote, Nexus devices get Android updates first, if that matters to you.
27 Apr 16 #160
Very true Thar. That was one of things I did like about Nexus phones.:smiley:
27 Apr 16 #161
They made it far too easy for me to buy one.
Had all my card details and address saved so I add phone to basket and confirm order. Didn't even ask for my 3 number CCV code.
Hope it comes Friday or Saturday as I am at home.
Thar to trickytree
28 Apr 16 1 #162
For info. I ordered mine on a Friday night and it arrived via Parcel Force on the following Monday.
28 Apr 16 #163
​Should I just return it now? I should be able to since it's got other issues too. I'm sure I'll be able to since I returned my g3 around 7 months after I got it.
28 Apr 16 #165
Car Phone Warehouse has now reduced it to £419.99, so can't beat this deal
Thar to cullies
28 Apr 16 #178
Which model? As they have been selling the 32Gb for £399 plus £10 top up for a while.
28 Apr 16 #166
​i do have N5 now.. perfect phone... but the power button sucks. when i click the power button.. it just says "power off" and then shuts down. Hope they fixed this issue in 6P.
28 Apr 16 #168
Ordered 64gb in aluminium, haven't spent this much on a phone since the iPhone 4 so any discount is appreciated!
28 Apr 16 #169
Bought one to replace the BlackBerry Passport. Seen / read plenty of reviews on this phone and all highly recommend it. Arrived today, speedy delivery and what a great price - went for the 64GB version .... just because. Heat added.
28 Apr 16 #170
Just bought one. Very excited for its arrival! :smiley: Hot, hot, hot! :smile:
28 Apr 16 #171
After days of trying to decide I've finally ordered one. Only downside is I've got to wait until next week to get it. Nevermind, it'll hopefully be worth it. Thanks for posting OP.
28 Apr 16 1 #172
Ordered mine Tuesday it came today not bad just need to off load my iPhone 6s now oh check out Mobdro you can get all TVs channels and then some for free
28 Apr 16 #173
Well it depends on what issues your having tbh. If it's bootlooping LG will repair it free of charge. What other issues are you getting? Are you on lollipop or marshmallow? Have you tried a factory reset?
28 Apr 16 #174
​Other issues are photos won't download from chrome and Google photos doesn't work properly.
I'm pretty sure if it bootloops I can just ask Amazon for a refund. Then im probably gonna buy a 6p
28 Apr 16 #175
Great deal wish this was around when i bought mine
28 Apr 16 #177
28 Apr 16 #179
64gb Graphite is back in stock right now.
28 Apr 16 #180
Great deal I have a n5 previously had htc one m8 contracts up in the next few months so checking what deals are out there. My only problem with the 6p is the size heard htc may be making the new nexus devices this year hope they make a phone like the nexus 5 with boom sound speakers I'll be sold at that. I do like what the 6p offers
28 Apr 16 #181
29 Apr 16 #182
I put the first Android N image on and found it a bit unreliable, and no bluetooth streaming to the car, unsure if these got fixed with the last release a few weeks back.
29 Apr 16 1 #183
After being given an estimated delivery date of next week it arrived this morning! It’s an amazing device and not too big for my pockets. It’s just going through the many updates now.

Only issue is the power button seems to keep sticking so may need to get it swapped if it doesn’t loosen up over the next few days. Other than that the build quality seems very good.
29 Apr 16 #184
30 Apr 16 #185
Guys Im worried my g4 will bootloop soon. Should I just return it and get the 6p?
30 Apr 16 #186
What do you mean it will boot loop? Is it suck on repeat on booting up or something?
30 Apr 16 #187
anyone recommend a cheap but good screen protector and case for this
30 Apr 16 #188
I just bought a cheap jel case from Ebay that came with a tempered glass screen protector £2.99 delivered, well you did say cheap!. It was just to tide me over but I'm still using them.
30 Apr 16 1 #189
Guys, by the end of the year it will be even cheaper or there will be a better one available for the same price right?
1 May 16 #190
Why worry if it hasn't happened? I doubt they'd let you return it if the fault hasn't shown. I bought two 509's in October and they've both been fine. This isn't really the place to discuss this. There is a long thread about the G4 on here but even if you read it all, you'll still come to the same conclusion, you can't return a handset for a fault that hasn't shown yet.
1 May 16 #191
Damn, I bought one of these for 7p the other day ¬_¬
1 May 16 #192
Used the one below on mine since November. [email protected] Did buy a glass screen protector but actually never put it on the phone and so far no issues without one.
2 May 16 1 #193
I've never understood this. You drop £400 - £550 on a new phone, then people look to buy the cheapest case possible to protect it. Surely it's worth spending £15 - £30 to protect such a device?
3 May 16 #194
Whats a good colour to go for? Tempted to get the gold one. I've read that the graphite can get finger prints easily.
3 May 16 1 #195
​bought gold.. awesome
3 May 16 #196
I really wanted gold but it was OOS when I got mine so I went for aluminium.
4 May 16 #197
I'm undecided on either aluminium or frost
4 May 16 #198
Been after one of these for ages, but have been waiting for the price to drop. Kept thinking shall I get it or no and then it was a choice of graphite or gold. Just bit the bullet and went for the gold 64gb:) . Ordered and now have to play the waiting game
5 May 16 #199
Great price - wouldn't hesitate normally but need a phone for the weekend so looks like I've left it too late to order given the turnaround times on the item page.
5 May 16 1 #200
Maybe not. I ordered mine at 1pm last Thursday and it was with me by 10am the next morning. It's a great phone!
6 May 16 #201
Has this offer ended? Just tried to click through and no discount applied. At what stage does it appear? And is it on all combinations, or just certain ones?

I'm literally at the place order point so don't think I could go any further!
6 May 16 #202
Looks like it's finished, it did say until 6th but I assumed midnight tonight.
there's £30 off a huawei watch instead at checkout :disappointed:
6 May 16 #203
I'm so please I bought this! Ordered on the 5th and it arrived today. Got a frost 64gb version. The phone is beautiful and premium all round! I love the look, quality, everything and the haptic feedback for typing is bloody excellent! :smiley:
6 May 16 #204
I managed to get this deal so really happy but anyone know how long warranty we get ?
7 May 16 #205
I was tempted to order at this price. But the phone is now 6-7 months old and things have moved on.
7 May 16 #206
It's hard to find out on line but the warranty card inside states 24 months for the host (handset), 12 for the charger, and 6 for the battery.
7 May 16 #207
Anyone know if there's gonna be more deals like this in the future?
7 May 16 #208
My 64gb gold has arrived
7 May 16 #209
Regretting not going for this. However, I'm guessing that it will be available again at this price before too long.
7 May 16 #210
Love mine glad I switched from the iPhone 6s to this
7 May 16 #211
That makes no sense?
24 May 16 #212
Wishing I went for this when it was on! :disappointed:
4 Jun 16 #213
You seen this?
4 Jun 16 #214
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