Seems like a bargain for six albums. Pretty sure it's a mistake because it is normally £49.99.
Top comments
5 Apr 166#8
First three albums are phenomenal. There's a massive drop in quality afterwards.
5 Apr 164#1
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5 Apr 164#24
This deal should buuuurn like the sun, I can't look away.
5 Apr 163#9
Cold, iTunes is awful.
All comments (72)
5 Apr 164#1
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5 Apr 161#2
Haha I just spotted it myself.
5 Apr 16#3
Nice thanks!
5 Apr 161#4
Great, thanks
5 Apr 16#5
Won't last long!
Struggling to download so must be popular!
5 Apr 16#6
Great spot. Bought quick in case a misprice
5 Apr 16#7
If I hadn't gotten their albums already, I'd be getting these..
Would be good for those newer Muse fans to enjoy their earlier albums, especially Origins of Symmetry..
mark_trev to scrozuk
5 Apr 16#14
I'm the same, but I fancied them all in digital form - to save wearing out the vinyl's! :stuck_out_tongue:
Shame the new musers wont get hullabaloo in this set
5 Apr 166#8
First three albums are phenomenal. There's a massive drop in quality afterwards.
alex_dis to Dmack81
5 Apr 16#32
When your main schtick is composing over-the-top space-rock operas, then there's always a danger you may disappear up your own a*se.
This is what has happened to Muse. Everything up to and including 'Black Holes...' was great.
5 Apr 163#9
Cold, iTunes is awful.
5 Apr 16#10
Good band and IMO the latest album is their strongest effort yet. Also liked OoS.
5 Apr 161#11
Download complete, bargain! Thanks op.
5 Apr 16#12
£4.50 for Showbiz, OoS, Absolution and BHaR
49p for The resistance
What do you want that last penny for?
5 Apr 161#13
great spot! all downloaded have some heat!
5 Apr 161#15
Nice. Cheers op. Heat added
5 Apr 162#16
First three albums are great. Early b-sides are good too. After that it spirals into terribleness.
Spirals Into Terribleness is their next album title, I think.
5 Apr 16#17
Is there anyway to pay for these while not at home with no access to iTunes?
I'm on Android :-(
5 Apr 16#18
Thanks, just bought :smiley:
5 Apr 161#19
Many thanks steve81... just bought!
5 Apr 16#20
This should be nuclear hot. Great find. Can't grumble for less than the cost of a steak dinner.
5 Apr 163#21
Can't believe Black Holes & Revelations isn't getting more love...I agree that their last few albums have been hit and miss, but I thought BH & R was one of their strongest.
5 Apr 161#22
Super Massive Hot Deal, if you factor in the regular iTunes offers and topcashback click through, probably £4 after those.
5 Apr 16#23
Awesome purchased :smiley:
The versions on my iTunes got compressed badly when I had a iPod Shuffle (converting to 128 AAC files to try and save space). Got these to replace my old versions.
Only pain is trying to merge the old play count data with these new tracks...
5 Apr 164#24
This deal should buuuurn like the sun, I can't look away.
nublets2k to wozstein1106
5 Apr 161#29
Alright don't get hysterical.
5 Apr 16#25
Just bought it to see what the fuss is about, heard a couple of songs on radio, but not to sure about them to be honest, can anyone recommend some tracks for me.
lukeo44 to mjrichardson1
5 Apr 16#31
Plug in Baby
Stockholm Syndrome
Feeling Good
Time is running out
bknight629 to mjrichardson1
5 Apr 16#34
Here goes... (IMO of course):
Citizen Erased
Dead Star
Knights of Cydonia
Map of the Problematique
The Handler
Stockholm Syndrome
Take a Bow
And countless other classics (New Born, Bliss, TIRO, Sunburn etc)
That ought to be enough for now!
ohblobbything to mjrichardson1
5 Apr 16#36
Check out 'Dead Inside' from new album.
Plug In Baby from 2nd album is also outstanding.
5 Apr 16#26
I don't know how but I only paid £4 when purchased through the itunes store. Just offered it to me at that price even though it showed £4.99 beneath!?!
5 Apr 161#27
Saw them live on Sunday at the O2. Fantastic show!
scrozuk to porradude
5 Apr 16#39
Me too, so am going back to see them again next week with my eldest, he needs to see them in concert!
5 Apr 16#28
This is Muse-ic to my ears! :smirk:
sonia leigh
5 Apr 16#30
Fab find my son going to their concert on Saturday perfect for him thank you x
5 Apr 16#33
I realise this is the definition of a first world problem, however it annoys me that when you play a song it shows the album and the album artwork as 'six studio albums' - is there a quick and easy way to make it show the individual album covers and names instead? Or at least the album covers? It ever so briefly showed the Showbiz image before showing the Six Studio Albums image.
5 Apr 16#35
Unlistenable shyte!! Good deal though....
5 Apr 16#37
Great list. Handler is a beast.
5 Apr 16#38
Thanks, I'll give those a go. Much appreciated
5 Apr 16#40
Thanks everyone for your recommendations.
5 Apr 16#41
5 Apr 16#42
There is no last penny, £4.50 + 49p is the whole amount, so 2nd Law is actually worthless.
But I agree, first four albums are great, Resistance is cack, I didn't bother with 2nd Law as it sounded awful.
Drones however, is a return to form.
5 Apr 162#43
Drones is a great album apart from the random interludes like JFK and Drill Sergeant. Agree with most everyone's favourites but Bliss is a particular favourite. Matt Bellamy's singing in that track is incredible.
5 Apr 161#44
Thanks OP, can't go wrong with £4.99 for six albums.
5 Apr 161#45
Bought, cheers OP ! :man:
5 Apr 16#46
Muse appeal to two distinct fan groups: Afficionados who can name all the early B sides and more general rock fans who love a rousing, moshtastic anthem but aren't fond of 8 minute works of art played in alternating time signatures on intriguingly tuned 7 string guitars. You can easily spot the difference at any gig where Citizen Erased is played: the holy grail to afficionados, an excuse for a chat and a toilet visit to the general fans.
Afficianados will already have their very personal top tens (except CE is an ALL of them).
New listeners might like to try the following, in order of recency:
Mercy (from "Drones", a big hit on the current tour)
Supremacy (from "The 2nd Law" - proto Bond theme that opened the Brits a couple of years ago)
Undisclosed Desires (from "The Resistance" - they're fans of a synth ballad on the quiet)
Supermassive Black Hole (from "Black Holes & Revelations" - a Prince tribute as enjoyed in the Tardis by Amy and Rory)
Knights of Cydonia (from "Black Holes & Revelations" - perennial bounce-along space-western set closer)
Time Is Running Out (from "Absolution" - another ever-present thanks to its insanely irresistible sing-along appeal)
Hysteria (from "Absolution" - instantly recognisable powerful bass intro)
New Born (from "Origin of Symmetry" - Matt Bellamy loves to blend some grand piano with the heavy guitar riffs)
Plug In Baby (from "Origin of Symmetry" - banned from guitar shops up and down the land)
Unintended (from "Showbiz" - accomplished acoustic ballad that still sounds fresh almost 20 years on)
5 Apr 16#47
I'd pay £4.99 to stop the "singer" whining. It sounds like he is in pain. Hot deal if you like them tho
5 Apr 16#48
was never really in to muse, at all...Saw them live at glasto a few years ago and dear lord they were amazing!
5 Apr 16#49
Great post! Couldn't have put it much better myself.
5 Apr 16#50
Depends what you like. People are moaning saying that they spiraled downwards after Absolution. Well maybe if you're into the heavier stuff. If you like the more 'pop' stuff then I would listen to The Resistance and Black Holes and Revelations. I love the first 5 albums. Highlight songs being: Showbiz, Muscle Museum, New Born, Bliss, Plug in Baby, Dark Shines, Feeling Good, Time is Running Out, Hysteria, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Starlight, Exo-Politics, Knights of Cydonia, Map of the Problematique, Uprising, Undisclosed Desires, Unnatural Selection.
5 Apr 16#51
Go an see them on their drones tour. Might change that opinion of yours!
5 Apr 16#52
Such a similar list of favourite songs. I had the pleasure of seeing them at the O2 onm Sunday, without a doubt the best musical performance I have ever seen!!
5 Apr 16#53
I've pirated all their stuff for years, time to give them some money.
5 Apr 16#54
Thanks op! Love muse !
5 Apr 16#55
Got lucky at Birmingham on Saturday, got Citizen Erased and Stockholm Syndrome :smiley:
5 Apr 16#56
Great find OP, heat from me!
5 Apr 16#57
Fantastic! Thanks OP :smile:
5 Apr 16#58
Itunes tho
5 Apr 16#59
I'm actually seeing them next week at the O2. Not as big a fan of their later stuff but they do put on a hell of a show.
5 Apr 16#60
Been a huge fan for years. Origin of Symmetry has long been my favourite album ever, with New Born a strong contender for favourite song.
Showbiz to Black Holes are all great albums. Thereafter, not so much. Used to see them at least once on every album tour and a couple of arena gigs (seen them about 7 times) but Drones REALLY put me off and I just haven't bothered the last couple of years.
So get this, behold one of the finest British rock bands to ever grace this earth and just pretend Drones never happened.
5 Apr 16#61
I went on Sunday, you are in for such a treeat!!!
5 Apr 161#62
Showing as £49.99 on iTunes
5 Apr 16#63
Still showing £4.99 on phone but won't let me download it. Says item is being modified. £49.99 on iPad
5 Apr 161#64
Typical! Just logged in to iTunes to get this and it's back up to full price!
Ah well, congrats to everyone who managed to pick these albums up for £4.99
5 Apr 16#65
Looks like it's been fixed now, lasted longer than I expected.
5 Apr 16#66
When I click view in itunes it takes me to the apple music page with no link to buy the songs but when I search it in iTunes it says £49.99, someone please help I really want to get these!
5 Apr 16#67
edit: ffs
5 Apr 16#68
Hope so. Seen them a fair few times in the past and they've always delivered.
5 Apr 16#69
Got it, but now under purchases on my ipod I only see 15 tracks :/ how do I get it to display all of them so I can chose which to dl?
5 Apr 161#70
Currently 5th in the UK iTunes Album Charts! Well done HUKD ;D
5 Apr 16#71
OP deserves a medal!
19 Apr 16#72
I had the same issue; found that the only way to amend them was to modify them album by album in iTunes to remove the grouping and the disc numbers... Took a couple of goes for it to "stick" but they're now showing properly on my phone too :smiley:
Opening post
Top comments
All comments (72)
Struggling to download so must be popular!
Would be good for those newer Muse fans to enjoy their earlier albums, especially Origins of Symmetry..
Shame the new musers wont get hullabaloo in this set
This is what has happened to Muse. Everything up to and including 'Black Holes...' was great.
49p for The resistance
What do you want that last penny for?
Spirals Into Terribleness is their next album title, I think.
I'm on Android :-(
The versions on my iTunes got compressed badly when I had a iPod Shuffle (converting to 128 AAC files to try and save space). Got these to replace my old versions.
Only pain is trying to merge the old play count data with these new tracks...
Stockholm Syndrome
Feeling Good
Time is running out
Citizen Erased
Dead Star
Knights of Cydonia
Map of the Problematique
The Handler
Stockholm Syndrome
Take a Bow
And countless other classics (New Born, Bliss, TIRO, Sunburn etc)
That ought to be enough for now!
Plug In Baby from 2nd album is also outstanding.
But I agree, first four albums are great, Resistance is cack, I didn't bother with 2nd Law as it sounded awful.
Drones however, is a return to form.
Afficianados will already have their very personal top tens (except CE is an ALL of them).
New listeners might like to try the following, in order of recency:
Mercy (from "Drones", a big hit on the current tour)
Supremacy (from "The 2nd Law" - proto Bond theme that opened the Brits a couple of years ago)
Undisclosed Desires (from "The Resistance" - they're fans of a synth ballad on the quiet)
Supermassive Black Hole (from "Black Holes & Revelations" - a Prince tribute as enjoyed in the Tardis by Amy and Rory)
Knights of Cydonia (from "Black Holes & Revelations" - perennial bounce-along space-western set closer)
Time Is Running Out (from "Absolution" - another ever-present thanks to its insanely irresistible sing-along appeal)
Hysteria (from "Absolution" - instantly recognisable powerful bass intro)
New Born (from "Origin of Symmetry" - Matt Bellamy loves to blend some grand piano with the heavy guitar riffs)
Plug In Baby (from "Origin of Symmetry" - banned from guitar shops up and down the land)
Unintended (from "Showbiz" - accomplished acoustic ballad that still sounds fresh almost 20 years on)
Showbiz to Black Holes are all great albums. Thereafter, not so much. Used to see them at least once on every album tour and a couple of arena gigs (seen them about 7 times) but Drones REALLY put me off and I just haven't bothered the last couple of years.
So get this, behold one of the finest British rock bands to ever grace this earth and just pretend Drones never happened.
Ah well, congrats to everyone who managed to pick these albums up for £4.99