Didn't really enjoy the multiplayer beta, it just felt off. I get the feeling this will be sub £25 within a month or so, think I'll wait. But heat regardless :smiley:
DaveWallace to vig1lante
27 Apr 16#5
I'm buying it for the single-player campaign, and everything I've seen from that feels good so far. We'll see I guess. Having this and Uncharted 4 hit in the same week is going to be a killer!
27 Apr 162#4
Il buy it, thrash the SP then sell a few days later, don't care about MP
27 Apr 16#6
Do rakuten/SimplyGames take payment on order or dispatch?
DaveWallace to DEELZ
27 Apr 161#8
I think with it going through Rakuten it will be on order.
27 Apr 161#7
so many games in such a short space a time coming out....
I have uncharted 4 preorder from a Tesco doubling up deal thing and have a stock pile of recent purchases but I do love a bit of doom.
Money is not the issue... hours in the day is!
petersalvin to joanddan7
28 Apr 16#17
Tescos double up is stopping soon
27 Apr 16#9
Just tried to order using code but the order won't go through. I used the code yesterday for Uncharted 4 but thought you could use the code more than once
lyricalrom to joerob1972
27 Apr 16#10
i used it more than once
27 Apr 16#11
A weird hybrid shooter that feels more like Quake or Unreal than Doom but hey, its made clearly for console fans more used to COD.
UltimatePhoenix to aibon
27 Apr 161#12
I got the feel of Quake and Doom but without the decent jumping and the fact there is loadouts makes it more like COD and BF
27 Apr 16#13
Having loadouts means that none of the weapons seem to be that powerful, rocket launcher in your loadout? its just wrong and totally not Doom. I understand they want to reward casual players with the chance to get some kills but doom is about getting good, not a randomly placed super gun that happens to spawn right next to you
27 Apr 16#14
I thought they had changed the crappy box art?
27 Apr 16#15
I'm waiting for the reviews.... 2nd choice after Uncharted 4
27 Apr 16#16
Good price now, but I expect it will be less than £30 soon after launch
28 Apr 16#18
Thanks, mate. Ordered and heat
28 Apr 16#19
I cant see anywhere to enter code on shipping or payment page?! now showing as £38.85. HELP PLEASE?!
30 Apr 16#20
£31 Argentina store. Use proxy for Vietnam.
I with most of you guys. Bets multiplayer felt and looked terrible. Though looking forward to single player campaign.
DaveWallace to castley1
2 May 16#21
That's quite a lot to shell out for a digital copy with no resale value. Based on comments about the game that I've seen so far, I think a physical copy is probably a safer bet.
2 May 16#22
under £16 each when taking gamesharing into account
12 May 16#23
My copy came last night, two days early (thanks SimplyGames!).
I've given it a quick whirl for an hour or so and... it feels like Doom. The fast pace and simple, adrenaline-pumping gameplay of the originals mixed with the aesthetic of Doom 3 (more or less).
It's straight into the action with very little in the way of story so far, but at the same time there have been a couple of hints of doing something fairly interesting that may tie the story of this game back into the earlier ones (or may not, who knows).
Oh, and the sound design is ace - a modern update of the old games, both in terms of the jagged music and the sfx (remember that feeling of dread when you suddenly hear an imp hiss out of nowhere? That's back.) In fact, there's a real sense that this has been made for Doom fans of old, above all. (Is it sad that I felt a nostalgic thrill when I realised I had to find a blue keycard?)
There have been some innovations though - there's a 'glory kill' system that lets you perform special takedowns on enemies that are close to death (in return for extra health) and there's more weapon modification than I remember in a Doom game before.
At its heart though it seems to be pretty focused on making you keep moving at all times and have to be ready for a fight at any moment. Which is as it should be. :smiley:
Opening post
Released on 13th May. Includes Pre-Order Bonus Demon Multiplayer Pack DLC.
Xbox One link in first post.
All comments (23)
I have uncharted 4 preorder from a Tesco doubling up deal thing and have a stock pile of recent purchases but I do love a bit of doom.
Money is not the issue... hours in the day is!
I with most of you guys. Bets multiplayer felt and looked terrible. Though looking forward to single player campaign.
I've given it a quick whirl for an hour or so and... it feels like Doom. The fast pace and simple, adrenaline-pumping gameplay of the originals mixed with the aesthetic of Doom 3 (more or less).
It's straight into the action with very little in the way of story so far, but at the same time there have been a couple of hints of doing something fairly interesting that may tie the story of this game back into the earlier ones (or may not, who knows).
Oh, and the sound design is ace - a modern update of the old games, both in terms of the jagged music and the sfx (remember that feeling of dread when you suddenly hear an imp hiss out of nowhere? That's back.) In fact, there's a real sense that this has been made for Doom fans of old, above all. (Is it sad that I felt a nostalgic thrill when I realised I had to find a blue keycard?)
There have been some innovations though - there's a 'glory kill' system that lets you perform special takedowns on enemies that are close to death (in return for extra health) and there's more weapon modification than I remember in a Doom game before.
At its heart though it seems to be pretty focused on making you keep moving at all times and have to be ready for a fight at any moment. Which is as it should be. :smiley: