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Creepy kids training urinal at Banggood for £6.97
4 stars +382

Creepy kids training urinal at Banggood for £6.97

£6.97 BangGood28 Apr 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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27 Apr 16
This is either the creepiest or the coolest thing I ever saw in my whole life.

It's a training urinal so your toddler can learn to pee like a big boy.... - suckers stick it to the wall, so you can adjust the height. Based on the floor around the urinals at my office, I think some adults might benefit from one of these too...

It's Banggood, so delivery before the zombie apocalypse is possible, but by no means guaranteed and customer service... meeh :)
Top comments
27 Apr 16 9 #9
I stumbled across a 'breast milk baby doll' in the toy section of Amazon the other day...
you can also buy a top to encourage your breast milk baby doll to suckle :confused:
Maybe we need a 'creepy items' thread :laughing:
27 Apr 16 7 #12
Make the kids sit down to do urine or poo so they learn to do it properly inside the toilet
27 Apr 16 6 #4
Have some heat for an entertaining description :smiley:
27 Apr 16 5 #8
That kid in the picture has good aim. I still manage to miss when I'm practically merged with a urinal! :laughing:
All comments (74)
27 Apr 16 2 #1
Omg! I so nearly bought one!
27 Apr 16 1 #2
why kids wud do well on our building site for some
27 Apr 16 4 #3
Wtf :confused:
27 Apr 16 6 #4
Have some heat for an entertaining description :smiley:
27 Apr 16 4 #5
So its a urinal for creepy kids, form an orderly queue..............
27 Apr 16 5 #6
Would be great to have seen judge's reaction to this if it had been on Dragon's Den.
27 Apr 16 2 #7
On long journeys you could stick one on a car in a lay by
27 Apr 16 5 #8
That kid in the picture has good aim. I still manage to miss when I'm practically merged with a urinal! :laughing:
27 Apr 16 9 #9
I stumbled across a 'breast milk baby doll' in the toy section of Amazon the other day...
you can also buy a top to encourage your breast milk baby doll to suckle :confused:
Maybe we need a 'creepy items' thread :laughing:
27 Apr 16 3 #10
:neutral_face: and we say why children are getting messed up some weirdos are making some sick items whats next sex pretend toys for kids :confused:
27 Apr 16 3 #11
Jesus from 5+! Can kids not be kids anymore???
27 Apr 16 7 #12
Make the kids sit down to do urine or poo so they learn to do it properly inside the toilet
g8spur to argosextra
28 Apr 16 1 #18
That's useful isn't it when he grows up without the ability to use public toilets bscause of some ridiculous conditioning.
Godspeed to argosextra
28 Apr 16 1 #36
27 Apr 16 #13
Ha ha ha brilliant!! Heat
27 Apr 16 #14
hahaha hope the kid has good aim!.... if not a very busy person cleaning up after them and a very stinky bathroom!... putting it nicely :smiley:
27 Apr 16 4 #15
​omg too much :confused:
27 Apr 16 2 #16
I know, I think I went into shock for a while when I saw it
28 Apr 16 1 #17
yeah it gets weirder every day
28 Apr 16 #19
I don't understand it's not April the first
28 Apr 16 #20
my ex bought my little boy one of these round and I was a little lost for words, it's not a whole unit either we didn't bother and I gave it to the charity shop ( after explaining it wasn't my purchase)
28 Apr 16 1 #21
just weird but then so is his father
28 Apr 16 1 #22
None of us had these ridiculous contraptions when we were kids and we managed pretty well. Ludicrous
28 Apr 16 2 #23
Far too weird for 7.30am, far too weird for any time of day.
28 Apr 16 3 #24
I'm going to buy one to see if I can train my male dog to use this. Save me getting up at ridiculous o'clock to let him out for a pee! :smile:
28 Apr 16 1 #25
28 Apr 16 1 #26
I'm not suggesting that I'm critising the suggestion that children should be made to sit to wee "properly".
28 Apr 16 #27
Us women could use this with a she wee
28 Apr 16 2 #28
Might get this for myself in the man cave
fivegoldstars to benjammin316
28 Apr 16 2 #29
Meh. An empty beer bottle is cheaper.
Then tell everyone it's Fosters.
28 Apr 16 2 #30
Ordered one for the newly refurbished pub nearby. They install it, unaware that the sight of a giant green demon's maw trying to chew off a drunkard's knob will terrify the poor sod into spraying uncontrollably everywhere...
28 Apr 16 2 #31
They have missed a trick.... It should really have a tablet holder and cup holder.
28 Apr 16 2 #32
Brilliant idea. You can move it higher and higher up the wall for training. Then, when your kid goes to school he will boss the 'how high can you **** up the wall' competition in the school lavs.
28 Apr 16 #33
If those eyes were push led lights it would be perfect for those midnight runs :smiley:
28 Apr 16 #34
I love it have some Heat :stuck_out_tongue:
28 Apr 16 #35
They have already sold 3,226.

So if you thought your business idea was doomed to failure...
28 Apr 16 #37
dam my sons too old now and can pee okay lol.
28 Apr 16 #38
Any good for the non binary amongst us!!
28 Apr 16 #39
Why don't we just sell dolls without bottles too!!!!
28 Apr 16 1 #40
I don't think they're creepy or weird. They may be weird to females who aren't used to seeing them. Could be used in conjunction with traditional potty. I don't think they're essential or even necessary, but for less than a tenner it's probably more appealing and exciting for little boys than peeing in their nappy.
28 Apr 16 1 #41
My boys using this at the moment and doing really well with it. Like an old man with one arm against the wall whilst doing the business with the other. I'm so proud.
28 Apr 16 #42
I still struggle to see the huge benefit of standing up to wee as opposed to sitting down. Surely its some conspiracy so that men's toilets can get away with a bare minimum of cubicles! :neutral_face:
28 Apr 16 #43
:confused: love the picture! Kid trying to make the shot!
28 Apr 16 #44
So why do I have to stand in a puddle of p**s every time I use public toilet?

And don't get me started on (not) washing hands..
28 Apr 16 #45
Given that our public bogs are now proudly omnisexual, this is clearly the means by which we can train men and women of the future alike to use the same kind of orifice while maintaining the maximum amount of public exposure for the genetically uncertain to more consider the biological convenience of anatomical modification on a practical level.
28 Apr 16 #46
Some of the comments jeez. You don't have to own one. But the benefits so far have been.

1) He enjoys peeing into it. Bonus encouragement!

2)If he wants to go whilst someone is using it. Again bonus.

3) easy to clean

4) Hasn't missed in it so far as if you put it at the correct height just shouldn't be an issue.

5) really easy to empty down the toilet.

6) and like someone mentioned maybe in jest but also true. When they meet a urinal, because they will! He will go hey I've used one of these before. Except it hasn't got the little thing that spins round when i pee on it.
mighty mugger
28 Apr 16 1 #47
I personally think this deal is taking the p**s :wink:
28 Apr 16 #48
Anyone know if Banggood will be getting any more supplies of the Sharia Hole-in-the-Floor with the One-Handed Washbasin? I can think of a couple of specialist fast food outlets in my town who could use them. Poor **** have to rely on a dark corner of the alley or recess next to their shops and a milk bottle of tap water at the moment. Simply awful that we Brits force them into such squalid conditions while splashing out (pardon the pun) on novelty slashbar's for our kids - especially when those 'training' items only serve to reinforce archaic and traditional notions of gender and binary interpretations of anatomy, instead of teaching them the various possibilities from the youngest age and letting them decide at a later stage when they can best handle the impact of their choice.
28 Apr 16 2 #49
I thought it was s##t, but my wife pointed out the error of my ways. She said it clearly explains her need to clean the bathroom twice a day.
28 Apr 16 #50
Public toilets that have **** all over it you should go in and use the main toilet with the door I know I would. Standing up is wetting all over it needs a cleaning job afterwards sitting down you can do it directly inside. Do you poo standing up in a public toilet by the way no sitting down so move your bum next time and do it sitting down it will also help the person who cleans up for you.
28 Apr 16 2 #51
Ok that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
28 Apr 16 #52
Why's the little lad got his finger up his bum??
28 Apr 16 #53
Disgusting why are you even zooming to look :confused:
28 Apr 16 #54
It is perfectly natural for a child to feed a baby with a bottle.
Simulating breast suckling is just creepy. :confused:
28 Apr 16 #55
I have one and it's the worst thing ever, it never sticks to the wall and your forever cleaning up **** from the floor
28 Apr 16 #56
Heat for funny description and good price lol.
28 Apr 16 #57
my kids sit on the toilet, but in schools they stand up.
the smell is horrible if they stand up at home !
all boys stand up in schools and leave a drop on seat, so iv told mine to stand up.
28 Apr 16 2 #58
Wait, you mean to say you don't do this when you wee?
28 Apr 16 #59
We got my son one of these, to encourage him coming to toilet train, at 7 and still in nappies will try anything now, but the size in that photo is very misleading they are very small, they don't stick to the walls very well...

But I had to have a go at spinning its klacker! Mum was not impressed! :smirk:
28 Apr 16 #60
Unless it's a rant from a bog cleaner.
28 Apr 16 #61
​Creepy if you think breastfeeding is creepy, maybe.
28 Apr 16 1 #62
Not at all, breastfeeding is perfectly natural... however children breastfeeding is creepy.
28 Apr 16 #63
I'm sure lots of grown men also need a bit of practice at hitting the target.
28 Apr 16 1 #64
Though - ever since time has begun little girls have "fed" baby dolls with a toy bottle. We should certainly be doing more to promote breastfeeding in the minds and hearts of the average person, so it becomes a socially acceptable thing to do. I think the way to achieve that is to be more accepting of public breastfeeding to create an environment where women can do so without some old man complaining and showing them to the toilet.
28 Apr 16 1 #65
Wonder how you empty it? I wouldn't fancy pulling the suckers from the wall while it was full! :confused:
28 Apr 16 1 #66
BOSSES of Barton Grange Garden Centre (Preston) are flushed with success after winning first prize in an international garden centre toilet award.!/image/3109113779.jpg_gen/derivatives/articleMaxWidth_620/3109113779.jpg
28 Apr 16 #67
The front comes away from the unit you then pour down the toilet. Still don't get what's weird about it. And mine has stuck to the wall no problem with the suckers. Some strange folk in this thread.
28 Apr 16 #68
The front comes away from the unit you then pour down the toilet. Still don't get what's weird about it. And mine has stuck to the wall no problem with the suckers. Some strange folk in this thread. This has only been of benefit to my boy as he doesn't like using the potty to pee.
30 Apr 16 #69
​ :confused::disappointed:
1 May 16 #70
Ha ha, I obviously didn't. That's a cheap shot.
1 May 16 #71
​Ha ha, I obviously didn't. That's a cheap shot.
9 May 16 #72
That comment you just made, is what makes it creepy. Bottle is not natural way of feeding children. Breast is natural way of feeding. Man invented the bottle, not the boob. ;-)
9 May 16 #73
YES, but children don't have milk producing boobs do they!
A child can feed a baby with a bottle in the real world..... but it cant feed a baby with it's boobs can it.
I'm not disputing that breast feeding is the most natural way of feeding a baby... it's just not a natural way for a child to feed a baby.
28 Jun 16 #74
I want one of these for my bathroom.

I can't promise I won't take a sh*t in there though
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