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Connect 10" Windows 10 tablet (refurb: grade A) - £42.49 @ Rakuten (Luzern Tech) with code
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26 Apr 16
Another code deal but a great price for this 10" Windows 10 tablet :)
£2.45 back in points and 6% TCB :)
Top comments
26 Apr 16 4 #36
Horses for courses FFS!
Why does every tablet, phone & console thread turn into a bloody fanboy soapbox?
All formats have their merits, you make a decision based on your requirements and your budget - you don't have to justify your choices by slagging off the opposition :disappointed:
26 Apr 16 4 #30
​a locked platform is the future
26 Apr 16 4 #8
This is a budget tablet thread.
We understand that something 4-5 times this price will likely be better.
Latest comments (53)
8 Jul 16 #53
Good housekeeping :smiley:
6 May 16 1 #51
I had that once, anti biotics sorted it though.
5 May 16 1 #50
Just a quick update to this, got my tablet recently, have tried it with xbox one streaming and it works like a charm, pretty happy with my £40 impulse buy.
5 May 16 #49
Well I'm amongst the many who have grasped the fact that Apple are going down..when an investor like Carl Icahn dumps 2 billion USD of Apple stocks on live TV, one knows where the company is headed.
5 May 16 #48
The iPad mini 2 (retina)is hardly a "very poor screen", it just has worse color saturation than the mini 4. It's signicantly superior to this Windows tablet's screen even with the use of the cheaper panel.

Also, just because something is designed so intuitively that a child can use it doesn't make it any worse for an adult to use. Likewise, just because something is difficult and complicated doesn't make it good. Not that I expect you to grasp that.
28 Apr 16 #46
Actually, tablets have eMMC drives which are not as fast as SSD but the 1GB on budget Windows tablets isn't that limiting in my experience. More is always better though :wink:
hcc27 to BubaMan
5 May 16 #47
The screen depends on the type of iPad. The iPad Mini, iPad mini 2 and iPad 2 were all saddled with a very poor screen due to Apple's decision to use the cheaper, and inferior, IGZO displays from Sharp:

But I don't believe iFans would ever have noticed. And unfortunately, iOS is indeed designed for a child not an adult!!
28 Apr 16 #45
And wouldn't you rather give your kids the best device tailored for them with the best battery? No point buying a cheapy device whose battery lasts an hour and probably dies after a year. Heck, the iPad probably works out cheaper if anything as you're not having to recharge it all the time and waste your time, effort, energy and electricity bill
27 Apr 16 #44
I haven't used it but it shouldn't since linx 7 runs fine. Obviously don't expect much from it but still.
If I'm not mistaking if its running out of rams they use your storage memory and since its SSD(yes I know its not super fast ssd but still) it should be fine.
27 Apr 16 #43
Well obviously its battery is worse than ipads. I mean look at the price. :x
Yes I agree about ipad being easier to use but it should be obvious I mean comparing these 2 is like comparing calculator and ipad.
Both can calculate but calculator is easier to use and battery lasts for months....
Bit by bit and all those limited arm tablets will die.
26 Apr 16 #42
Agreed. The main advantage of the Linx 10 was 2GB of RAM, and it was not much more expensive.

This one is really compromised, and only useful for certain applications. Even Chrome will struggle.
26 Apr 16 #41
steam streaming too. and many websites like hulu need windows for free. buy
26 Apr 16 #40
Thank you for the info, i think i will give it a punt for the price.
26 Apr 16 #39
The Linx 7 has the same hardware inside and handles it very well:
26 Apr 16 #38
Yes, will be fine unless you try running 4K or larger 1080 files.
26 Apr 16 1 #37
Hi all, just wondered if this would be able to handle kodi ok.
26 Apr 16 4 #36
Horses for courses FFS!
Why does every tablet, phone & console thread turn into a bloody fanboy soapbox?
All formats have their merits, you make a decision based on your requirements and your budget - you don't have to justify your choices by slagging off the opposition :disappointed:
26 Apr 16 #35
Windows tablet - Cheap iPad wannabe with a quarter of the battery life that isn't built from the ground up for touch. Trying too hard to serve two separate roles.
26 Apr 16 1 #34
Ipad - multimedia
Android - multimedia
Windows tablet - a proper pc with all multimedia capabilities.
26 Apr 16 1 #33
a dance platform
26 Apr 16 #32
A railway platform?
26 Apr 16 #31
I think for kiddies (thinking of my six year-old niece particularly) the Hudl 2 or similar is the way to go.

But - I think we underestimate how quickly children pick things up - some children will be able to use Windows desktop (the App Store is rubbish) - especially if they're used to PCs. My niece can navigate Android perfectly well, she either plays games or watches continuous Minecraft videos on Youtube :smiley:
26 Apr 16 4 #30
​a locked platform is the future
26 Apr 16 #29
Whilst I respect your opinion I do believe the iPad would be better suited to a child. Indeed the children of the next generation are going to wonder why we go through the trouble of desktop operating systems when iPad is so much better. IOS is the future, Windows and osx are the past
26 Apr 16 #28
This is a pretty good point. Whilst we have a couple of iPads, they will not be replaced when they expire, instead we will use the Windows 10 tablets we have acquired in the meantime. There is an educational advantage for my son (aged 11) in having the same interface as his laptop, desktop and the computers at school, which think is really important.
26 Apr 16 #27
Well, from personal experience I would not agree with any of those claims. Some people think it is wort paying four times as much for a sexy badge, others are happier to get much the same usability for a quarter of the cost (less when one considers the cost of proprietary peripherals and repairs).
Don't get upset about this issue, no one one has been disrespectful to you, they have just pointed out that an iPad is very poor value in this market.
26 Apr 16 1 #26
I've got a Linx 8 and it didn't fare so well when I tried it but when I stated this last time on here, someone else with a Linx 8 said the opposite.
It might come down network setup - best of luck :smiley:
26 Apr 16 #25
I was considering getting one of these tablets last week @ £50, have ordered one today with the extra 15% off just to see how it handles Xbox one streaming
26 Apr 16 #24
In the 1st photo Mila Kunis is CAKED in make-up, yuk! :disappointed: But I`d still sh*g her (given the chance) :laughing:
26 Apr 16 1 #23
A budget Android tablet would have made a better suggestion but a Windows tablet will suit some children very well indeed.
It works with Flash websites, it can run "proper" (x86) software and it readys them with a familiarity of a proper OS for when they will want / need a laptop.
Don't underestimate how quickly kids pick up technology - it's us foagies that resist change :stuck_out_tongue:
26 Apr 16 #22
Surely it goes without saying the quality of an item costing 5x as much is going to be better?.
26 Apr 16 #21
26 Apr 16 2 #20
And its 1000000 times more limited. :wink:
Plus good luck changing that screen when kids will break it. :smiley:
26 Apr 16 #19
And will last 4 times as long with 4 times nicer screen and be 4 times more usable for a child.
26 Apr 16 #18
With respect, that is a very silly comment. iPads cost 4 times as much and to be candid they are not much better (we have two iPads).
26 Apr 16 2 #15
jeez.....did someone really say "you would be better off with an ipad"

Yeah, and I'd be better with mila kunis.
johnsmith1997 to shaunmorgan3994881
26 Apr 16 1 #17

OK then,just for you.:laughing:
26 Apr 16 #16
I replied with his particular use case in mind being children for which an iPad is much better even if more expensive as it's a lot easier. Why waste money on something the children aren't going to be able to be productive on. This would be my recommendation
26 Apr 16 #13
Would this play 1080p mkv videos ok?
gonzothegreat to degsie
26 Apr 16 1 #14
Yes it should, fairly ok
26 Apr 16 #11
What do these have to do with Tesco?
BubaMan to BarGin
26 Apr 16 #12
I thought that Tesco "made" the Connect...
Removed from the title in case I'm wrong :smiley:
26 Apr 16 #10
Mmm, tempting.

I've been after a 10+ tablet simply to read comics on and nothing else. Seems fairly decent for this.
26 Apr 16 1 #9
How about posting your first deal for a similarly priced iPad.
26 Apr 16 4 #8
This is a budget tablet thread.
We understand that something 4-5 times this price will likely be better.
26 Apr 16 #7
You're better off getting an iPad
26 Apr 16 #6
Personally I'd be looking for 2gb of RAM. There are plenty of used Windows tablets doing the rounds on ebay - I picked up an 8" unit last week for £36 and it's in mint condition and works really well so far.

But if you just want it to browse the net then this should be fine. These users will be fine with 1gb of ram and the odd slow down, but for power users it's too limiting. Horses for courses but heat from me
26 Apr 16 #5

Probably better getting an Android tablet in that case, would be easier for them to use and probably much better with the apps
26 Apr 16 #1
These any good
xela333 to ashtad
26 Apr 16 1 #2

Depends what you want to use it for?
BubaMan to ashtad
26 Apr 16 1 #4
They're good for the money...
It'll do web / video consumption, Office computing and light gaming (store apps mainly although I have had Burnout Paradise running on a similar tablet at acceptable frame rates).
For high end gaming, Media Server duties or video editing, I'd look elsewhere - the CPU, GPU and RAM won't be up to those tasks.
26 Apr 16 #3
For the kids so General web browsing and youtube etc
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