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Cat / Dog Pirate Costume from £3.50 delivered @ Ali Express
5+ stars +765

Cat / Dog Pirate Costume from £3.50 delivered @ Ali Express

£3.50 Ali Express11 Apr 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
11 Apr 16
Was searching for a bluetooth controller, ended up seeing this!

This i might have to order one.

From £3.50 delivered (Depending on size) S / M / L - Other costumes also aval
Top comments
11 Apr 16 81 #1
11 Apr 16 25 #5
Great deal. Now I just need to buy a cat.
tekistry to 19Danny81
11 Apr 16 24 #20
Counterfeit cat costumes?
11 Apr 16 19 #14
If I tried putting my cat in this I would end up in a&e with multiple puncture wounds :confused:
All comments (84)
11 Apr 16 81 #1
937666 to goonertillidie
11 Apr 16 7 #2
Admit it, you found the gif before the deal :laughing:
Rom to goonertillidie
11 Apr 16 1 #8
ayeup1 to goonertillidie
11 Apr 16 #27
Oh god that picture has had me rolling on the floor in hysterics! :smile:
ChampEon to goonertillidie
11 Apr 16 1 #36
Now that's what I call a catwalk :laughing:
11 Apr 16 #3
11 Apr 16 17 #4
Animal cruelty?
maxmax to David_e
11 Apr 16 2 #6
My thoughts exactly
jdbigguy to David_e
11 Apr 16 3 #10
Gozer to David_e
11 Apr 16 #37
I know, surely that Puss should've had Boots with that outfit.
11 Apr 16 25 #5
Great deal. Now I just need to buy a cat.
11 Apr 16 #7
Also add another pound for the conversion fee or something. But £1 is minimum, can go up to £5 too. I may as well have ordered from eBay with quicker delivery instead of waiting a month from aliexpress :disappointed:
11 Apr 16 1 #9
oops, I thought it was a soft toy dressed up :confused: Can't see either of my cats allowing this anywhere near them!!!!!
11 Apr 16 3 #11
Lol, sums up shopping on the internet.
11 Apr 16 2 #12
sorry op, my dog told me to vote cold :smirk:
11 Apr 16 #13
whats ali express like as a company? i like to use payday as a backup really but they only take card?
tbtower to graphicology
11 Apr 16 2 #16
Absolutely toilet.

I can't believe that Aliexpress deals are getting heat!!

Full of fufu merchandise that you can wait weeks to receive. You get what you pay for.

Of course the costume is amusing though.
11 Apr 16 19 #14
If I tried putting my cat in this I would end up in a&e with multiple puncture wounds :confused:
11 Apr 16 1 #15
no need for that. buy the outfits and dress the neighbourhood cats up. it will freak their owners out and in the long term saves on vet bills/food etc etc
11 Apr 16 3 #17
I'd like to video someone trying to put an outfit on one of my cats, you would be lucky to still have all your limbs and eyes
11 Apr 16 #18
Yeah, I'm sure that hat will stay on for longer than a second.
11 Apr 16 1 #19
aliexpress is chinese and FULL of counterfeit stuff
tekistry to 19Danny81
11 Apr 16 24 #20
Counterfeit cat costumes?
cb-uk to 19Danny81
11 Apr 16 2 #23
Absolutely agree 100% - it's brilliant, especially if you want to buy a Wolex or some Wai Bans :wink:
11 Apr 16 4 #21
The cat is not a real pirate. Cats hate water.
11 Apr 16 5 #22
What about Superman for dogs?
11 Apr 16 #24
​in general
11 Apr 16 5 #25
937666 to cb-uk
11 Apr 16 #29
xenophon to cb-uk
12 Apr 16 2 #40
A shaven pussy too.
11 Apr 16 1 #28
They do an outfit for dogs that is clearly Totoro (My neighbour Totoro) despite not using the name.
11 Apr 16 3 #30
I think these should be banned by RSPCA. Who ever thinks its fun to dress a animal, is very wrong. They dont like it.
11 Apr 16 #31
But dressing a women, as a cat is perfectly acceptable :smile:
11 Apr 16 #32
In my experience many pet dogs enjoy being dressed up as long as the clothes are comfortable.
11 Apr 16 1 #33
Nice post OP.

​I think some animals would prefer to wear some type of clothing. For example, I've seen many sheep with woolly jumpers

11 Apr 16 1 #34
​its not all crap, I often buy from Ali express depends what you're after. longest I waited was 2 weeks
11 Apr 16 #35
Omg, totally want this... but my cats would never "wear" it. Or stay still for 0.247467 seconds for me to put it on them. Arrghhh REALLY want them to!
11 Apr 16 6 #38
11 Apr 16 #39
Best of luck getting my cat Graham into that.
12 Apr 16 5 #41
Always one killjoy. Please grow up its only a costume. I bet you are one of these cretins that protests at hose racing meetings
12 Apr 16 3 #42
My cat would have a cardiac arrest if I tried putting her in one of these.
12 Apr 16 1 #43
I have a fight everyone Gromit needs a new flea collar. Absolutely no hope trying to get him into this!
12 Apr 16 #44
[quote=leeparsons]I think these should be banned by RSPCA. Who ever thinks its fun to dress a animal, is very wrong. They dont like it.[/quo

Whilst You quote the rspca, is this wrong ??

[]Your text here[/url]
12 Apr 16 #45
I think 'cruel' is overstating it but I agree with other posters, cats don't like costumes. At Christmas, we got a set of the doggy reindeer antlers and put them on mine but she just shook them off and sat on them! The dog walked round with them on for hours!
Amusing photos though!
12 Apr 16 1 #46
Yes it is. Dressing animals up is wrong. They dont like it. Dogs dont mind a coat to keep them warm, or away from the rain. But they surely dont like to be dressed up like this. I hate to say Cat's are similar to dog's in the respect of putting clothing on them. But what would I know have dogs since i was 7, and cats since i was a baby.
Of course this is my personal opinion and my observation. I guess most people must walk around with the eyes shut!!!

and get nick for your trouble
12 Apr 16 1 #47
If I tried to put this on my cat I'd end up with an eye patch and a hook for a hand.
12 Apr 16 1 #48
If you'd actually used AliExpress you'll realise they ship on Escrow, meaning you actually have the option of entering on their website when you have received the goods within a time frame of usually 45 days, this isn't the case with AliBaba that's high volume trade.

Read the Escrow FAQ >

I've used AliExpress to sample goods before making a decision whether to negotiate a bulk purchase buy.
12 Apr 16 1 #49
I've had posts 'Deleted' because the seller wasn't based in the UK, someone tell me how the hell this is allowed? absolute BS.....:neutral_face:
12 Apr 16 2 #50
Gotta love a bit of casual racism :sunglasses:
12 Apr 16 #51
I think I'm gonna have to steal the neighbors cat for a night or two, these look so funny
12 Apr 16 #52
I realise this is meant as a joke, but you do know this isnt actually true? :smiley:
12 Apr 16 #53
"a novices guide to how to get you face scratched off"
12 Apr 16 1 #54
Lots of people complain, but personally I've never had an issue with them (and have bought loads of stuff from them over the years).
12 Apr 16 #55
i hate these damn boring catpics....but hell ....this is funny :smile:
12 Apr 16 2 #56

Arrrggggh!! I surrender!

...hold on, if the cat is a pirate then why is it walking the plank in the gif? Eh, got you there, answer that one.
12 Apr 16 #57
of course... my cat has a tag on it's bum that says 'Made in Taiwan' - I mean... got to be a copy-cat (eh, see what I did there, eh, eh...? - okay I'll go now...)
12 Apr 16 #58
oh this is so cool, love it. Don't have a cat but considering getting outfit for friends cat. good training if you can manage to coax your cat to wear for you, maybe get adult pirate one too and wear it together with your pet Halloween and xmas
12 Apr 16 #59
That outfit is the cat's whiskers!
12 Apr 16 #60
This is awesome. Also, you can't control Bluetooth, it only controls you!
12 Apr 16 1 #61
They pay commission, simple.
12 Apr 16 #62
It's cute but I hate Aliexpress. Paid 9p more and got one from eBay.
12 Apr 16 #63
And 7% cashback at quidco :smiley:
13 Apr 16 1 #64
Dressing them in a coat is the same as dressing them in anything else.
13 Apr 16 #65
Obviously you dont have a dog do you? The fact remains this country is never guaranteed weather. Especially the closer you live towards the west, the weather always dumps its load onto us. If you have a fussy ass dog like mine, who doesnt like rain doesnt like puddles, then a coat is a good bet. Not only that but keeps them warmer, especially when they are short haired.
Now if i was dress her up in this. She go mental, and get very agitated about wearing something she doesn't want on.
So my point being this could be exactly the same for a cats response.
But if you bothered to read my previous message i replied back to. There is a link to prove i am not only person to think this is wrong.

Response back if you so kindly disagree with rspca
14 Apr 16 2 #66
I actually have 3 dogs, I really dont see anything wrong with it. My point was the RSPCA have a site selling clothing for dogs, whether its a jacket or something else, its clothing....................
14 Apr 16 #67
Ok, what ever. This is a cat. Obviously the RSCPA have missed a trick here then, if they think cat's enjoy being dressed up against there will. It provides no functional at all, apart from your amusement Which in my eyes, is cruelty to animals.
Could the RSPCA, get fined for encouraging people to abuse animals? Maybe. As i see the fun side to it, but only for you, not for animal in question. I can assure you, they wont be hoping you put them in that costume again. Because what do we generally do at people in costumes I ask? We generally laugth at them.

There's my point.
3 May 16 1 #68
Thank you you have made my mind up for me..

Im getting 2!
3 May 16 #69
what ever you sicko
3 May 16 1 #70
I could have done with this so the dog could have joined me at last weekends Brixham Pirate Festival
3 May 16 2 #71
Sicko thats not very nice, I find it very funny that most of you so called Animal Lovers don't think twice about attacking, humiliating and being aggressive to other humans. im sure there's some irony in there somewhere.. but I would think your priorities are wrong as you see, I'm sure there are worse crimes than dressing your dog or cat up for some fun, most people buying clothing for animals love and care very well for them..

You need to remember Animals don't live on an emotional level equal to our own, they don't have hurt feelings or embarrassment, so if an owner, who feeds, loves and cares for them wants to dress them up as a pirate, where is the harm?
3 May 16 #72
It's about whether the cat is comfortable with it. I personally think cats shouldn't be dressed up because they like to have all their senses about them. Some cats are so soft, they would let you do it. I have 5 and mabye 2 out of them would let you dress them up. Then there is my Bengal. She would scratch you to heck.
3 May 16 2 #73
I've seen enough wet hairy pussies to disagree..
3 May 16 #74
Don't let this get hot. The cat gets nothing from it apart from I expect stressed.
3 May 16 1 #75
Voted hot.
3 May 16 1 #76
Relax and get a life!
3 May 16 #77
Human equivalent of being in a cast.
3 May 16 1 #78
These costumes aren't for humans.
3 May 16 1 #79
Only if you make it walk the plank
4 May 16 1 #80
Oh my god the fun police are out in force on this post Jeez! I wonder how many of these perfect owners have over weight animals, smoke, given them drugs (accidentally or otherwise) or have ever given their animal a human food as a treat that actually is slightly poisonous to their beloved pet (even without knowing it was poisonous)! Get a life no one is perfect but if you put your pet in a situation they obviously don't like and they get distressed for your amusement continually or for prolonged periods then that is cruel. However if you try to dress them up once and they are not fussed about it that does not you cruel! That cat in the gif is defo not stressed, hurt or showing any other sign of hurt! Chill the hell out!
4 May 16 2 #81
Funnily enough any one of these images could be my cat. She's 8 months old and we've bathed her since she was tiny. Result is now that she's not only very used to it, she actually loves the warm water and having a nice bath! I didn't think it would be possible for a cat to not be afraid of water, but apparently if you train them from young, anything's possible. Talking of which, she's still not a fan of walking on hot coals but she'll get there. No food until she does.
4 May 16 #82
Ive found using a chair and a whip helps with the coals :wink:

In fact i found a pic of the Mrs with him..
4 May 16 1 #83
Try using the ones meant for cats next time :wink:
13 Sep 16 #84
Ali Express and Ali-Baba are probably where 90% of your items come from that say "Made In China" they are unbranded merch which then get branded and sold on under X company name.

Stop spreading BS about how it's bad because it comes from China, as long as you don't go there expecting to find brand name stuff they are perfectly fine.
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