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Acer XG270HU 27 inch 144Hz WQHD ZeroFrame 2K Gaming Monitor £275.11 Scan
4 stars +329

Acer XG270HU 27 inch 144Hz WQHD ZeroFrame 2K Gaming Monitor £275.11 Scan

£275.11 Scan14 Apr 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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14 Apr 16
Cheapest I can find, join hexus and make 20 posts for free delivery, takes about 10 minutes.

Ultra Wide Quad HD Monitor supporting AMD Free-sync!!!
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14 Apr 16 5 #9
2560x1440 is NOT 2K. I really wish thr industry would get off this whole "#K" rubbish.

It's also not ultrawide, it's just regular wide screen at 16:9.
Latest comments (50)
23 Apr 16 #50
21 Apr 16 1 #49
wtf... back light bleeding* and ignore the http
21 Apr 16 #48
​I just returned my 4k Acer IPS to scan because of backlog http bleeding, all 4 corners were yellow in low light, scan said IPS monitors are like that now I'm trying to decide whether to go tn or ips :disappointed:
17 Apr 16 #47
15 Apr 16 #45
It's disingenuous because of how you presented it. I also never said it's the be-all end-all. My main point is that the only thing that they can really sell TN panels for is gaming, if you value response time above visual quality.

Which is fine, everyone has their preferences. But with regards to the predator, I'm not even defending it. I'm simply highlighting your comment about its QC issues. They've both had severe QC issues which has meant people playing lotteries with them, buying and returning until they get a good one.

I'm saying it's not really representative of anything, because I've seen people have to return the original Swift 5 times+ before they got one they deemed as acceptable.
15 Apr 16 #44
Hardly. I made a comparison based on my personal experiences with both monitors. The Swift has been much better for me than the Predator was. Yes, IPS is nice, but it isn't the be-all end-all.
15 Apr 16 #43
Too bad therese no VESA mount, because the color scheme on it sucks. So I like to compare this monitor to 2 other 144Hz monitors:

BenQ XL2730Z


* Based around same (good-for-TN) TN panel as this is.
* More and better features for gaming.
* Better color scheme
* Better stand
* VESA mount


* A lot more expensive ATM - Not on any offers.

Crossover 27 Fast 144


* 144 Hz IPS
* 2x VESA mount?
* Doesn't look... 'crap' ?
* Approx 100 pounds cheaper than its direct Gaming IPS monitors competition (such as Asus MG279Q etc).


* Not reviewed yet
* Should be cheaper than it currently is (383 pounds inc. shipping / import Taxes) because...
* Panel lottery - might come with some QC defects
* Only available firect from S. Korea / ebay.
* Can't return for reasons of stuck pixels or unacceptable backlight bleed.
* No FreeSync? (or does it?)
15 Apr 16 #42
An issue of QC doesn't make a TN panel suddenly better. Given how many QC issues the Swift had initially as well anyway, it's a bit of a disingenuous comparison on your behalf.
15 Apr 16 #41
Funny, I had one of those before getting my Swift. Ridiculous amounts of backlight bleed, as reported by many other users and reviewers sure don't make for a fantastic image quality in my mind.

Glad I switched to the Swift, haven't looked back.
15 Apr 16 #40
I noticed it on pre-order at about £239 back when it was £350 over on OCUK. Yes, I considered posting it as a deal on here. But I'll be honest, I really didn't want to risk it not being honoured (just in case) as I needed to replace the crappy tv I was using pretty badly :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Apr 16 #39
Lucky its at work i said in my original comment. I defy the input lag to make a slightest bit of difference particularly when most manufacturers outright lie about the strap-line figure anyway, conveniently ignoring any processing time involved.
14 Apr 16 #38
Has this been cheaper previously then? Haven't seen it below 270 for a long time.
14 Apr 16 2 #37
Everyone has their own priorities, but for me 144hz is far far more important than having better colours for gaming. To me anything with 60hz is 'inferior tech', regardless of whether it's IPS.
14 Apr 16 #36
Who says i am "non gamer" to the contary if you read my other threads you will see that i have SLI 780ti's in my home what on earth would i use them for.

My point, which stands, is that TN is inferior to IPS. This is a great value deal but i object to people with overpriced ROG tat presenting sub-standard kit as premium because of a high refresh rate. Its still a TN panel, it is still inferior tech.
14 Apr 16 1 #35
Bought this monitor from Scan a few weeks back for £251.50 delivered. As well as for my Xbox One as well as my PC. It looks "ok", but there some kind of horizontal scanline effect that become faintly prevalent at 1080p but you can't see evidence of this when there is a lot of motion on screen. I've mainly noticed this on pause menus and when playing Rock Band 4, the response time is good however.
14 Apr 16 #34
Ahhhem.... Hp z series 27" is NOT a gaming monitor for a reason pal. It only have nicer colours and wider angles (and defo better gamma) but it's ridiculously high input lag and response time disqualified it as a screen for gaming. For photo editing it's probably marvellous but it's definitely **** for gaming.
There's a reason why semi and pro gamers use TN panels and it's not marketing gibberish :smirk:
14 Apr 16 #33
That was the price tag few weeks back to pre-order because there was none in stock. I ordered and waited few days for them to resupply (in the meantime price changed few times on their website) and after around a week waiting I got it delivered.
#coolstorybro :wink:
14 Apr 16 #32
The part you're struggling with is that for some people, that's simply not good enough. The colour saturation, consistency and stability of a good IPS panel trumps any positives that a high Hz TN panel has.

TN panels unfortunately look washed out, and I hate the gamma shift you get from moving around slightly.

What is it about this that you're struggling to get? There are high Hz IPS displays, so calm down with the emotional projecting.
14 Apr 16 #31
How the hell do you know we're non-gamers exactly? Because we have differing opinions?
14 Apr 16 #30
What are you on about? I am aware it's marketed as a gaming monitor, because to be blunt that's the only way they can get people to buy TN panel displays.

You keep going on about fragility, sheeple and lashing out, yet you're the one who is being aggressive and struggling with other people's opinions.
14 Apr 16 #29
There is no doubt that it's overpriced. The only reason for its price was at least initally because it was the first QHD display that refreshed over 60Hz.

I am well aware it's a gaming monitor, I am very familiar with this particular monitor.
14 Apr 16 #28
And the Acer XB270HU is IPS, was over £600 RRP, does 144hz with G-Sync and is miles better than the Swift for image quality. What is your point?
14 Apr 16 #27
Yet again I'll stress this thread is referring to gaming monitors and, to acknowledge your points, I would never use this monitor or my rog for work, I use two dell u2715h for that, but having gamed on both there is no comparison. The TN at 144hz is twice the monitor for gaming, I would have to presume the monitor posted is similar, minus some of the bells and whistles, but streets ahead of an ips panel. If you can't see the difference then you're doing it wrong.
14 Apr 16 #26
yes, the human eye can only see 24 fps... 144hz is a con!

Why do these non-gamers always come to these threads selling gaming peripherals to spout tosh?

Every TN gaming monitor, some graphics design student knob comes in and says "not IPS" as if it were relevant to something.

Even more tedious than 3.5gb comments on gtx 970 threads.

If anyone wants more info on the monitor everything you need to know is in this review:
14 Apr 16 #25
All ROG gear is hideously overpriced! So congratulations..... TN color replication and contrast ratio's are utter pants compared to a good IPS panel - that is why every professional designer uses IPS. TN is markedly cheaper for a reason, it is an inferior product without doubt. This screen represents good value but it is not a premium product.

I use a 27 HP Z display at work (with anti reflective finish) and there is not a TN monitor in the world that will look as good. And before you bring up ms response times - that is a complete marketing con - ghosting is a questionable phenomenon on anything under 10ms, to boot the published figures are never right and if you consider the human eye's focus response time is 100ms it is all largely irrelevant.
14 Apr 16 1 #24
This is a thread about a gaming monitor, you'll be hard pushed to find any non-tn panel that can compare in anyway to a TN for gaming, perhaps your fragile hive mind has blinded you to that . I don't blame you for lashing out, sheeple like you have a tendency to overreact when confronted with facts not presented on a spoon to you, so I forgive you.
14 Apr 16 #23
27" monitor - too small.
14 Apr 16 #22
The monitor he/she is referring to is a gaming monitor, it's hopeless for image editing, but decent for gaming. Paid the money because of the brand and feature set. The comment made I agree was unwarranted of course.

Judging by reviews it's overpriced >
14 Apr 16 #21
I couldn't care less how much your ROG swift was, it's still a TN panel, and I find them to be ugly.

Just accept that some people dislike the downside of TN more than its positives. It's got absolutely nothing to do with fragile hive mind BS, you massive opinion intolerant baby.
14 Apr 16 #20
TN is not what your fragile little hive mind has been PR brainwashed into thinking, my ASUS ROG Swift is a TN panel, RRP is over £600 and you'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands to get it off me.
14 Apr 16 #14
Got one of those the other day for £215 from scan. Good colours for TN. Gamma settings could be better. Brilliant reaction times and low input lag. Typical gaming screen and for that does the job. Freesync works great and only lack of vesa is a bit disappointing.
DevilWithin to d3k
14 Apr 16 #19
£215, how'd you manage that?
14 Apr 16 #15
What would a 1080p output from something like a PS4 look like on 1440p?
ollie87 to my_tw1tt3r
14 Apr 16 1 #18
Bloody awful.
14 Apr 16 #11
Scan is a lousy company, okay for something like this but they shipped me a faulty motherboard and after lengthy dispute basically pocketed my money and said f off, will never deal with them again
ianh82 to DellB0y
14 Apr 16 2 #13
i have never had problems, but its always better CS if you go on the hexus forums and post the issues there, seems to get things done a lot faster. word of mouth and all that!
xp3200 to DellB0y
14 Apr 16 1 #17
I agree with you 100%, took my money for a monitor they did not have i then had to chase and wait for a refund, very poor company they will not be getting anymore of my hard earned.
14 Apr 16 1 #16
Korean is the way to go. Most people will also greatly understate the difference between IPS and TN.

It's not a matter of slightly worse colour accuracy, it's about general image quality. TN Is very far behind IPS in that department. Colours lack saturation, and the colour shift you get from moving your head around is quite ugly.
14 Apr 16 1 #7
This is a TN panel just so onlookers are aware.
rofflespoffle to haydenkshaw
14 Apr 16 2 #10
Eww TN
DragonChris to haydenkshaw
14 Apr 16 #12
From what I'm researching, IPS isn't all that - better viewing angles, better colour representation, but slower response times and double the price of TN. Certainly ideal pro photo and video editing and general work. Fine for general gaming, but not so good for twitchy shooters etc.

TN has narrower viewing angles (read: head on or bust), slightly worse colour accuracy but faster response time, more affordable and will suit most people, especially gamers.

In summary, buy what suits you - if you want a 1440p monitor and don't want to pay £4-500+, then nothing wrong with TN for most people.

For content creators / people wanting to use the screen primarily for working purposes where colour accuracy is a major concern, IPS may be worth the extra premium.

I'm looking into this for my little bro as he is going to start creating videos and content, but wants to use the screen for general use as well. Considering his content hasn't taken off the ground, I will not be recommending the premium for IPS at this time - if it does take off, then he may want to get IPS later down the line when he can afford it.

Aside from the lack of vesa mount on this monitor, it seems to be the best available 1440p monitor available at this price range - however forums suggest cheaper Korean monitors, and I need to look into that a bit more. I believe one brand is Qnix.
14 Apr 16 5 #9
2560x1440 is NOT 2K. I really wish thr industry would get off this whole "#K" rubbish.

It's also not ultrawide, it's just regular wide screen at 16:9.
14 Apr 16 1 #8
Excellent specs for the price shame about the stand
14 Apr 16 1 #6
As much as I love my Nvidia graphics card, I really wish it supported free-sync. By comparison, quick-sync makes monitors so expensive!
14 Apr 16 2 #5
​IT manager?? :smile:
14 Apr 16 #4
That ugly bar at the bottom puts me off, it's a bit 'in your face'. :smiley:

Good deal/monitor tho'.
14 Apr 16 1 #2
We have these at work - the ZeroFrame is not entirely accurate - there is still a frame, it is just part of the flat part of screen rather than a typical bezel - you can even see it in the photo, it's a good 8mm wide on the top and sides. Great monitor though.
xela333 to BungalowBill
14 Apr 16 #3

What on earth do you do at work that requires these? :confused:
14 Apr 16 1 #1
Would have been tempted but no VESA mount
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