Looking for a super cheap getaway? Get 25% off rooms and dorm beds over at Y.H.A using code: FLASH-008
You can book until the end of 6th of April for stays at selected hostels between 10th April and 26th May 2016 (excluding May Day weekend: 29th April – 1st May).
Stay from just £7.50 when you use the code.
5 Apr 16#5
Offer now available to book until 6 April and there's lots of availability at the hostels included in the offer.
millarcat to LJM
5 Apr 16#6
Thanks I've updated the date in the OP :smiley:
5 Apr 16#4
enter the discount code FLASH-008 on the booking page, I got a Sunday night in May at YHA Patterdale for only £8.25 (with my £3 members discount included), the Eastern Fells beckons :smiley:
4 Apr 16#3
Given up, impenetrable website & all rooms I tried for were unavailable. Non- offer as far as I'm concerned.
4 Apr 16#2
where do you enter the discount code?
millarcat to 73greystoke
5 Apr 16#7
You need to select your hostel. Enter your check in, check out dates, select who will be staying and then hit 'SEARCH'.
Select your chosen room. Click on 'BOOK NOW' and it will take you to the page where you enter the discount code.
Also remember it is valid for stays betweeen 10th April and 26th May 2016
4 Apr 162#1
I had a great time time when I shared a dorm last summer.
Opening post
You can book until the end of 6th of April for stays at selected hostels between 10th April and 26th May 2016 (excluding May Day weekend: 29th April – 1st May).
Stay from just £7.50 when you use the code.
Select your chosen room. Click on 'BOOK NOW' and it will take you to the page where you enter the discount code.
Also remember it is valid for stays betweeen 10th April and 26th May 2016