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Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition : £30.00 (Uplay) @ Ubisoft Brazil
3.5 stars +282

Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition : £30.00 (Uplay) @ Ubisoft Brazil

£30 Ubisoft10 Mar 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
9 Mar 16
EDIT : people trying to buy are experiencing server errors, may or may not work anymore.
So again I post another niche deal, but this is great for people who missed out on the Nuuvem deal. ( I know it's not in the U.K but I digress) but this will end up saving you at least £10-20.

1.) Download tunnelbear or another VPN service which can connect to Brazil.

2.) once installed, (its probably best to turn it on before you click 'get deal') click get deal and you should appear on the Brazilian Ubisoft page. It should as a price of R$159.99 which is same price at nuuvem.

3.)Once in the basket click checkout, (probs best to translate the page with chrome) Fill in details with fake Brazilian address. can get details from here (

4.) at some stage it will ask for a cpf or something similar, you can generate them from here (

5.) I would keep the vpn on during the paypal part too, otherwise it chucks you back to the GB site.

Second method (linked by esskay92)

1) Acquire a Brazilian VPN. I used PureVPN - got a free 3 day trial from here:

2) Start the VPN, and then open the Uplay app NOT the Uplay website

3) Click on the 'Shop' Tab

4) Search 'The Division Gold', click the first one priced $159.99

5) When you're at the checkout page, login to your Uplay account, select PayPal as payment method and then fill in the details with Brazilian ones. The generator OP linked to works fine ( and CPF (

6) Keep clicking next till you arrive at the PayPal login page

7) THIS STEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT - Turn off your VPN when you're at the PayPal login page, THEN log in. (You might, like me, face a security check - PayPal will text your mobile and you have to reply to the text to verify the device). Be patient, PayPal takes a while to receive your text response.

Now one of two things will happen:

a) You will be logged into your PayPal account and your device will be verified, however, your order will have disappeared; you will just be at the PayPal account page.
b) You will be logged into your PayPal account, device verified, and you can continue with your order

8 ) If you're at b), then you just need to re-enable the VPN at the order page and then click submit to confirm the payment. If you end up with a) like me, then you need to 4, 5, 6 and 7 again - remember to turn off the VPN again before you login.

9) Once you're logged in (don't worry, you won't face a security check again) turn on your VPN again, then click submit to confirm the payment.

10) That's it! You will be redirected to a Uplay page confirming the order details. Simply log out of Uplay, exit the app, turn off your VPN, and then re-login into Uplay and you will see The Division available to download!
Top comments
9 Mar 16 8 #52
Its true you can get arrested, you'll be extradited to brasil, dragged beaten and bleeding in front of a military court, your confession signed in blood will be read out, then kicking and screaming you'll be dragged out into the courtyard and shot, that could really happen.
9 Mar 16 6 #4
personally I don't understand what all the hype is about, it's not even that good of a game... very average, overhyped junk
9 Mar 16 3 #7
By who?

You can contact the UK police to report people if you want to but I doubt they would be interested.
All comments (160)
9 Mar 16 #1
Brazil link :

Also works for many other games on their site, hitman is roughly £25 and you get a free $20 coupon with it too.
9 Mar 16 #2
I tried this method a few times but Paypal wouldn't load, and when it did it wouldn't let me progress because it didn't recognise my location, there was the option to text me confirmation but clicking the button didn't work. I haven't voted hot or cold. Gratz if you are successful
Lukester to captain.dogendo
9 Mar 16 #6
did you use vpn through paypal? or try another address? took me a few times to get it right :neutral_face:

Ah damn, maybe it's been fixed or amended :disappointed:
9 Mar 16 #3
You could end up getting nicked for this. VPN use is allright but using a fake Brazilian address and ID goes a little too far to save a tenner on a game.
voyager123 to ovisan
9 Mar 16 1 #8
no, the worst that could happen is the game gets removed from your account, worst case your account is banned. far more important crimes out their for the police
benlondon to ovisan
9 Mar 16 #34
could end up getting arrested? you must be having a laugh, imagine the headlines, "Brazilian police ask UK to detain gamer for purchasing game using VPN", there are far bigger things for police forces to be concerned with
benjammin316 to ovisan
9 Mar 16 1 #37
Top kek
Hayman to ovisan
12 Mar 16 1 #126
This is the gold edition, which is on the Ubisoft store for £70 so it's a little more saving than a tenner
9 Mar 16 6 #4
personally I don't understand what all the hype is about, it's not even that good of a game... very average, overhyped junk
arekzabiega to skyda
9 Mar 16 #32
I don't agree. Like every game hyped so much it have some minuses. But definitely you can't call it junk. Have you played it at least?
9 Mar 16 #5
Cant click through on Paypal just tried the method.
9 Mar 16 3 #7
By who?

You can contact the UK police to report people if you want to but I doubt they would be interested.
9 Mar 16 1 #9
You would hope so. Let them catch all the murderers and rapists before they start trying to punish those looking to save a crafty tenner on a video game.
9 Mar 16 1 #10
worked ok for me, have some heat
a_broken_leg to robdexter7
9 Mar 16 #15
How have you got it to activate or get the key please, as I have nothing but it has gone through.
9 Mar 16 #11
Yes I was still connected to VPN, PayPal timed out most attempts
9 Mar 16 #12
I know Origin "don't mind" people using VPN (unlike Steam), do we know Ubisoft don't ban accounts?

How much is the standard version using this method?
ovisan to Junkenste1n
9 Mar 16 #13
R$ 129,99 ~ £25
9 Mar 16 #14
I have previously tried to preorder this from Brazil and failed on the payment part via paypal. For those it worked for, did you use your own credit card adresses or a fake one..? And have VPN on all the way or not?
Lukester to Asunai
9 Mar 16 #17
When I did it, I used my normal address on paypal, but it was linked to my entropay card? maybe that could be why. I used VPN all the way, as it kicks you back to gb if you don't.
samosa to Asunai
9 Mar 16 1 #42
My card issuer said address verification is only carried out on purchase above £50. i only know this as i moved house but old address was registered with them and queried this with them.
9 Mar 16 #16
doesn't want to work for me, I input all the details but then get a message about privacy
Lukester to db2402
9 Mar 16 #18
What does the error say and on what page?
9 Mar 16 #19
Perhaps that could be the reason, keep getting payment failed or gateway timeout error.
Tried various credit cards and Paypal but didn't go through.
9 Mar 16 #20
Damn that's annoying :neutral_face: only other suggestion would be to try turning vpn off when your in paypal, then type details in etc, then turn vpn back on and press pay.
9 Mar 16 #21
This wouldn't work for me either. It kept going to 3D Secure in PayPal (the first time I've ever seen that) and then the 3D Secure page would time out on authentication.
9 Mar 16 #22
not even tunnelbear is working now, i wonder why :man:
Lukester to rony69ner
9 Mar 16 #24

That's odd :disappointed: I'm not sure what else to suggest. If you have a entropay card linked maybe try that, or changing a paypal address? or use revolut as the guy above said,

I would try again but dont really want to be charged twice for it, it's odd, as it seems to work fine for some people and then not work for others. :disappointed:
9 Mar 16 1 #23
an alternative for those having trouble with PayPal is to use Revolut(, this will solve the payment problems
9 Mar 16 1 #25
Tried it and works (hopefully) as its "processing"

Thanks for your time anyway if it doesnt
esskay92 to JimBobJr
9 Mar 16 #35
Hey, did you follow the steps exactly as outlined in OP's post?

Also can anyone confirm if I can make the payment with my existing PayPal balance (i.e. not my linked credit card).
9 Mar 16 #26
Can you buy the season pass separately? How much is that?
Lukester to garryallen
9 Mar 16 #29
According to their website its R$79.99 which is equal to £15-16.
9 Mar 16 #27
Thanks, i tried as you suggested.
And just checked my order history on their website.
Says "Pagamento de pedido pendente" = "pending payment request" although they have not charged me yet.
Lets wait and see.
9 Mar 16 #28
Sounds like the payment did not go through? :l Should usually go to processing but who knows, either keep trying (maybe with revolut or cc?) or wait it out and see what happens.
9 Mar 16 #30
Seems i will have to wait this out until it finish with the processing.
It looks like they locked the current order so i wont be able to retry on my ubi account.

Did you use your regular uk adresses on paypal? If this doesnt work i'll just have to add a new cc or revolut..
Is there anyone out there who managed to get the game, and can confirm payment with revolut works?
Dont wanna top up unless it does :stuck_out_tongue:
9 Mar 16 #31
hi, the message it gives me is.. (rough translation)

the acceptance gives declaration in Privacy Policy online gives ubisoft and needed for the purchase.

you think that means tunnelbear isn't working right or???
9 Mar 16 #33
Do they send codes or does it link straight to the account?
9 Mar 16 #36
Its been known that ubisoft sometimes ban accounts or remove games from accounts that have been purchased using this method so all I say is be careful... Maybe use a new account.
Zafir to m0ck
9 Mar 16 #43
Never heard of them doing that.

They can lock you out of purchasing any games again from them though.
Macdory to m0ck
9 Mar 16 1 #50
I'm not sure that is correct ... they did disable Farcry 3 keys bought from the 'grey market', but reactivated them shortly afterwards following the outcry.

Please post links if there have been others. Keen to see.
9 Mar 16 #38
These so called farce about deals should be banned from HUD. It's not like they're legal.
9 Mar 16 #39
i bought 2000 rubles think its easier to buy the credit in the countries but still waiting for the code. anyone know how long it takes?
9 Mar 16 1 #40
Yes and yes
9 Mar 16 #41
Dont bother
I bought fifa 16 from brazil store
It took a few goes and paid with paypal
2 days later i got email saying failed and they blocked my account
Not worth it
Macdory to code2006
9 Mar 16 #51
Sounds like Origin rather than Ubisoft ???
9 Mar 16 #44
the game is very nice's a bit repetitive though.
9 Mar 16 #45
Had a cancellation confirmation on this and my paypal payment refunded.
9 Mar 16 #46
It Is a good game
Got it free with my new laptop
Yes sorry they didnt ban my account they stopped me from buying games
9 Mar 16 #47
anyone know how long they take to send the 25 digit code out when you buy store credit?
9 Mar 16 #48
Another alternative people, (lengthly method) is too create an entropay account and top it up and try that way. If that doesn't work creating a south american paypal should also work.

Maybe even changing address on paypal. Weird too see so many fail as in the thread people were buying from USA fine :disappointed:
9 Mar 16 #49
All aboard the HYPE train to average game town !!!
9 Mar 16 8 #52
Its true you can get arrested, you'll be extradited to brasil, dragged beaten and bleeding in front of a military court, your confession signed in blood will be read out, then kicking and screaming you'll be dragged out into the courtyard and shot, that could really happen.
10 Mar 16 1 #53
I'm not even that bothered about playing this game, I have such a big backlog of games. But I can see this loophole getting blocked somehow and I couldn't help myself. Bought without issue using Brazil VPN and Revolut. FYI you can log in before you buy, it didn't give me any problems.
10 Mar 16 #54
Exactly this. Russian gangs used stolen credit cards to buy multiple AC Unity and FC4 keys on throwaway Origin accounts and then resold the keys on Ebay and G2A. The rightful owners of the stolen credit cards obviously did chargebacks and Ubisoft and EA got shafted.

Ubisoft revoked the keys but then later reinstated them due to a backlash on social media. The take home is that unless you're trying to use a dodgy credit card to buy this then you have nothing to worry about.
10 Mar 16 #55
Cancelled & refunded
10 Mar 16 2 #56
After a bit more digging I stand corrected and I apologies.
10 Mar 16 #57
how much for Far Cry Primal or new Hitman on this ubisoft br?
MrCollective to RUGAAL
10 Mar 16 #58
Enable your VPN extension/connection and click this link - Ubisoft
Lukester to RUGAAL
10 Mar 16 #59
​Far Cry Primal apex edition is around £26, so not sure if thats good or not.
10 Mar 16 #60
**** this ****, not even with my Brazilian card i managed to buy this ficking game, ill just buy from the Russians is way easier.
Lukester to rony69ner
10 Mar 16 #62
​seems to be random who it works with, brought this and chronicles on their site yesterday, and went straight through fine using my u.k card :l
10 Mar 16 1 #61
It's a good deal. Even though you have to go through shenanigans.

I am very undecided about putting money down for this game. Reviews and peoples opinions are not telling me anything. All that comes across is 'nice graphics, lots of gun mods and perks, Dark zone, average gunplay, average cover system, repetitive missions'.

I can see 2 months down the line cracks appearing and the 6-8 hours a day players complaining of lack of content and repetition. Devs need to understand that if you are releasing a game that is always online and supposed to be persistent for years to come you are going to get saddos who play for hundreds or thousands of hours, so you need to think a lot harder about your content.
Spark to seany1977
10 Mar 16 #65
I've been playing it since Monday and my opinion is that it is a great game if you have mates to play it with but if you're planning to go solo then not so much. It's much worse than Destiny in that regard IMHO.
10 Mar 16 1 #63
Couldn't get Revolut to work but Paypal did work, strangely. I didn't even try the beta but there looks plenty in this game I should enjoy. Given the way companies are using the 'Season Pass', this is probably one that will definitely benefit from it.

Thanks for the heads up OP - downloading it now.
10 Mar 16 #64
How long did it take for it to appear on your account?
10 Mar 16 #66
Immediately. Logged into Uplay and it was showing.
10 Mar 16 1 #67
Worked perfectly and downloading now, top stuff!
10 Mar 16 #68
having experience in using foreign markets for xbox one content I can advise you never to use a cpf generator this is a state security number in brazil and taken very seriously if people use fake ones as it's all tied to Brazilian citizens
rony69ner to dufc1983
10 Mar 16 #71
10 Mar 16 #69
Mine says order dispatched but haven't gone it on my uplay account.
10 Mar 16 #70

Hey, did you pay with PayPal balance or linked card, and also, did your turn your VPN off when you logged into PayPal?
10 Mar 16 #72
For anyone wanting to buy anything else, (its old but still) they have far cry 2 fortune edition 75% off at R$5,99 which is about 88p :smile:
10 Mar 16 2 #73
I stayed connected to VPN the whole way through. I used a linked Halifax credit card.
10 Mar 16 #74
what VPN did you use? if you dont mind me asking.
10 Mar 16 #75
10 Mar 16 #76
I ve got email from them saying that I ve got to wait up to 48h to receive further instructions.

Paid by paypal
tomend to Aze007
10 Mar 16 #77
Same here
WiLz0 to Aze007
10 Mar 16 #78
I've had the same email and have waited nearly 48 hours now, got a feeling they may cancle it. Did you order through the website or the App?
10 Mar 16 #79
Through the web
10 Mar 16 #80
Web site
10 Mar 16 #81
Used PayPal, got the 48 hour waiting email. Fingers crossed yeh?
10 Mar 16 #82
I know one person who did it through the web and had to wait 4 hours, I've just been unlucky i guess and with it approaching 48 hours i'm expecting a cancle, I've messaged digital river who the payment was to but they just told me to contact Ubisoft about it, will update when i find out what happens!
rony69ner to WiLz0
10 Mar 16 #85
digital river is responsible for the refund, just call paypal
10 Mar 16 #83
any news ?
WiLz0 to Aze007
10 Mar 16 #88
Mines past the 48 hour mark now, gonna have to somehow find a way to cancle or contact ubisofts Brazilian support which will be fun!
10 Mar 16 #84
**** racket !!
10 Mar 16 #86
I paid £32 on Kinguin, better option if you don't want to faff with VPN's.
esskay92 to FantaPants6661
10 Mar 16 #87
This is for the gold edition though (includes DLC content)
10 Mar 16 #89
Please remember to inform us how u solve problem
10 Mar 16 #90
​I still don't know why it works for some people and for others it doesn't :disappointed: sorry for the hassle dude!
10 Mar 16 #91
I think that people doing it through the uPlay app rather than the website get the code pretty much instantly as it doesn't seem to be dealt with by a 3rd party company, just hope it's straight forward to get a refund or what not.
10 Mar 16 1 #92
Heat added worked for me. What do i do with my serial ?
andyatkinson to andyatkinson
11 Mar 16 #105
Watch out they append PC to the code :smiley:
10 Mar 16 1 #93
I got mine working instantly. I followed a method slightly different to OPs, and closer to the one posted on Reddit (Uplay app instead of the website).

Here are the steps. It's a bit of a long process, but it 100% works, and you will receive the game instantly.

1) Acquire a Brazilian VPN. I used PureVPN - got a free 3 day trial from here:

2) Start the VPN, and then open the Uplay app NOT the Uplay website

3) Click on the 'Shop' Tab

4) Search 'The Division Gold', click the first one priced $159.99

5) When you're at the checkout page, login to your Uplay account, select PayPal as payment method and then fill in the details with Brazilian ones. The generator OP linked to works fine ( and CPF (

6) Keep clicking next till you arrive at the PayPal login page

7) THIS STEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT - Turn off your VPN when you're at the PayPal login page, THEN log in. (You might, like me, face a security check - PayPal will text your mobile and you have to reply to the text to verify the device). Be patient, PayPal takes a while to receive your text response.

Now one of two things will happen:

a) You will be logged into your PayPal account and your device will be verified, however, your order will have disappeared; you will just be at the PayPal account page.
b) You will be logged into your PayPal account, device verified, and you can continue with your order

8 ) If you're at b), then you just need to re-enable the VPN at the order page and then click submit to confirm the payment. If you end up with a) like me, then you need to 4, 5, 6 and 7 again - remember to turn off the VPN again before you login.

9) Once you're logged in (don't worry, you won't face a security check again) turn on your VPN again, then click submit to confirm the payment.

10) That's it! You will be redirected to a Uplay page confirming the order details. Simply log out of Uplay, exit the app, turn off your VPN, and then re-login into Uplay and you will see The Division available to download!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
10 Mar 16 1 #94
just got my email after 8 hrs and now the game is on my account so downloading now thanks op
10 Mar 16 2 #95
got it too woowowowowowowowo.

bit late as i am working tomorrow and saturday for 13h each damn


That could be an authorization needed and due to time zone it appeared now
10 Mar 16 1 #96
Got it straight instantly using same method as esskay92.

Passed the security check and the order was visible but the payment still failed. Repeated the whole thing again and it worked.

Used ipvanish if that helps..
10 Mar 16 #97
if you get it from Brazil is the game in english, as if you look at supported language is dose not state it is.
10 Mar 16 1 #98
Update: Just got mine, took about 6 hours to come through. Used OP's method although didn't need to turn off VPN during PayPal stage
10 Mar 16 #99
Just had my order cancelled and refunded.
10 Mar 16 #100
Just had my order cancelled and refunded.
WiLz0 to mrmoomoo
10 Mar 16 #101
How did it get cancelled, who was the email from?

Kind of worried now as its been well over 50 hours from my order and I've heard nothing!
10 Mar 16 #102
Got an email from Ubisot Brazil.

'Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for buying in ( a) UBIShop . At your request , the requester and / or the manufacturer, the following item has been canceled your order . .'

The emails were in portugese, had to translate them.
10 Mar 16 #103
Ohh i see, I'm actually sat here praying they cancle and i get a refund soon.
10 Mar 16 1 #104
I never saw this method, but If it works it works!, ill add it to the description, thanks man :smile:
11 Mar 16 #106
Ok I tried the 2nd method and it worked this time. Game is downloading now.
11 Mar 16 1 #107
2nd method worked, got an email 8 hours later saying its in my uplay account.
I had issues with the 1st method, didn't think it was originally accepted but got a refund!
11 Mar 16 1 #108
Just purchased with the second method and downloading it now, thanks OP.
11 Mar 16 1 #109
Hey everyone, got this deal working using Chrome+tunnelbear's Chrome extension.
My previous order got cancelled and refunded after a few hours (using hola,not active during paypal payment).

So,this time around:
-Kept Tunnelbear extension active the whole time,PayPal didn't complain.(Just to be on the safe side,you should change your PP/Uplay password later)
-Used a generated address,name and CPF (but my normal Uplay account of course)
-CPF: do not use . and - you might miss this warning without google page translate,just type the numbers
-Paypal logged me in without problems,after clicking pay,i was forwarded back to the Ubishop site payment confirmed and instant access to the game +download information,no waiting this time :smiley:
11 Mar 16 #110
Took the second method route, paid and everything. Went back to the Games section and it wasn't there. Checked email and it's given me the 48 hour email. Kind of worried now, should receive within the time right? Otherwise, how do I cancel, and how fast does the money come back? Thanks
Dthorus to runemanz
11 Mar 16 #120
Hold is a bad sign,but it might just go through - but like is said, my paid order was put on hold("48h processing"), then got a cancellation email & paypal (instant)refund ~ 4 hours later.Definitely wait.The upside is,the cancellation letter didn't say: "bad boy,don't us VPN" just suggested trying a different payment method :smiley:
11 Mar 16 #111
just to show how random it can be , i just tried doing the same method for my brother using the same method and same PayPal and its got the 48 hour processing email :disappointed:
runemanz to Lukester
11 Mar 16 #113
Do you think I'll get the code overnight? Can't afford to buy it again, and don't want to waste the weekend :disappointed:
11 Mar 16 1 #112
Cheers - :smiley: worked fine for me and no hold at all
11 Mar 16 #114
​I have no idea dude, it can range as first time was instant, so I'm guessing its not going to be good for us :disappointed:
11 Mar 16 #115
Its been over 3 days for me, heard nothing what so ever, have contacted ubisoft brazillian support which could take another 48 hours of waiting, can't believe how unlucky I've been!
Lukester to WiLz0
11 Mar 16 #116
​Wow, that's really bad dude, i'm sorry that's happened dude as i know its got to be a inconvenience, its just weird how it works for some and not for others
11 Mar 16 #117
Just unfortunate really, has put me off doing this for future games though for sure haha
11 Mar 16 #118
​Yeah I can imagine to be honest. nuuvem can be easier but more region locks, but game you get straight away unlike buying through ubisoft. luckily (if) you wanted to you could try again in time as i doubt the brazillian prices will change much
11 Mar 16 #119
Pretty annoyed, won't be doing this again for sure. Especially if I don't get my code by the morning, some guy stated earlier that he received his within 5 hours. So I'm hoping for the same. Maybe I'll try and cancel it or something.
11 Mar 16 1 #121
Very strange deal this one. Such a hit and miss affair.

Persist if you can. This game is worth it. I've sunk 4 hours in already and haven't really started yet. I've enjoyed it all so far.

If anyone fancies some multiplayer please add Ayeson in Uplay.
11 Mar 16 2 #122
Thanks for this. Worked great and downloading as I type.
Reply to this comment if you have any questions.

Used Hola on my tablet (Nexus 7 2013).
New Uplay account as I didn't have one.
Went to the store with VPN active, added item to basket.
Went to check out, used the address generator in OP for name, address, number, and that CPF thing.
Selected Paypal for payment. Logging in while VPN was active returned an error so I turned it off, logged in, tuned it back on and then confirmed payment.
Redirected to store with confirmation.
Checked email with confirmation.
Downloaded Uplay and now I'm downloading the game.
11 Mar 16 1 #123
This is ace, worked for me just great! Hot!
12 Mar 16 1 #124
2nd method took about 10 reties, one suspension and SMS unlock of my paypal account before I finally reached the promised land.
12 Mar 16 1 #125
Thank God, woke up this morning to check my UPlay and Email and it was there. I guess they had confirmed but just took some time to register. Now I can play all weekend :smiley: Thanks.
12 Mar 16 1 #127
Second method worked flawlessly, thank you. Now to hope Ubisoft don't take away all my games.
12 Mar 16 #128
​nice one man :smile: . my one i brought for my brother was confirmed this morning too. must be due to time zones or processing delays. enjoy the game dude :smile:
12 Mar 16 #129
also if people want to buy other games, it works on all games on their store. far cry primal apex is around 26 hitman is around 22-26 and pre-order for honour for around 26 too.

far cry 2 fortune edition is only R$5.99 which is around 80p if anyone is interested.

(same method, just it's hit and miss, although i tend to use the same fake data as before so generally it works)
13 Mar 16 1 #130
Well finally, managed to buy it from Nuuvem instead. Which also saved me loads of time :smiley:
Still giving a heat for this, i am sure it works. Just not for me because of the 3D Security on Paypal with my credit cards.
13 Mar 16 #131
Did they just send you a code to enter on Uplay and did you have to VPN to activate it?
13 Mar 16 1 #132
Yeah which i activated on Uplay.
It took me about 1hr to download the game normally, and the game started fine so.
13 Mar 16 #133
Did you pay by paypal still? Did you have to fiddle your address in it? None of my cards seem to work either.
Asunai to yubre
13 Mar 16 #134
You will need a verified brazillian Paypal account to purchase this. Theres a guide on reddits forum if you are interested... But if the method OP posted works for you I wouldnt bother with Nuuvem for the hussle.
13 Mar 16 #135
I tried and tried to get this to work. I finally did and it's taken payment 3 times!!! ARG!!!

I've contacted Ubisoft, fingers crossed they'll take pity on me.
boomish to TomH83
14 Mar 16 #142
Same thing has happened to me, I contacted Paypal but no luck , Ubisoft login system is not very reliable so I'm still searching where to contact. Can you let me know if you get a refund & how please
13 Mar 16 #136
Nice dude, I suppose you wouldn't mind linking me that thread? I have trouble creating a Brazilian paypal account :disappointed:
13 Mar 16 1 #137
Thanks for info - essays method worked for me with Revolut on Paypal! Downloading now.
Asunai to yubre
14 Mar 16 #139
Nice, didnt thought revolut would work.
14 Mar 16 #138
Sure, just follow the guide there. (And i'm not a dude... :smiley: )
These steps time but pretty easy.
14 Mar 16 1 #140
(Whoops sorry , should've known by the avatar! :smile: ) thanks for the thread, I'll let you know if have any problems.
14 Mar 16 #141
I did this with a UK verified PayPal and everything went through fine. I was credited the game instantly as well.

I think a lot of people aren't enabling and disabling the VPN at the correct time, you need to re-enable it before you hit the "Pay Now" button.
14 Mar 16 #143
Same prices on Brazilian Origin store.
15 Mar 16 1 #144
Ok so, guessing it's exchange rate related, mine came out at £32.xx not £30
Still cheaper so no complaints.
15 Mar 16 #145
I ended up with a suspicious activity alert and locked down Paypal :-(

Have had to send documents to restore access.

Any ideas?
Lukester to psykix
15 Mar 16 #146
Oh damn :o .

I'd imagine it would be sending over ID/ driving license etc to prove its you on your account.
15 Mar 16 #147
No, I mean the fact it was being used in Brazil obviously logged it as suspicious.

It's unlocked again now. However, this time I tried with a new Paypal account and Tunnelbear, and now I get a "We're sorry but we cannot complete your purchase at this time. Please return to the merchant and choose another way to pay."
Lukester to psykix
15 Mar 16 #148
Yeah I would guess so.

Did you try both methods provided in the description? As some people seem to have more success on the second one.
15 Mar 16 2 #149
Got there in the end, but no idea how - tried chrome icognito, tried clearing cache etc etc.

Then I tried Microsoft Edge (which I don't normally use) and switched off the VPN before logging into Paypal. Didn't use VPN again after that and it's worked this time.

Sigh! what a palaver. Sooner they stop with all these regional prices and region locked keys etc the better. Don't mind paying for a game, but £70 is over the top. If I couldn't have got it to work then I simply wouldn't have purchased it. Therefore a lost sale for Ubi. Makes sense to keep pricing competitive.
15 Mar 16 #150
I've paid for it, but no email yet. How long did many of you wait before receiving the game?
Lukester to CallumGH
16 Mar 16 #151
​first time was instant.

second time maybe 4-8 hours, did you get a processing email?
17 Mar 16 #152
Hello guys, can you tell me if this version is multilanguage?

I'm interested in Italian, i ask because i see that exist an english version only too... thank you!
Lukester to SixelAlexiS
17 Mar 16 #154
I might be wrong but, as it's a row key I'd believe it to be multi language
17 Mar 16 1 #153
Has anyone ran into a problem where the pay pal login page wouldnt load? After finalizing the cart there is no "pay now" button anymore but a "send request" one. after clicking that the process would die with a cant connect page with any browser, uplay app, phone or vpn. Is it possible that this has been fixed alrdy?
Lukester to forgooliver
17 Mar 16 #156
I believe it might not be working anymore, as you reach the page just before to pay on paypal it comes up with a ''server error'', either way, they are either legitimately experiencing problems or they are stopping us buying it now :disappointed:, ill try again in a few days and see what happens then.
17 Mar 16 1 #155

You can not perform the action currently selected. We apologize for the inconvenience. We were notified and we are already working to fix the problem as fast as possible. Please click your browser's Back button and try the action later, or choose a different action.

Error Number: SYS_000001

tried 3 diferent method, 2 different pc, same error.
19 Mar 16 #157
I'm finally due to get my refund tomorrow (i hope) is it confirmed as not working now before i go ahead and try again through the app this time?
19 Mar 16 1 #158
1st method is definitely patched, not working. I'm just getting server errors.
19 Mar 16 #159
Ah nice dude. Unfortunately it appears it's not working on both, as people now get server errors, hopefully it will be fixed soon, but I believe It's to stop people buying from other countries.
1 Apr 16 #160
Does anyone know if the second method still works?
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