via samsung link, 3 months of now tv movies for £9.99.
For Samsung Galaxy phones only
- biggysilly
All comments (31)
27 Mar 16#1
Thanks OP, tried it but it tells me the code is invalid! Shame xoxo
27 Mar 16#2
sorry the link has stopped working, it must have changed very soon after I posted it.
27 Mar 16#3
Seems to work for me. Hot
27 Mar 16#4
doesn't work for me
27 Mar 16#5
good find op, heat added
27 Mar 16#6
doesn't work for me. it mentions something about Samsung on the initial page. does the code only work on Samsung devices???
27 Mar 16#7
Didn't work for me either. It generated a code but said it was invalid when I tried to use it.
27 Mar 162#8
It's only available via Samsung's own MyGalaxy app, which is only available (unsurprisingly) for Samsung Galaxy phones.
Coreydeals to AndrewRunagall
27 Mar 16#24
I wouldn't say that is the case. It worked for me back in December on my OnePlus, after all the pain I had getting the link to work, and also work for me in the past few days, so definitely no trouble on other Android devices, especially in my case.
27 Mar 162#9
if only the sport one was this price..
27 Mar 161#10
Worked for me on my Samsung tablet. I had the my Galaxy app disabled on my device but just enabled it, signed up and it was there on the offers page at the bottom. Clicked through to Now TV and the code was auto generated, just had to click apply and job done. Can confirm that code can be stacked too as I am currently on a 4month offer and it starts straight after. Anyone with a Samsung device try updating or disabling/enabling the my Galaxy app if you haven't done so already. Thanks op, heat added.
27 Mar 16#11
Thanks OP, it worked via my Galaxy Tablet.
27 Mar 161#12
worked for me
27 Mar 16#13
This offer has been on ages ... and has been posted before ... I think it ends 4th april
27 Mar 16#14
I'm obviously doing something wrong!! I'm using a Galaxy Note 3 I go to Galaxy Apps but cannot see an offer page doh
is the Now Tv app on Galaxy Apps? because when i search it is not there
jamjar to onthelook
27 Mar 16#19
It's not that one, the app is called Samsung My Galaxy, it was pre-installed on my tab S2 but can also be downloaded from Google Play store (assuming you have a Samsung device of course) Hope that helps.
27 Mar 16#15
Anyone know if NowTV works in Ireland?
27 Mar 16#16
Cold, doesn't work.
27 Mar 16#17
Cheap, shame they don't do this for SkySports.
27 Mar 16#18
I will not buy this, I will not buy this, I'm happy with Netflix, oh no I clicked checkout button!!!
27 Mar 162#20
It works, like mentioned here, you have to go through MyGalaxy, which I had to download first from the Play store and then click on Offers.
Brilliant find OP, £10 for 3 months Sky movies
27 Mar 16#21
Got this last week, installed the my galaxy app on my elephone p7000, worked fine.
27 Mar 16#22
I done it last week on my kids Samsung tablet, all worked ok, great price
27 Mar 16#23
my galaxy j5 has generated a voucher code but now tv won't accept it because I already have a 2 month movie pass in operation at the minute which doesn't expire until may.Can I use this code then?
update - Reading the terms and conditions,I think the code can be used up to midnight 30th June and then it will be void.
28 Mar 161#25
just downloaded my galaxy app on my moto g. clicked on the offer and signed upp for the 3month offer with nowtv. great offer
Created a fake email address for sign up, went to the 'offers' tab and found the Now TV offer. Cheers OP!
30 Mar 16#27
Worked for me on my Doogee. Thanks OP
1 Apr 16#28
It works. You must need to go via my galaxy... Great find
3 Apr 16#29
Thanks op worked for me using lg via old Samsung account, so pleasantly surprised. Went through app logged in it auto created a code and will run from when my voucher ends on 17th.
Also told two other people who it's also worked for. Shame you can only use it once on one account but that's just me being greedy. Saves me hunting for voucher so thanks again. Happy days :smiley:
5 Apr 16#30
No offers currently in the MyGalaxy app so this might've died now...
mandnste to gfordbob
7 Apr 16#31
Yes :disappointed: it ended on the 3rd as I caught it on the last day.
Opening post
For Samsung Galaxy phones only
- biggysilly
All comments (31)
is the Now Tv app on Galaxy Apps? because when i search it is not there
Brilliant find OP, £10 for 3 months Sky movies
update - Reading the terms and conditions,I think the code can be used up to midnight 30th June and then it will be void.
Created a fake email address for sign up, went to the 'offers' tab and found the Now TV offer. Cheers OP!
Also told two other people who it's also worked for. Shame you can only use it once on one account but that's just me being greedy. Saves me hunting for voucher so thanks again. Happy days :smiley: