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21 Mar 16
Best price I could find for this phone with a reasonable amount of data and no upfront cost. Alternatively there is a Vodafone deal for 7gb data but with a £60.99 upfront cost on £31 per month, if you need some serious data. Really excited about this phone. Thoughts?
All comments (40)
21 Mar 16 #1
Unlimited mins/texts, with 3gb data. May come with a free pair of Bang and Olufsen earphones.
21 Mar 16 2 #2
Great phone and good deal but the biggest issue I find with the LG's is how quickly they drop their price.
stoney73 to g8spur
21 Mar 16 1 #4
​That. come September these will be 300 quid.
Swiftjustice007 to g8spur
21 Mar 16 #5
Agree depreciation on LG phones is horrendous, never buying a new LG again my G3 started conking out on me only a year after ownership, never again will I get an LG phone.
hardstylemw to g8spur
22 Mar 16 2 #6
​So will the S7, but it doesn't really matter if you are going to keep the phone for years!
callagc to g8spur
22 Mar 16 1 #14
thats a good thing no?
21 Mar 16 1 #3
Not a bad deal!
22 Mar 16 1 #7
Not as dramatically in my experience. I have a g4 and I love it but when it's price half in less than 6 months you can't help but be concerned!
22 Mar 16 1 #8
​The full metal body should help it to keep its value a bit better than the plastic G4!
22 Mar 16 #9
​I hope so. I will look at prices come September and see if I want to go contract on this. currently happy with G4 and this starting price seems very competitive when compared with the S7. for that reason and the fact out it seems about the best deal at the mo...Heat.
22 Mar 16 2 #10
​Nonsensical, but made me smile, nonetheless.

The price on LG flagships drops dramatically as their mobile division haven't got the clout to maintain premium pricing in the face of Apple and Samsung offerings.

I'm saying that as an LG fan - The G4 is superb.
22 Mar 16 #11
Good deal thanks!
22 Mar 16 #12
If Samsung can offer that vr thing for preorders surely this should have come with something to help it sell. They have in the states I read. Extra battery or camera addon. The s7 didn't need anything to help sell this does....
22 Mar 16 1 #13
im happy the lg comes down in price its a good thing that the phone doesnt stay at an inflated price for over a year
22 Mar 16 #15
you could always buy a £1000 iphone with only 16gb
22 Mar 16 #16
22 Mar 16 2 #17
Like any other LG Gx this will surely drop to £225 in a few months time, locked to VF, unlockable via fleabay for a quid,....8)I will wait.
blue22 to mkh93
22 Mar 16 #20
​Could you give me a link to a G4 for that price? I have been looking for over 2 weeks and theres nothing under £250...
22 Mar 16 #18
How does it work buying phones through companies like or They always have the best deals.

Are you under contract to the website or the phone network? Or both? Who do you contact if the phone is faulty?
22 Mar 16 1 #19
I want one!!! :disappointed: . will I pass the credit check?
22 Mar 16 #21
I used to love my G3. Now I can't wait for my contract to end. Battery life is so poor that I can barely go a working day without a charge. Can't see me buying an LG again, especially as their solution to poor battery life seems to be a port for a second battery.
tequilamockingbird to simonallsopp1
23 Mar 16 #28
​You could always buy a new battery for ten to fifteen pounds on amazon and keep the old one fully charged as a spare...
22 Mar 16 #22
​I have been targeting G4 now too for few weeks. I got one from Sutton store but had battery issues so returned it back since they didn't had a replacement. I couldn't wait to get the new battery from their warehouse on time.
Now back to hunting them around.
22 Mar 16 #23
Send me all of your personal financial details and I'll let you know....... Honest :smile:
22 Mar 16 #24
I used to have an Android, iPhone now but seeing as this flagship is less than a month old, this deal is boiling hot.
hardstylemw to kmnh
22 Mar 16 2 #25
​Um it's not even out yet lol
22 Mar 16 #26
23 Mar 16 1 #27
Having previously owned a G3 and now the G4, I have to say I am pretty excited salt l about the G5. mainly because of the fact that not only is it a metal bodied design this time, but you can still take the battery out and swap them over and get 100% juice instantly, which to me is priceless.
I do agree with the comments regarding the price dropping on LG handsets so rapidly, but then again should this matter if you own the phone for the next two years. if you want a phone that doesn't depreciate so badly then go with Apple.
Another thing I will add with LG is their customer service, it is awful. having dealt with them a few times recently I have found their customer service something to be desired.
all this said, I can't wait to get my hands on the new G5, so heat added!
23 Mar 16 #29
Can we benefit from O2 refresh on this? i mean after getting this just to pay off device plan.
Hicksyboy to Inspector
24 Mar 16 1 #31
​i was thinking the same thing.
O2 are yet to release their tariffs on the G5 yet, and I'm intrigued to see what they intend to giveaway with it, but yeah I see what you mean with the refresh.
pull your finger out O2, not sure why they are taking so long releasing their deals for this.
23 Mar 16 #30
​check vodafone site or stores. got mine a couple weeks ago. £225 + £10 initial top up. cost me £2.50 to get the unlock codes off ebay and now im on the £6 life moble deal. great phone for the money. btw the £10 top up came with 50gb of tetherable 4g. not sure vodafone are still offering this but an lg g4 with 50gb 4g for £235 is a great deal in my book.
24 Mar 16 #32
​I couldn't get on their shop website for ages as well the other day!
24 Mar 16 #33
​I couldn't get on their shop website for ages as well the other day!
24 Mar 16 #34
I did 6 months ago, as I thought the original battery may be spent. It wasn't. My point is that I don't particularly want to carry a spare around all day. I use the phone minimally. For example, today I've got my data turned off, wifi turned on. Sent one text, made no calls. Screen on 40% auto brightness. Didn't surf, didn't run any apps, all apps are closed.

100% at 8am
30% at 5pm
25 Mar 16 #35
​Do you have the latest android updates. I found that after updates an old phone starts to lose its battery life due to added features which is annoying.
26 Mar 16 #36
What's your software version?

What's your software version?
26 Mar 16 #37
​I don't follow?
26 Mar 16 #38
You asked if I have the latest updates. I have auto updates on, currently running Android 5.0.
26 Mar 16 #39
With Android, there are so many more things to consider. For example:
- Location Services - massive battery drain. Switch off if you want max battery savings (at the cost of how quickly your phone can determine your location)
- Number of Apps running at boot/as a service - Whilst you didn't open them, many (such as WhatsApp) use background services to work. Even many unexpected apps use them
- Apps Sync Settings - which apps are refreshing/synchronizing in the background?

There are plenty more things to think about, but there are a few which you didn't mention. My G3 battery life is still reasonably good (rooted) without too many compromises. I have ordered the G5 on O2 Refresh.
4 Apr 16 #40
Ordered via O2 refresh.....So I call up and pay the phone contract off when I receive it ? Then a day or two later call up and cancel the airtime contract ? and its as simple as that ? nothing more to pay..... ???
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