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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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13 Mar 16
Got the previous posted deal for 8Gb data and unlimited calls and texts (including EU).

Saw this one too for people who want 16gb. I understand mobilephonesdirect cash backs are pretty straightforward - just submit electronic bill using form on website.

The 16gb Unlimited Mins, Unlimited texts UK and EU is currently
£17.50 x 3 + £35 x 9 - £180 cashbacks = £15.63 per month (or £14.79 if you get £10 back from Quidco)

Deal works out to £14.79 per month with £10 Quidco or £15.63 per month without.

Seems like a good price especially in comparison to some of the "retention offers" people leaving The 3 One plan are being offered.

Edit - Thanks to nublets2k for correcting to show pre-cashback cost of £367.39. Post cash back cost is £187.39 or £177.39 with Quidco.

PS The cash backs are from month 4 so you're not waiting to the end of the contract to get money back.


Total cost = £367.39
- nublets2k
Top comments
15 Mar 16 3 #57
Which steps? If you mean to get this deal.....

1) Decide if you want the £10 Quidco cash back. If so....start at 2) otherwise go to 7)
2) Set up a Quidco account - decide if you want to pay for the premium privileges. Otherwise just get a free account.
3) From the Quidco main page in the search box enter "mobilephonesdirect"
4) The first search result should be Mobile Phones Direct. Select that
5) You will now be on the Quidco page for Mobile Phones Direct. Click the blue box which says "Visit retailer and get cashback"
6) This will open a new tab at the Mobilephonesdirect web site. The Quidco website will show your visit recorded. Leave both tabs open.
7) On the Mobilephonesdirect website click on SIM only
8 On the next page there is a slider so you can select how much data you need - slide it to 7GB+
9)The List will refresh, you'll see a deal for EE, £34.99pm with £180 cashback.
10) Check that deal and if you're happy with it press buy. Go through the buying process.
11) Mobilephonesdirect will set up an account on their website for you as part of the checkout process.

12) When the SIM turns up, put it in your phone and connect to EE. Make sure it's all working. It will have a temporary number.
13) On the EE website set up an account.
14) If you want to transfer your old number to EE get a PAC code from your previous provider
15) On the EE website go here:
16) Fill out the porting form. It should go through a couple of days later.

17) The Cashbacks are from Mobilephones direct. It's a simple process. On billing month 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (i.e. after you get your 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th bills) take a copy of your bill which you can download from the EE web account you set up earlier, log into to the Mobilephonesdirect account you set up when you ordered and fill out the simple form and upload the bill here;

Hope that's what you need. If it was something else then hopefully this will help someone somewhere somehow sometime. Somewhat.
That's it. Best of luck.
14 Mar 16 3 #32
Just by way of interest, for those with EE mobile andEE home broadband, you are entitled to 10gb Data on there calling plans. I found out when I tried to upgrade to fibre. I was told "as long as you stay with EE, you're entitled to it". Just phone and ask.
13 Mar 16 3 #7
"Half price line rental for 3 months

Get 3 Month's half price line rental with this deal! Your discount will automatically be applied by EE. Offer ends 8th March."
All comments (101)
13 Mar 16 1 #1
if it allowes tethering it's a superb deal
MeesterX to andreasuk
13 Mar 16 1 #2
Yes up to the data allowance.
13 Mar 16 #3
looks like a cracking deal then
13 Mar 16 1 #4
good deal..I might leave 3 after they screwed me with the one plan..the best they offered me was unltd min and 8GB data for £16
andreasuk to sam1970
13 Mar 16 #6
​what are u waiting for?:-)
zba78 to sam1970
13 Mar 16 #11
What! that best they offered that to me for was £18

Looks like they saw me coming :disappointed:
cxxr to sam1970
14 Mar 16 1 #39
Same here!
13 Mar 16 1 #5
for some reason I'm still on the original one plan but I feel I've got to keep a close eye on these deals
13 Mar 16 3 #7
"Half price line rental for 3 months

Get 3 Month's half price line rental with this deal! Your discount will automatically be applied by EE. Offer ends 8th March."
13 Mar 16 #8
when you click on the icon for the 3 months half price, it says offer expires 8 march!!
the porter
13 Mar 16 1 #9
According to EE the offer ends 22nd March
13 Mar 16 #10
"The 16gb Unlimited Mins, Unlimited texts UK and EU"

Is the "EU" component calls and text to EU countries or calls, text and data whilst roaming in EU countries?
13 Mar 16 2 #12
200 mins unlimited text and unlimited data for £17, that's what I was offered by 3. I took it as I don't call loads anyway and I can use what's app using the data. Other wise I would of took this.
13 Mar 16 #13
EE say this....
13 Mar 16 2 #14
I can't find this deal. Only one I can see with 16gb is £34.99 per month. Can anyone please help?
MeesterX to Angel_Of_The_North
14 Mar 16 2 #15
Yes that's correct - make sure it's the one with the £180 cash back.
You get the first three months at half price - i.e. £17.50 then the remainder at £34.99
But you get cash backs totalling £180 at set intervals starting from month 4 so over the year it averages out to what I posted.

PS don't forget the Quidco.
SamuraiHQ to Angel_Of_The_North
14 Mar 16 1 #20
Theres an icon which says half price for 3 months
14 Mar 16 #16
It doesn't have the option to put PAC code in.
Any idea how to keep your old number whilst ordering this?
MeesterX to hovidmsd
14 Mar 16 2 #17
You place the order, sim arrives with a temporary number.
Connect sim to network and initialise and test it.
Make sure everything ok then go to EE site and set up account
You can then put the pac code on the appropriate page at the EE site - transfer should happen next day, although I think Friday requests go through on Tuesdays.
This will transfer the number and close the old account.
It was very straightforward.
14 Mar 16 #18
you need to list the deal in the title with the precashback price.
14 Mar 16 #19
Can you use this in the we osprey dongle?
14 Mar 16 #21
There are three £34.99 deals. One with £180 cash back, one with £50 and one without.
Best way to find the deal is to move the data slider at the top to the max - 7gb and you should see a deal for 16gb, £34.99 and £180 cash back (with the 3 months half price icon).
14 Mar 16 #22
Great deal thanks :smile:
14 Mar 16 #23
​Where did you find this?
14 Mar 16 #24
14 Mar 16 #25
I thought HUKD rules said you had to post the pre-cashback price in the title?
MeesterX to pgregg
14 Mar 16 #30
Looks like a kind moderator helped me with that.

Pre-cashback is £367.39. Post cash back is £187.39 or £177.39 with Quidco.
PS The cash backs are from month 4 so you're not waiting to the end of the contract to get money back.
14 Mar 16 #26
I left them last week and they offered me unlimited data (with 12GB tethering), unlimited minutes + texts for £18 a month on a 30 day rolling contract! I'd only been with them since October! Opted for that Vodafone deal that was on here last week (£20/mth 20GB, unltd mins and texts + Free Netflix for 12 months)
14 Mar 16 #27
For anyone else doing the maths, the 8Gb data £27.99 per month £132 cashback £10 quidco option works out at £151.90 = £12.66 per month I think
14 Mar 16 1 #28

better deal, no tie in, 30days contact, no messing about with cashback. from £12.50 for 6gb a month
14 Mar 16 #29
why are these deals allowed to be posted that include quidco and cashbacks etc
14 Mar 16 1 #31
and I've just ordered BT @ £13
14 Mar 16 3 #32
Just by way of interest, for those with EE mobile andEE home broadband, you are entitled to 10gb Data on there calling plans. I found out when I tried to upgrade to fibre. I was told "as long as you stay with EE, you're entitled to it". Just phone and ask.
14 Mar 16 1 #33
I tried getting the above deal and they woulnd't budge..

I got my PAC code and am shopping around.. Atm the 20Gb BT deal with cashback comes to approx £21pm.
14 Mar 16 1 #34
EE are saying if I leave them I can't keep my number if I go back on EE again?

Could I switch it to a pay as you go sim and then back to EE?
olisun to neilhukd
14 Mar 16 #36
yes, but I think it needs to be another network.
parpenbhwarg1 to neilhukd
14 Mar 16 1 #37
I ported my number from EE to giffgaff last month, and then 24 days later came back to EE porting in the same number.
14 Mar 16 1 #35
With the "The One Plan" going south and this offer is a good contender to the title. Three rushing on the south journey...
14 Mar 16 1 #38
Thanks for the info guys, managed to get a fiver off a month off the 6gb plan so i'm happy staying with them now
14 Mar 16 #40
I hate cash back jump through loops deals - I just want a straight deal , you pay you get kind of thing. No offence to those who find cash back fine tho.
I'm another one who's been given a bad deal from 3 after the one contract ended, they increased my bill by £8 and I cant afford it. Stated they'd sent a letter to let me know - they had not!
Please do you know if there are other deals close to this with out having to link to cash back?
14 Mar 16 #41
Indeed, always talk to retentions. I went to EE today talking about moving onto the BT offers on right now, despite the fact they are basically the same company :stuck_out_tongue:. Knocked a fiver a month off my current deal for another 12 months.
14 Mar 16 #42
What did they offer and at what price?
14 Mar 16 #43
unl/unl/2GB double speed 4G £10 a month. They offered more data for a bit more, but I wouldn't use it. I have BT broadband hence using the BT deal as leverage, which gives me endless wifi hotspots gratis. Which I use.

I know there are much better data deals out there, but my problem is unique to me, no other network can match the 4G coverage or speed locally. Everyone but EE is pretty pointless- at least for the moment.

I also can't really be doing with waiting for months for quidco to track, pay these guys £35 and then wait however long to claim cashback each time etc.

But this is a great deal if you stay on top of it. Just find what suits you and use another network/deal to bargain with your preferred network. Always works for me.
14 Mar 16 #44
That's pretty good, I'm looking at BT would rather stay with EE as they offer Wifi Calling.
14 Mar 16 #45
If you don't have your broadband with EE, just cite the BT deal which is 500mins/unl txts and 2GB 4G for £8 a month with BT broadband. Then ask what retentions can do. Embellish with asking if you need a PAC code to move to BT, because they bought EE. Be nice, and flexible. They should come up with something.
14 Mar 16 #46
After a lot of thinking I decided against this deal. My last cashback contract experience went horribly wrong when the company went bust and left me with two expensive 24 months contracts with T mobile with no way out. As I am about to start BT broadband contract I am going to go for their sim card with unlimited minutes and 20GB data at £20/month. With £35 quidco cashback it will work out around £17/month for more data and no hastle of claiming cashback...and I believe BT runs on EE signal but I stand to be corrected on that
14 Mar 16 #47
Would the ee 100gb deals come back?
14 Mar 16 #48
"Offer ends 22nd March" on my screen
14 Mar 16 #49
Data is NOT included in EU. Major fail by EE
14 Mar 16 #50
Get inclusive minutes and texts in Europe as part of your 4GEE Extra plan"
Beware - No data included.
14 Mar 16 #51
Omg!! Three just took me off the one plan deal, and offered me unlimited data 600 min unlimited text for £18 on 30 day, I about to take it! I'm going to push them for your deal.. If I don't get it, I'll get this cash back deal
14 Mar 16 #52
Three have just kicked me off the one plan deal!! It was sooo good!!! I might go for his one, unless anyone knows if I can get more out of them
15 Mar 16 #53
For those looking at BT mobile, please know that you cannot use personal hotspot. Deal breaker for me.

Prohibited use
You must not allow our service to be used:
for machine to machine communication (this means the communication between two or more machines without a person);

to create your own personal hotspot which provides internet access to other devices which may be used by yourself or others (this is sometimes known as 'tethering');
15 Mar 16 #54
does it allow tethering?
15 Mar 16 #55
Can anyone explain the steps in a way someone like me who's never had one of these deals can understand? Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
15 Mar 16 #56
got my letter from 3 today. "you're £10pm will automatically become £30pm" but don't worry that includes a £3 discount for being a loyal customer. GFY 3, I'm on the phone right now to get my pac. :neutral_face:
15 Mar 16 3 #57
Which steps? If you mean to get this deal.....

1) Decide if you want the £10 Quidco cash back. If so....start at 2) otherwise go to 7)
2) Set up a Quidco account - decide if you want to pay for the premium privileges. Otherwise just get a free account.
3) From the Quidco main page in the search box enter "mobilephonesdirect"
4) The first search result should be Mobile Phones Direct. Select that
5) You will now be on the Quidco page for Mobile Phones Direct. Click the blue box which says "Visit retailer and get cashback"
6) This will open a new tab at the Mobilephonesdirect web site. The Quidco website will show your visit recorded. Leave both tabs open.
7) On the Mobilephonesdirect website click on SIM only
8 On the next page there is a slider so you can select how much data you need - slide it to 7GB+
9)The List will refresh, you'll see a deal for EE, £34.99pm with £180 cashback.
10) Check that deal and if you're happy with it press buy. Go through the buying process.
11) Mobilephonesdirect will set up an account on their website for you as part of the checkout process.

12) When the SIM turns up, put it in your phone and connect to EE. Make sure it's all working. It will have a temporary number.
13) On the EE website set up an account.
14) If you want to transfer your old number to EE get a PAC code from your previous provider
15) On the EE website go here:
16) Fill out the porting form. It should go through a couple of days later.

17) The Cashbacks are from Mobilephones direct. It's a simple process. On billing month 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (i.e. after you get your 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th bills) take a copy of your bill which you can download from the EE web account you set up earlier, log into to the Mobilephonesdirect account you set up when you ordered and fill out the simple form and upload the bill here;

Hope that's what you need. If it was something else then hopefully this will help someone somewhere somehow sometime. Somewhat.
That's it. Best of luck.
15 Mar 16 #58
after 25 mins on hold and a 10 minute barter was offered ; unlimited data for 20pm, 12g for 17pm or 4g for 14pm. no thanks
15 Mar 16 #59
​Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was asking for
15 Mar 16 #60
16 Mar 16 #61
Isn't unlimited data for £20 decent? I'm going to ring today.
16 Mar 16 #62
​who did you talk to EE or 3?
16 Mar 16 #63
​people say it does if you not on iPhone. And don't over use it. up to 10gb.
16 Mar 16 #64
​people still use it on android devices. 5 to 10 gb per month and they won't bother you.
16 Mar 16 #65
​should be fair I guess. but as they are in truth offering me the same package at twice the price I don't find it acceptable and would be happier paying say giffgaff the same money on a 30 day basis with better coverage in my area anyway. I've been with 3 (along with others) for 4 years or more and they wouldn't even send me a signal booster even though I get zero signal at home/work/family houses. and it took me 1hr45m to get my pac.
16 Mar 16 #66
​sorry, 3. kind of wrong post I get that (just looking for a new deal) just needed to rant also
16 Mar 16 #67
Fair point.

I'm currently on £18 which will rise and I've seen someone get it matched at that.

Problem I have now is that I probably wouldn't touch 16gb and EE have better coverage and much higher speed rates!
16 Mar 16 #68
what do you think about this deal
is unlimited minutes, text and data. for 20 quid. they only have reduced Internet speed after 6gb. I don't know by how much. any one got experience with them?
16 Mar 16 #69
​Giffgaff speed reduction:
With Always On you get 6GB of UK data at full 4G speeds and then an unlimited data allowance at a reduced speed (256kbps) from 8am to midnight. From midnight to 7.59am you have an unlimited data allowance at full speed.

a bit slow. not worth having 4G with 256kb speed.
18 Mar 16 #70
Looks like cashbook has been reduced to £132 a good deal still with the eu calls and texts.
18 Mar 16 #71
I'm still seeing £180.
18 Mar 16 #72
I bought the 8gb plan with the £132 cashback, my contract has been activated and I've been sent my first bill, for £27.99. I queried this because it was advertised as half price for 3 months, EE said I needed to speak to mobilephonesdirect, they are saying the half price will be deducted for billing months 2, 3 and 4. This was nowhere in the literature when I signed up and the emails from mobilephonesdirect refer nowhere to half price for 3 months. So I'm both a bit disgruntled and skeptical as to what is going to happen at the moment. Also any calls to mobilephonesdirect involve a lengthy wait, which only exacerbates my annoyance. Anyone else have anything to share with regards to the half price for 3 months part of the deal?
18 Mar 16 #73
No issues with mine. My first bill showed half price as did the account page.

It definitely says 3 months half price on the mobile phones direct order page. It doesn't specifically say which three months mind you.

Personally I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for the next bill - but it's definitely part of what you bought so they can't wriggle out of it.
19 Mar 16 #74
Got my first bill from EE on the 8GB tariff and not showing half price. EE Told me nothing on their system for my account told me to speak to Mobiles phones direct.

Mobilesphonesdirect have told me that the half price 3 months through them is slightly different offer where bills 2-4 are half price and its a deal they have agreed with EE (EE will bill me half price those months).

Now im guessing i have to cross my fingers and hope thats true as i have nothing in the emails to indicate half price. Anyone else in the same situation as big factor in taking contract is the 3 months 1/2 and cashback.

The fact that EE have nothing on their system to indicate 3 months half price may me very cautious.
19 Mar 16 #75
​I've just cancelled my EE sim as 1st bill didn't have half price on the 1st bill. Mobilephonesdirect told me that it should of been added to my 1st bill then another said its the 2nd bill.. i don't think they know themselves. Think I'll try again but with the 8gb package instead of 16gb.
19 Mar 16 #76
How easy is it to cancel and what if you have already used your pac code.
19 Mar 16 #77
​I just phoned Mobilephonesdirect and asked to cancel as i was still in my 14 days cooling off period. I also asked for pac code and it will be sent via email in a few days
19 Mar 16 #78
That's my issue with these sorts of deals. The half price is assumed because it's advertised on EE's website. But your buying from a 3rd party reseller, so when you get the bill and its not half price EE can and will fob you off to the 3rd party reseller, in this case Mobilephonesdirect, and MPD will tell you its nothing to do with them it's EE
19 Mar 16 #79
In this case when phoning MFD they told me I have it and it's from 2nd bill till the 4th. Even though EE dont recognise the offer so how can they apply the discount if they don't know about it . MPD Said it is an exclusive deal not showing up on EE systems

Very suspect

I find that quite convenient for MFD as I would be out of the cooling off period so reckon would be very difficult to get out of contract without
19 Mar 16 #80
a) If they don't provide what they contracted for they're in breach and you can void. It's not at their whim.

b) Mobilephonesdirect half price icon says....."your discount will automatically be applied by EE" so they've probably not set the account up properly with EE - although to be sure you should check your EE accounts online to see if they show the three months half price under add-ons in the plans and add ons section.

c) EE are offering half price for three months on their website so I'd ask the person who told you the offer was "exclusive" what they think the meaning of "exclusive" is. His girlfriend is going to be very upset with him some day......
19 Mar 16 #81
It says on the checkout page on mobilephonesdirect website that the first three months are half price
19 Mar 16 #82
I have nothing on the Website login, Mobile app or phoning EE to say i have half price line rental addon. EE said its done on setup and what is agreed with the 3rd party. If i had bought directly from EE they could have applied it on the phone but as its done via MPD EE cannot help me.

Why have some people on here recieved tyhe half price addon direct from EE from month 1 and others being told to wait till month 2. Would be good to here from someone who has recieved there month 2 bill.

So who do i believe , EE or the 3rd party.
19 Mar 16 #83
"The half price is assumed because it's advertised on EE's website"

No. It was on mobilephonesdirect's website. As well as EE. And I and many others got it with no issues.
20 Mar 16 #84
If I get this deal and when the time comes to renew do, I have to renew with MFD or can I do that directly through EE?
21 Mar 16 #85
Your contract once setup(hopefully correctly) is with EE so at renewal time its only EE you have to deal with.
22 Mar 16 1 #86
So I got this deal and everything went through fine, but when I set up my online account with EE it wasn't showing the first three months as being half price as some others have reported.

I did the online chat support with EE who (as others have reported) told me to talk to MPD as it's a problem at their end. I called MPD on Thursday evening, and although I had to hold for 20 minutes to get a response, I got a nice chap in a British call centre. He apologised, said they'd had a few people having this problem with this deal, and said he'd send an email to EE to get it sorted. He advised it probably wouldn't be sorted until Monday, and that he'd pop me an email once it was sorted.

As promised, on Monday when I logged into my account there was an add-on for 50% off for three months. They've already billed me at full price for the first month, so I expect I'll get the 50% off in months 2, 3 and 4. Hopefully that won't affect my month 4 cashback... Might ring them at some point to check that.

I never did get an email from MPD to confirm that it'd been sorted, but I'm not too fussed about that.
22 Mar 16 #87
Good news.
Can't see cash back being dependent on the amount on the bill - as long as its month 4 should be fine.
lareneg to MeesterX
30 Mar 16 #95
Huh, so the 50% off for three months addon has vanished from my account... gonna chat to EE support tomorrow and see what they say.
23 Mar 16 #88
I've had the exact same issue, SIM arrived yesterday and today I've been billed the full £34.99. I didn't fancy waiting on hold for 20 mins, so I've used the contact form on their website to try and get in touch.
23 Mar 16 #89
I take it the half price line rental has ended?
23 Mar 16 #90
Well, while I was holding there was an option to hold your place in the queue and get a call back when you were at the front, in case that's of use to you? I just didn't see the point in case it didn't work, as it's an 03xx number so included in my free minutes. It's one of those hold systems which helpfully tells you your place in the queue so you're not suddenly surprised when they pick up. I just sat in front of the TV with my phone on speaker.

Despite the hold time I'm just pleased it worked out. Given the reviews for MPD and similar companies I was expecting it to be like getting blood from a stone if anything went wrong.
24 Mar 16 #91
I assume this is expired now
25 Mar 16 #92
Thanks for your reply. I got an email back from them yesterday after filling out the form on their website. It was literally one line and said "The discount will be applied from month 2." Short and sweet. I'll see what happens next month I guess..
25 Mar 16 #93
Looks like the 3 months half price part of the deal has expired now.

Purely FYI - Without the three months half price and the £10 Quidco it works out to £20 per month effectively.
25 Mar 16 #94
The discount shows up as an addon in my EE account, alongside London Underground WiFi - have you checked to see if this has been applied to your account? I assume they say it'll be applied from month 2 because the billing date for month 1 has already passed.
17 Apr 16 #96
Anyone know how the "discount will be applied from bill 2 onwards" works in reality. I don't want to pay £35 in first month - then £19.99 a month afterwards - when I signed up for £19.99 a month. The EE website doesn't let me login (site issue not me) - the EE app isn't working either. I'm very close to just cancelling the whole thing to be honest.
pgregg to carpmaster1
1 Aug 16 #98
Reminder, just in case anyone is following this thread. Time to submit your first cashback claim for month 4.
26 Apr 16 #97
Cancel it and go to vodaphone 20gb deal for £12 a month after cash back from or other seller. The speeds are terrible (what do you expect for £12pm) compared to EE double data (the best!) but they're twice as good as Three (tested!) and you get 12 months of movies or Spotify included.
2 Aug 16 #99
Ive got 2 months so far for £17.50 for the past 2 months but some reason I have been charged £35 this month when it should be £17.50. Should I contact EE or mobile phones direct?
3 Aug 16 #100
Check with EE. You can download previous bills as PDF and verify. Check that it isn't listed as £35 and -£17.50 discount.

Also with 2 phones, if using same bank account- EE *may* be billing them together in the same DD. They do that with 2 of my contracts.
30 Nov 16 #101
So I missed month 6 claim by 2 days... MPD refused to pay out :disappointed:

Get your month 8 submissions in now guys.
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£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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