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£35 off the Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X £414.00 at the Google Store - Free Delivery
5 stars +586

£35 off the Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X £414.00 at the Google Store - Free Delivery

Free P&P google store12 Mar 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
11 Mar 16
Make some noise and celebrate our 1st birthday with £35 off Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X

Promotion period starts 11 March 2016, ends 27 March 2016. Discount applied at checkout.

Prices from £414 for the 6P although I do think that delivery is extra, all the colours and sizes are available, personally I would stick with the 64GB or above models

Gold 32Gb not currently available.

Delivery appears to be free.
- Thar

Not actually at the Google Play store.
- omgpleasespamme
Latest comments (66)
16 Mar 16 #65
Still think the Moto x style is the better for £115 cheaper, decent price directly from Google though, heat added.
liger100 to LazybeatX
21 Mar 16 #66
Just read some reviews and watched some vids regarding this moto x style. Really is a top quality phone. Shame about no fingerprint sensor though.

Also realistically when will the 808 processor start showing its age?
14 Mar 16 1 #64
I have been iPhone user since 3gs and finally switched to android with nexus 6p. I am not Apple fan of though I used it for various reasons. It was scary move but I am so happy that I did it. I won't say Android is best or iPhone is best but it's no less than Android as many people put fear in. Both os r gud in own ways but it's so boring to use same os over long time especially when it's not much configurable. Nexus 6p is beauty with brain. I just want to say iPhone users who want to switch that this phone is serious competition for iPhone. There may be few challenges initially with data transfer especially with apps like awesome notes that do not exist on Android but journey ahead is exciting.
11 Mar 16 2 #3
Hot for UK but Still a joke, got the 6p for $400 when I was in America and a $50 gift card for best buy.
robm612 to ChriisM
11 Mar 16 #4
Does it support all UK network frequencies? I have a friend who is a long haul air hostess so I could ask her to get me one, but when I did some research, it seemed that with the extra tax in some states and the fact that the US version didn't support UK network bands it wasn't worth it.
If you could confirm otherwise I would get one from the US
sinfull to ChriisM
14 Mar 16 #63
That's about right... ... the reason we pay more is because we know the value better than others that pay less... at least that's what Tony Blair said when he stopped cheap imports coming in as tax free.
13 Mar 16 #62
​it's the glass that covers the camera lens
13 Mar 16 #61
Vat and customs are included as per T&C's with eglobal, but some bad ebay feedback also. You pays your money!
13 Mar 16 1 #60
Just had confirmation that mine has shipped. Courier is Parcelforce which is good for me as I won't be in and can collect it from my local depot. Hope this info helps someone.
13 Mar 16 #59
Yeah I know. mcav needed to make it clear who he was referring to.
13 Mar 16 #58
Google has excellent suppot, eglobalcentral does not, they are based out of Hong Kong, so would need to add VAT and customs to their prices.
12 Mar 16 1 #57
I take it you mean eglobalcentral and not Google? Just checking.
12 Mar 16 #56
This might not be the cheapest deal for this device, but keep in mind that the Warranty support by Google is second to none. There is no messing about at all when it comes to replacement devices. This is more than worth the slight increase in price.
12 Mar 16 #55
Not a good retailer at all.
[EDIT] - I am referring to eglobalcentral as being not a good trader. My experience with Google as a retailer of devices has been nothing but excellent.
12 Mar 16 #49
By the way just checked with CarphoneWarehouse and was told by an advisor that they will price match as well.
liger100 to busterdan
12 Mar 16 #54
Does CPW or anyone else for that matter actually sell the 64GB and 128GB versions.

All the carriers seem to only sell 32GB version.
12 Mar 16 #53
The top bit on the back of the nexus 6p where the camera sits is made of glass.
12 Mar 16 #51
The 6p is £316 in America... We get shafted over here
12 Mar 16 #50
​Yeah i decided not to return it as it's not worth it. I always had black or white phones so i wanted something different for s change and it's a beautiful phone just very very slippery in the had.
12 Mar 16 #48
I am sorely tempted by this myself. I am currently running the LG G4, but while I never experienced any boot loop issues, since updating to 6.0, the battery has been woeful, to the point I purchased a replacement battery to keep just in case when travelling from NI to the mainland on footy day trips. The last trip a few weeks ago, I went through both batteries before getting home and I couldn't pin point any particular resource hungry app or setting. I was previously getting the full day out of one battery!

Any user reviews on real world battery life??
12 Mar 16 #46
Bought the Gold couple weeks ago from carphone warehouse for £489 damn don't know if i should send it back now and get the black
busterdan to Brutos
12 Mar 16 #47
Hmm thats frustrating... but hardly worth the hassle of returning it etc.... for the sake of £30 or so (assuming you got the 64GB one).

Interested to know why you chose Gold instead of the other colours, did you look at them all and just preferred the Gold.
12 Mar 16 #45
the top camera and sensor portion is black glass
12 Mar 16 #44
Cheers, I am going to buy it off amazon.
12 Mar 16 #42
Sorry new to nexus devices. Does that mean you get the latest Google updates straight away on Nexus devices or can the network operators still hold them back or tweak them?
busterdan to Kembob
12 Mar 16 1 #43
No Network Operators don't even figure in the equation.... you get the updates first when Google decide to release them.
12 Mar 16 #41
They do bloat them out, although they are more sympathetic to stock Android now. That said I read that S7 Touchwiz takes up a whole 8Gb

OK so those that are buying.... what colours are you buying... I personally like the matt gold.... sure it is a bit "flashy" and in your face but who wouldn't want to show off a nice phone.
12 Mar 16 #40
This is a good price for 64GB. Glad the promotion running for few weeks. Hopefully we will see a full depth review of the Xiaomi Mi5 by then.
12 Mar 16 #38
Decisions, Decisions..... and I can't decide.... despite sharing this deal...

I currently have a OnePlus One and to be honest it does everything I need really especially as I've installed Version 6 Android (Marshmallow) on it.

I love the look and specs of the Samsung S7 Edge, I should have got it a week or so ago when it was available with Samsung VR and 12 months 0% installments as the best contract price I can find is around £40 for 24 months (with 10GB data).

This Nexus 6P is a great phone and again ticks all the boxes for me, but is it really that much of a step up from the OPO to justify £450.... hmmmm??? The same argument goes for the OnePlus Two which has many specs on a par with the Nexus 6P, it's also a nice phone and only £250..... argh!!!

At this rate I can see me just holding out with OPO and perhaps see what comes later in the year with the OP3, whilst keeping an eye on S7 Edge prices.
brooky_agn to busterdan
12 Mar 16 1 #39
Does Samsung mess with the OS and bloat it out with all their own crap? Nexus is pure android which for me makes it more appealing.
12 Mar 16 #37
I was thinking that too. My Nexus 4 has a glass back.
12 Mar 16 2 #33
I bought my son one for Xmas and the glass broke on the back, he said he hadn't dropped it, googling it showed quite a few people have had the same problem, luckily it was insured, now it's in a case just in case.
f34r to daletharper
12 Mar 16 1 #36
The 5X is plastic and the 6P is aluminium. Neither have a glass back
12 Mar 16 #31
The Nexus 5x 32GB is £282 at Amazon. Do Amazon accept any return for refund in 15 days as the Google store does? From Google it would be over £300.
Thar to gubro
12 Mar 16 #35
Your statutory rights allow you 14 days to return any item click here
12 Mar 16 #34
Love my iPhone but this is tempting. Android finally seems like a decent OS these days from a usability point of view.
11 Mar 16 #13
What birthday are they celebrating?
alg to ck12111
11 Mar 16 #15
Tells you in the original post - 1st.

But this is a year since they split the hardware shop off from the media bit.
iammienta to ck12111
12 Mar 16 2 #32
11 Mar 16 #30
That's not what is being asked. The mobile networks in the UK operate on different frequencies to the U.S.
11 Mar 16 #27 has it for 510 Euros. If you have a Halifax Clarity Card, it works out at £399 including delivery. Yesterday it was 499 Euros and at a slightly better exchange rate which worked out at under £370.
Thar to wonderbrawl
11 Mar 16 #29
I saw that deal, but personally would rather order the UK version directly from Google.

How come if it dropped €11 that made it £29 cheaper?
11 Mar 16 1 #28
You need to go here and add a "New address".
11 Mar 16 #26
Yes but not my address attached is there a way to add my address?
11 Mar 16 #25
Am I missing something or is there no option to post to the UK? Any help would be very helpful.
11 Mar 16 #22
Where is the option for the UK when I go to select a country to deliver to? I can't find it :neutral_face:
Thar to Negotiator101
11 Mar 16 #24
Do you have a Google account already set up? My order just linked to my Google account and Google wallet which you use to pay.
11 Mar 16 #23
Typical just bought mine a fortnight ago!
11 Mar 16 #21
I have £20 credit. When I get a survey asking what I think of rewards, I say they should let us use the credit towards devices.
11 Mar 16 #19
can you apply your existing play credit at checkout? doesn't seem to be giving me option as I have around £8.
Paranoia to naveidanwar
11 Mar 16 #20
Credit cannot be used on devices, unfortunately.
11 Mar 16 #18
Can someone edit the title to remove the word 'Play' please. I'm only in this thread because of that erroneous word.
11 Mar 16 #17
That's typical I bought mine a few weeks ago after waiting for a deal lol.
11 Mar 16 #16
Finally gave in. Thanks for the heads up OP. Be sad to put my Nexus 4 into retirement though.
11 Mar 16 #14
Stonking deal and fantastic phone.
11 Mar 16 #12
Delivery appears to be free
11 Mar 16 #11
Cheers for the help
11 Mar 16 #10
32Gb gold out of stock. They had gold at this price not long ago and don't seem to have restocked since then.

EE are selling 32Gb (graphite only) on pay as you go for £399 in store, but £10 top up required, I checked today.
11 Mar 16 #9
It looks like everywhere but North America share the same version, so I would guess so.
11 Mar 16 #8
Would Singapore be an international version?
11 Mar 16 #7
You are correct, there is a US version and an international version. You can check the band support here.

Looks like you'd have band 3 and 7, but no band 20 so it depends what network you are on. Why not get her to pick up one from literally anywhere other than the US, provided the price is right.
11 Mar 16 #6
Works for Aluminium 64gb not Gold!
11 Mar 16 #5
​Nexus phones are open on all carriers I believe.
11 Mar 16 1 #1
Does not seem to work for 64gb though.
davewave to bytewise
11 Mar 16 #2
​it works for me 35 quid comes off at checkout.
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