Thanks got 15 x 12lt from Salisbury store click and collect.
21 Feb 16#122
They cancelled my order...
19 Feb 16#121
They rang me today to say there's none left online...did manage to get two sherwood green 9 litres from York Store they only had red left in stock
19 Feb 16#120
just ordered 3 from London Road..great find :smiley:
19 Feb 16#119
ty for this..just ordered the last 3 from London Road..smoking hot
19 Feb 16#118
just collected x2 9l for £2 must be a mistake oh well. megahot.
19 Feb 16#113
One problem with this stuff (rather than much more expensive stain) is that it flakes off after a few years so if you have plants growing over the fence it's difficult to repaint. It's cheap for a reason ...
arthurplank to Moneyspider
19 Feb 16#117
Perhaps, I had some stuff which did that, its a real pain, but for the price I'm not expecting it to last more than three years without some maintenance. Made a real mess of the garden furniture though.
19 Feb 16#116
Well I got them. So now to make sure they stay above freezing until the better weather arrives.
19 Feb 16#115
Brought 12lt one of brown,red,green got them with no trouble at all super hot deal
19 Feb 16#114
Great find, just cleared out the stock of 5L tins in the Maidstone branch. Anybody need their shed/fence painted?
19 Feb 16#112
Ordered click & collect from Crewe last night & just collected. Thanks - it will do the sheds this year.
19 Feb 16#111
Picked mine up last night.
There is stock in Crewe, Winsford, Birkenhead and other places.
18 Feb 16#110
What a waste of time fence paint may be cheap, but not much use if I have to travel a minimum of 50 miles in order to obtain a couple of cans is it ?.
18 Feb 16#109
Excellent find just ordered 3 x 12 ltrs only just over £7 bargain... thank you
18 Feb 16#108
Just picked mine up from Ipswich they had 2 trolleys stacked with them for click and collect orders the woman who served me said they were shocked when they seen all the orders this morning :smile:
18 Feb 16#107
Ordered some for click and collect. Will see if I get 'em. Great job OP.
18 Feb 16#106
Bought some of this a couple of years ago for the garden fence. After a few weeks it started to just disappear in patches and come off and was soon making the fence look terribly patchy.
I would never buy Wickes own brand fence paint again under any circumstances. You have been warned.
18 Feb 16#90
thank you. ordered some for click/collect.
spenspuma to tissot22
18 Feb 16#93
Square litre?..lmfao
hughwp to tissot22
18 Feb 16#105
Way I read it is 6-12litres per square metre seem a lot of paint for metre squared
18 Feb 16#104
thank you very much just ordered 7 x 12 litres from Redditch store :-)
18 Feb 16#102
Picked up my two 12L tins and someone was there collecting their 25 tins of 12L plus numerous 5L tins as well.
They either have a lot of fencing to paint or were going to sell it on.
cash4tweets to NCIS
18 Feb 16#103
Or they have the storage space to keep it for a couple of years. I've got over 100 ft of fencing plus I do the neighbours on one side.
Almost gone at Stirchley, A few 5l &12l green left at 2 pm
18 Feb 16#97
Thanks, ordered :smiley:
18 Feb 16#95
Good deal. But really this is all it ought to be, or a couple quid, I bought several Ronseal 5 litres last year at B&Q for 4 quid each. This can be nowhere near as good as Ronseal, but as said, a quid cannot be argued against. HOT
deb8z to jnigel26
18 Feb 16#96
You must be easily pleased as i think the Ronseal one is rubbish.
18 Feb 16#94
very nice deal order 11 of them
a big thanks for the find
18 Feb 16#92
£40 delivery for a 12l tin as nearest store is 23miles away!
17 Feb 164#6
"Coverage: 6 - 12L per m²"
That can't be right can it? That means you'd need up to 80 litres per fence panel!!
aym280 to PeteW
17 Feb 16#44
A discerning bargain-hunter!
andrewfmills to PeteW
18 Feb 16#91
I think that should be 6 - 12m² per litre.
I painted my fence with this stuff last year and its still looking good.
18 Feb 16#87
all the descriptions say 6-12m coverage on all sizes. Anyone know how many panels 5L will cover?
theshabster to kiwinezza
18 Feb 16#89
I'm going to hazard a guess that they mean 6-12m square per litre, but I could be wrong.
18 Feb 16#88
Just picked mine up from the Newport branch. Seven 5litres and four 9litres. Only reason it's cheap is they've discontinued it and not selling it anymore. Once it's gone it's gone.
18 Feb 16#86
Lots left in the Chesham, Bucks store if any one is local to that area. Picked up 4x 12l of chestnut brown for under a tenner! Cheers OP
18 Feb 16#85
great find.....just ordered 4 tubs of 12litres from my local..thanks op
18 Feb 16#84
awesome just ordered some for our new fence!! cheers
18 Feb 161#83
If you do fancy something a bit more hard wearing, the wax enriched version of the Wickes Timbercare range is also half price and available on Click & Collect only. £7.49 for 10 litres.
Thank you OP. 20l bought for £4, now just got to pay somebody to paint fence.
18 Feb 161#81
I wouldn't recommend this unless you're using it on new treated timber. It is little more than watered down paint and will not assist in preserving your timber.
I'm not knocking the price of it, but if you're taking the time to paint your fence then it's worth paying a couple of quid more and getting a product with either wax or a preserver.
18 Feb 16#80
Thanks OP. Ordered 4 x 12l tubs, but doubt I'll need that much for 4 6ft fence panels, but better to be safe than sorry :smile:
18 Feb 16#79
Just picked mine up & there is still stock in Wallsend.
18 Feb 16#78
Got a 12L for C&C, unbelievable price!
Cheers OP
18 Feb 16#77
it's showing £25 delivery for my order?
18 Feb 16#76
Ordered thanks.
18 Feb 16#75
Still in stock ( in green) Swindon, Chippenham, and Newbury
18 Feb 16#74
Great find OP! Heat added
Plenty In Kings Lynn
18 Feb 16#73
Can't let the wife see this otherwise I'll end up busy next time the sunshine comes out
18 Feb 16#72
Some in stock in Chester if anyone lives around there.
18 Feb 16#71
Thanks for this Just ordered.
But it is out of stock now in a lot places around my area.
18 Feb 16#70
Excellent deal, roll on yhe spring for some warmer and dryer weather to get using! 17 ltrs for £3.98 can't he sniffed at! Employee in store told me the product range was changing hense stock clearance of it going on right now!
18 Feb 16#69
not all oos, I just did a c&c order
18 Feb 16#68
OOS so why is this deal still going?
18 Feb 16#67
I used this last year and none of it has been washed away by the rain.
It does need 2 coats though to be effective.
18 Feb 16#66
I used this stuff last year and its rubbish, not worth the time and effort. The rain simply washes it away!!!
18 Feb 16#65
ordered a load, thanks, 4.2% tcb as well
17 Feb 16#64
Showing OOS everywhere I checked :disappointed:
17 Feb 16#63
I think the colour labelling has been mixed up on the tubs. In the photos on the Wickes website dark brown is shown much lighter than the contents which is dark brown.
17 Feb 16#62
Ordered some tonight so fingers crossed they honour the order. Thanks for sharing as will save me some money this summer
17 Feb 16#61
Ok thanks for reply :smile:
17 Feb 16#60
Thanks everyone :-)
17 Feb 16#59
Thankyou op.
Been waiting for a deal like this for a while.
Bought 5x5litre for £4.20 ish (20% discount as I work for Travis Perkins)
Bargain and we'll spotted !
17 Feb 16#58
Sweet. 24l for a fiver. Can't go wrong. Thanks op
17 Feb 16#57
Great thanks.....plenty in stock 12l ones in Norwich.....planning ahead for summer....
17 Feb 16#56
17 Feb 16#55
Great thanks op ordered 3 light brown and 3 green 5l tubs
17 Feb 16#54
Managed to get 16x 12lt, 4x 9lt, 8x 5lt in Chestnut & Light Brown at the Swansea store.
Even better price as I used my 10% Trade Discount.
The staff were running around lifting a few customer orders off the shelves whilst I was there.
Doubt there's much left now!
17 Feb 16#53
Thanks op ordered 6 x 12L
17 Feb 16#52
I Have used this product before and in my opinion it's a better product than those bought from other well know DIY stores, it gets my vote. Just bought 6 X 12 litres
17 Feb 16#16
Great price. Is it any good? :smiley:
therudders to joanne10
17 Feb 161#51
Its not great, but its better than nothing
17 Feb 16#50
Cool, nice find. Thanks
17 Feb 161#49
brilliant find thanks
17 Feb 161#48
40l for £8. Bargain. Now Gotta get round to using it
17 Feb 16#47
Just had my order confirmed and it's ready for collection locally, so no problems.
17 Feb 16#46
Fantastic price, bought loads of this before and it's the best fence and shed paint in my opinion and I tried quite a few before. Just order 6 X 12 litre tubs. Thanks for posting, you have just saved me a fortune, much appreciated.
17 Feb 16#45
Cheers picked up 6x5l chestnut brown
Only when I checked them when loading them in the car 2 were actually 6l so 2l free as the assistant just scanned the 5l
17 Feb 16#43
All my orders got canceled with out explanation cold here
17 Feb 16#42
All my orders got canceled with out explanation cold here
17 Feb 161#41
17 Feb 16#40
Ordered 39 litres less than £8 heat
17 Feb 16#39
Ordered 12L green from marsh mills plymouth thank you!!
17 Feb 16#38
Ordered 5x5L, thanks OP, hot!!
17 Feb 16#33
Why are people buying the 12l? Did everyone fail maths or did they change the site to HotUKThrowYourMoneyDownTheDrain while I wasn't looking?
NCIS to sdutton007
17 Feb 161#37
Some stores don't have enough of the 5L tins, so need to order the 12L tins.
17 Feb 16#36
Just bought 8*5l from the Rayleigh store.
Thanks Op.
17 Feb 16#35
Cheers, hot!
17 Feb 16#34
Perfect, many thanks. Reserved and will pick up tonight. Summer jobs sorted, log cabin, garden gates and roof soffits.......
17 Feb 16#32
Just bought 3! Great it'll keep for the summer when it's a bit warmer to do
17 Feb 161#31
17 Feb 16#22
Anyone else's order get cancelled?! ordered 3x 5L and just got an email saying "We confirm that the following items have been cancelled on your order number ..." but I didn't cancel it!
Mellybloke to Inukai
17 Feb 16#30
Ordered 12.5l which got cancelled so rang them and they had one 5l in stock which they kept for me.Just picked it up together with a 6l for £1.49 they failed to tell me about.
So 11l for £2.49 is a good buy.
17 Feb 16#29
Just wanted to say thanks, I managed to click and collect 5 x 12L from the Stevenage store earlier this afternoon.
17 Feb 16#28
bargain just picked up 64 litres
17 Feb 16#27
Thanks very much OP. New fence going up this year and was looking for fence paint anyway.
17 Feb 16#26
Just collected all mine from Redditch store. One of my 5l tubs had sold out so asked if they had the 12l in stock. They did and had loads on the shelf. Assistant said she thinks the price is a glitch. They had a load of orders coming in and said they didnt have man power to keep up so check store stock. Dont go by click and Collect.
Heat added, Thank you.
17 Feb 16#25
bargain find!
17 Feb 16#24
It is sold out in Kettering, but a good find anyway. Heat added.
17 Feb 16#17
Do you think this will be ok for decking??
bigtone1943 to glo1967
17 Feb 161#18
othen to glo1967
17 Feb 161#23
No, it will just rub off and make a mess of your shoes.
17 Feb 16#21
Cheap as chips
17 Feb 16#20
Brill price, just off to collect on lunch hour. Quite a bit left in the Redditch store.
17 Feb 16#19
Great find and plenty of stock around Maidstone area, thanks
17 Feb 16#15
Ordered via click and collect, great deal.
Many thanks heat added.
Just need some sunshine now :-)
17 Feb 16#14
Out of stock online
17 Feb 16#13
Super hot got one of each of the 12lt see if we get them
17 Feb 16#12
How much were these previously? It shows as 50% off but I would have thought these were more expensive than £2...?
17 Feb 16#11
Switched browsers and now the lower price is showing. Thanks, managed to reserve some at my local.
17 Feb 161#9
Is it just me or does the price go up when its in the basket?
Georgedeals to Finnergen
17 Feb 16#10
Just you
17 Feb 16#8
Cheers OP, heat added.
17 Feb 16#7
Thanks OP. ordered one through C&C. now patiently waiting for summer to come.
17 Feb 16#5
nice one op! needed to paint the shed this year, just waiting for a little sun now :sunglasses:
17 Feb 16#4
Thanks Need some for the garden fence
17 Feb 16#3
HOT ! I need some for allotment shed.
17 Feb 16#2
Nice one, thanks. Just reserved a range of colours/ sizes. We'll see as to how many get cancelled from that.
I'm preparing myself for problems with quality at this price, even though reviews seem generally positive, but any better than rubbish will be a pleasant surprise at this price.
Now I just need the weather to play ball to use it!
Opening post
free click and collect loads of stock close to me
or next day delivery £5.95
lots of different colours and sizes
5l - £1.00
6l -£1.49
9l -£2.00
link to all
hope this helps someone
Top comments
That can't be right can it? That means you'd need up to 80 litres per fence panel!!
Latest comments (124)
There is stock in Crewe, Winsford, Birkenhead and other places.
I would never buy Wickes own brand fence paint again under any circumstances. You have been warned.
Square litre?..lmfao
They either have a lot of fencing to paint or were going to sell it on.
a big thanks for the find
That can't be right can it? That means you'd need up to 80 litres per fence panel!!
I painted my fence with this stuff last year and its still looking good.
I'm not knocking the price of it, but if you're taking the time to paint your fence then it's worth paying a couple of quid more and getting a product with either wax or a preserver.
Cheers OP
Plenty In Kings Lynn
But it is out of stock now in a lot places around my area.
It does need 2 coats though to be effective.
Been waiting for a deal like this for a while.
Bought 5x5litre for £4.20 ish (20% discount as I work for Travis Perkins)
Bargain and we'll spotted !
Managed to get 16x 12lt, 4x 9lt, 8x 5lt in Chestnut & Light Brown at the Swansea store.
Even better price as I used my 10% Trade Discount.
The staff were running around lifting a few customer orders off the shelves whilst I was there.
Doubt there's much left now!
Only when I checked them when loading them in the car 2 were actually 6l so 2l free as the assistant just scanned the 5l
Thanks Op.
So 11l for £2.49 is a good buy.
Heat added, Thank you.
Many thanks heat added.
Just need some sunshine now :-)
I'm preparing myself for problems with quality at this price, even though reviews seem generally positive, but any better than rubbish will be a pleasant surprise at this price.
Now I just need the weather to play ball to use it!