Perfect set of colouring pencils for adult colouring books for those who don't want to spend a fortune but would like good quality pencils. These blend well, and qualify for free click and collect. please note this price is for online orders, you will pay more if you purchase them in store. Got these for my mum after doing a fair bit of research to find the most recommended pencils and then found my sister has been using a set since christmas and is really happy with them.
Latest comments (17)
2 Mar 16#17
That's good :smiley:
1 Mar 16#16
Got another email today about pencils being shipped. One day later than the colouring books so no problem after all
29 Feb 16#14
Ouch. Looks like they ran out of stock. Just got an email about pencils being delivered as backorder.
tinkerbellian to mikax7x
29 Feb 16#15
Still letting me add them to my basket , when will yours be delivered ?
28 Feb 16#13
Ahh he has descended to YouTube hopefully the decent will continue absolute clown of a human being.
28 Feb 16#12
Thanks, she's a little bit of a technophobe to be honest , but has a fair amount of normal rubber stamps to work with too, so once she's had a practice then maybe she can move onto these.
28 Feb 16#11
Colouring books are also in discount and cheaper than Amazon. Worth checking if you would like free home delivery for order over £20
28 Feb 16#10
If she likes crafting she night like to look at Digi stamps. They're black & white line drawings you buy online & can print them out & colour them in. I can't draw for toffee, but love colouring digi stamps and making cards etc with the results.
27 Feb 16#7
They're lovely pencils. Really nice quality.
tinkerbellian to lucyscollins
28 Feb 16#9
For art purposes I have normally bought faber-castell or conte but these are expensive, and the reviews on this set were so good I thought I'd try them for my mum. ( not that I wouldn't have bought her the others but she was insistent on starting off with a cheaper version) .Feedback on here seems good to , so hopefully she will like them.
28 Feb 16#8
Aaaah yes Russell Brand and his definitive view on everything from austerity to colouring in books ......! Personally I don't use the books as I draw freehand , but my mum has decided to give them a go, she was fed up of not being able to draw but is quite craft minded so no doubt will turn the pictures into greetings cards and the like. Who am I to judge......:wink:
Opening post
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Just in case anyone wanted a smaller set xx