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11 Feb 16
In light of the other vodafone sim only deal expiring, here it is again but from e2save which works out £10 a month after cadhback, link:

The other deal with £40 automatic is also available on the web site, link

Also dont forget topcashback or quidco for an extra fiver to sweaten the deal just a little more!

I hope this deal helps those that missed out, enjoy guys and gals
All comments (62)
11 Feb 16 #1
What are the reviews for e2save?
gmdlogan to D3adly
11 Feb 16 #12
Been around ages mate. Don't worry about them
11 Feb 16 #2

Save £120 Cashback by redemption on vodafone

Send your claim in line with the Cashback Claim Process below and we will credit you by cheque with £24.00 each time.

This will save you £120 over the 12 month duration of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £10 per month.

Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12

It's so simple to workout when you need to claim your cashback, please see the below table on when you should send your bills to us.

Bill Claim Amount
Bill Dated May 2016 £24.00
Bill Dated July 2016 £24.00
Bill Dated September 2016 £24.00
Bill Dated November 2016 £24.00
Bill Dated January 2017 £24.00
The required bill needs to be sent to Cashback Claims, PO Box 376, Southhampton, SO30 2PX and must be received within 60 days from the date on the bill. The bill must show your name, address, mobile number and tariff you are connected to.

We recommend you send this by recorded delivery as we cannot be held responsible for lost items or claims that arrive outside the qualifying period. We also recommend you keep your proof of postage.
11 Feb 16 #3
Does this come with Spotify/Netflix?
11 Feb 16 #4
BT doing same deal and £40 cashbook plus if you are with BT broadband you get it for £16 bit offer ends I next day or so and there data is faster than Vodafone and millions of free WiFi hotspots
Adamking to nexus76
12 Feb 16 1 #42
BT does cover more ground in the UK. That is true. But the quality of that network is rubbish. O2 and Vodaphone almost always have 4 bars and fast mobile data speeds.
11 Feb 16 #5
Does this still come with Spotify?
anthony212 to SnapperUK
11 Feb 16 #6
​nope, because you're buying it through e2save, and not Vodafone
11 Feb 16 #7
Micro sim only
Mogolent to delboy2013
11 Feb 16 #8
You can swap Sim to size you need at Vodafone store
But I'm aware about source. Any reviews about seller?
BarGin to delboy2013
11 Feb 16 #9
Go to any Vodafone shop and they will change it for you for free. I've done it a couple of times
baggaa01 to delboy2013
12 Feb 16 #39
I have used cash backs from E2save and mobiles (both are carphonewarehouse companies) and the cash back has worked fine for the four or five years I have used them. Have five accts now. The process is now much simpler since they allowed you to submit the cash back claim online. You have to remember to claim within 60 days otherwise you do not get that money.
11 Feb 16 #10
I wonder if this comes with Spotify/Netflix.
bargainbill to roadie
11 Feb 16 #11
As long as E2save have not listed it for sale with the wrong description, it will do. People who say "no because it comes from xxx" are talking rubbish.

This is clearly listed as a "Red Value" sim card in the description when you click the 'i' button on e2save.

IF it's a "RED VALUE" contract then it will have spotify with it.
IF its just a "RED" contract then it will not.

The exception is the 2GB Red Value contracts, they do not include entertainment.

Vodafone don't actually offer a 20GB "Red" sim only, although they do offer it as an option when you buy a phone from them.

If they don't honor this then you have e2save on the sale of goods act as it's not "Red Value" without entertainment.

"Enjoy up to 24 months’ access to Spotify Premium when you buy a Red Value Bundle (excluding Red Value 2GB Bundle) or a SIM only Red Value Bundle."
11 Feb 16 #13
Thanks, have you gone for it?
11 Feb 16 1 #14
I've gone for this. If it turns out that the red value bundle is not included then I will most likely cancel and talk to vodafone.
11 Feb 16 #15
I bought it through earlier, 5 weeks left on my current EE contract but doubt anything like this will be available then.
11 Feb 16 #16
Tempting, but reviews of this company put me off:
11 Feb 16 #17
cashbacks are dodgy...... although this company have been around for many years you are signing a contract with vodafone for £20 per month ....... there is no contract or agreement between yourself and e2 save.."!!!!!!
11 Feb 16 #18
​I notice it says "up to 24 months" I had phone from one of e2saves sister company's and when I got in contact with Vodafone to claim the Spotify they said as I got the contract through a third party they would only give it to me for 1 month not 12! The phone was quickly returned!
11 Feb 16 #19
On the page it says £10 per month after cashback but when you add it to basket it says £20 per month and does not mention the cashback where the others do mention the cashback on the order page.
11 Feb 16 #20
Thanks for posting but the cash back sounds dodgy. I mean who does snail mail nowadays?
jase.2 to mailmikey
11 Feb 16 1 #21
not many people probably

Alternatively, you can submit an online version of your bill via your My Account area by clicking here.
the porter
11 Feb 16 1 #22
I'm suprised this is not red hot and deals like this don't come around too often
11 Feb 16 1 #23
Has anyone ordered and received a confirmation saying they will receive cashback and not just be charged £20 per month?
vitor19771 to fayraz
11 Feb 16 1 #24
This offer is over,they removed the cash back
11 Feb 16 #25
Package 1
Vodafone Pay Monthly Nano SIM - FREE Vodafone 4G Red Value iPhone Sim Only Promo £20 12m @ £20.00 / month Save £120 Cashback by redemption - FREE Credited by redemption.
11 Feb 16 #26
Ups sorry this is another one lol
11 Feb 16 #27
What I mean is before you select the package you see this:

After the deal has been added to the basket you do not see anything about cashback:

Whereas on other deals you can clearly state cashback is included:
11 Feb 16 #28
Was it a red value contract?

Lots of people have been assuming all voda contracts have Spotify, it must be red value. As for the up to 24 months, it depends on the contract and term. The small ones are just 6 months Spotify. 20Gb is for the life of the contract.
11 Feb 16 1 #29
Is it still available? Its not showing.
11 Feb 16 #30
Is it still available? Its not showing.
11 Feb 16 #31
Is this expired?
the porter to gulfambaig
11 Feb 16 #32
Why do you think that ?
11 Feb 16 #33
Anyone think it would be possible to get the Vodafone Advantage 20% off making it £16 and this cash back?
Qrunch to omgpleasespamme
11 Feb 16 #35
Vodafone said no to me via online chat as it is not a "full price plan"
fearghalg to omgpleasespamme
12 Feb 16 #44
I didn't suppose you have a spare Vodafone Advantage you a willing to pass onto me?
11 Feb 16 #34
Mines expiring in November. Maybe just wait till then..
11 Feb 16 #36
​I don't remember if it was a red value, I have looked at the email but it only gives reference to data and minute bundles etc. On the Vodafone web site it says 12 months but there is no reference to that on e2save's website and my gutt feeling tells me Vodafone will not honour it as it was bought from a third party.
12 Feb 16 #37
As fayraz mentioned, its not showing cashback in the basket anymore.
12 Feb 16 #38
Does Vodafone allow tethering?
12 Feb 16 #40
No longer showing redemption at any stage - i assume the deal has now expired
12 Feb 16 #41
Deal not even showing on the site anymore. Expired.
12 Feb 16 1 #43
Is this the same deal ? Red value is now half price....was £40, now £20. And I can get 20% off this from my corporate Vodafone discount
fearghalg to mickgoodie
12 Feb 16 1 #45
Would you be willing to share your corporate discount?
12 Feb 16 1 #46
I have been using E2 Save for many years now and although they have their hiccups, their systems have improved significantly.
As for Vodafone. Well they have gone down the pan. An absolute nightmare.
Appalling customer service.
Started a contract with them on 31st December. Loads of issues. Loads of promises from the web chat team and the phone help line. No action- promises of refund of rental for the month without proper service and you guessed right. Charged fully. Spent hours negotiating with them.
This is a great deal. Sadly it's a crap airtime company
12 Feb 16 1 #47
E2save is part of carphone warehouse.
12 Feb 16 1 #48
I had to take e2save to the small claims court years ago to get cash back , they refused right up till judgement day then paid out when I refused to back down.
13 Feb 16 #49
Got this sim delivered today and e2save had nicely delivered someone elses sim / number to me and then told me id have to go to a vodafone shop with the order details to get them to stop my sim (wherever it is) and give me a sim with my allocated number on it

I asked them about the cashback as no mention of it from the basket onward, she said there was an issue with it but emailed me telling me it was confirmed and the email listed the dates

So although a problem she handled the situation pretty well and now I have that email I dont expect cashback problems
Optimus_Toaster to jase.2
13 Feb 16 #50
Have you tried renewing the red value bundle?

I'm still waiting for approval at the moment. If it doesn't include 12 months of spotify I will just cancel and go straight to vodafone.
13 Feb 16 #51
I havent tried it as I cant activate the sim until it has my own account attached rather than someone elses number, but before I ordered I asked vodafone live chat if entertainment still came with this £20 tariff if it was bought thru a reseller, they advised yet , so ive kept the live chat email just incase
13 Feb 16 #52
Thanks for the reply. Would you mind keeping me updated on how it goes?
13 Feb 16 1 #53
I got mine today and can confirm you get the spotify/netflix/sky option and also the euro calling package. Unbelievable bargain at a tenner a month
Optimus_Toaster to Padder
13 Feb 16 #54
Sweet baby jesus.
13 Feb 16 #55
Amazing deal got my sim today thanks op £10 plus Netflix and £10.50 tracked on tcb :smiley:
13 Feb 16 #56
\\anyone having problems logging into their e2save account?
Qrunch to Padder
14 Feb 16 #57
V slow indeed
Also, to confirm got this sim yesterday, got the £89 credit on Netflix account already
14 Feb 16 #58
I've managed to delete the text about the netflix/spotiy offer, can someone post the link I need to follow on here please?
jase.2 to Padder
14 Feb 16 #59
Text? I got a load of vodafone texts but not one mentioning Netflix / Spotify....

Coverage seems pretty crap on voda v the BT sim I had
15 Feb 16 #60
Surely you checked beforehand?
18 Feb 16 #61
Anyone know the £3 Eurotraveller charge is turned on by default? When I travel into a country covered by this offer I'll be charged £3 automatically and be able to use my allowances as if I'm at home?
11 Mar 16 #62
Did anyone have problems getting the spotify access on this?

Its taken me a month to sort out Voda sending me someone elses sim, then taking my pac and not submitting the number port order, the pac then expired by the time they realised then another week to get another pac from BT.

Just tried to activate spotify today and it says only one month free, did anyone else have similar issues?
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