£40 cash back deal is only available through uswitch website here is the link :http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/sim_only_deal/95a29e8f815fc888b1bcdd8627fac7381d8a8673?page=%2Fmobiles%2Fcompare%2Fiphone_sim_only_deals%2F&position=1&sorted_by=bestseller
mobiles.co.uk offer same deal on their website which is £10 per month by multiple redemtion £120 cash redemtion. so total you have to pay £120 for 12 months with 20gb data. here is the link for this deal: http://www.mobiles.co.uk/vodafone-vodafone-pay-monthly-nano-sim.html?tid=K7DQMFEB16&gid=DPLR1452363
up to you guys this is best deal than vodafone offer from their website. I am not sure this is include with 12 months subscription of now tv, spotify and sky sports.
******* Do not forget they have 2 different sim deal which is micro SIM and Nano SIM, order proper one which is suitable for your mobile********
I got a mobile contract from mobiles.co.uk vodafone and can confirm that i got entertainment pack with it.. Heat heat heat .. carphonewarehouse are good in giving cashback..
11 Feb 16#5
sorry i dont know they giving entertainment pack or not , i have to wait for people comments .
11 Feb 16#6
£ 5.05 topcashback..Or quidco as well
11 Feb 161#7
Thanks op. Now to get my pac from 3...
blueyes74 to paddymcn
11 Feb 16#14
I got my pac from 3 a couple of days ago. They tried to tell me that if they issue a code it means my contract ends whether or not I use it. Their customer service really is crap.
11 Feb 16#8
Excellent deal, even better if you get a entertainment pack.
11 Feb 16#9
Just to confirm the entertainment pack your not restricted to using it on your phone are you?
secretmsg to fayraz
11 Feb 16#17
11 Feb 16#10
The £120 cashback by redemption deal says iPhone sim only deal, I'm assuming the sim can just be used in any phone.
humdan424 to fossman
11 Feb 161#15
There is another link on their website for micro sim
11 Feb 16#11
Does the 20gb include tethering?
secretmsg to livefortheweekends
11 Feb 16#18
11 Feb 16#12
Would need confirmation of the entertainment pack
the porter
11 Feb 16#13
Now this is hot
11 Feb 16#16
it does include entertainment package its a red deal they said over the phone ...
11 Feb 16#19
going on this Vodafone chart you should get spotify ect
Mega deal. I'm currently on a similar Mobiles/Voda deal which is 6gb for £9. Just a couple of months left on it but I'm not missing this deal so have bought.
For those concerned about redemption, it's so easy with Mobiles. Download bill from Voda, upload to Mobiles. 2 mins, done.
png666 to kab600
11 Feb 16#21
Do u pay Voda or Mobiles for this?
If voda what would happen cashback wise if u paid voda a year in advance?
11 Feb 16#22
Is the cash back offer been removed?
11 Feb 16#23
expired no chashback it seems
11 Feb 16#24
lets see if they accept I also ordered three sim, this looks better to me
11 Feb 16#25
You pay vodafone the full amount, show Mobiles every odd bill, and they send you a cheque for the redemption.
Not sure why you're paying a year up front?? Surely you just pay monthly?
11 Feb 16#26
Keep jearing bad things about voda reception and signal availability? Any comments on this would be useful.
friiza to Libertas
11 Feb 16#27
All the networks are poor in places. Suggest you get a PAYG from each one, then try it in the places you go most frequently to see if any one is best for your needs.
mrew42 to Libertas
11 Feb 16#28
Just people moaning lots!
I use Voda, and while it's not without its issues (no network is) I've just signed up for another 2 years,
It's the only signal I can use reliably from home, which is important for me as I work from home frequently.
11 Feb 16#29
I can't see both deals. Links expired?
11 Feb 16#30
Likewise, I have found they're pretty much the only network which gives me 4G for almost my entire 1.5 hour commute on the train. Have tried the EE 2x 100GB month deal the last couple years running and their network/signal seemed to have improved over Nov/Dec compared to the year before, but I still find Voda gives me the best signal.
Another thing I noticed, as Voda use the lower 4G bandwidth I found their 4G signal better in places where the EE SIM struggled to even get 3G. Of course it all depends on your local coverage and area, etc.
11 Feb 16#31
link no longer works. Access denied.
11 Feb 16#32
I think it's expired.
the porter
11 Feb 16#33
It's now £96 cash back so £12 a month
11 Feb 16#34
Doesn't work now
11 Feb 16#35
Damn I knew I should have bought the mobiles.co.uk detail . £10 a month for that was a bargain
11 Feb 161#36
£120 cashback still available from e2save (Micro SIM only).
11 Feb 16#37
hot. been with voda for the past 3 years and they have been decent. Good coverage and internet speed around Derby/Nottingham/Sheffield/Manchester/Leeds/Bradford
11 Feb 16#38
how can we port the number, do we need to give these details to mobile.co.uk or direct to vodafone
blueyes74 to jun19
11 Feb 16#40
When you have received the voda sim you fill out an online form to port your number over.
11 Feb 16#39
I just got mine from the e2save site (thanks reviL). I called e2save and they confirmed you still get the entertainment pack.
spencer24 to blueyes74
12 Feb 16#44
I emailed mobiles.co.uk about this and they said I would have to ask Vodafone as it is there deal not ours!
11 Feb 16#41
wtf vodafone refused don't know despite having good credit rating may be is good for me Lol
11 Feb 16#42
Both mine went through with e2save. They had to do the order manually. Ive still got 2 months left for my last deal which had 10GB, but they said I could still port out and back to voda in 2 months time. Means I'd wasted 2 months contract, but no big deal.
12 Feb 16#43
Anyone had the sim delivered yet? Any mention of the cashback in the paperwork?
I fear (and hope wrong) that this will be a problem come May when the first claim goes in as they shouldnt have been doing cashback on that 50% off sim hence why pulled so fast
15 Feb 16#45
Anyone else's first bill £40? I am on Live Chat with Vodafone right now...
Opening post
unlimited text,
20GB 4G Data.
£40 cash back deal is only available through uswitch website here is the link :http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/sim_only_deal/95a29e8f815fc888b1bcdd8627fac7381d8a8673?page=%2Fmobiles%2Fcompare%2Fiphone_sim_only_deals%2F&position=1&sorted_by=bestseller
mobiles.co.uk offer same deal on their website which is £10 per month by multiple redemtion £120 cash redemtion. so total you have to pay £120 for 12 months with 20gb data. here is the link for this deal: http://www.mobiles.co.uk/vodafone-vodafone-pay-monthly-nano-sim.html?tid=K7DQMFEB16&gid=DPLR1452363
up to you guys this is best deal than vodafone offer from their website. I am not sure this is include with 12 months subscription of now tv, spotify and sky sports.
******* Do not forget they have 2 different sim deal which is micro SIM and Nano SIM, order proper one which is suitable for your mobile********
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For those concerned about redemption, it's so easy with Mobiles. Download bill from Voda, upload to Mobiles. 2 mins, done.
If voda what would happen cashback wise if u paid voda a year in advance?
Not sure why you're paying a year up front?? Surely you just pay monthly?
I use Voda, and while it's not without its issues (no network is) I've just signed up for another 2 years,
It's the only signal I can use reliably from home, which is important for me as I work from home frequently.
Another thing I noticed, as Voda use the lower 4G bandwidth I found their 4G signal better in places where the EE SIM struggled to even get 3G. Of course it all depends on your local coverage and area, etc.
I fear (and hope wrong) that this will be a problem come May when the first claim goes in as they shouldnt have been doing cashback on that 50% off sim hence why pulled so fast