EE sim only deal 12 month contract
12 months £27.99
£192 cash back
3 months half price line rental
8gb data unl texts mins
Poss £10 cash back
Around £7.65 a month if all goes to plan
Cash back can be done via email no posting bills required
Top comments
9y 5d5#3
So had Phones4U. Good deal though.
jh787 to cheesybeanzz74
9y 5d5#17
They're gambling on you messing up or not bothering with the cashback.
9y 5d4#43
I've just done a little table to show the equivalent Monthly cost of the below 4 cashback deals they are currently doing (excluding any Quidco).
So, going on that, the 6Gb deal is worse than the 8GB deal. And the 8GB deal is only 75p more per month than the 2Gb one.
I just went for the 8Gb one (assuming it goes through ok, I tried to get a Vodafone one a few months ago, and I failed the Credit Check as I had just cancelled with them, and I was "Still on their system as a customer").
I only last Thursday signed up to the LIFE £10 deal, so will either cancel that under the 14 day rule, or just give my 30 days notice right away, and just pay £10 for the month.
8y 44d3#126
For those that took this contract out at the end of Feb, if my calculations are correct, then you should be getting (or just got) your 4th Month bill.
All comments (127)
9y 5d#1
thank you HOT
just wondering how mobilesphonesdirect are for cash back reliability ?
the porter to 1977testing
9y 5d1#2
Fine they have been going for years
9y 5d5#3
So had Phones4U. Good deal though.
9y 5d#4
I've never done redemption cashback before. I'm looking to transfer over my number via a PAC code from 3 to this sim, will this invalidate any claims?
1977testing to Al18
9y 5d#6
no it wont
9y 5d#5
Duplicate post
9y 5d#7
Hm can I transfer from T-mobile (EE)? I think i need to transfer out the number and back in don't I?
jh787 to DanB89
9y 5d#9
Straight swap.
They are separate networks for the purpose of Pac codes
defgimp to DanB89
9y 5d1#11
The last time I did that, just requested my PAC code and transferred the number, they were two separate companies within the same company? (went from T-Mobile to EE)
That was a while ago though, ring them and request your PAC and tell them what you want to do and they should tell you if you can or if you need to port out and back in again?
9y 5d#8
Ordered. Thanks OP been waiting for a good EE deal to come back.
9y 5d#10
Too many cashbacks.. O.o
I'll go for the Vodafone deal instead. Plus free Netflix XD
Hot for those who really want EE
nublets2k to ZazZYo
9y 5d#18
Or a reliable service...
9y 5d#12
Hi guys, could anyone please confirm asap :
I pay £27.99*12 months
And I receive £192 cash back from mobilesphonesdirect?
Please can anyone confirm this?
the porter to Firezzz
9y 5d2#13
nublets2k to Firezzz
9y 5d#14
No the first three months are half price, so you pay 13.99 * 3 months, then 27.99 for the remaining 9 months.
9y 5d1#15
Why dont they just skip the cashback and give there best price?
defgimp to cheesybeanzz74
9y 5d1#16
Where's the fun in that
jh787 to cheesybeanzz74
9y 5d5#17
They're gambling on you messing up or not bothering with the cashback.
9y 5d2#19
last week i had greatest deal ever from
vodafone **
20gb data + unlimited min & text ( also ) they have offered me 2month unlimited data + free 12 months free hd sky sport app subscription so i can watch live football for free.
after cashback i only paid £10 p/m.
liamo to Aryans
9y 5d2#20
So why didn't you share it then for others to benefit?
Isn't that the purpose of this site, sharing great deals
1977testing to Aryans
9y 5d#22
can you provide a link to this deal ?
9y 5d#21
How often do these good cash back offers come around? I only need a new sim in July.
from bitter personal experience, redemption = cold
9y 5d#26
And does topcashback work on this ?
awharton to dienmeroi1
9y 5d#37
Quidco does - mine has tracked already
9y 5d#27
I'm on the latest similar deal with ultd/ultd/10 GB for a £7.99/month (after cashback) and there was an issue with second cashback (after month 6). It was refused (three times) and after contacting CS I was adviced to send them the bill after month 7. Then everything went ok.
Anyway, keep in mind this promo includes EU roaming (talk/text, don't know the details, though), so it's even better than I'm on. If you don't bother sending them (online) every second bill (starting from month 4), it's a no brainer!
Thanks OP! Hopefully there's a similar one around next August when my actual contract is gone.
9y 5d#28
Thanks I'll give it a go!
9y 5d#29
always have to be careful with these cashback deals. last time i did one of them, the company went bust and i ended up paying full price with no cashback
9y 5d#30
How is it £7.65 after cashback? 336-192=144/12=£12/mth. eventual £10 from quidco won't help too much.
is there any code to drop it further?
as per cashback deals - been using them for last 10 years, never had a problem! just don't buy from unknown shops. This one is around for years and online claims are so easy to sent.
kyawzaw to mikub
9y 5d#33
It's 3 months half price line rental
9y 5d#31
i too would have chosen cashback however not all companies are as reliable in paying out.
9y 5d#32
Where would you get the £10 cash back from?
awharton to kyawzaw
9y 5d1#36
9y 5d#34
is thetering allowed with this?
awharton to rgayabintboujdir
9y 5d#35
9y 5d#38
Hi, maybe a bit dim here but is the £7.65 a month based on the cashback paid (and the Quidco cashback) and the fact you get 3 months half price line rental ?
awharton to DCFC79
9y 5d1#41
Yes 9 x £27.99 (9 months full price) + 3 x £13.99 (3 months half price) - £10 (quidco) - £192 (redemption) / 12 (months) = £7.65
9y 5d#39
This looks like a good deal. The 3 month half price is a EE thing so will happen automatically. Redemption is up to the user. I'm on a Voda redemption deal that ends in April, found it really easy to upload the pdf bill and a few weeks later a cheque comes in the post. My 10g Voda tariff was £27 but I was paying £10 effectivly with the deal. Didn't go anywhere near 10g so the current £20 pm Voda offer is a bit expensive...quite liked the Spotify though. Might give then a ring but this at £7.65 (even with £9.99 Spotify) seems much better.
9y 5d#40
Signed up - I had gone with the recently posted Life contract for £13.50 per month with 6GB of data (30 day rolling), but that's only 3G piggybacking from EE. This seems an excellent deal - good work OP! if anyone knows where I can pick up a LG G4 that would be appreciated.
9y 5d#42
currently on the 15 quid three deal from a few years back. very tempted to get this. any downside going through these people rather than EE directly.. aside from the price?
9y 5d4#43
I've just done a little table to show the equivalent Monthly cost of the below 4 cashback deals they are currently doing (excluding any Quidco).
So, going on that, the 6Gb deal is worse than the 8GB deal. And the 8GB deal is only 75p more per month than the 2Gb one.
I just went for the 8Gb one (assuming it goes through ok, I tried to get a Vodafone one a few months ago, and I failed the Credit Check as I had just cancelled with them, and I was "Still on their system as a customer").
I only last Thursday signed up to the LIFE £10 deal, so will either cancel that under the 14 day rule, or just give my 30 days notice right away, and just pay £10 for the month.
Chowchilla to iandrews
9y 5d#44
thank you for this. looks like I'll go for the 8GB deal.
disco666 to iandrews
9y 5d#46
I cancelled my LIFE contract earlier today and also had just taken this out last week. They said they would refund the difference that I hadn't used for the 30 days. They also mentioned they are launching 4G in a couple of weeks....
9y 5d#45
This is very nice deal, just a shame that I am with o2 till 17 april
9y 5d#47
Thanks, much appreciated.
9y 5d#48
or if your on virgin media take their package from £12 ult text and calls + 4GB data as they use we anyway
Kenneth131 to Kenneth131
9y 5d#49
*they use EE
crazyman007 to Kenneth131
9y 5d#50
No 4g in virgin
9y 5d#51
Nice deal, I did this last all last year, forgot to send one claim in so lost that but this time I'll just diarise it properly.
The claim process is pretty painless, 5mins to log into EE, download your bill as a pdf and upload it on the MPD site.
I just ported out to O2 for a month (got the priority app now) and will be going back, with this particular deal I reckon!
9y 5d#52
Does EE give out any perks like vodafone
DCFC79 to dryspuri
9y 4d#54
Ive not seen perks like what Ive seen advertised on Vodafone
9y 5d#53
Sorry for being an amateur on this. I'm getting a little confused by how to claim cashback. So my contract started today (22/02/16) , is that right I can create a reminder to fill up claim form in 22/06 , 22/08, etc ?
crazyman007 to dienmeroi1
9y 4d#58
Does the contract immediately as soon as we place the order? Or we can place the order now and start the later. Because, my current provider needs 30 days to cancel the service...
9y 4d#55
Perhaps they think that a 12 month deal at under £8 doesn't need many perks. Saying that, without the cashback its not a particularly good deal but neither is the £27 Voda 10g tarrif I am on at the moment, but with cashback it works out at £10pm so is pretty good (and it included 12 month Netflix or Spotify). I wasn't expecting something as good this time but this EE one is pretty close (as long as you have EE coverage).
9y 4d#56
cash back deals are risky. Have had to issue court proceedings to get money back. I would avoid.
rheumatoid to justicesj
9y 4d#57
Never ever had a problem esp with either this lot, and e2save and I've had a lot of cashback contracts. Takes 2 minutes to claim and as long as you are organised (stuff claim dates in your diary) they are good value.
9y 4d#59
I was wondering the same thing. It says you can claim cash back in months 4,6,8 etc. my interpretation of that is you can claim cash back in month 4 so if your contract started on the 22/02/16 you could submit your first claim on the 23/05/16 which is just when month three finished and month 4 starts.
I stand open to correction on that though.
9y 4d#60
Month 4 effectively means your fourth bill - to them anyway - they accepted these bills from me each time. Makes it easy to keep track of
9y 4d#61
When does this deal end? On a one month rolling contract with 3 which ends in the 1st of March
9y 4d#62
Does this contract start immediately as soon as we place the order? Or can we place the order now and then start the contract later. Because, my current provider needs 30 days to cancel the service....
9y 4d#63
Mine started the day after I placed the order online.
9y 4d#64
They shouldn't start the contract until we activate the sim
JohnnyUtah to crazyman007
9y 4d#65
Why not???
9y 4d#66
Line rental not showin as half price anymore
9y 4d#67
Line rental not showing as half price and the free roaming has gone. I spoke to them and they said some special deals only last half a day. Even without these elements it still a good deal if you want EE and are happy with cashback.
9y 4d#68
It seems like the other "icons" (to show fast data and roaming) have also gone, so maybe just an error.
The EE site says the 1/2 price offer is on till 22nd March.
If you sign up to a 12 month SIM only Extra plan on EE from 10 February 2016 to 22 March 2016 you will be eligible for a 50% discount off the monthly cost of your SIM only Extra plan for the first three months.
9y 4d#69
My LIFE SIM came yesterday, I just called up and cancelled (said it hadn't turned up quick enough), and the chap said as I was within the 14 day period they would do so, and refund the £10.
9y 4d#70
I spoke to MFD and they said our deals change quickly, I mentioned it being on the EE site and until 22nd march 2016 but she said that their special deals differ at times especially with regard to cashback etc. For me the half price 3 months is a maybe!
9y 4d#71
Assume you are outside or missed the post...not a fair to start the contract as soon as we place the order....contract should when they activate our line...thats how with Broadbands...
9y 4d#72
Got my sim today and started the process to port my number.
9y 4d#73
Got my sim today and started the process to port my number.
9y 4d#74
My EE contract finishes on 1st April. Is it worth bargaining with EE retentions team and get the above deal?
9y 4d2#75
Just got my sim today. Register my EE account online and the half price discount has been applied for the first three months even though I singed up after the icon disappeared from the mobilephones direct website. Just did a speed test as well and getting almost 60mbps at home.
Very happy so far.
9y 4d#76
This is great news! How soon did you order after the icon disappeared? Does your online account show the EE Extra benefits (double speed 4G and roaming)?
I'm ordering tomorrow if so :-D
9y 4d#77
I wonder if half price for the first three months still works, maybe the discount is auto added by EE, they wouldn't know where the SIM originally came from I suppose.
dellboy58 to imran
9y 4d2#78
EE did recognise that I purchased the contract through a third party as they asked my to rate them when I was registering online.
Not sure about the double speed 4g either but I am getting speeds of almost 60mbps so I'm not sure how much faster it could be..
Regarding the free roaming I just phoned EE about something else on my account and they have confirmed that calls and texts to the uk while roaming in the eu are free so everything has been included.
9y 4d#79
Just spoken to them. No half price now but still double speed 4G. makes the theoretical net (12*27.99=335.88-10 TCB/Quidco-192 cashback =133.88/12=£11.16)
parpenbhwarg1 to 3.1415926
9y 4d#80
I gather from dellboy58 that he signed up after the half price icon disappeared from MPD's website, but that EE have still applied the 50% off for first three months anyway.
I've ordered today, so fingers crossed!
9y 4d#81
Brilliant thanks for coming back with that update. I've taken a punt and will hope for the best!
EDIT: TopCashBack tracked at £10.10 within 2 minutes of purchase :-D
9y 4d#82
I signed up the day after icon disappeared and have got the 3 months half price but no international roaming.
Rom to sluginator
9y 4d#83
I don't know what international roaming was meant to mean in the context of a deal anyway?
If it was free or something this would be deal of the century... It won't be but they will happily let you use this SIM abroad for a charge.
9y 4d#84
It included eu calls and texts within the plan, think 250 of each or something like that.
9y 4d#85
Fair play, wished I'd jumped on it rather than eking out my month with 02 now...
9y 4d#86
The cash back deals on EE disappeared in Jan after BT EE merge. Glad to see similar deals are now back. Would be great if anyone who took up this offer in the last a couple of days could confirm on the 3 month half price.
9y 4d1#87
I've just ordered. If the 3 months half price has definitely stopped, then I've worked out with the £192 cashback and £10 TCB (which tracked instantly) it's £11.15 a month. Still a price I'm very happy with, anything near it for me is iD Mobile (tempted but horrific CS reviews), Life Mobile (no 4G) and TalkTalk Mobile (I refuse to anything that Vodafone are involved with).
I think it's a great price for a direct connection to a decent network. If I get the 3 months half price then even better, I'll report back when I get delivery and register, Monday I suspect.
9y 4d#88
Got my sim the other day and ported my number, so far its all ok.
9y 4d#89
Received an email from MPD saying that security checks couldn't be completed (unusual as I signed up to credit card 6 months ago and was given a £8.2k limit). So my connection is delayed whilst they process my ID documents.
Still, that's kind of convenient as I have 16 days left of my goodybag :-D
dryspuri to parpenbhwarg1
9y 4d#91
I did have the same email but saying that ee has rejected on credit check, then have gone to vodafone got that 20 gb deal
bagand96 to parpenbhwarg1
9y 4d#92
bagand96 to parpenbhwarg1
9y 4d#93
Mine ordered yesterday morning is still sat at "Waiting for network decision".
Shouldn't be an issue with my credit check. I've moved house twice in the last 3 years but I applied for a credit card online a couple of weeks ago and got an instant approval...
9y 4d#90
Both Mrs Marx and myself signed up for this deal - looks good. Sims arrived, activated and looks like both plans have the three months half price too (but I signed up the evening before the icons disappeared).
9y 4d#94
Any updates on whether the 3 months half price is still valid?
9y 4d#95
Answering my own question..
Phoned up and was told the 3 months half price and Europe minutes still included.
bagand96 to northerngeezer
9y 4d#97
The mobilephonesdirect website is showing the icons again for Double Speed 4G and 3 Months Half Price, so it looks like we should get it.
I ordered on Saturday (when there was no icon) and my SIM was despatched today so I should know for sure tomorrow, but its looking good for 3 months half price.
9y 4d#96
Have gone for this deal.Topcashback £10 + £192 redemption cashback. Always got the cashback on these type of deals. Hopefully will get the extra 3 months half price, but still a good deal without!
9y 3d#98
Just to update, my SIM arrived today. I've registered on EE and my account shows 3 months 50% off. Doesn't appear to have the roaming offer, but the 3 months half price was my main concern and it's definitely there. I ordered on Saturday.
Not sure if the SIM card is activated though, when I insert it into my iPhone I get "No SIM Card installed". I'll wait until tomorrow before calling them... don't need it until next week as that's when I can get my PAC from Three.
9y 3d#99
So the bills we need to submit are 4,6,8 and 10, so would month 4 be Junes bill, 6 would be Augusts, 8 would be October and 10 would be December ?
My contracted started 23/02/16
Sonsey to DCFC79
9y 3d1#100
From their FAQ under the "Help" link
Hope this helps.
9y 3d#101
Went for this deal 01/03 and it still says waiting for Network's decision! Excellent credit history but making me nervous as to what is holding it up!!
9y 3d#102
Thanks, yes I see it now and I've noticed it was discussed earlier on page 4 I think.
9y 3d#103
Wouldn't worry too much. I ordered on Saturday morning and my order sat on that status all weekend until Monday afternoon when I git an email saying it was being dispatched.
9y 3d1#104
My contract also started then, and I have already had a Bill from EE with the wording on it saying something like "Welcome to your first bill", and a bill date of the 23rd. So I take it from that that the 4th bill will be from the 23rd May (2nd 23rd march, 3rd 23rd April).
9y 3d#105
Thanks mate - still curious as it aint no weekend and when I phone them, I get usual robot reply about it can take upto 48 hours - we have to worry about something eh!!
9y 3d#106
I was going on the basis that as I signed up at the end of the Feb (it goes on date of connection) the 4th bill would be Junes as the first was march, 2nd was April, 3rd was May and 4th was Junes bill.
9y 3d#107
Just registered my 8gb sim ordered 29th Feb Delivered 3rd March. Billed on 4th march at £13.99 hopefully for 3 months. It is also showing unlimited EU voice minutes and texts. I was going to post picture but not sure how, anyway it a bonus!
9y 3d#108
Received my SIM on Tuesday and can see 3 months half price as an add-on in My Account, but not unlimited EU roaming calls/text. However when I called to give my PAC from Giffgaff, the CS assistant confirmed that I have 3 months half price AND unlimited EU roaming calls/texts which is brilliant!
Reminders set up to submit my cashback claims - get in!
9y 3d1#109
Regarding the unlimited EU roaming calls/texts. I registered on a desktop computer (not the app), but it also showed in the overview on the bill when downloaded as pdf.
9y 3d#110
Waited 1 day for the network to green light the contract. The contract kicks off right away before I even receive the sim card.
9y 3d#111
Same here x 2 contracts. No SIM yet but they say contract has started. I think they'll be amending that once we have the SIMs and activated etc.
9y 3d#112
Can anyone explain how this works for someone who is new to this whole cashback thing and smartphone deals like this one in general? Would be greatly appreciated
9y 2d#113
9y 2d#114
Is the 3 months half price still on? It doesn't say so on their website
9y 2d#115
EE site says the half price is on until 26th march
9y 2d#116
Is this only £132 cashback now?
9y 2d#117
I got this deal 1 week ago. I got the 3 months discount and the tcb. I got 133 meg 4g speeds!
9y 1d#118
I got this deal and went to setup my online account with EE , only had the London Underground Addon. Phonecall to CustServices (give pac code as well )and they confirmed that i had 3 months half price line rental and 4G extra but not showing in the web panel for me at the moment.
4G Speedtest max i have seen in High Wycombe so far is 60mbs on a Iphone 5s not sure if upgrading my phone in the future would improve things but im happy. Quidco tracked straightway so fingers crossed i dont mess up the cashback. Only reason i went for the 8GB is not really needing the higher 16gb as we have fibre BB at home and not trusting cashback fully so not being lumbered with a expensive monthly if it goes tits up.
9y 1d#119
Was going to go for this deal as my Voda one is finishing. Requested my PAC code but the following phone call from Voda offered 8gig plus unlimited mins & texts plus 12 months Spotify etc. For £13.50. I don't need 20g for the previous £20 for that package was too much even if a good deal.
9y 1d#120
Got my first bill from EE on the 8GB tariff and not showing half price. EE Told me nothing on their system for my account told me to speak to Mobiles phones direct.
Mobilesphonesdirect have told me that the half price 3 months through them is slightly different offer where bills 2-4 are half price and its a deal they have agreed with EE (EE will bill me half price those months).
Now im guessing i have to cross my fingers and hope thats true as i have nothing in the emails to indicate half price. Anyone else in the same situation as big factor in taking contract is the 3 months 1/2 and cashback.
9y 1d#121
Thinking about it you were correct and I was wrong my bad.
9y 1d#122
Checked my emails from mpd and nothing is mentioned in them re the 3 month half price but if i login in to ee and look for "Your plan and add-ons" the 3 month half price is listed there.
9y 1d#123
Unfortunately EE login mentions nothing in the your plan / add on and EE on the phone said nothing listed for 1/2 price rental
I reckon that maybe EE stopped honouring the 3 months 1/2 price through 3rd party seller and mobile direct really not sure what to say. I'm tempted to cancel as I don't want to get to the 2nd bill and no discount then I cannot cancel within cooling off.
Worried about getting my PAC if I cancel , anyone cancelled contract through mobiles phone direct and got pac code
9y 1d#124
9y 1d#125
I have just cancelled my contract with MPD due to the 3month 1/2 price rental issue not showing as i thought it would. Hopfeully will be getting a working PAC code and smooth process to cancel
8y 44d3#126
For those that took this contract out at the end of Feb, if my calculations are correct, then you should be getting (or just got) your 4th Month bill.
Opening post
12 months £27.99
£192 cash back
3 months half price line rental
8gb data unl texts mins
Poss £10 cash back
Around £7.65 a month if all goes to plan
Cash back can be done via email no posting bills required
Top comments
Price Data Cashback "Monthly Cost"
17.99 2GB 96 7.74125
21.99 4GB 132 8.24125
24.99 6GB 156 8.86625
27.99 8GB 192 8.49125
So, going on that, the 6Gb deal is worse than the 8GB deal. And the 8GB deal is only 75p more per month than the 2Gb one.
I just went for the 8Gb one (assuming it goes through ok, I tried to get a Vodafone one a few months ago, and I failed the Credit Check as I had just cancelled with them, and I was "Still on their system as a customer").
I only last Thursday signed up to the LIFE £10 deal, so will either cancel that under the 14 day rule, or just give my 30 days notice right away, and just pay £10 for the month.
All comments (127)
just wondering how mobilesphonesdirect are for cash back reliability ?
Straight swap.
They are separate networks for the purpose of Pac codes
That was a while ago though, ring them and request your PAC and tell them what you want to do and they should tell you if you can or if you need to port out and back in again?
I'll go for the Vodafone deal instead. Plus free Netflix XD
Hot for those who really want EE
I pay £27.99*12 months
And I receive £192 cash back from mobilesphonesdirect?
Please can anyone confirm this?
vodafone **
20gb data + unlimited min & text ( also ) they have offered me 2month unlimited data + free 12 months free hd sky sport app subscription so i can watch live football for free.
after cashback i only paid £10 p/m.
Isn't that the purpose of this site, sharing great deals
Anyway, keep in mind this promo includes EU roaming (talk/text, don't know the details, though), so it's even better than I'm on. If you don't bother sending them (online) every second bill (starting from month 4), it's a no brainer!
Thanks OP! Hopefully there's a similar one around next August when my actual contract is gone.
is there any code to drop it further?
as per cashback deals - been using them for last 10 years, never had a problem! just don't buy from unknown shops. This one is around for years and online claims are so easy to sent.
Price Data Cashback "Monthly Cost"
17.99 2GB 96 7.74125
21.99 4GB 132 8.24125
24.99 6GB 156 8.86625
27.99 8GB 192 8.49125
So, going on that, the 6Gb deal is worse than the 8GB deal. And the 8GB deal is only 75p more per month than the 2Gb one.
I just went for the 8Gb one (assuming it goes through ok, I tried to get a Vodafone one a few months ago, and I failed the Credit Check as I had just cancelled with them, and I was "Still on their system as a customer").
I only last Thursday signed up to the LIFE £10 deal, so will either cancel that under the 14 day rule, or just give my 30 days notice right away, and just pay £10 for the month.
The claim process is pretty painless, 5mins to log into EE, download your bill as a pdf and upload it on the MPD site.
I just ported out to O2 for a month (got the priority app now) and will be going back, with this particular deal I reckon!
I stand open to correction on that though.
The EE site says the 1/2 price offer is on till 22nd March.
If you sign up to a 12 month SIM only Extra plan on EE from 10 February 2016 to 22 March 2016 you will be eligible for a 50% discount off the monthly cost of your SIM only Extra plan for the first three months.
Very happy so far.
I'm ordering tomorrow if so :-D
Not sure about the double speed 4g either but I am getting speeds of almost 60mbps so I'm not sure how much faster it could be..
Regarding the free roaming I just phoned EE about something else on my account and they have confirmed that calls and texts to the uk while roaming in the eu are free so everything has been included.
I've ordered today, so fingers crossed!
EDIT: TopCashBack tracked at £10.10 within 2 minutes of purchase :-D
If it was free or something this would be deal of the century... It won't be but they will happily let you use this SIM abroad for a charge.
I think it's a great price for a direct connection to a decent network. If I get the 3 months half price then even better, I'll report back when I get delivery and register, Monday I suspect.
Still, that's kind of convenient as I have 16 days left of my goodybag :-D
Shouldn't be an issue with my credit check. I've moved house twice in the last 3 years but I applied for a credit card online a couple of weeks ago and got an instant approval...
Both Mrs Marx and myself signed up for this deal - looks good. Sims arrived, activated and looks like both plans have the three months half price too (but I signed up the evening before the icons disappeared).
Phoned up and was told the 3 months half price and Europe minutes still included.
The mobilephonesdirect website is showing the icons again for Double Speed 4G and 3 Months Half Price, so it looks like we should get it.
I ordered on Saturday (when there was no icon) and my SIM was despatched today so I should know for sure tomorrow, but its looking good for 3 months half price.
Not sure if the SIM card is activated though, when I insert it into my iPhone I get "No SIM Card installed". I'll wait until tomorrow before calling them... don't need it until next week as that's when I can get my PAC from Three.
My contracted started 23/02/16
Hope this helps.
Reminders set up to submit my cashback claims - get in!
Waited 1 day for the network to green light the contract. The contract kicks off right away before I even receive the sim card.
4G Speedtest max i have seen in High Wycombe so far is 60mbs on a Iphone 5s not sure if upgrading my phone in the future would improve things but im happy. Quidco tracked straightway so fingers crossed i dont mess up the cashback. Only reason i went for the 8GB is not really needing the higher 16gb as we have fibre BB at home and not trusting cashback fully so not being lumbered with a expensive monthly if it goes tits up.
Mobilesphonesdirect have told me that the half price 3 months through them is slightly different offer where bills 2-4 are half price and its a deal they have agreed with EE (EE will bill me half price those months).
Now im guessing i have to cross my fingers and hope thats true as i have nothing in the emails to indicate half price. Anyone else in the same situation as big factor in taking contract is the 3 months 1/2 and cashback.
I reckon that maybe EE stopped honouring the 3 months 1/2 price through 3rd party seller and mobile direct really not sure what to say. I'm tempted to cancel as I don't want to get to the 2nd bill and no discount then I cannot cancel within cooling off.
Worried about getting my PAC if I cancel , anyone cancelled contract through mobiles phone direct and got pac code