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Ostrich Pillow £7.32 dld AliExpress / ANDY 'S STORE
5+++ stars +1.3k

Ostrich Pillow £7.32 dld AliExpress / ANDY 'S STORE

£7.32 Ali Express16 Feb 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
Spread the word - don't keep it to yourself
Opening post
12 Feb 16
Generic version, and info below is from the expensive original

OSTRICH PILLOW is a revolutionary new product to enable easy power naps anytime, everywhere, OSTRICH PILLOW 's unique design offers a micro environment in which to take a cosy and comfortable power nap at ease. OSTRICH PILLOW has been designed to allow you to create a little private space within a public one, to relax and unwind. Its soothing soft interior shelters and isolates your head and hands (mind and body) for a short break, without needing to leave your desk, chair, bench or wherever you may be.
Top comments
12 Feb 16 68 #16
eslick to aandyr123
12 Feb 16 43 #18
Wow not enough hot apple deals to moan on that you start moaning on another tread about someone who buys apple products. Sad world when you have to go there for no reason at all :disappointed:
ollie87 to aandyr123
12 Feb 16 31 #19
You seem upset, do you need a hug?
12 Feb 16 30 #20
Turn upside down and use as a pair of discrete incontinence pants.
Built in fart hole.
Total win.
Latest comments (182)
3 Mar 16 1 #182
Really don't know why I ordered this but it arrived today, actually really good quality! But will I ever use it.....
19 Feb 16 #181
As an IT Administrator in a company with over 120 employees, many of whom have business phones, we have tried most phone types. We used to use blackberries then Nokia Lumias (which are simply awful. easy to break, many many faults including charging and signal issues, difficult to set up and change ringtones, very limited selection of apps, etc) then switched to Android (mix of Samsung & HTC phones, Samsung & cheap Chinese tablets, and cheap Chinese Android TV sticks) and haven't looked back. They can simply do more than the alternatives, are extremely reliable (the Samsung and HTC are and the cheap ones have been pretty good) and provide extremely good value for money. iPhones can't do what we need to (including NFC, custom apps, bluetooth, etc). Plus we tend not to install software that turns your computer into a dribbling mess (A.K.A. iTunes. Other notable mentions are Norton and McAfee) :smiley:

I agree that there are many who prefer iPhones (but in general they have more basic needs, don't mind the lack of customisation and limited functionality and the extremely limited choice of screen sizes).

I also believe that quite a few people who have tried and not liked Android have tried it on a lower-spec device that doesn't provide a great experience. Plus there is a bit of a learning curve as there is with any advanced OS - comparatively, iOS is quite basic (with no app-drawer, very few settings, no menu, no back button, no widgets, etc). For the less gadget-focused, iOS might be a better fit but I think the limitations are just too much.

As for the 'jealousy' thing, it's definitely not that. I think its because we have phones that provide more functionality, customisation and freedom at a cheaper price - with the trade-offs being a learning curve, possibility of viruses/malware if you enable installing from unknown sources and fashion. Also, I will say that Apple after-care is extremely good.
19 Feb 16 #180
I just cannot stop laughing
18 Feb 16 #179
As the IT manager I manage the 30+ mobile phones at my site. We initially had BlackBerry's but changed after RIM started falling apart and gave everyone their own choice. Initially it was about 50/50 Android/iPhone but now 4 years down the line we have all users on iPhone as they proved the more reliable product. It's purely users choice what handset they have but obviously they prefer Apple handsets as being 'really well designed' they are the more reliable device.
As a typical iPhone user I still admire the Android devices just like most iPhone users do but do find it hard to see why Android users must always put down the iPhone, I can only assume it's jealousy.
18 Feb 16 #178
Really well designed product? iPhone? That's an oxymoron.
12 Feb 16 13 #15
I bet all the iPhone users will get one of these! And as soon as one gets one, the rest will follow...
gepw to aandyr123
12 Feb 16 8 #17
Only so they can look like an Android user !
eslick to aandyr123
12 Feb 16 43 #18
Wow not enough hot apple deals to moan on that you start moaning on another tread about someone who buys apple products. Sad world when you have to go there for no reason at all :disappointed:
ollie87 to aandyr123
12 Feb 16 31 #19
You seem upset, do you need a hug?
arotabi to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 2 #55

And what unique to your good self phone do you have?

Just for the record, I don't have an iPhone and nor do I consider myself cool, hip or down with the kids for having an android phone!
rossss to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 1 #68
Still living in 2010 are we? Lol
paulgee31 to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 4 #80
The cheaper open source Android equivalent is a carrier bag...
4737carlinsir to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 1 #83
Not at that price
mishmar to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 3 #125
Are you retarded?
afroylnt to aandyr123
13 Feb 16 1 #127
No but it will be very tempting for all the peope who have an iwatch......... :stuck_out_tongue:
RuudBullit to aandyr123
14 Feb 16 1 #170
pduffield to aandyr123
18 Feb 16 #177
I know how you feel. It's just terrible when somebody buys a really well designed product with great support and everyone else just follows them by buying the exact same thing. I cry a little tear every time it happens.....
17 Feb 16 #176
thanks op, ordered it for the girlfriend as we have a long haul flight coming up soon and she can wear this so I won't have to look at her and it might stop her snoring.
12 Feb 16 15 #3
That's valentines gift sorted then haha
SamMac123 to stuartie69
13 Feb 16 #169
​Yep. If it arrives by next year that is!
yozzas to stuartie69
17 Feb 16 #175
maybe a christmas present as from aliexpress postage will be via the slowboat from china
14 Feb 16 #173
Thanks OP. I have never used Ali Express and I found a lower priced Ostrich Pillow on Amazon, shipped from China, so it will probably take a few weeks. But I am not in a hurry, so ordered from Amazon instead. For those who are interested, the amazon price is £7.08 (I went for the £7.09 seller as they have a better review) -->Ostrich Pillow from Amazon
14 Feb 16 #172
Well done for making the most of your rights! :smiley:
14 Feb 16 #171
What are you on about lol
13 Feb 16 1 #123
So many self-conscious people.
Weapon to Suecopel
13 Feb 16 #168
My thoughts exactly.
13 Feb 16 #167
Lool I laughed more than I should've
13 Feb 16 1 #166
Thats why the breathing hole is there. They will just need to create a sick bag attachment :smile:
13 Feb 16 1 #165
I wonder how much puke it holds.
13 Feb 16 1 #164
This should be marketed towards migraine, general head ache sufferers and for hangover purposes :smiley:

Man, this would be good to pack when going out on the lash for the morning after the mental night before.
13 Feb 16 1 #163
Can see work loving me having a nap on the floor! As for the airport it looks like somewhere to store ur drinks! Wud need extra carry on space!
Master G
13 Feb 16 #162
Already had my despatch email from Amazon.
13 Feb 16 #158
I was going to vote hot until i saw this is sent China post registered airmail. Not great in my experience.
mickemoomoo to roddyc
13 Feb 16 #161
That's why i'd buy it via Amazon for £7.08. You have their protection. If it doesn't arrive it is very easy to get a refund.
13 Feb 16 #160
I was jus thinking what some card might just post down those earvents , whilst youre sleeping :neutral_face:
13 Feb 16 #159
You have the right, to be wrong :wink:
13 Feb 16 #157
why do I want one? ??
13 Feb 16 1 #156
Someone please tell Nigel Pearson about this deal!
Master G
13 Feb 16 1 #155
If it makes you feel cosy and comfortable, brilliant. If you worry about what other people think, more fool you.
Master G
13 Feb 16 #154
I've bought it. If it only lasts 11 weeks, that's less than 10p per day. if i get one good sleep, it's a bargain.
mad muppet
13 Feb 16 1 #153
You'd feel like a total **** with one of these on
13 Feb 16 #152
Isn't that a good thing??? It means free delivery!
13 Feb 16 #151
Hardly.... Android users have taste & sense, otherwise they'd have bought iPhones :smiley:

EDIT: If you disagree with this, bluetooth me your reasons why! What's that? Your iPhone is too basic? Never mind, I win :wink:
13 Feb 16 #150
Looks crazy? Yes to you humans maybe...
13 Feb 16 1 #149
Ha ha ha. Put the Apple bait on the line and you're guaranteed to get bites! Quite sad, but is very amusing!
And I love it when they start with... Just for the record, I don't have an iPhone... You know their whole house is kitted out with Apple products :laughing:
13 Feb 16 #148
think I saw a segway owner wearing one of these
13 Feb 16 #147
might get reported for having a soft material bomb strapped to your face
13 Feb 16 #146
LOL'd - thanks OP. Cold for price lmao
12 Feb 16 1 #14
Does this fill up ALL your carry on luggage or can you get a pair of pants in too? :smirk:
MAZZY60 to dewonderful
13 Feb 16 #78
​just wear it :smile:
hot1805 to dewonderful
13 Feb 16 #145
If you wear it you could put all your pants in the sides and get extra carry on luggage :smile:
13 Feb 16 6 #144
Careful, it could be a trap
13 Feb 16 #143
Thanks T.S
Perfect for those long flights on crappy economy seats :smiley:
13 Feb 16 1 #142
one review from Amazon (not me!)

"I purchased this item as a Xmas present for my 19 year old son . He could not wait to get this item and was very pleased when given to him. He uses the item regularly and is happy however one downside is that the opening does need to be a little larger. And when lying with your head on the desk and your hands in the holes provided (as shown in advertising pics) it is very hard to breathe and your head gets very hot. Although saying all this my son is still happy."
13 Feb 16 #141
Great if you have kids that cry during the night, put one of these on go back to sleep.
13 Feb 16 #140
13 Feb 16 1 #139
Yeah, can leave my glasses with eyes on them at home :smile:
12 Feb 16 2 #42
scottsargeant to Dedge77
13 Feb 16 #138
Good spot
12 Feb 16 30 #20
Turn upside down and use as a pair of discrete incontinence pants.
Built in fart hole.
Total win.
OrangeAgent to bbbazman
13 Feb 16 #87
vile but funny!
red to bbbazman
13 Feb 16 #137
Could turn it around the other way tooo :-)
13 Feb 16 #131
Ideal for work !! :confused:
mutley1 to OiNutter
13 Feb 16 #136
yeah. no one will realise you're fast asleep!
13 Feb 16 #135
Don't know if I'd feel a bit claustrophobic with that on, but it's a great idea for others :smiley:
13 Feb 16 #134
I like Amazon protection though when dealing with sellers i'm not familiar with
13 Feb 16 #133
Bit ridiculous this isn't it ? :confused:
13 Feb 16 #132
OFFS! :confused:
I remember an Indian businessman coming to these shores in the late 60s and he said he simply loved it here ...because you can sell people here **** as long as it was wrapped up in paper bag they'll buy it.
He was right then, and still is!!!

:laughing: just looked at the website, it's probably the same guy LOL ! :smile:
13 Feb 16 #130
Oh boy do I feel stupid :disappointed:
13 Feb 16 #129
' :wink: Got it shortly after I posted.

Did a very quick google, and a review of the original Ostrich Pillow on a US site, sold it to me:
"Migraine Headache Sufferer this idea IS THE BOMB!!!"

Ordered from AliExpress, got no issues with the site (and this is from someone who loves Amazon), done quite a few orders there.

Great idea for the cool packs inside! Got a few of those knocking about somewhere already.
13 Feb 16 1 #128
or I could say I look so ugly, I need this to make me look better?
13 Feb 16 2 #126
If I used one of these on the train I'd end up as a post on someone else's facebook page.
13 Feb 16 #124
"Ahhh, Apple, deeper, deeper, ahh yes!!
13 Feb 16 2 #122
I think this would just make the voices in my head seem even louder :wink:
13 Feb 16 #121
13 Feb 16 #112
pedd to mickemoomoo
13 Feb 16 #113
AndyRoyd to mickemoomoo
13 Feb 16 #120
Tragically none of them sold by Amazon UK.
13 Feb 16 #119
Can you do me a favour and go and set your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to 1 January 1970 for me please.

(Actually you better not!
13 Feb 16 #118
They cause frenzy, only realised thats what sedatives where for halfway through the game.
13 Feb 16 #117
Sounds about right. :smiley:

Haven't come across those yet, and I'm not sure if I want to.
13 Feb 16 #116
This has to be the most badly designed crash helmet known to man.
13 Feb 16 #115
saw this on this morning
13 Feb 16 #114
My bad... Apologies, that's the wrong product...
13 Feb 16 3 #111
My girlfriend is an A&E nurse, she works 13 hour shifts through the night, sometimes without breaks, dealing with some of the most horrific things you could imagine. She needs an hour or two nap in the evening to help see her through the next shift.
That guys attitude reminds me of a 2 year old toddler.
13 Feb 16 2 #110
I have been thinking about getting one of theses - I work nights and sleeping during the day is hard with noise and light - they are very practical..

I do find it amusing how some men behave like bunch of juniors school boys at the sight of something different and agree this site is getting far to many daily mail sad old git types trolling
13 Feb 16 #109
It looks like u got your head stuck in a turkey :laughing:
13 Feb 16 #108
Think if you hit them they would drop their dignity instead.

These things, called celestial children.
13 Feb 16 #107
I'm thinking long haul flights. would do anything to get a little sleep and this looks like it could help
13 Feb 16 1 #106
I don't think I could do it actually

the hands thing doesn't make sense to me , just marketing addition imo - and of course makes look rediculous
13 Feb 16 2 #105
Wow! This thread seems to have cross-pollenated with the Daily Mail Comments page! "Something new and different! Ridicule It Quick!!. As someone who appreciates the value of a nap every now and then, I've ordered one. For the money, if it helps me grab a quick half an hour here and there (and thus be a more productive and all round nicer person to be around), then it will be an absolute bargain.

If only it had a pocket for my iPhone :confused:
13 Feb 16 1 #104
Just say its a religious thing and youll be fine :smile:
13 Feb 16 #103
whoops sorry capitals
13 Feb 16 #102
13 Feb 16 #97
power nap? what the hell is a power nap? and who needs to take a power nap?

christ, you're not a 2 year old toddler.
PsychoSonny to eset12345
13 Feb 16 11 #101
what are you blabbering on about?

some people don't get much sleep so they take a nap instead of going insane. it's been scientifically proven sleep deprivation reduces performance and cognitive abilities.

put it this way i sometimes go to bed at 1am and wake up at 6am. after 2-3 days of that i'm knackered so i take a power nap during the day around 6-7pm to make up for the lack of sleep. i wake up feeling refreshed rather than powering on through feeling like crap.

also it's common in most other cultures and countries. i take it you have never been to spain? or morocco?

just because you don't nap doesn't mean nobody else does or should. think before making ignorant remarks in future.
13 Feb 16 #100
Great for secret Santa at work :laughing:
13 Feb 16 4 #88
Bought one for the wife. She wont put the bag on anymore!!!
sofia_the_last to Boxer
13 Feb 16 1 #99
Are u my husband? :laughing:
13 Feb 16 #98
I don't care of Fashion than i do for confort.

Hot :smile:
13 Feb 16 #96
looks absdurd of course , but I can imagine it could work
13 Feb 16 1 #95
looks really comfy. no one will disturb you whilst wearing this :smiley:

try walking through passport control and customs with this on.
12 Feb 16 #34
I think these ones are Chinese imitations, still a decent price
itsdavidjones1984 to Tj17usa
13 Feb 16 #94
​You think???
13 Feb 16 4 #93
Nice deal, i'd be all over this if I still owned an ostrich.
13 Feb 16 #92
If you fly long distance in cattle class I reckon it's the perfect thing to try and block every one out.
A pair of ear buds will fit in nicely to listen to some sounds as well.
12 Feb 16 10 #8
Looks like those weird crawling baby things off bloodborne.
DavFlan to Old_King_Doran
13 Feb 16 #65
You've nailed it there. They've missed a trick not getting FROM's license to advertise it as such.
BenTheLazyGamer to Old_King_Doran
13 Feb 16 #91
Loot creatures? I wonder if I finish someone off while wearing this they'll drop a Twin Bloodstone Shard.
13 Feb 16 #90
I actually think these might be good for camping.
13 Feb 16 #89
Even in the advert the entire crowd of people are staring at him like a ****
13 Feb 16 #86
hahaha cant believe it
13 Feb 16 #85
Ah front breathing hole designed to let your dribble escape haha!!
13 Feb 16 2 #84
How long before we see morons wearing onesies with Ostrich pillows on their heads crossing busy high streets around the country?
13 Feb 16 #82
Good idea. They need to make a less punch-bait design though!
13 Feb 16 #81
I'm not a fan of memes but that one alway makes me laugh!
13 Feb 16 2 #79
If I wore this on the train I'd end up as a post on someone else's facebook page.
13 Feb 16 #73
if I saw some one asleep like this I would not be able to resist doing something like urinating on your head.
jh787 to Talibmania
13 Feb 16 #77
Why would you urinate on us..we're Not the one's wearing it.. :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:
13 Feb 16 1 #76
just thought I would clarify what I meant by gel pack... I think it might help your husband, but for less than a £10 investment, he is going to love that you understand and tried. Some people just don't understand how debilitating a migraine can be.
13 Feb 16 8 #64
seanmorris100 to anlygi
13 Feb 16 1 #75
Wtf is this pic theres a devil child in the back too!
13 Feb 16 1 #74
This is the most sensible response I have read here. I haven't suffered from migraines in quite a few years, I used to get them a few times a month, now not even one a year. THIS LOOKS PERFECT FOR MIGRAINES! If you slip inside one of those cool gel packs, actually 2 (one at the source point of the migraine and one on the back of the neck), this could be very useful. I say buy one for your husband. I would also say but it through amazon rather than an unknown site. If one suffers from migraines they are willing to do anything to make it stop. For £7, I think it is worth a try if it works for him or not.
13 Feb 16 #72
If I ever see anyone wearing this, I will stop to congratulate them by shaking they're hand, and I'll even pay them the amount they bought it for...then tell them how stupid they look!
13 Feb 16 #71
Nice comeback! Forget the users, more like that stupid green robot thing itself!
13 Feb 16 #70
$9.40 here: Google currently says it's £6.48. :smiley:

I'm very tempted to order one. Hubby gets migraines, and this might do him the world of good when he needs complete darkness to help ease the pain. (He doesn't like the little sleep masks, finds them annoying as he can feel the strap)

Or... would be very handy to use if I ever feel the need to sleep on top of a road sign!
13 Feb 16 #69
Can I have a green one so I can be a brussels sprout...
12 Feb 16 68 #16
masterplanner to random_dude
13 Feb 16 #67
​is that mickey rourke?
13 Feb 16 #66
They should of, would of made loads of blood echoes.
13 Feb 16 1 #63
This is perfect if you want your goods stolen.
13 Feb 16 #62
Ffs but no thanks. Bloody funny.
13 Feb 16 #61
What the HELL...?
13 Feb 16 #60
Karōshi (過労死?), which can be translated literally as "death from overwork" in Japanese, is occupational sudden death. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress and a starvation diet.
13 Feb 16 #59
I would pay a fiver, not more....just for fun
Master G
13 Feb 16 #58
This seems just too silly to be true ......... so i bought one! :stuck_out_tongue:
13 Feb 16 #57
Like a giant, plush underwear upside down... lol!
13 Feb 16 2 #56
​What about Ryanair ones? :stuck_out_tongue:
13 Feb 16 5 #54
Being sat next to you might just tip it for me lol
13 Feb 16 #53
13 Feb 16 #52
12 Feb 16 4 #50
Duh!Over 3hr54mins and 56seconds thought everyone knew that.
12 Feb 16 1 #49
I've slept on flights before, short and long haul, but there's no journey that would warrant this thing.
12 Feb 16 #48
12 Feb 16 #47
Sorry but I had to chill your deal as it is 18p cheaper on amazon :man:
12 Feb 16 #46
If you really want this you get buy from Amazon for £7.08 delivered, still from China.
Hopefully link works if not just search for ostrich pillow on amazon.
12 Feb 16 1 #45
I like this one "Looks and feels great but not the best quality - stitches starting coming apart after 2 days (and my head isn't even that big)" :man:
12 Feb 16 1 #44
12 Feb 16 #43
visit TopCashback to earn 5.25% cashback on your purchases from this merchant.
Get Cashback Now AliExpress :man:
12 Feb 16 2 #27
How can AliExpress be an approved vendor??
Dusty to louthepoo
12 Feb 16 1 #37
Makes you wonder!
Elevation to louthepoo
12 Feb 16 4 #41
On this site, for comedic purposes, Terry in the Portacabin HQ'd in a layby on the A30 would be an approved vendor....
12 Feb 16 7 #26
Get a grip, unless you are traveling to the moon, your journey is by no means long enough to need this and look like a complete moron. I wouldn't be able to sleep for feeling ashamed.
thermomonkey to Teezer
12 Feb 16 #40
So how long, exactly, would a journey have to be to need one of these?
12 Feb 16 1 #38
nublets2k to spiderontheweb
12 Feb 16 1 #39
Obviously goes to the same dentist as Bruce Forsyth.
12 Feb 16 1 #36
..just looks to much like an upside down adult nappy to me ..with the wee flap missing.. allegedly ...what I heard ..ahem...I'll get me coat
12 Feb 16 3 #35
Admiral Akbar style !
12 Feb 16 #32
Love this...Am getting one immediately 4hr flight will sleep the whole way.
12 Feb 16 1 #31
If only they used these for Hatton Garden :smile:
12 Feb 16 2 #30
I like it... It looks like one of the alien musicians from the original Star Wars film
12 Feb 16 #29
Yyy Generic version?
How can you be sure? It's aliexpress. There's a dozen of sellers of this item with similar price and similar pictures...
12 Feb 16 #28
12 Feb 16 #25
This is by far the best thing i've seen! As if it's made for me. I love getting under the duvet and pillow and enclosing all of my head with just nose or mouth exposed. HOT HOT HOT
12 Feb 16 #24
Doesn't let me add a delivery address
12 Feb 16 #23
does it come in red?
12 Feb 16 #22
Can I have a hug?
12 Feb 16 3 #21
12 Feb 16 #13
No one alive is mad enough surely?
12 Feb 16 6 #12
Please have some basic human self-respect and rough it. You will only look like a wally wearing this.
12 Feb 16 #11
Love how it has a place to put your hands.
12 Feb 16 #10
Best invention ever I reckon....comfort rules all
12 Feb 16 12 #9
perfect for imbeciles
12 Feb 16 1 #7
Might looks funny but it's the most comfy travel sleep ever! Heat added ☺
12 Feb 16 #6
Looks Good if your feeling under the weather.
12 Feb 16 10 #5
12 Feb 16 2 #4
That sooooooo funny lol
12 Feb 16 5 #2
what the ....... lol can see me sitting on a train with this on haha
12 Feb 16 8 #1
It's not April 1st already is it?
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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