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Nexus 6p 32gb new matte gold £414.00 @ google store
5 stars +543

Nexus 6p 32gb new matte gold £414.00 @ google store

£414 google store5 Feb 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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the porter
4 Feb 16
As above for some reason the gold is £414 from £449
Top comments
Axpro to mboarder
4 Feb 16 14 #2
Sounds like you want a OnePlus
4 Feb 16 7 #19
Super Hot!!! Google has nailed it with this phone. Superb screen, good speakers, excellent camera and stock android without any bloatware. Security updates every month, fantastic customer service..and the list goes on. I have had a few nexus phones and they were great as well especially Nexus 5. But recently they were missing the premium feel untill this one. Really happy with this phone. Any discounts on this phone are worth it.
misterleoni to dude_1234
4 Feb 16 4 #14
Good to hear it. Not quite the same though are they? Large phablet design, front facing speakers, AMOLED display (if that floats your boat), stock Android with fast updates, more premium build quality.

The G4 is a great phone for £225 but I don't think the two are interchangeable, and someone after a Nexus 6P wouldn't necessarily get on with the G4 - though it's good that you like it.
All comments (72)
4 Feb 16 1 #1
Why does it need to be gold and why so expensive? I would rather see google work on accessible phones with real world specs and cheap prices rather than tech fantasy , Nobody needs a phone to do so much .
Axpro to mboarder
4 Feb 16 14 #2
Sounds like you want a OnePlus
mike_freegan to mboarder
4 Feb 16 #16
They also make the Nexus 5X, which has lower specs and is cheaper.

Personally I want the specs in the 6X and I am willing to pay this price for it - it is only the enormous size and bending issues that put me off.
fishmaster to mboarder
4 Feb 16 #18

Some people just have the money, they have so much they can spend it on jewel encrusted mobile phones if they want and they do exist. There's Porsche designed mobile phones which cost tens of thousands.

There's people that will have gold plated or jewel encrusted hypercars, just because they have too much money. That's humans for you. This isn't that expensive in relation to the ones in that article sadly.
w_orbit to mboarder
4 Feb 16 2 #33
There are hundreds of companies doing that (if you look at Chinese imports on Bangood etc) and a fair few on the UK market. Pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap is a business model which works for some companies, but not usually companies wanting to portray a high-end image.

If you're a company looking to show off your latest OS then the best way to do it is on the latest hardware.
They also make the nexus 5X of course, which is the lower level alternative.
MotoG of course was released when Google owned Motorola, you could argue that that was an accessible phone inspired largely by Google, so they have been there, done that.

As for Gold - because apple do I guess.
As for real world specs - erm, they aren't alien (but I get what you mean)

The 6P is a fantastic phone, just a bit too big, shame the 5X didn't have the same internal specs - but then it wouldn't be cheaper.
shatteredneon to mboarder
4 Feb 16 #36
​I agree, bring back the nexus 4 pricing, i.e. a couple of hundred max.
4 Feb 16 #3
bought 64gb from cpw 3 days ago for 490...dunno if it's worth returning that and getting this ...1st world problems
rodman to kingp1n
4 Feb 16 #9
you keep it cos no returns to cpw
4 Feb 16 #4
really it's getting a bit stupid do people even know why they are buying these things anymore or do people just enjoy wasting money on sh*te just to say they have it?
4 Feb 16 #5
Why would people vote this cold, can you find this colour anywhere else for a cheaper price?
4 Feb 16 1 #6
Hot. I can't think of a phone better than this for this price.
4 Feb 16 2 #7
Didn`t Nexus phones used to price-conscious while highly spec`d ? I KNOW the 6P is a marvellous device, but Google are taking the purse now :disappointed:
wonkothesane to smelladeal
4 Feb 16 #11
Yes, the 4 & 5 (not 5X) were both under £300 for the top model.
4 Feb 16 1 #8
what is your problem m8?
4 Feb 16 1 #10
My personal opinion is LG G4 much better than this one.
misterleoni to dude_1234
4 Feb 16 4 #14
Good to hear it. Not quite the same though are they? Large phablet design, front facing speakers, AMOLED display (if that floats your boat), stock Android with fast updates, more premium build quality.

The G4 is a great phone for £225 but I don't think the two are interchangeable, and someone after a Nexus 6P wouldn't necessarily get on with the G4 - though it's good that you like it.
ayaz51 to dude_1234
4 Feb 16 1 #39
​No chance. This wipes the floor with the g4!
4 Feb 16 #12
I have purchased aluminium for almost $449 from usa. Google has cut $50 in usa as wellm My sister is coming over from ny. Anyone has exp of buying nexus from usa? Any issue with uk network? It says unlocked but i am bit worried. Pls share your exp
misterleoni to arora
4 Feb 16 #13
Check the LTE bands
mike_freegan to arora
4 Feb 16 2 #17
The USA version is missing band 20, which is one of the two bands that Three use in the UK. So if your network is Three, be prepared for poor 4G coverage.
4 Feb 16 #15
Not a massive fan of LG's software on their phones. I have a G3, next time im going to stock or near stock. This 6P ticks all the boxes, might grab one.
4 Feb 16 7 #19
Super Hot!!! Google has nailed it with this phone. Superb screen, good speakers, excellent camera and stock android without any bloatware. Security updates every month, fantastic customer service..and the list goes on. I have had a few nexus phones and they were great as well especially Nexus 5. But recently they were missing the premium feel untill this one. Really happy with this phone. Any discounts on this phone are worth it.
4 Feb 16 #20
Good price directly from Google (with great customer service) plus I'd like to think these would be the latest batch so hopefully any issues in early phones would have been ironed out.
4 Feb 16 1 #21
I want a Xiaomi mi5 plus!

There, I said it.
4 Feb 16 #22
Best phone I've ever had. Had s6 edge, note 4,3etc.
4 Feb 16 #23
Great phone had it for a few months now best I've owned.
4 Feb 16 #24
Bought 64GB frost for £449. Very happy with the phone.
mrew42 to genk
4 Feb 16 #26
Where from?
4 Feb 16 #25
After owning frost white 64GB 6P for two months I still get the wow feeling when opening it. Fabulous big screen, great colours, it's quick and camera opens up instantly. I haven't charged my tablets after getting 6P. I don't find any use for them anymore.
genk to mikax7x
4 Feb 16 2 #28
I planning on keeping mine for 3 years at least. Really good phone.
4 Feb 16 #27
Bought it here, it's hong Kong stock but international version so all lte bands present. Plus hong Kong version will have a UK adapter. It also ships from Holland.

His put the price up by £9!
4 Feb 16 #29
Great - thanks.
I can put my paypal credit to good use :smiley:
4 Feb 16 #30
​Don't forget the super fast fingerprint reader.
4 Feb 16 1 #31
Guess I'm in the minority here wanting a mid-high specced Nexus phone in a 5inch form factor. The Nexus 5x is junk, Google could have just re-released the Nexus 5 with a better battery and camera.
4 Feb 16 #32
have you looked at some the motorola devices? The X Play for example is reasonably priced and stock android as far as I'm aware.
4 Feb 16 1 #34
If you want, message me after Monday and I'll report back on phone.
4 Feb 16 #35
Still too much money for a phone IMO. They all do "the same thing" i.e. digital music player, web surfing, take some photos. Can't see the need to spend £400+ on a phone when there's loads of good phones at less than £200. And those manufacturers probably pay some tax too...
4 Feb 16 #37
That'd be great - Thanks
4 Feb 16 1 #38
Yep. It's the H1512 model. A lot of sellers on eBay have the H1511 (US) model. Less/different LTE bands.

Picked up a 64gb, as new (it is), on eBay for £420 (H1512 model). Awesome phone. Won't need to upgrade for years. And should get updates faster and longer than Samsung seem able to manage these days.
4 Feb 16 #40
The Nexus 4 16GB was £279 at launch and was a mid-range phone.
The Nexus 5x 16GB is £299 at launch and is a mid-range phone.

It's a 20 quid difference.

The only time the Nexus 4 fell to a "couple of hundred" was just before the Nexus 5 launched. The tech inside the Nexus 4 had aged a lot by then (it was only mid range to start with). It was still a great phone, but it was significantly cheaper to produce after time had passed.

So hold out until the same time has passed for the Nexus 5p, and we might see something similar. The 6p is a premium phone though, it's designed for people who want a clean Android OS ROM and a very high quality handset. Far from the Nexus 4 market.
4 Feb 16 #41
These are the prices if you want high end specs including a quality camera.
4 Feb 16 #42
​Yes I agree the G4 is much better
4 Feb 16 #43
I would hold fire for LG G5 or Samsung S7 that will be announce later this month though...
4 Feb 16 1 #44
Well you say that, but the LG G4 is a comparable phone for most intents and purposes at £225. There are also numerous Chinese phones at less than £200 that are similarly specced. Take Ulefone Power - 6050mAh battery, 3GB RAM, MicroSD, Fingerpint sensor, decent Sony f1.8 camera, metal alloy body, CGGlass, vanilla android with MM coming in March and it's £129. Hard for me to justify something 3 times the price that essentially does the same things.

Of course it depends on what you prioritise and what kind of user you are, but in the same way I have two cars with 350+hp in them and very very rarely get chance to use the power, most folk buy phones and then only use a fraction of their power...
4 Feb 16 2 #45
No chance. This has better software, speakers, processor, screen, battery life and build.
4 Feb 16 1 #46
I'll take 64GB, Sony camera, safe and reliable fingerprint scanner, regular security updates, quad HD display and Google support any time!
4 Feb 16 #47
Wtf really? A few weeks after I buy graphite for £450. Dammit.
4 Feb 16 1 #48
The fact is that you don't have to buy these phones - there's clearly a market for them though, and they'd be stupid not to tap into it. I'm equally baffled by how much people spend on beauty products, clothes and bags - with minimal to zero resale value - but they get joy out of it and can afford it so I leave them to it.

In the end, these phones represent choice: living in a world with only Ulefone type devices would be like living in a world where people only shopped at Primark and drove Hyundai i10s.
4 Feb 16 #49
If only Otterbox would acknowledge that the Nexus phones existed, and make decent cases for them :disappointed:
4 Feb 16 1 #50
Spigen's a good alternative.
4 Feb 16 #51
I know, I'm running a slimArmor on my Nexus 5 and it has been really good. However the range compared to OtterBox is limited, and they do not do anything for my Nexus 9 tablet either :disappointed:
4 Feb 16 #52
This or the Elephone Vowney at better than half the price. OK build quality won't be the same but is the spec any better... Vowney
Adidas Addict
4 Feb 16 #53
Sorry to go off topic a little, but have any of the Chinese domestic makers upped their camera game lately to be comparable with the LG G4, S6, Note 5, Nexus 6p, Xperia Z5 cameras? They all seem to shout about sony exmoor sensors etc, but seem some way behind the big players in this area. I'd happily buy Chinese OEM once the camera's catch up as it's the main feature in my phone that I need/want to be as good as possible.
4 Feb 16 #54
I'm sure the nexus 4 had high end specs as in processor and ram? Camera wasn't all that though
4 Feb 16 1 #55
Arrgggh I want this phone in black! It's racist to only discount certain colours
4 Feb 16 #56
It's £399 from ee. Do a search on hukd.
4 Feb 16 #57
Think that was EE in-store iirc when Carphone had a similar deal. Interested to know if the in-store deal is still on.
4 Feb 16 #58
the manufacturer of the device is huawei, not google. not that i'm a fan of huawei, but give credit where it is due (if worth giving).

at most, google had an advisory role.
4 Feb 16 #59
Phones are mostly bling these days...the consumer gets what the consumer wants...
4 Feb 16 #60
To be fair, it was high end for the price. It's still the phone I use daily, although I'm looking to upgrade.

If you look at the specs though, it was upper-mid range, but it wasn't up there at the top. The nearest Samsung (Galaxy S4) to the Nexus 4 release was around 3.5 months difference. So if we compare them, the S4 had a better screen (1920), a better camera by a mile (not hard, my N4 camera sucks), a better forward facing camera, a better CPU, external storage (if it matters to you), a bigger battery, A-GPS, better wifi (a and ac support over the N4) and probably others I've missed.

I'm not talking ill of the N4, it's one of the best price:performance phones ever released by a long shot, but I'd struggle to class it as a top end phone, even at release, considering there were others that were clearly better very shortly after. Would cost you a lot more though!
5 Feb 16 #61
You are quite right. A world of only Hyundai i10s is too grim to dwell on for more than a second or two.
5 Feb 16 #62
Got one of these for Christmas, it's a wonderful phone. Made my previous HTC One M8 seem old hat immediately. Highly recommended!!!
5 Feb 16 2 #63
Huawei has come out with tons of phones but does anybody really bother to look or talk about them? Google engineers select the hardware design, features and software. To put it simply, IPhones are made by a company called Foxxconn. But do you ever refer it as Foxconn IPhone? No. Hence it is Google Nexus 6P!!
6 Feb 16 #64
I guess some pps will never be reasonable
6 Feb 16 1 #65
Cheers, ordered.
8 Feb 16 #66
9 Feb 16 #67
I would have to put this straight in to a case. Gold phones look so ugly. Google are obviously having trouble selling this version.
18 Feb 16 #68
Hey guys. Are there any new deals on a sim free Nexus 6P? I really want one.. Hate touch wiz.. I'll sell my Galaxy Note Edge on eBay
19 Feb 16 #69
Anyone know where is the best place for this now? Ta.
11 Mar 16 1 #70
Playstore click here or £399 plus £10 top up from EE in store.
11 Mar 16 #71
​Thank you!
27 Jul 16 #72
I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. It is a great website and nice share. Pranitha Photos
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