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Motorola Moto G LTE Tesco Mobile £23.75 @ Tesco instore
5+++ stars +1k

Motorola Moto G LTE Tesco Mobile £23.75 @ Tesco instore

£23.75 Tesco Mobile1 Feb 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
29 Jan 16
Just found these reduced in Tesco (South Shields) not sure if national but maybe worth a look considering the luck people have had on other recent in-store offers. They had a few, I took two they also had unlocked versions for £65. Not sure which generation they are as the sticker is obscured by another sticker and I'm yet to open one of them.

Barcode for those who want it: 5054268598286
Model Number: XT1039
Top comments
spannerzone to SpeedyG
29 Jan 16 57 #48
don't forget that us Southerners also get higher wages, and incredibly cheap housing prices plus most of us get free Waitrose food because they're jolly decent like that. Anyway, I've got to shovel another load of iphone 6's onto the fire as it's getting chilly.

vidl to deant1991
29 Jan 16 23 #13
29 Jan 16 15 #20
I`ve phoned tesco and they done a check of the north west and they cant find any at all so I wouldn't even bother.

The problem with these deals is that the staff snap them up or hide them before anyone has got the chance.

sorry cold from me
Bubba Ho-Tep
29 Jan 16 10 #9
Obvious wild goose chase! (it's cold and i CBA to go out and look).
Latest comments (135)
29 Jan 16 #10
Whats the megapixal of the camera and memory size?
vidl to deant1991
29 Jan 16 23 #13
danpetre to deant1991
4 Feb 16 #135
​megapixels don't matter. image quality has nothing to do with Mpx
3 Feb 16 #134
This deal refers to the Moto G LTE with the small screen like the 1st Gen Moto G.

The LTE version gets the official OTA upgrade to 5.1 and for me that was painless (and done before installing anything else on the phone!)
The real 1st Gen (with 3G but no 4G) only got an official upgrade to 5.0 -- and that doesn't seem to have been quite as smooth, perhaps due to being applied to phones with lots of historical app-clutter (and so needing much cache-clearing.)

Motorola's careless marketing has caused confusion about the identity of all the different versions (including some intended for outside Europe with dual-sim slots).
"Its a Moto G innit?"

Anyway - the Lolipop (5.1) upgrade seems well worthwhile for the XT1039 (the 1st Gen 4G that this deal is about).
2 Feb 16 1 #133
Can't remember the exact steps (I no longer have a Moto G to check) - but it's something like the process described here ->,6720,9151

It's certainly similar to this - I did it immediately after my phone first had Lollipop installed, and it was fine.
2 Feb 16 #132
How do you do this? My wife has a 1st gen Moto G, it's been a great phone but the battery life has dropped off a cliff recently.
2 Feb 16 #131
You have to ask. They not on the shelves. She said it was the last one. How do I post a pic lol
2 Feb 16 #130
I can confirm this deal. Just bought from braintree marks farm. White version. Heat added
31 Jan 16 #129
I would also recommend clearing the cache partition from the recovery mode - when I had my Moto G (xt1039) I did this after installing Lollipop and performance was better than it had been with KitKat
31 Jan 16 #128
Moto G 2nd Gen.. HOT!!!!!!
30 Jan 16 #127
That's normal. It's because of ART. It should only do it once.
29 Jan 16 1 #5
Will open one and see which gen they are when I get home, anyone know if Tesco mobile lock their phones?
Oneday77 to freakstyler
29 Jan 16 1 #6
Probably are locked but will cost less than £3 for code off eBay.
If its the XT1039 it's first gen.
cvee to freakstyler
30 Jan 16 1 #116
Yes, but there is never any problems in them unlocking. I had one of these phones and loved it.
Grigs to freakstyler
30 Jan 16 #126
If they are first Gen, the first thing you want to do is turn off automatic updates.
I have a first gen and was best phone i have ever had. But when it updated to newer android version it got screwed up.
Now battery dies without warning and when you try to switch it back on after charging it takes 15 minutes to boot up as it "Optimises All 80 Apps"
30 Jan 16 1 #125
Good to see others having luck finding them and it wasn't a wild goose chase :smiley: (for some that is)

Sorry I don't have one to sell, keeping one for myself as a spare in case anything happens to my Moto E and the other will be given as a birthday present next month to someone I know. Here's hoping the ebay unlock codes work when they come through.

Just to add, been back to Tesco south shields tonight and all they have left are a couple of cheapo Nokia's for £15 and one Moto G unlocked for £69 - its also scanning at £69 just to save people a wasted trip.
29 Jan 16 3 #1
sajidpatel1 to freakstyler
29 Jan 16 #14
Where these priced at £23 or £79.99 ?
skarmachild to freakstyler
30 Jan 16 #100
do you need the two phones? (fair enough if you do, the follow paragraph assumes you dont)

my one broke as a work colleague accidently smashed it after i owned it for less than 2 weeks.

annoys me seeing people buying tonnes of the same thing to resell at a higher even if people need the actual good for something. (i.e i desperately need a phone as im going away next week and need to be in touch with people)
fredsaid to freakstyler
30 Jan 16 #124
Can I buy 1 off you please ! ;-)
Bubba Ho-Tep
29 Jan 16 10 #9
Obvious wild goose chase! (it's cold and i CBA to go out and look).
jamieb193 to Bubba Ho-Tep
30 Jan 16 #114
It's hot actually
634miyamoto to Bubba Ho-Tep
30 Jan 16 1 #123
Not really - I just got one from Glasgow - Milngavie store. Together with Nokia 635 for £19 and 630 (unlocked) for £30.
30 Jan 16 #118
Just spent ages on the phone checking all stores in Hertfordshire and London area, but they have none.

OP, if you could get me one & post it, I could send you the £23.75 + money for postage via PayPal? :smirk:
ezzer72 to BananaBread
30 Jan 16 3 #122
Not even a 'please'...these kind of comments astound me.
30 Jan 16 #121
Don't call asking if they have stock for gawd sake. At that price they may have stock but customers won't see any! My step brother does this with cheap stock, yes we have one in stock and actually have 5 on the shelf type of thing.
30 Jan 16 3 #120
I once went to Argos to the cashiers desk and asked about stock about an item behind counter, The chap said there was four and wow, what a great price. I think I bought one and after I collected mine, I thought gee, I want some more.
So I went back to same cashier at his desk and said to him I changed my mind and want some more.

Well, I wondered how stock could disappear so quickly between cashiers desk and Collection point but cashier kept an embarrassed silence to my ruminations when I went back for more.

Moral of story: don't call all the shops asking because then staff can spot a deal when you let them know.
30 Jan 16 #119
They are definitely selling these but there are none in Newport,Cardiff Road or Spytty,Risca,Caerphilly or Cardiff Gabalfa.
A guy in store just checked for me,lucky if you do find one though.
30 Jan 16 1 #117
Thank you OP, great deal for the ones able to get it. To **** off the North Easterners, including myself, I found out that Stanley sold out the last 4 today and Billingham the last 2. None available anywhere else in the NE. If anyone elsewhere in the country finds stock, I'd be grateful to receive one, please pm me.

Interesting review:
30 Jan 16 #115
Ok np. Thanks
30 Jan 16 1 #113
No chance of there being any left now, some unscrupulous b-----d probably cleaned em out after seeing this deal :smirk:
30 Jan 16 #112
Are you able to go back into store and pick me one up please :smile:

I'll cover price and postage

30 Jan 16 1 #111
Of course I needed two, one for me and the other for ebay - by the time I've sold one I've doubled my money, paying for both phones :smirk:

I picked two up because they were cheap, I could have bought them all but left at least one, possibly two on the shelf which is a lot more than some people do on here, wonder how many people in the last week bought more than one iPad, more than one Samsung TV etc from the Tesco deals on here.
30 Jan 16 3 #110
30 Jan 16 1 #109
i wasn't referring to the two phones you bought as "tonnes". i mean when people go in and clear the shelves of all remaining stock so no one else can have it.

schadenfreude is very common these days it seems.
30 Jan 16 3 #108
Oh come on, even filthy rich toffs (like every single southerner) knows it's daft to burn a 6S, they're slightly more aerodynamic than the previous model and thus are more accurate to throw at our household staff when they misbehave.
30 Jan 16 2 #107
What the hell has it got to do with you?

And I would hardly call two "tonnes". I'm really pleased it annoys you so much though.
30 Jan 16 2 #106
wow surprised to see my gentle and often self deprecating southern humour really hits a few nerves with some members and by hit I suppose I mean smash with a JCB, shoot up with a shotgun then take a massive dump on the ashes. Such as shame there's still such a massive north/south divide at times.....honestly we don't get all the best Tesco wild goose chase deals down south, I promise.

oh and I don't really have a butler :smirk:
30 Jan 16 1 #104
Another wild goose chase :disappointed:
jimcat to bollmad
30 Jan 16 #105
Totally! I don't see the point of these sorts of deals... As They are not deals really...
30 Jan 16 1 #103
[quote=armchair]I`ve phoned tesco and they done a check of the north west and they cant find any at all so I wouldn't even bother.
The problem with these deals is that the staff snap them up or hide them before anyone has got the chance.
sorry cold from me[/qu
You've got to take whatever perks you can when working for £7.50 an hour
30 Jan 16 1 #102
they do if you call them to ask :smile: ...
30 Jan 16 1 #101
Nothing wrong with capitalism, buying and selling is what makes the world go round
30 Jan 16 #99
Great deal :smiley:
30 Jan 16 1 #98
A southerners "wit" is a curious mix of stupidity, arrogance, pomposity, and bullsh*t
Often seen by other southerners as wit.
Seen by everyone else as something that RHYMES with wit.
30 Jan 16 1 #97
Stupidity is also far greater among you southerners I see from this little epistle.....
30 Jan 16 1 #96
30 Jan 16 #95
Or Jonny Feckin Wilkinson if you were a Munster supporter in Toulon
30 Jan 16 #94
If I'm in Tesco I'll look out for one. Thanks op for the headsup
30 Jan 16 1 #93
30 Jan 16 #92
see he was right.
29 Jan 16 1 #15
Fantastic backup phone. Grab one if you see it!! HOT!!
ezzer72 to jpxdude
30 Jan 16 1 #91
Backup phone?? The Moto G is the most amazing phone ever, as confirmed by the silly amount of heat EVERY SINGLE TIME one is posted! Grrrr, peasants.
30 Jan 16 #90
After the last Nintendo and Nokia goose chases I don't want to give the Tesco staff the satisfaction of the same old reply the computer says no. The Tesco staff are all getting very wise to HUKD unfortunately.Great deal though.
30 Jan 16 1 #89
30 Jan 16 1 #88
Thank you, Jonny. You did do a great thing for us all in 2003. It was actually you, wasn't it?

P.S. One last thing Jonny, it is Jonny, not Johnny. :wink:
30 Jan 16 #87
Cooooooooooooooooool Deal OP. :-)

Need to check at some point (hopefully ... ) during this weekend, lol. :-)

Hopefully London will have a few of these knocking about somewhere ..... :-)
30 Jan 16 #86
Only iphone 6's? ...peasant.
I'm burning buckets full of iphone 6s plus just for the fun of it...
30 Jan 16 #85
Not heard that one before ..... much. iNept une JW. Must try harder to convert your retorts and achieve your goals. Or at least take Jonny's advice.[/quote
You're just looking for arguments, and I'm quite satisfied with my last "retort" it was ok (however to describe helping the England Rugby team win the World Cup to become the only northern hemisphere team to achieve it as something ok is a bit of an understatement! ....... I'm sure you could better.......? lol You must set really high standards for yourself.......? lol
29 Jan 16 #84
Fantastic find
29 Jan 16 #82
Not heard that one before ..... much. iNept une JW. Must try harder to convert your retorts and achieve your goals. Or at least take Jonny's advice.
29 Jan 16 1 #81
has anyone noticed a lot of these tesco wild goose chase deals are found in south sheilds? why does this store seem to sell off everything cheap?
29 Jan 16 #80
Or someone named after a Gas Giant.......? although I think Uranus would've been a more apt name as you talk out of it!
29 Jan 16 2 #71
None in Cheltenham super store
vassy201187 to ngangekrubally
29 Jan 16 #79
Thanks. Saved time and diesel :smiley:
29 Jan 16 #78
Nothing here in Redcar. As usual.
29 Jan 16 #77
He is. But not as funny as someone vicariously living their life through a person who did something OK over 12 years ago. Get a new avatar and profile name, JW!! :laughing:
29 Jan 16 #76
some cheap phones from Tesco cant be unlock outside...need to get code from tesco
29 Jan 16 #75
​Got a 1st gen 3g version (an unlocked tesco one), and im running 5.1
29 Jan 16 1 #74
Its another Tesco's own, great wild gooze hunt, that no one will get.
29 Jan 16 15 #20
I`ve phoned tesco and they done a check of the north west and they cant find any at all so I wouldn't even bother.

The problem with these deals is that the staff snap them up or hide them before anyone has got the chance.

sorry cold from me
nervejam to armchair
29 Jan 16 2 #73
Don't bloody phone them up! YOU are tipping them off.. Just go to the store and have a look, quietly. Jeez..
29 Jan 16 #72
Your'e so funny...ha...ha excuse me while I crack a rib with laughter!
29 Jan 16 #70
cameras are shocking, actually, beyond shocking, such a shame but they only made them acceptable in the latest version.

Still, its a fast enough phone that will suit many people, just dont give one to one of your kids who snapchats or selfies all the time as they will throw it back in your face.
29 Jan 16 #69
I'll have a chat with my HR dept and see what they think,
29 Jan 16 #68
My metro only had 2nd generation :/
29 Jan 16 #67
Wow you can dock his wages and outsource to Waithoes his living costs for free...the life of the filthy...
29 Jan 16 #66
Yeah, the phones were where they put the clearance stuff like near out of date food, damaged items, and the like. Its a like a small two feet wide section of shelving at the end of the tinned food section
29 Jan 16 #65
Well you might have more chance to win Euro million ....
29 Jan 16 #64
Thanks dont think we have one of these at our branches maybe as we have a phone shop in the store, shame would love one of these for my son.
29 Jan 16 1 #62
Are these deals in the phone shop part of tesco stores or on the shelf?
freakstyler to katya1971
29 Jan 16 #63
Clearance section/shelf.
29 Jan 16 #61
Great if you can find it. My wife has this phone and is very happy..... great battery and does all the basic stuff.... whatapp, facebook, skype...... unfortunately none within 30 mile radius from where I live
29 Jan 16 #60
I just picked up the 5" LTE model (XT1072) for £34.75 locked to Tescos. It was the only one left but thought it was a bargain for my Dad's first smart phone. Also got 28 days to use it and try it out and take it back if he doesn't get on with it.
29 Jan 16 4 #26
Always a one off deal in the North.

The South is discriminated against!
freakstyler to SpeedyG
29 Jan 16 3 #33
Makes a refreshing change :wink:
29 Jan 16 1 #43
Surely you're joking.......The South is the most priviliged part of the U.K. , more retail outlets and shops allows for more chances of finding the deals that are "in store only" or"local deals". Also more prosperous than the north so can better afford to take advantage of some of the more costly deals.
spannerzone to SpeedyG
29 Jan 16 57 #48
don't forget that us Southerners also get higher wages, and incredibly cheap housing prices plus most of us get free Waitrose food because they're jolly decent like that. Anyway, I've got to shovel another load of iphone 6's onto the fire as it's getting chilly.

29 Jan 16 #58
Thanks! Think I'll try Kingston Park... nearer for me... and a sight easier to get to on a Friday evening! Heat added BTW.
29 Jan 16 #57
Have a word with giffgaff. You need an unlocked phone to use giffgaff, so they offer advice..
29 Jan 16 #54
So... when you say "they had a few..." could you be a little more specific? 'Cause I've looked it up, and "few" is slightly less than "some" and definitely less than "many" :stuck_out_tongue:
freakstyler to Gestalt63
29 Jan 16 #56
I didn't count them, there was one or two of these left and I think at least one sim free for £65
Tactical Tom
29 Jan 16 #55
Great price, thanks OP. Hot.
29 Jan 16 #53
I believe Tesco double lock their phones, so you couldn't simply use O2, giffgaff etc.
At least the last Tesco phone I had was like that. You would still need an unlock code to use O2.
29 Jan 16 #52
You have to do a manual update using your usb and connecting to your PC I think.
29 Jan 16 #51
You have to update your 'motorola update services' on the play store.
29 Jan 16 1 #50
Well my butler usually goes to Waitrose of course but it's a good idea.
29 Jan 16 1 #49
Just get to Waithoes, i'm sure they will give you a chair, cuppa and free wifi to keep all of you warm :wink:
29 Jan 16 1 #47
Mine is on Tesco Mobile, and the upgrade to 5.1 happened months ago. You could always try and kick it off yourself: settings>about phone>system updates or something similar on 4.4..
29 Jan 16 #46
It came out months ago for the unlocked versions - June maybe? I certainly was running 5.1 when I stopped using mine in November.

For more details on the Tesco firmware, I would guess it might be hidden in the very long forum at
29 Jan 16 #42
did these have a yellow sticker on them?
freakstyler to Deedie
29 Jan 16 #45
Shelf sticker was yellow.
29 Jan 16 #44
Any idea when the XT1039 is going to get Lollipop? Mine [originally from Tesco, but now unlocked] is still on Android 4.4.4 and I was hoping for an O/S upgrade - seeing as it's almost "pure Android".
29 Jan 16 #41
Mine came with 4.4, but upgraded to 5 later. Nice phones - the 5mp seems like a lot more..
29 Jan 16 #40
That'd be 3rd Gen, then... :smiley:
29 Jan 16 #39
Maybe worth also pointing out that they (we) aren't scheduled to get Android M (Marshmallow). Though the Cyanogenmod version of Marshmallow seems a reasonable expectation, in the fullness of time!
29 Jan 16 1 #38
I'm very pleased with my XT 1039.
For cases, etc, look for one intended for the original Moto G.
My unlocked one cost me £85 (IIRC) last summer at Tesco. So £79 now ain't so hot.
But £23.75 ... I'd give you that for a spare new one, even locked to Tesco!
29 Jan 16 #37
Luke warm at best if anyone can actually find one!
29 Jan 16 #30
Pls what's the Barcode
freakstyler to monijesuf
29 Jan 16 #36
29 Jan 16 2 #21
If it's 4G (or LTE) it's second generation - xt1039 - we have two of these on Tesco mobile. Excellent phones!
freakstyler to nervejam
29 Jan 16 #25
They are indeed XT1039's
alg to nervejam
29 Jan 16 2 #35
The XT1039 were 1st gen - or better described as 1.5 gen. Same spec as the XT1032, apart from the LTE and micro SD slot. The 2nd Gen handsets moved up to the 5" screen.
29 Jan 16 #34
29 Jan 16 #32
29 Jan 16 #31
What's the model number. As can't seem to able to find it online.
29 Jan 16 #29
Product Number? tell me where to look
29 Jan 16 #28
Great phones at a great price - kids have had all iterations of these. All excellent. Heat.
29 Jan 16 #27
Any product number??
29 Jan 16 2 #24
Missing Goose hunt pictures...........
29 Jan 16 #22
and yes its correct there is a batch of these phones that is impossible to unlock so only good if your on the tesco network
heada to armchair
29 Jan 16 #23
Or O2, or Giffgaff, or Lyca.
29 Jan 16 #19
is it staff discount which is hidden?
I saw what you did there !!!
29 Jan 16 #18
yeah, got two XT1032 from o2 (same network) and 1 was unlocked easy, other i've tried about 5 sellers, nothing works.

5MP, probably 1GB RAM, 8GB Flash
29 Jan 16 #17
Oh man, that's hot!

I need one for the Mrs too, hey ho, no chance by the time I get to a Tesco to check.
29 Jan 16 #16
Priced at £23 on the shelf.
29 Jan 16 #12
29 Jan 16 1 #11
Phone shop soda these are £79.99 ?
29 Jan 16 #8
In saying that there was a batch that was really hard to unlock so don't know if that was ever improved upon.
29 Jan 16 1 #7
They will be locked to O2. Hot deal.
29 Jan 16 #4
That picture looks like a first gen 4g I think.
29 Jan 16 1 #3
:confused: Hot, if you can find them
29 Jan 16 2 #2
Hot if you can find them.
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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