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LG Nexus 5x now with £20 Google Play credit and a free Chromecast £299.00 @ Google Store
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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27 Jan 16
Buy a LG Nexus 5x direct from Google and get £20 Google Play credit and a Chromecast for free.
Top comments
Oneday77 to Roymustang
27 Jan 16 18 #13
Where to? I assume as you brought it somewhere, there was a destination.
27 Jan 16 10 #15
I still have my nexus 5 and its the best phone I have had this 5x isn't much of a upgrade the battery isn't much better either
27 Jan 16 7 #8
$299 in the US Google gets cold from me
27 Jan 16 6 #2
wonder why its dropping so fast might be because moto g is nearly as good at a fraction of the price.excellent camera.waterproof and amazing battery life for 89quid from voda.i thought my z3 compact battery life was good till i got moto g.i got nine hours screen time yesterday on auto brightness mostly wifi but nine i ever had and the phone is very capable
Latest comments (65)
1 Feb 16 #64
Ordering and hoping they will swap the Chromecast for the Chromecast Audio - already have one spare and one in use of the former :smiley:
s1m0nc to s1m0nc
1 Feb 16 #65
They won't. Miserable sods.
31 Jan 16 1 #63
Very good question. I just ordered the 1+2, but having got around to Anandtech's slating of it and reading about software bugs I'm starting to lean towards cancelling it and getting the 5X. But then I'll be stuck with 32/2 instead of 64/4. Argh! It's difficult!
27 Jan 16 1 #22
I bought the 5X on release. Utterly, utterly awful battery life. I have to charge at least twice a day - that's with very very little use.
A co-worker has a similar thing. Not sure if it's mobile data struggling, or what, but if I have 10% by 4pm (coming from 100% at 7am) I'm extremely lucky. That's with an hour of use in the morning and about 15-30 mins total throughout the day.
wazza1234 to warlockuk
27 Jan 16 #23
Wow thats terrible....
Apart from battery life whats the phone like? you enjoying it? fast, good camera, screen etc?
kinobestew123 to warlockuk
27 Jan 16 #24
That's really odd. I bought one a few weeks ago and I'm finding the battery to be incredibly good. I find that by the end of the day I have about 40-50% battery life left and that's with me spending a couple of hours browsing the internet for a good couple of hours, leaving the GPS, Wifi, etc all on, and using google maps for wherever i'm travelling to. Must have been a bad batch of batteries early on or something?
Who? to warlockuk
27 Jan 16 #42
I have the 5x and absolutely love it. My battery all of a sudden went to pot and I had no idea why.

Turns out the All4 and ITV Player apps have a bug which will drain battery constantly on nexus 5x devices only. Uninstalled both and the battery is amazing again.
lynchnigel to warlockuk
31 Jan 16 #62
could it be an app you're using perhaps?
30 Jan 16 #61
Very good for Google Store price, but in late november I bought my N5X 32GB for about £303 from an Italian store. No, they don't ship outside italy, but it's another story.
30 Jan 16 #60
Would have been funnier if you didn't over explain the joke.
28 Jan 16 1 #58
So while Europe and USA get 80 Euro and $100 discounts, we get no price change and have to buy a chromecast and play store credit instead
kwl147 to deanoh11
29 Jan 16 #59
Standard hypocrisy from US companies. Price discrimination at its finest. ****. Google can go do one, this phone has too much competition in the market to over price itself and expect people to pay above it's real value just got stock android and quick updates. They cut corners on the processor and ram which is quite unforgivable when Sony don't do that and aren't that much more expensive.
28 Jan 16 #57
​same here mine runs fast as f√√k lol
27 Jan 16 #56
Just returned my 5x to amazon. Worst phone I've had in years... apps reload frequently, even just switching between 2 apps. The camera, although it takes amazing photos is so unreliable. It hangs, crashes and sometimes just loses photos you take. All seems fine at first, but after a while it just slows down. Forced encryption makes the phone about 30% slower too. I had to remove facebook as it was causing some major hangs. 2gb ram sadly isn't enough for it. I thought it would be for stock android, but its not and rarely had more than 100MB free.

I've owned a nexus 4 and 5 so its not my first nexus. I also had poor quality issues, 2 with VERY yellow screens, one with dead pixels and 2 with dust under the screen.
27 Jan 16 1 #38
For those having battery issues you need to wipe your cache partition. Its a fault with the current version of Marshmallow.

Off the top of my head to do it you need to:
Power off your phone
Hold VOLUME DOWN and POWER to turn the phone back on
This should take you to the FAST BOOT menu
Use the VOLUME keys to select RECOVERY MODE
A new icon should appear on the screen
HOLD VOLUME UP and tap the power button to bring up the menu
Select something like "WIPE CACHE PARTITION" and select yes then go to reboot.

Problem solved.

Here's a video....
warlockuk to zapp_8rannigan
27 Jan 16 #55
Once you see the No Command android icon on its back, you hold power and press+release volume up.

I'll give that a try tomorrow. My next test was going to be removing Facebook messenger.
27 Jan 16 1 #53
can I just ask... what's everyone's problem with 16gb storage these days? if you are in the android ecosystem then I'd assume that you'd be backing your photos up to google photos for free, using Google play music or similar to stream your music etc. 4k video - store it on a private yoytube channel. I never use anywhere near 16gb on apps. I never seem to use over 10-12gb total. Everyone seems so caught up on the numbers without looking at what you realistically need.
Mark43 to richwright1
27 Jan 16 #54
It really depends how you use your device and what you do with it, 16gb is fine for a lot of people. But for some strange reason whenever anyone posts a deal for a 16GB device you tend to get loads of people trying to 'educate them' that 16 just isn't enough these days and they must be fools to think it is...
27 Jan 16 #52
Still on my nexus 4 and don't feel the need to upgrade yet as it does everything I need, however at 8gb its a constant juggle to keep some space free. So would defo recommend taking as much space as possible when you can
27 Jan 16 #51
​same for me. Got first android phone 6 years ago and on first two phones was thinking about next phone after 12-18 months. This time realized after 2 years have no real need to upgrade and in any case as phones seem to have dropped wireless charging then most replacements would actually be more of a downgrade. Maybe phones have note joined PCs and laptops at the "good enough" stage where there's no benefit in "upgrading" (other than the pointless "my phone if newer than your phone" arguments)
27 Jan 16 #50
The battery life on the 5X is significantly better than the 5 if your use case is an office job where you can lay it on the desk stationary most of the day.. I can get through 8 hours at work with about 10% drain.. doze is pretty awesome... the biggest problem with it is the stupid (yes i know in a few years itll be standard - but its not NOW) USB-C charger and lack of Qi charging.

Oh and the fact when charging it the touch screen goes to **** and cant be used.. you have to tap like 3 times for each thing..

Other than that.. its awesome. Camera is excellent, phone is fast.. and the fingerprint sensor is the biggest phone upgrade ive had in the last 10 years.. its worth it just for lastpass, but unlocking with it is a joy.

I wouldn't go back now.. although if there's no Qi in the next one ill be buying something with it this year.
27 Jan 16 2 #41
I thought the N5x would be a massive improvement over the N5 considering the disappointing camera and battery life of the previous model but for me it hasn't lived up to the success of the N5. Still use my N5 and since a new battery its improved things. Sad to say if I was going to upgrade it wouldn't be another Nexus.
alcurtis93 to Evouk
27 Jan 16 #49
​6p is great
27 Jan 16 #48
27 Jan 16 1 #47
​chugging.. Mine is rapid
27 Jan 16 10 #15
I still have my nexus 5 and its the best phone I have had this 5x isn't much of a upgrade the battery isn't much better either
wazza1234 to telf
27 Jan 16 2 #20
Agreed, struggling to justify upgrading from the old Nexus 5 which is still chugging along.
alcurtis93 to telf
27 Jan 16 #46
​Same here! Great bit of kit. Can't really fault it apart from battery/ camera
27 Jan 16 #45
27 Jan 16 #32
anyway know how to get a nexus 6p for £350-60?
Lukedotv to genk
27 Jan 16 #44
go to the states?
27 Jan 16 #43
Great price!
27 Jan 16 2 #40
Valid till 12th February? Even europe got 80-100 euros discount on 5X and 5P. How can I vote hot with £20 Google play credit?
27 Jan 16 #39
Hmm yeah possiy the same as the issue I had, though mine seemed fine for the first few days. It started draining really badly, even when in airplane mode overnight I'd loose about 30%. It didn't show anything using the power.

Like you I ended up doing a factory reset and then setup as a new device, battery was perfect afterwards.
27 Jan 16 #37
I wouldn't bother with a phone with only a 16 gigabytes storage.
27 Jan 16 #36
The worst part of this phone is the design.

Cheap plastic design and "nexus" in big letters at the back as if phone design is still in 2012.

No sd card slot of course as Google want to sell your data down the river. That should be their new motto "Selling your data down the river".
27 Jan 16 #35
$299 in the US which doesn't equate to the UK price. Want one, but not going to be ripped off with the price difference.
27 Jan 16 4 #12
£339 for the entry level 32gb .... 16gb seems way to small for a 'flagship' nowadays
great-deals to speric07
27 Jan 16 #34
so this or the 1+2 with 64mb for £249?
27 Jan 16 #33
​My 5x was like that when I first bought it. I had restored my settings/apps from my Nexus 5. After I did a factory reset and set it up as a new phone the problems went away. I think one of the main problems was exchange killing battery life (hotmail set up through gmail app) as it was trying to sync all the time.
27 Jan 16 1 #4
Hopefully this should drop to nearer the $300/£210 price in the US. Until then, cold I'm afraid. you can buy a few phones currently with similar spec for less money like the LG G3 (previous generation CPU but better camera, SD support and removable battery) or even the LG G4 for almost the same price and a much better package. Neither are stock Android though but most people wouldn't mind and would prefer the better camera and SD support.
Halz1985 to matt_not_andrew
27 Jan 16 3 #5
​All true I agree completely but for a deal on this phone this is pretty good. Personally I'm waiting for a decent deal on the 6p or see what gets announced at the MWC. I just thought this deal may appeal to someone.
mrew42 to matt_not_andrew
27 Jan 16 2 #31
Add VAT and you're talking about at least £250
add on £20 credit and £30 Chromecast and oh look.
27 Jan 16 #30
Had a 5X for a couple of weeks but sadly ended up sending it back because the back started to discolour, aside from that though I absolutely loved it. I've considered the G4 because everyone keeps banging on about it, but just far too ugly.
27 Jan 16 #29
and I miss the wireless charging
27 Jan 16 #28
Cheaper in car phone warehouse. also need 32 gb version is more desirable
27 Jan 16 #27
got the nexus 5x at launch on EE as they promised wifi calling which i am still waiting for. replaced my old nexus 4. battery not great.
27 Jan 16 6 #2
wonder why its dropping so fast might be because moto g is nearly as good at a fraction of the price.excellent camera.waterproof and amazing battery life for 89quid from voda.i thought my z3 compact battery life was good till i got moto g.i got nine hours screen time yesterday on auto brightness mostly wifi but nine i ever had and the phone is very capable
faster4233 to tranceazure3933
27 Jan 16 2 #16
Moto G, soon to be Lenove s**t brick unfortunately. I bet they drop support like they just picked up a poop dollar.
mirko77 to tranceazure3933
27 Jan 16 #26
true, also this was overpriced to start with.
27 Jan 16 #25
Bought mine on the release day.

Battery is very good - always got 2+ days of use
Low light camera is awesome
Finger print unlock feature is very nice but sometime is slow.
Fast charge and the USB-C cable
No bloatware on the phone.

The plastic build is not great. The feature that should turn on the screen when phone is picked up is not always working for me.

Go for the 32GB version if you are planning to use the 4k video
27 Jan 16 1 #21
£300 fire a finger print scanner and camera upgrade. I want one but it's just not worth stumping up for the small improvements. Think I'd go for a 6p if they were slightly cheaper.
27 Jan 16 3 #19
Hopefully some deals on the way for the 6p.
27 Jan 16 1 #18
Pick up the two year old LG g2, flash to cm13 (marshmallow)... it'll be just as good. LG G2 vs Nexus 5x
27 Jan 16 #17
there aren't too many phones that get immediate Android upgrades....
27 Jan 16 1 #9
May want to put 16gb in the title.
DjNabi1999 to buddn071
27 Jan 16 #14
​16gb or 32gb
27 Jan 16 1 #11
My nexus 5 cost me £270 when i brought it! It's catching up!
Oneday77 to Roymustang
27 Jan 16 18 #13
Where to? I assume as you brought it somewhere, there was a destination.
27 Jan 16 #10
Desperate measures by Google and LG!
27 Jan 16 7 #8
$299 in the US Google gets cold from me
27 Jan 16 #7
not too bad for a mid range phone
27 Jan 16 #6
In buying this Phone, you like hit multiple birds with one stone!, nice ... lol. :-)
27 Jan 16 1 #3
It looks like the price cut is in America only at the moment. This offer went live at midnight and finishes on the 12th of February
27 Jan 16 #1
Google has just cut the price on these so it might go down in the next day or two.
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