Was £15 now £5, it's not huge so never worth the full price, but @ £5 think it's not too bad. My kids love water doodle & I must admit, so do I, they do exactly what they say, no mess drawing.
Disney Princess Water Doodle is the no mess way to draw your favourite Disney characters.
Fill the special pen with water then doodle whatever you like on the mat. The picture disappears once the water dries so you can use it again and again!
3 Feb 16#1
Is this any good have u purchased
wishihadadonkey to amzzzzyyyy
3 Feb 16#2
We have the Toy Story one that's the same brand, it's not bad, it's about 14 inches square ( very rough, not good with sizes), my 6 & 5 yr old use it comfortably, it's quite quick to dry too.
Opening post
Disney Princess Water Doodle is the no mess way to draw your favourite Disney characters.
Fill the special pen with water then doodle whatever you like on the mat. The picture disappears once the water dries so you can use it again and again!