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Asus NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB + The Division + Far Cry Primal - £259.98 delivered @ Box
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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21 Feb 16
Use Offer Code DIVISION at checkout and you will receive a Coupon that can be redeemed offering a free download of Tom Clancys The Division. To claim Farcry enter your PPID and serial number on from March the 1st
Valid until 30/04/2016.
Top comments
21 Feb 16 10 #2
No Async compute and only 3.5GB full speed GDDR5 ram. Its no surprise Nvidia are offering free games with these GPU's at this point.
Wait for the GDC conference in March before making up your mind for a future GPU and want facts.
If you are Nvida fan and want these games then it is a good deal.
No vote either way.
delusion to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 4 #7
Terrible comparison to be honest. I have a Wii U but pc gaming is on another level to console. And half a dozen exclusives? There aren't even 6 games I consider essential on the Wii U (granted this is an opinion)... PC has more than I can count.

Having said the above, this gpu should be sub £200 by now, not the best time to buy it.
Flynn_Lives to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 4 #6
​Sure, if you enjoy a sub-par gaming experience...
21 Feb 16 4 #3
Superb deal, the GTX 970 is not the current best selling discrete GPU by a long stretch for nothing.

Should get £50 for the games if you sell on the right forums.
All comments (78)
21 Feb 16 #1
21 Feb 16 10 #2
No Async compute and only 3.5GB full speed GDDR5 ram. Its no surprise Nvidia are offering free games with these GPU's at this point.
Wait for the GDC conference in March before making up your mind for a future GPU and want facts.
If you are Nvida fan and want these games then it is a good deal.
No vote either way.
rev6 to Ferrari100
21 Feb 16 3 #8
AMD also give away games to increase GPU sales. The GTX 970 is selling well.

There's currently no proof that hardware Async compute will make much difference in future games. The major benefit to DX12/Vulkan is the reduced CPU overhead.
Nate1492 to Ferrari100
22 Feb 16 2 #57
You keep using this word "facts" about things that haven't happened yet. You honestly do not know what the word "fact" means here.

Every NVIDIA thread you come into and talk about some mythical future event related to AMD.

At one point, you told people to wait for the Crimson drivers because they'd offer a huge performance boost. That was a lie/incorrect guess.

At one point you claimed the 300 line would be a massive upgrade compared to the 970.

The 300 series has not panned out.

Honestly, you make so many bold AMD claims that have never came to fruition. Why should we trust what you say about future AMD events? You've offered no proof and have no track record of your claims working out!
21 Feb 16 4 #3
Superb deal, the GTX 970 is not the current best selling discrete GPU by a long stretch for nothing.

Should get £50 for the games if you sell on the right forums.
arnold.rimmer to powerbrick
21 Feb 16 #9
What forums m8, i have bf starwars code i need to sell, cant use ebay as all scammers there.
StarSirius to powerbrick
21 Feb 16 1 #14
Where i can farm these people?
21 Feb 16 1 #4
You could buy a Wii U and half a dozen of its essential exclusives for the price.
powerbrick to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 1 #5
link please
Flynn_Lives to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 4 #6
​Sure, if you enjoy a sub-par gaming experience...
delusion to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 4 #7
Terrible comparison to be honest. I have a Wii U but pc gaming is on another level to console. And half a dozen exclusives? There aren't even 6 games I consider essential on the Wii U (granted this is an opinion)... PC has more than I can count.

Having said the above, this gpu should be sub £200 by now, not the best time to buy it.
anlygi to pazuzu17
21 Feb 16 #24
The only comparison that can be made between the two is that both are overpriced as they are coming to the end of their shelf life.
Spark to pazuzu17
22 Feb 16 #54
The wii u doesn't have half a dozen essential exclusives.
21 Feb 16 #10
Don't feed trolls :smiley: heat from me
21 Feb 16 1 #11
OCUK if you have 1000 posts or AVForums.
21 Feb 16 #12
this will play the division on medium at 25 fps
powerbrick to brendanhickey
21 Feb 16 2 #13
such a wealth of info there, what res, what CPU........also link.
adam45417 to brendanhickey
21 Feb 16 #18
Division plays ok for me.
Looking4Glitches to brendanhickey
22 Feb 16 #56
I get 39fps on high playing The devision and I only got a gtx 660 ti. So I very much doubt this only getting 25fps on medium.
The Division Beta: GTX 970 vs R9 390 Gameplay Performance
adam0812 to brendanhickey
23 Feb 16 #77
21 Feb 16 #15
21 Feb 16 #16
already answered
21 Feb 16 1 #17
That`s what i meant, where i can find those idiots? Which forums?
21 Feb 16 #19
#11, why idiots?
21 Feb 16 3 #20
Cold from me, this is a blower style card, I had a very similar gigabyte version of this and it was very loud and inefficient. Had to strip it apart and put an aftermarket open syle fan - imprived noise and performance.
Boopop to MikeLondon
21 Feb 16 1 #32
That depends on what sort of case you have though. Anyone with a normal ATX case would probably benefit from avoiding blower coolers, sure. I have a Silverstone FT03 however, and given the arrangement of the case fans it makes much more sense to use blower type coolers. Wish I'd known that when I bought my current GPU, woops!
21 Feb 16 1 #21
lol £500 on a gpu, good for you m8 too rich for me though.

Funny though £500 on a gpu but only £5 a game, that did make me laugh buddy, I could not condone anything above £250 gpu wise, games on the other hand it really depends on what it is but really I can't see me paying as low as £5 a game, would be nice though.
21 Feb 16 #22
​the typical I5-4690K gtx 970 at 1080p plays at only 25 fps on medium settings. it is the beta thou
21 Feb 16 #23
​thoroughly in agreement :smile:
21 Feb 16 #25
I want both these games, I might buy this and sell the card.
Ferrari100 to Hunkerdown
21 Feb 16 1 #29
Good plan if it save you a few quid. If you are going to do that however, may I recommend selling it on before the middle of March when there will be some big announcements being made.
The second hand market will be flooded with Nvidia GPU's after that.
21 Feb 16 #26
By the time they grow the games will be worthless.
21 Feb 16 1 #27
Something's wrong there fella. With SLId 660s and a 2500K I'm getting 40+ on The Division on medium...
21 Feb 16 #28
Probably you don't know this sort of expression.
But if you would know that most of us are called very nicely "Human Resources", but it means less nice things, you would know what would they mean by "farming people".
21 Feb 16 1 #30
I've played the beta of this game with the 970 on maxed out at 3840x2160 which this card does with ease. The game looks good but not outstanding and it quite a way behind games like metal gear 5 in looks.,personally I found this game totally boring. The NPC AI is almost as bad as in fallout 4 but nothing is that bad. No I was not impressed with the division with its mundane repetition of wave after wave of killing. Even the action is poor. I've never shot a perpson in the head with a machine gun and has them stand up and take a whole magazine. The game is deleted and I shan't be buying it.
Resa6969 to mark6226
21 Feb 16 2 #35
Good joke. This guy has dual 980 ti's and can barely run at 4k not even maxed out.

The 970 is an OK 1080p card but for more recent games anything above needs a stronger card if you want to turn the settings up
mcsmik to mark6226
22 Feb 16 #53
agreed - I played the beta and glad that I did. It made me decide to not buy the game
21 Feb 16 #31
This card hasn't dropped in price for the last 18 months. GPU industry reached a brick wall? Or game developers not pushing the boundaries far enough?
Damanc to norm1
21 Feb 16 #33
GPU Pricing in the UK is based on the dollar rate. In the last 18 months that has dropped around 18-19%.
jaydeeuk1 to norm1
21 Feb 16 #46
Blame the under powered consoles. The only way modern games really push top range GPUs is by playing at 4k with multiple screens. Faster GPUs just means developers can be lazy in porting console games over. We need PC exclusives to drive things forward, but there isn't as much in it for devs, especially when sony and MS will chuck cash at them to ensure they get preferential treatment.

Was hoping the oculus rift would be the driving force, but zuckerberg got greedy.
21 Feb 16 1 #34
I think my sarcasm has gone over your head. :smile:
21 Feb 16 #36
I just found an opportunity to make a point.
21 Feb 16 #37
That's funny, since you're not spending more than £5 on a game then you might aswell go for a £5 gpu aswell because that can probably play games that have been out long enough to even be that price..
21 Feb 16 #38
I would hold fire on buying any new cards unless you simply can't wait. The new cards will completely smoke these. If nvidia is your thing then the 1070 will be around a 980ti if not faster for around this sort of money.
Personally I hope Polaris will be a great card otherwise good bye to descent jumps in gpu performance.
21 Feb 16 #39
Dont you mean April when the GPU Technology conference is.

Also what's the wink for, are you the only person who knows about Pascal and Polaris, for which the initial versions will the the low/mid class versions spouting GDDR5X not the HBM2 monsters to replace the TI's and X's which will be Q3/4.
21 Feb 16 #40
It's not optimized yet. 50/60 50/60 scaling is bad!
21 Feb 16 #41
Actually if journalists are to be believed then pascal Titian is dropping first with 16gb hbm2 and Polaris are going with the lower cards first. Must admit I find dropping the Titian hard to believe as a lot of people will take that first over there lower cards
21 Feb 16 #42
Polaris and Pascal will not be the biggest talking point. Not for me at least.
21 Feb 16 #43
Was looking for a good deal like this, Heat. Except I'm now having to contact them about the division because tired old me didn't get that I was meant to put the code in at checkout. XD
21 Feb 16 #44
21 Feb 16 #45
What will?
22 Feb 16 #47
Paid this price 2 year ago for the g1 edition... this model is really loud and crap at cooling. The games will plummet in price so fast their will be only regret after 2 months.

The games will be 10-15 quid each by the end of the year. The card will be sub par.

Wake up people dont fall for these silly marketing scams.
22 Feb 16 2 #48
I'm going to go out on a limb here... EVERY game released from April onwards will be announced to require async compute in hardware, and will simply refuse to run on any card with less than 3778MB of high-speed memory.

All games from Blizzard, EA and Ubisoft and many other publishers/developers will be revealed to detect your hardware and induce stuttering if your graphics card vendor ID has an "n" in it.

And we'll finally have the results of those tests for whether or not G-Sync causes cancer.
22 Feb 16 #49
22 Feb 16 #50
Indeed but even if it was 90 90 the game would still be in the 40s fps wise at best. Either way it is a ubisoft game so scaling will probably stay like that. We need better gpu's to come out and handle the recent games above 1080p! Bring on pascal
22 Feb 16 #51
VR Ready. Ha. It meets the minimum Vive/Occulus spec, but a lot of games will make you sick with this slowpoke. Elite Dangerous is GTX 980 minimum spec, and games will get more and more demanding.

No comment on AMD vs Nividia vs Next Gen cards coming out in the near future.
22 Feb 16 #52
22 Feb 16 #55
Do you want to tell me why I have been running one at 1440p for the last year then and maxing nearly everything out ?
22 Feb 16 #58
With ease?... I don't think so :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed, though he's a fool using those graphic settings at 2160p so I have no sympathy for his performance woes (the Supersample AA settings are ridiculous for a start).

Played The Division beta for 5 hours yesterday and you can strike a good visual/performance balance on a single 980Ti at that resolution, though I was aiming for 50Hz/50fps.
22 Feb 16 #59
I get higher FPS than that using a 770 so you're talking nonsense.
22 Feb 16 #60
​why would I lie? do you want me to post a video ?
22 Feb 16 #61
I really find unfair people saying this is a 3.5gb. It is the way it is been done and it is a fully 4gb, nothing happens after the 3.5gb consumption, can go up to 4gb no problems, then will use the normal ram same as any other GPU in the market. Also, as a comparison this is far superior than an AMD r9 (I also own 2) which claims full 4gb and cannot find any problems at all or spot any difference in between the 2 related to the Vram problem. If there are problems, that does happen due to lower frame usage if the card cannot make it due to luck of power but nothing to do with the Vram. I agree that NVidia should have made clear the way it works but this is still a fully working 4gb Vram card
crackshotkv to bobo53
22 Feb 16 #64
Except tapping in to that last .5GB cripples the card so it's basically 3.5GB of useable RAM. Despite this, it's still a very good card but it's not unfair to call out the misleading advertising Nvidia used, that's never a good thing, no matter how good the product is.
22 Feb 16 #62
I have x2 overclocked 970s (SLI), 6700K, 16GB DDR 4 and this rig will do about 25FPS (or less) on games like rise of the tomb raider and GTA 5 maxed out at 4K. 4K is very demanding! A single 970 should be fine at 1080P.
22 Feb 16 #63
Ferrari. You said the same thing this time last year. Trying to get everyone to stop buying Nvidia and start buying AMD. Swearing they'd be wasting their money if they bought one then. Luckily your arguments are poor and, at best you come across as some sort of weird evangelist.

So i ignored you then (March 2015). Bought a Gigabyte GTX 970 for around £224 and have enjoyed an amazing year of awesome graphics across at least half a dozen AAA titles at max settings and without a stutter in sight.

I used the unused 0.5Gb memory to warm my coffee cup.

Now, let's settle down and be entertained by the witty response.
22 Feb 16 #65
got 2 of them, does not cripple anything or please explain about your experience if you can
22 Feb 16 #66
It's completely ok to understand it is 3.5 gb of full speed and .5 gb of lower speed vram.

But to sound off on every forum post with this information, as if it is some golden reason not to buy the card is ridiclous.

The 970 is one of the greatest overall cards we've ever seen.

It's absolutely eating up market share because it's the end all of 1080p. You want 1080p maxed? Get this card.

Steam hardware has this card in over 6% of all computers on steam! Just think about that, that's an insane number.

All of the 300 series AMD cards don't even hit .3%!

There are at least 20 Nvidia 970s on steam for Every single 3xx series card! Just think about that.
22 Feb 16 #67
these suffer from bad coil wine, and the fan is very noisy. my brother returned his recently
Nate1492 to leedsyra
22 Feb 16 #68
Coil whine appears to be a luck of the draw thing for almost all of the latest cards and has a strong correlation with PSUs. It's not something you can point at one card.
22 Feb 16 #69
The key word in there is nearly ... obviously is you turn AA and all that jazz off then you can nearly max most games out but try getting 165hz at 1440p or 100hz at 3440x1440 even with 2 cards.
22 Feb 16 #70
Doesn't it? Funny, owning all of them (and more) as I do - I tend to disagree.
22 Feb 16 #71
The Asus Promo for a free copy of FC Primal also applies when purchasing AMD Cards.

"For a limited time, buy ASUS GeForce® GTX Titan X / Titan Z / 980 Ti / 980 / 970 or Radeon™ R9 FuryX / Fury / Nano / 390X / 390 graphics card get Far Cry® Primal free. "

Asus Far Cry Promo
22 Feb 16 #72
I mean, you couldn't be more insane if you tried.

The Wii U is full of great exclusive titles.

Mario Kart 8
Nintendo Land
Super Mario World 3d
Smash Bros
Mario Maker
Wii Party U
Yoshi's Woolly World
Super Luigi/Mario U
Hyrule Warriors

(All those games and few more sold over 1 million btw).

Here's a list of under 1 million (or soon to be over) that are great too. And exclusive.
Bayonetta 2
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
Donkey Kong Country
Dr. Luigi
Game and Wario
Pikmin 3
Pokemon Rumble U
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Wonderful 101
Monster Hunter 3

I mean, sure, you could simply not like any of those games, completely your choice, but to say there aren't even 6 exclusive, good, games is just being extremely angry about Nintendo products in general.
23 Feb 16 #73
I got a Strix 970 from Amazon recently (Paid after amazon screw up and partial refund a grand total of GBP 135 :smile:) with the tomb raider code.
Sold the code on ebay, few days later had a paypal dispute claiming fraudulent purchase. Paypal sided with the clearly scamming buyer and refunded them the money from my account without my consent.

Moral of the story; don't sell digital goods on ebay or anywhere using paypal from somebody you cant verify as legit, seller has absolutely no protection.
23 Feb 16 #74
I tried selling a few digital games only to have the buyer tell me the code was already used and how can I prove it isnt unless I try using it myself which then defeats the purpose. So I had to refund :s
23 Feb 16 #75
Used by the buyer I'm sure! Scammers everywhere.
23 Feb 16 #76
Ahhh man I was literally about to buy it, well friday payday, but the price has crept up to £284.99 :disappointed:.

I hope a similar deal comes back, till then I'll keep looking.
Also could I get some advice on whether I should upgrade now or wait? I've currently got a PNY GTX 660 (I know so outdated) but people keep saying wait as the price may dip when new cards come out but I don't know when new cards may come out? But yeah any advice would be appreciated! :smiley:
23 Feb 16 #78
Exactly my point though, a 970 in sli performs more or less the same as a 980 ti and it is nowhere near maxing out games at 4k. People keep saying they max games out at 4k but the truth is that they are nearly maxing it out and turning down demanding settings just to play at 45 fps which is just not acceptable these days when we have such good monitors out there and games with great potential but not enough gpu horsepower to run it.

This is the exact reason why I am holding out from building a high end pc. Components these days seem too unbalanced.. I can spend 2k on a monitor and two graphics cards and still not get the best experience from my monitor (the one in particular is the 100hz ultrawide 1440p one by acer/asus)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

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