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20000mAh Mobile Power Bank Battery Charger 3 USB Port £6.60 @ Gearbest
4 stars +321

20000mAh Mobile Power Bank Battery Charger 3 USB Port £6.60 @ Gearbest

£6.60 GearBest16 Feb 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
13 Feb 16
Thought this was quite a decent price...
3 usb port out
Input: 5V / 1A 
Output: DC 5V 1A / 2A / 3A
Top comments
13 Feb 16 13 #10
Best make sure your household insurance is up to date.
Sorry voted cold because:
1/Utter crock of plop capacity quoted
3/Better than average chance of fire or explosion
4/Go to 5
5/I wish Gearbest, Alliexpress and all the other Chinese sellers were not allowed on HUKD, they flood the market with lots of crap, sell at losses and drive legitimate UK tax paying businesses out of existance.

I'm not saying all Chinese products are bad, please no need to remind me iphones are made there, I know, I'm just rather against these mega Wallmart like Chinese sellers flooding the world with their cut price and sometimes dangerous crap.
13 Feb 16 13 #1
To quote from Duelling Duck last time this exact deal was posted, the supposed 20000mah capacity is absolute hokum and in the same league as flux capacitors! :

14 Feb 16 4 #14
I have used Gearbest and was very unhappy with the service. I found the resolution process overly bureaucratic, and if something goes wrong, returning the product (in most cases) will cost more than the refund. I will never use them again!
13 Feb 16 4 #3
Mobile explosives. I won't risk my life with some unknown Chinese brands.
All comments (48)
13 Feb 16 13 #1
To quote from Duelling Duck last time this exact deal was posted, the supposed 20000mah capacity is absolute hokum and in the same league as flux capacitors! :

13 Feb 16 4 #2
Hmmmm was going to say a 20000 mah for £6.60 seems suspect .
13 Feb 16 4 #3
Mobile explosives. I won't risk my life with some unknown Chinese brands.
13 Feb 16 1 #4
Was last posted in December, ordered but still waiting for delivery - their customer chat service says it's on way
13 Feb 16 2 #5
Please do not waste your money on these I have 2 they charge a nexus 6 and note 4 only once each so around 6000 not 20000
13 Feb 16 1 #6
i wonder if i will get 20000mah, and will £6 be worth my house or car or lap bursting into flames :wink:
13 Feb 16 1 #7
is this like the 3000mah batteries you can buy that my poundland 800mah outlast :smile:
13 Feb 16 #8
Ordered. Thanks.
13 Feb 16 1 #9
I have one not in flames yet been 2 years
13 Feb 16 13 #10
Best make sure your household insurance is up to date.
Sorry voted cold because:
1/Utter crock of plop capacity quoted
3/Better than average chance of fire or explosion
4/Go to 5
5/I wish Gearbest, Alliexpress and all the other Chinese sellers were not allowed on HUKD, they flood the market with lots of crap, sell at losses and drive legitimate UK tax paying businesses out of existance.

I'm not saying all Chinese products are bad, please no need to remind me iphones are made there, I know, I'm just rather against these mega Wallmart like Chinese sellers flooding the world with their cut price and sometimes dangerous crap.
Elevation to spannerzone
14 Feb 16 1 #17
Unfortunately though for all your wise points, all most people will see on here is "20,000mah for 6 quid!!!"
Very happy with my 5000mah Kensington - which apparently has LG components inside. £20 including next day delivery - but I'd really rather not risk the kind of product seen here - happy to pay not exactly an extreme amount to be safe.
royals to spannerzone
15 Feb 16 1 #37
​Completely agree. I have worked in telecoms for 17 years and i would strongly advise avoiding these items. Ones bought in Europe are usually ok as they have had to pass tough tests.
13 Feb 16 #11
must admit, having a Chinese headache myself. received a Lenovo smartphone from them with several trojans preinstalled. It's a bit of a nut-ache but the prices are what drive us all. :man:
leeparsons to bobbitchin
14 Feb 16 #12
but a trojan on a power bank. I wonder how that works then? lol
14 Feb 16 #13
Got one last time these were posted. I honestly think the mAh is about 3,600. 3 USB ports is good but 1 doesn't work. Excellent price though.
14 Feb 16 4 #14
I have used Gearbest and was very unhappy with the service. I found the resolution process overly bureaucratic, and if something goes wrong, returning the product (in most cases) will cost more than the refund. I will never use them again!
14 Feb 16 1 #15
If you care about your life, i'd stay away from this. I have nothing against chinese products is they are a know manufacturer (Xiaomi), but this is not one of them.
14 Feb 16 3 #16
You should use this to charge hoverboards :laughing:
14 Feb 16 1 #18
you sir are one of the reasons why this country is doomed!
14 Feb 16 1 #19
Och behave yourselfs at worst it may give your worktop a wee tickle of a small flame stop over-reacting. They do cheap smoke alarms as well
matt101101 to ewanyengi
14 Feb 16 #21
Unless you're one of these people who stick stuff like this under their pillow whilst they sleep.

"3rd degree facial burns, now only £6.60! Limited time offer, hurry so you don't miss out!"
14 Feb 16 1 #20
I'd bet a lot more than £6.60 that this thing is unsafe to use and/or nowhere near 20,000mah, I doubt it even manges half that.

If you want to burn your house down, a litre of unleaded from your local Tesco is a lot cheaper and quicker to get hold of than this rubbish :wink:.
14 Feb 16 #22
Yeah you'll be fine, it's not like anyone every gets their house burnt down due to dodgy electrical equipment...I mean what's the worst that can happen other than all your possesions get burnt, the house burnt, the family burnt, the cat, your xbox.

It's so trivial it's probably worth buying 2 to increase the odds of failure just to prove me wrong :smile:
garry141 to spannerzone
15 Feb 16 #35
Surely it's to be used on the go so if it did go on fire you wouldn't be home
14 Feb 16 #23
Umm well that's all his points countered then eh...
14 Feb 16 #24
I just recovered my money from Gearbest thanx to paypal..they are the worst cheater..thiefs,i waited for my product since november and still didn`t arrived....I would not recomend gearbest to my worst enemy..
Gearbest1 to raidu2004
16 Feb 16 1 #44
Dear raidu2004,
This is Gearbest store rep Alice.
We are sorry for the inconvenience that caused by the delivery,could you pls PM me your order number for checking?
14 Feb 16 #25
I've bought loads of products from China but I wouldn't touch this. It's a house fire waiting to happen.
14 Feb 16 #26
Says on the item, in the picture, 48wh. Wiki page for energy density of lithium batteries states 100-265 wh/kg (there's a variety of technologies). So .25kg would potentially give you 66wh. Well within the claims. Doesn't seem too far fetched to me.
14 Feb 16 #27
For this price, either it's not 20000mAh or its poorly made. Both are good reasons not buy
14 Feb 16 1 #28
EC technology do a 22400mAh which has been tested. Its capacity is legit and it's that much more expensive going for about £15
14 Feb 16 #29
I posted a deal a few months back as it got pulled for not being a UK company... These boys clearly are not either... so how comes the post has survived?
14 Feb 16 #30
I mean if it was dearer at around £11 it would be more believable lol
15 Feb 16 #31
I've had one of this design before... they can house 2x3 18650 cells, but sacrifice one for the charging circuit and USB ports, so only 5 cells. Even if they're using genuine 2,600mah cells, that's only 13,000mah overall
15 Feb 16 #32
Like Amazon?
15 Feb 16 #33
amazing,how to get item at 6.6?
15 Feb 16 #34
No not like Amazon who despite what the media portrays do pay some taxes to the UK and now due to pressure and the government doing something finally will pay more and do employ UK staff so at least putting something back into the UK unlike the companies I mentioned who give nothing to the UK other than cheap products and some that can catch alight or kill. But yes you're right in that Amazon do also sell some crap!
15 Feb 16 #36
I'd be surprised to see 2500mAh out of this for that price.

If so, have some heat.
15 Feb 16 #38
Anker make decent battery banks
15 Feb 16 1 #39
It's plausible it could have 20000mAh rated capacity from 5-6 18650 cells (though those cells are unlikely to be the sort that have an output of 3333-4000mAh per battery given those would usually cost about £8 each on their own). Bet these contain fake/mismarked Ultrafires or similar inside if anyone opens this up. Batteries are where you shouldn't cut corners when there are so many good ones out there for not a lot more money.
15 Feb 16 #40
These things can catch alight when left on charge which is usually at home or work and often when left unnatended....eitherway whether it blows up in your hand/pocket or burns the house down it would be a bad day!

Of course I'm not saying these items will catch fire or blow up but I personally would not recommend chancing crap like this when there's a possibility of failure. I don't believe in reincarnation so tend to try to look after myself and family.
15 Feb 16 #41
I had powerbank enclosure and used my old 18650. The case was it self $8 from far east. One decent 18650 costs min £5.
15 Feb 16 #42
Read as far as "worked in telecoms for 17 years..."
15 Feb 16 1 #43
That may be 17 more years than many who post on here!
I've been in electronics for 28 years, I'm not an expert compared to many but again, it's 28 years of some experience in electronics. Whether people take any notice is for them to decide but it would be pretty poor if we didn't give what we consider a possibly useful bit of information that others may find helpful. I really don't want to stop people buying stuff but if I honestly feel something is cheap, nasty and potentially dangerous then I'd be an utter **** for not saying something.

HUKD is a community, so without comments it's not going to work very well!
16 Feb 16 #45
NO! Gearbest are thieving buggaz! Sent me a trojan-riddled smartphone and an SD card that doesn't work in anything and, yes, they don't reply to my emails anymore! Here we go again: Just don't do it. These people are THIEVES
16 Feb 16 #46
Alice. jeezus...original? please, I'd trust you more if you had a regular name for Chinese peeps. muppets
19 Feb 16 #47
I'm not opposed to buying electronics from China, I I have recently bought a projector and a phone. However the very point of a battery charger is the capacity and I'm not convinced that this will have the capacity advertised but I wont vote either way as I can't be 100% sure.
31 Mar 16 #48
cold ​​​​ok. so you need to know what happens if your item does nott turn up.

I ordered a tablet early Jan. it still has not arrived. they will not act until 25 days have passed.

after 30 days item still not arrived so they offered me HALF of my money back as STORE VOUCHERS?

unbelievable. stay well clear is my advice.
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